It makes me sad how few people say a simple thank you when they win. I went back through all of my old giveaways and in the first 30 only one person actually said thank you.

Back in my day, gratitude was a given. Why, I'd walk uphill to school and then uphill going home and be thankful for it.

9 years ago

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My school would walk uphill and it would thank me

9 years ago

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Russia? ;)

9 years ago

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You should let me win some. :P I always say thank you, but still feel like I'm not doing enough, I mean it's a free game and it's awesome and I can get it just for a "thank you", too good to be true.

9 years ago

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I don't even bother checking how many say thanks and how many don't.
I just appreciate the ones who do. :)

9 years ago

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some people take for granted that they are thankful just by entering the giveaway.
others think this is a lottery and they don't need to express gratitude, because it's random.

oh, and we also have ungrateful and entitled leeches.

9 years ago

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Leech detected. alarm alarm...

9 years ago

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I get probably a 60/40 of people saying thanks when they win. I always say thanks, or would if I actually won stuff :p

That said as the giveaway is open I don't care about thanks. Likewise I don't say thanks when entering someones giveaway (unless they say they want you to in the description, or ask for something else).. It just strikes me as clutter. But once I win, even before they send me the key, I thank em.

Honestly I'd rather the site have something like a Thanks button, that leaves a thanks without making a post or sending a notification. I'd do that. But getting a pile of notifications just doesn't float my boat. Helps that most of my giveaways are 1hr, but when I put a pile up for longer than that a week or so ago I got swamped.. Couldn't even imagine one of those big AAA title giveaways with hundreds of responses.

9 years ago

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Exactly... I don't expect everyone to thank me for making the giveaway but the person that is getting a free game out of it should at least show a little gratitude. One person won two of my giveaways and didn't say anything about either and it really irked me. It seems like the least grateful people have the best luck.

9 years ago

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The only one that ever bothered me was a guy who got my giveaway, activated the item, and then didn't mark it as received for days.
Anything else I'm generally chill about. Unless someone ever starts bitching. I'm quick to get keys out, as I said most of mine are 1hr so I'm sure I'm there at the end.. but if for whatever reason I was a few hrs late and got some of the people others here have got, hounding them for keys and shit, oh man.

9 years ago

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I always try to thank the creators of giveaways I win. I didn't realize it was a "thing" until I'd won a few (and given away more) because no one had ever done it to me.

It hurts, especially, when someone wins a white list giveaway and doesn't thank you, IMO. That's kinda like a double eff-you.

9 years ago

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Ouch, not thanking whitelist winners? Off the whitelist immediately for me. Sorry you had to experience such rudeness.

9 years ago

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+1; it never happened to me, but if someone on my whitelist didn't thanked me after a win, itI also would find it worse than just a regular GA. Like eeev say they would be removed from my whitelist right away.

9 years ago

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You got a lot more thank you messages if you set the level to 1+ ....not high enough to be very exclusionary but just high enough to avoid the leaches.

9 years ago

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I've been setting all of mine at least that high and most of them 2+. Just because I found that way the items tend to get marked as received a lot quicker and when I could only post a couple at a time and I do them for 1 hour each it was making it a lot more difficult to post any number of them

9 years ago

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That's another good point. I hate the logjam of not received gifts :-\

9 years ago

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just high enough to avoid the leaches

Heh, yeah no

9 years ago

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this :D
there are leeches everywhere

9 years ago

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It annoys me when people don't say thank you... I imagine I'd be livid if they got uppity with me for any reason. People feel so entitled these days. I feel like treating everyone here like I treat my grandma... no matter how small the gift I'm very grateful for it and I make sure that I tell them that I am.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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Love the Grandma imagery you used. Lovely. Wholeheartedly agree on your topic. At one point I started blacklisting ungrateful winners. Mind you, I send each and every one of them a personal email additional to clicking "send key" on my giveaway site. If they don't care to reply, well, then no more games from me, really sorry.

9 years ago

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I completely agree. That's why when someone simply says 'thank you' they join my whitelist. I'm still planning my whitelist giveaway, but it's probably gonna be worth it. BTW, welcome my whitelist, purely for saying what I think.

9 years ago

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It's a sad thing indeed...

9 years ago

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Just assume that people are grateful rather than the other way around. The only time I think it's worthwhile for someone to leave a comment is if they have something to actually say about the game other than a generic thanks. If someone leaves a comment that conveys their genuine interest in the game I'm giving away I sometime give a copy outside of SG. Also the lottery thing applies for me.

9 years ago

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I wish I could do that... But I look at it like tossing some change in a homeless persons cup and them just staring at you. Takes away some of the good feeling of giving away the game because you know there is someone else out there that would be very grateful to have won.

9 years ago

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Yeah uhm, I guess we have different motives for giving. It's a game after all and even if the person who randomly got chosen was't dying to get it I know that no one else is dying because they didn't get it either :)

I guess you could do the forum giveaway thing and make people jump though some hurdles to enter your giveaways to measure their gratefulness. That would constitute a bit more work on your end though :)

That said I know there are leaches out there but I'm not sure it's worth the effort to try to filter them out. Maybe it is for you though.

9 years ago

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I do that too. If it's a game I'm dying to get, I'll often post something in the comments. Well a few times, then my self control wavers and I buy it for myself, feel bad, and go back to giveaways I want but aren't desperate for lol.

9 years ago

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I will always thank the person, regardless if it is a giveaway, a gift from a friend, or even a key that they leave in the Orphan threads. It is just showing gratitude and shows that I have manners (which everyone should have, but unfortunately don't).

So far, all of the people that have won my giveaways have thanked me and marked it as received quite quickly. My fingers are crossed that it will continue like that.

9 years ago

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You can always take your time and deliver key personally. You should get more thanks that way.

9 years ago

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That introduces some difficulties like time zone differences. It isn't hard to write a thanks message to the contributor's Steam profile, in the giveaway or send a message through chat after one gets the gift.

9 years ago

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Maybe, but i feel just dropping key in sg system makes it feel lot less personal. Some new members might not even realize there charitable person on other end.

As for leaving thanks.. not everyone likes comments on their profile, or invites. Winner might not want to bother GA creator if he/she did not choose to add winner first.

Even leaving comment in ga is often met with threat of blacklist.

I always try to leave thanks in ga comment after winning ga, but if you don't bother to congratulate winner in some way, you should not blame winner for not thanking you. He has no way of knowing what you expect.

9 years ago

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I agree that using key system makes the distribution mechanic non-personal. That isn't the only way though. I personally use Steam's gifting system and write small, unique message for each winner.

The threat of being blacklisted is exaggerated in my opinion, at least for thanking after winning. Different people certainly have different manners and expectations. Some like to be more vocal and some more silent. Personally I consider it rude to say nothing.

9 years ago

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I know i stretch it a bit.

How many times have you not been thanked after writing message to winner?

All im saying is that if you don't contact winner personally isn't it natural to not get contacted back? Because it may seem that you don't want it if you don't do it yourself.

From what I understand OP mostly uses sg key system since he expects thank in comments no?

9 years ago

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really? you won only 1 ga and you even have the courage to show your face?!
kidding, amazing contribution in a very short time. thank you for it. welcome to the site.. ;)

sadly, a while back there was a wave of blacklisting for people who said thank you - it was assumed they are bots.
true, i don't it was not meant for after you won the GA. but still it was regarded as such by some users- can't really blame them,

i believe they do thank you, even if they don't say anything (most anyway). you can add in the GAthat you expect people to say thank you if they win... that's assuming they speak English, this site has a lot of users that can't read English :(

9 years ago

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I always thanks the GA creator (it doesn't matter if it's on SteamGifts or Steam). I wouldn't feel right if I'd got a game for free & didn't even say "thanks". There are far too many cynical assholes nowadays, so I'm trying to balance it a little bit.

PS: I like your attitude friskyplatypus (and your ratio). Welcome to my Whitelist :-)

9 years ago

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I know right? That's my biggest peevs currently and I thought saying thanks after someone gave you something is common courtesy.

9 years ago

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i used to got key over mail, and there i have always thanksed. now i get them on here, so... i feel weird if i would coply the senders mail to say thank you. no wait. i think others would find me weird if i would send thank you over mail. >.< weirdo

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9 years ago

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thats the point why i am thankfull for the blacklist :)

9 years ago

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when i was your age i would walk to and from school uphill bothways

9 years ago

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I've had people thank me on Steam, but not in the giveaway. I've also done it. So those numbers might not be completely accurate. The number of people that have done that is small though. Which means most likely they didn't thank at all.

9 years ago

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I agree that it would be nice if people said thank you. However, moralizing publicly isn't the answer. They can do what they want, and are more likely to do what you personally want them to, if you don't try to tell them what to do.

9 years ago

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Most of my latest GA people say thanks when they got the game, I did the same whenever I win the GA either in GA link or chat, unless I forget I hope not.

Yeah if getting the game for free at least show some gratitude to the gifter.

9 years ago

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it really doesn't bother me that much, to be honest. i never blacklisted anyone for not saying thanks (and certainly not for doing so ^^).

9 years ago

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I don't fret about the matter on my end as a GA giver, not like I paid much attention to it, but as someone entering I always say thanks on a game I win, and occasionally do an early one for deserving cases.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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it saddens me when people who have blacklisted me, enter my ga's :3
oh wait, actually I just don't care but wonder why so many asshole-people exist.
I always say thanks when I win. Also I remember names and faces and adresses from people I win from ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Ronix.