According to recent discussions it's the long term plan of the mod team to put all games on the zero CV list that haven't been part of classic mass giveaways but can be obtained for free by other more convulated / time intensive means. They have already started to put all Indiegala Feudalife drops on the zero CV list and with time probably all possible Lootboy drops, all games once available in the coin shop, possibly all games available on GameTame for points will be zero CV. And probably there are several more such sites where you can get games for doing tasks. With time a massive amount of bundled games will be put on the zero CV list rectroactively backdated several years. It is what it is and I don't agree with it but I decided to start this topic as two days ago something even more unexplainable happened.

There is this event running currently:
You buy one game for 0.95 EUR and get another 10 games on top if you play the first for 2+ hours. Essentially it's a dollar bundle with one guaranteed game and 10 random ones (from a short list). There is absolutely no way to get these games for free at all. They are also mostly very low base price games and DLCs so if they went on the reduced CV list this deal would provide real CV at about the same or even lower rate than normal bundles. Like 3-6 real CV for 1 dollar spent depending on what random games you get. But for some reason they have all been put on the zero CV list instead. Why?

Could a mod please explain the rationale behind this decision? This seems to go against the basic CV rules of the site. If even an event where you have to spend to get the games triggers the freebie-alert then my confidence in earning CV reliably is reduced to zero. People can already lose CV retroactively several ways but if even paid deals can get ruled too good (and this deal isn't even good for earning real CV) and get games zeroed that's a real kick in the nuts.

(Disclaimer: I didn't get this deal so I'm not directly affected.)

3 years ago

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And there been so many giveaways like from gamehag they don't put on the list, because they simply don't care to put hours in...

3 years ago

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Make tickets to the games and they will be added.... sooner or later.

3 years ago

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Yeah there are over a 100 games like that.

3 years ago

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Well, in this particular case of mirror 2 event, you have to pay money no matter what.

3 years ago

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I agree, yeah. It feels kind of childish, to just mark everything as 0, and retroactively change policy. There was recently an IG ero-bundle, which I did not care about, but which was marked as bundled despite being total of 83% off (and bundled games give 15% of CV, so it makes no sense). Will GMG XP promos be marked as free, as you get credit back? I'd like to see some consistency

3 years ago

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Most people have steam credit from cards (you, of all people, should know this) - so the game can be picked up for "free" quite easily.
There are more important concerns in your life, surely.

3 years ago

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If you activate the games yourself to farm the cards then you obviously can't give them away to earn CV so this couldn't be the reason. Also it was possible to earn back the full price only for those in the cheapest regions. And there have been several dollar bundles where one could earn back most of the asking price with selling the trading cards. Didn't make the games freebies then.

There are more important concerns in your life, surely.

That's for sure. But this could be a valid reply to all Steamgifts or even gaming topics. So why discuss anything here then?

3 years ago

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First you got the game + 2 DLCs for the 0,95€. [In other countries for sure much lesser]
Then you got for free 10 games on top, till the 1,6 million keys are gone.
Alone the number should clearly hint on "a big exploit can/could be done".
And the important thing is "FOR FREE", you don't buy the 10 games on top. They are a extra that you get for FREE.

Same when you owned Deiland and then got Deiland: Pocket Planet Edition FOR FREE on top.
Deiland: Pocket Planet Edition got added to FREE.
Yes, you bought Deiland but, no, you don't paid for the Deiland: Pocket Planet Edition.

And the Lootboy and Feudalife thing had Gaffi explained to you and i totally agree with Gaffi in that cases. Sadly the active mods aren't enough to do the "put the games on the REDUCED and FREE level fast enough and in the case of Lootboy and Feudalife wasn't it seeable from the begin that the the ammount go so high that the 1000 free keys get reached + a lot people would abuse/exploit it so much (because that it came into the focus...).
And the time intensive way of Feudalife are 3 keys in 5 min.. A friend shown me how fast he get them, after you spoke about how much work it is.
And if people like to do this for themself, cool. But getting cv for it with gifting the games away ? Nope.
Same for any tasks site. The gamehag games, that you got after doing tasks, got set to FREE, so why not from other sites (i don't name them), if they offer the same (maybe with the tiny difference that you can choose your reward game from a available list of games ) ?

3 years ago*

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the indiegala part is a bit weird.sometimes the key is dupe and some games the chances to get dupe is higher than the others

3 years ago

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"First you got the game + 2 DLCs for the 0,95€. [In other countries for sure much lesser]
Then you got for free 10 games on top, till the 1,6 million keys are gone."

Okay but do you have sources on an exploit? And if no, what's the difference between it and a bundle that costs 0,95€ in Fanatical that contains 11 games. Because I don't really see any, in both cases you pay 0,95€ and get 11 games

3 years ago

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First you got the game + 2 DLCs for the 0,95€. [In other countries for sure much lesser]
Then you got for free 10 games on top, till the 1,6 million keys are gone.

Alone the number should clearly hint on "a big exploit can/could be done".

I was expecting you. What big exploit do you see here? This deal would give less CV than your average bundle. And way less than the usual dollar bundles. If you have to pay up front to get a few extra games, those are not free. Are AAA games free if they are included with console purchases? This is a standard marketing scheme and it doesn't make the provided extras free.

And the time intensive way of Feudalife are 3 keys in 5 min.. A friend shown me how fast he get them, after you spoke about how much work it is.

I don't really want to go into the other stuff here but sure it's 3 keys in 5 minutes after you have invested a lot of time into it. When I started it took me two weeks of practicing to get my first win. They have made winning the first key easier lately though. And I don't mind the common drops going on the zero CV list too much but there are some very rare drops on there now, too. You can play for months and might never get the drop kind of rare stuff.

3 years ago

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In general, i don't make the rules, so i am the wrong "talk partner". If i like a part of the rules or not.

I don't really want to go into the other stuff here but sure it's 3 keys in 5 minutes after you have invested a lot of time into it.

I don't know how much time he invested to get "good".
I seen only the result.
And i know that some (a lot) people use much more as one account on IG, so i know, very well, how big the exploit is.

Plus, i see all the GAs from the multiaccounters on sg and lets say it very general as "it give similar stuff between a lot of them".

3 years ago

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"a big exploit can/could be done"

Such as?.. Only people getting more than 1? That happens and with bundles.

"They are a extra that you get for FREE."

Free WITH PURCHASE. Not free..

"And the time intensive way of Feudalife are 3 keys in 5 min.. A friend shown me how fast he get them, after you spoke about how much work it is."

And because 10-20 people can do this abuse (for scrap CV non the less) it means all other 324543458 feuda players can?.. Most can't get 2-3 keys a day xD

3 years ago

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You know, very well, that much more as 10-20 people are involved.
And that a majority of them have much more as one account.

Should we nitpick about how effective they exploit, multiaccount, cheat ?
Sorry my lifetime is to worthfull for that.

3 years ago

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Most cannot do more than 2-3 keys MAX. Might not be 20 but they not 100.. The 10 keys a day or 20 feuda accs and so on.

3 years ago

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I don't think most of the games on the 0 CV list are fully free. They might be "free WITH WORK" or "free WITH TIME" but they aren't really any more free than "free WITH PURCHASE" like in this case?

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

3 years ago

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I've read a few points here and in other similar discussions behind different threads..

There is a big trend to mark everything as ga's even when they are not ga's exactly.
Mirror 2 is a good example.. (btw.. it's not 10 FREE keys.. it's 10 keys WITH purchase. Big difference)
Now, people speak of "volumes" or 1:20 or exploit or or or.. There is NO difference to dollar bundles.. Or that dollar mega bundle (50 games.. yeah.. 50 games 1 euro :) ).. And don't tell me again about "volume".. Like you know store sales and stock..

Feuda keys are another painful story but not ga's in any way. Can be completely free (time) or have other factors like ga's elsewhere, store purchases or even buying credit to keep playing. Yes.. People spend real money to keep playing..................
You also get duplicates, invalid keys and so on.. Some are also beyond rare..

Keys from elsewhere (weird bundles, small stores, dev keys and so on) for some reason don't even count. "Admins can do only so much, send ticket and we see in 10 years" doesn't mean anything to me.

You are also forgetting tan for every key put in 0 CV is at least a bazillion times less ga's as most people won't give them away. And it's a pain for the x10 people that got a 0 CV game from a real bundle or otherwise only to have a future ga of said game and kick them down.. "Algorithm can't separate this".. So don't put every little reason-less thing as 0 CV especially without store reduction or other bundles...........

Mirror 2 keys have 0 reason to be 0 CV. Non at all..

Feuda keys is debatable but I don't agree with it.

Random stuff don't get added and dev keys fly under the radar too.. Yet the problem is somehow paid keys now??

And all those fearing for their groups.. You check whoever enters anyway.. You see their ga's.. So what exactly is the problem? The 2 public ga's you do per year?..

And let's not even count abuse with "off" purchases from one god knows where..

3 years ago

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If i had the power i would set the Dollar Bundles to FREE ^^

I cry later about all the (not free) time and real money people spend for getting credits on IG to play that hard Feudalife challenge thing that don't bring them something or spend that (not free) time somewhere to get free keys and then get robbed on sg because they don't get the deserved CV for all that invested time.

Report "random stuff" (whatever game you mean with that) and it will added, if it fullfill the needed req to be set to BUNDLED or FREE.
Without that is it a gamble if the mods will see it. From my experience i would say the chance is very high that it don't get handled when not reported (at least as long as not more mods joins in on sg)

3 years ago*

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Time = money
Time you spend or save in exchange for something.
It's not the same as ru site ga's (click 2 crap to add to wl - > get key) or big-big ones that are also 1 click (steelseries, square enix lara croft bundle and so on)

Random stuff is high CV games that can be found 5 cents. Or 40 euro CV for something costing 1-3 and so on..

In the meantime people abuse this, "simple" people might ga the same game and end up screwed for no reason whatsoever. Which is worse than even 100-200 people getting extra unfair CV (who is gonna acceot them? Doesn't matter in the end.. As they get blacklisted more than the rest)

3 years ago

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Report "random stuff" (whatever game you mean with that) and it will added, if it fullfill the needed req to be set to BUNDLED or FREE.

Do it or stop crying about it.

3 years ago

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It doesn't matter to me in a way.. I "shout" over this issue generally (not just for cheap price-high cv) because a) it's unfair, b) it has enough people caring for this, c) helps me in my argument over the above things and d) because I rather have all type of ga's and not just "whatever the admis deem right - but have no time for the rest"

Edit: stupid phone xD wanted to edit fir a typo, ended up deleting xD Thankfully it has un-delete xD

3 years ago

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Btw.. How come all those dead by daylight dlcs aren't all 0 CV? Or they are and I missed it?

3 years ago

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If you know something about a Game/DLC that isn't on the correct status, then report it.

That was the last time i repeated it.

3 years ago

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No, for this I was genuinely unsure of.. Because they don't write the CV in a thread like in bundles and that I don't use that sgtools thingy

3 years ago

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As far as i know were a part for free on AWA etc. and a other part not BUT i don't checked now how many DLCs exists for the game.

3 years ago*

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Some DLCs were given away on Alienware Arena and Steelseries, but only their own made DLCs.
licensed DLCs and DLCs with cosmetics weren't given away

3 years ago

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Time = money

and yet you keep spending it rattling here...or does somebody paying you for it?

3 years ago

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Here, take a cookie for the smartest quote of the year so far

3 years ago

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It's basically a dollar bundle, so if you guys are gonna make it 0 CV then why not make every dollar bundle 0 CV?
Lemme know if I am wrong

3 years ago

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I get that CV seems like a big thing but really, look around at the GAs. Spoiler alert: there isn't a massive trove of hidden level 10 giveaways waiting for you at the end of the rainbow.

Make giveaways, win giveaways, that's what the site is about. If you're making giveaways to climb SG's invisible ladder to the top, you'll endlessly be disappointed by what you find when you get there, I guarantee it. There are very few GAs past level 5 anyway so just relax and just give games to give back what you get and get some karma in the bank.

3 years ago

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You are missing the point..

3 years ago

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No offense but if you think SG is about farming CV, it's you who is missing the point.

3 years ago

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... When did I say this?..

The fact remains that regardless sg HAS levels.. And a vast majority care for whatever reason.. Be it to enter groups os, be it to show good face, be it something else.. And people go where they feel "rewarded".. Can be a simple thanks or group entry or whitelist or ANYTHING at all..

When did you last gaveaway HERE a 0 CV game?..

3 years ago

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I, all the time.

And the people are free to bring that, extremely rare keys from IG feudalife (as one example) to other places to get then something in exchange. Good luck finding a place for it that give something.

Ps.: All the reductions from LB and IG hit me more as a lot because i bought nearly all my games (old stuff from gamehag excluded :D) and get then 0 cv.... but the mods can't see which games are from which bundle/site/whatever

3 years ago

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You are not fluffster xD

I know.. And you don't act like him nor speak from the same base nor for the same reason..

3 years ago

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I don't really know of any group that require CV level to enter. A lot of them require people to be active, or a certain ratio to avoid leeches but not level.
As for feeling rewarded, it cannot be a motivation in itself. Or it leads to frustration like the one the OP seems to be experiencing, needlessly as was my point.

CV is a virtual currency you can't really buy anything with was just what I was saying so getting worked up over the ins and outs of the CV system on a website is just looking for heartache. If people don't like the CV system and feel it's the essential part of SG, they are free not to come to SG anymore.

When did you last gaveaway HERE a 0 CV game?..

I don't really know. I don't buy a lot of bundles anymore and I mostly give away games I'm not interested it, regardless of CV so I really couldn't tell you. I guess if you're that interested, you can check me out

3 years ago

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Btw.. Why exactly you care for all of this from whatever closed groups you are on? You ga soooo much to the public.. And it matters.. "Trading lottery" (aka group rules for ga's, cv ratios and so on) are not better.. So please don't act so mighty.. You are just another topic..

3 years ago

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lol ok man, whatever you say.

I just don't go around looking for reason to get upset over virtual things as there are way more than enough real problems in my life but you do you.

3 years ago

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Because you know my life so well xD - also, not a man

I don't make assumptions, unlike you. What I speak of is 1 specific thing and I'm not throwing useless words around. You are trying to mix it with whatever and act like you don't understand how I use the word CV in each argument/sentence.

Nothing but a waste of time.. Bye

3 years ago

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Oh, not a human, we found a robot!

3 years ago

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I'm a cat! Not a robot! xD

3 years ago

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That checks out. ;P

3 years ago

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I stopped caring about levelling up some time ago. I just don't understand how an offer where you have to pay to get the games can be considered a giveaway. I'd like to see some clarification from mods about how this classificiation works.

I didn't even buy this, so I'm def not crying about some missed levelling.

3 years ago

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I also have activated everything I got (and found and the rest)..

They say it's somehow different from dollar bundles.. (except Masafor.. he wants them all gone -> fairer than THIS that happened)
In what world is it different exactly?.. I can't think of 1 reason nor have I read one so far that makes ANY sense whatsoever.. And the 1:20 or "volume" has been thrown out the window..

3 years ago

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I get your point and I agree with you on principle. If they go like this, then every game can go on the 0CV list.
After all nothing is stopping people from getting Steam keys as gifts from their family members and then gasp give them away for CV without having paid for them? lol so if you start looking at it that way, any game is a possible exploit.
I think it would be fairer to just put those games on the reduced CV list if they aren't already.

My point was just CV is a virtual "currency" you can't really get anything from and mods will do what they want to do so better not start getting too focused on it.

3 years ago

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We are back to "you are missing the point" and "bye" from the comment above (I didn't see this in time)

3 years ago

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Go bother someone else, man. You are now on my Ignore list so feel free to rant away and attacking me. I won't see it anymore.

Have a nice life. Get offline a little bit, it'll put things into perspective.

3 years ago

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Nothing says “generous gifter” more than trying to exploit the CV system down to the slimmest of margins.

If anyone is that concerned about losing CV over retroactive changes, they should focus on giving away games before they’re actually bundled or given away for free. That essentially locks the CV value for said giveaway. Of course, this requires actually spending more than a dollar or two (and no one wants to hear that).

3 years ago*

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You gotta know it to exploit it first.. And yes, some gain from it (people not reading about it in time and so on..)

This though was a paid event (and feuda /lootboy is debatable) no different than dollar bundles.

What about all ga's of those games prior to this? Or the next hit-wonder bundle free with purchase that hasn't happened yet?

How about all GMG xp offers? And so on..

It has a LOT more serious CV abuses than this.. This actually isn't even abuse since it's paid..

3 years ago

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All this effort for trash games that the winners won’t even play.

3 years ago

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if you think everyone of the winners of your giveaways played the games then? your crazy

3 years ago

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Lol, I don’t care if they do. I just think people spent way too much time and effort justifying giveaways of subpar games and maximizing CV gains.

3 years ago

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So what do you want to say exactly? "All things are vain and in vain"? Why are you here then?

3 years ago

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I’m just breathing. We’re all still here.

3 years ago*

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i mean not everybody has £20 to spend on one giveaway you know and how do you know it's a subpar game then? what people enjoy are very different from person to person - unless it's rated badly or broken in some way then this is an easy way to get rid of it

3 years ago

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i mean not everybody has £20 to spend on one giveaway

Then simply don’t do as many giveaways. Those scrounging for every bit of CV would be better served doing less giveaways overall and focusing on smaller selections of greater value.

3 years ago

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You're living in a fantasy world probably.. And also probably have no clue what it means to be looked down because you can't make the "perfect gift".

You have no idea what people enjoy or why.. I've made this mistake in the past.. I changed my mind the more I was talking over this

3 years ago

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Sounds like you tried out those “elite” game-trading groups. They prey on their new recruits and squeeze them for every drop.

As an aside, it’s amazing you can make these two statements in the same post and not see the irony:

You’re living in a fantasy world probably

You have no idea what people enjoy or why

3 years ago

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Nope.. Never did. I don't even like the concept

But I have spoken with a few (not about joining) and read other comments across the forum.. Still nauseating..

3 years ago

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Said the guy with half games in library unplayed....... And they are 600 not 6000........

So.. What's the problem for you exactly here? That AAA aren't in dollar bundles?

3 years ago

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And they are 600 not 6000…

Me having a smaller library is supposed to be a bad thing? I stopped entering as many giveaways specifically because I wasn’t playing all of my games.

Edit: You’ve entered more giveaways in 2 years than I have in 9.

3 years ago*

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for once i agree what is the point of entering giveaways when people know they won't or can't spend the time to at least try the games they win - it's just more backlog adding which i don't like either

3 years ago

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Entering doesn't equal win.. I also tend to enter all ga's of many smaller games as I like them and want to try them.
Even if I can't play it now, I will at a later point. And I cannot know if I'll be able to buy it/win it/obtain it then..
Most of my library is "fast games" so.. Easy to finish with a bit of time

3 years ago

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i didn't say have any problem with you entering giveaways i just agreed with him that he had valid reason for entering less

3 years ago

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Aaaa, this thread is starting to confuse me over who answers to what (to many notifications) and mobile view isn't helping xD

Imagine I just saw his comment now, by accident, while scrolling xD

3 years ago

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it is me as well - i get confused over who says what and which side of the thread people are on - sometimes i don't even know the side i am on

3 years ago

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Oh I don't mind it at all.
But your comment about wins and who plays games while you have a small library with half games not played it's funny

3 years ago

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There is absolutely no exploit about this at all. This deal at reduced CV would give less real CV per dollar spent than most regular bundles. This wasn't even a good buy for CV farming so I don't think that was the reason for putting the featured games on the freebie list.

And this topic isn't about rectroactive changes mainly but about a paid deal somehow getting ruled as a giveaway. It wasn't even retroactive, it happened within a day of the offer starting.

3 years ago*

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Of course, this requires actually spending more than a dollar or two (and no one wants to hear that).

Most are looking for return vs. investment.

3 years ago

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i love making giveaways of course but some day i'd like to get to level 10 like you which will be harder and harder the more games and dlc are wrongly classed as being free at some point

3 years ago

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i love making giveaways of course

You love the attention and the perceived sense of superiority you get over people with a lesser ratio or fewer giveaways. It's why you feel compelled to announce when you've blacklisted someone, as well as why you make comments like this and this about others. You did it on your old account, and you're already doing it again on this one. And, just as before, it'll get worse the higher level you get.

I get it. You wanted a fresh start, but you actually have to change your behavior before that has any meaningful impact. Instead of chastising and insulting those who don't live up to your giveaway standards, how about being a bit more understanding of others, and perhaps even encourage people to create giveaways?

And honestly, while it has no particular impact on my own life, pretending to be your mother is straight up weird and shameful. Just stop.

3 years ago

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wow blacklisting someone who enters 0 giveaways and who is pretending here i have never been on this site before i made this account but think what you like if it makes your ego just that little bit better

i still don't get why you try to attack me when all i said is i would like to get to the level 10 like you and pointed out it harder to do when games get falsely put on o CV - and then for no reason you have a go at me - well i take it back i never want to be like you

3 years ago*

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Just like all those "amazing" "trading lottery" groups.. Hmmm..

Regardless.. All do something for something.. Be it material or psychological. NOBODY does something for absolutely NO reason whatsoever..

This isn't the talking point of this thread though..

3 years ago

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Some of the 0 CV value stuff is ridiculous. I did a few giveaways for a new DLC for a game one time, and then they were 0 CV. I reached out and asked why because the DLC had been out for less than a day. Apparently there was a site doing a giveaway where you had a chance at receiving a DLC for the game, including the new DLC, at a much lower win rate than other DLC or than getting nothing. So it was marked as 0 CV :/ It already sucks when you paid full price for a game and then later the price goes down so your level goes down, even though you paid a higher value at the time. I get that there is no way for them to check if you paid for the game or not, but I feel like if the game hasn't been available anywhere for free for like over 1-2 years, it should no longer be no value. Normally, I don't really care, I don't pay much attention to my contributor level, but sometimes I will create a giveaway for a game that I personally really enjoyed, and then it turns out to be reduced or no value and I have really no idea why. I wonder if they could like implement a way to show why a certain game is 0 value or reduced, like showing where the game was from and the date it was. I feel like this one is kinda tricky, since you are paying for 1 game, and then getting the rest based on a condition. It is kind of a line between whether you got them for free or whether you paid for them

3 years ago

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This reminds me.. Technically, why isn't it possible to "freeze" already given CV?

3 years ago

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CV drops due to base value reductions affect everyone equally. It’s already fair.

3 years ago

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Not what I asked.. What is making sg unable to "freeze" already given CV? I know it affects all.. It shouldn't. I remember people saying this was for technical reasons. What I'm asking is what those reasons are

3 years ago

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Because the value is directly tied to the steam store database. SG doesn’t locally house price information on its server.

3 years ago

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That's for steam base value.. Bundled (reduced) and 0 CV aren't tied to steam price..

3 years ago

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Exactly. That’s an independent list that has to be manually maintained. It’s not feasible to do this for the entire store.

3 years ago

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You don't need the entire store.. Instead of hunting what feuda added or keeping in check a PAID "10 free keys" , time should be spent doing something useful.. Maintaining what matters..

3 years ago

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Oh yes.. It matters so much.. +1 to the 238492384 pile..

3 years ago

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You cry around that all is unfair and need to be changed but you don't want to make one minute of work to change something.

I will say it in german because i can't translate this now.
"Die, die immer alles besser wissen machen aber komischerweise nie selbst etwas besser".

It's for me "typical german" and that is double sad because i am german too

3 years ago

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"all is unfair" where did you see this exactly?.. I'm speaking of 1 thing, not everything.

Yes, adding +1 to a 478765763 pile won't do anything. A huge thread in the forums has better chance than this..

I translated it, no worries. I'd beg to differ in this opinion but it won't change your mind. each tries their own way..

3 years ago

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The best solution would be to ban the ones that exploit/abuse something extreme.
That would reduce the problems and workload drastical.

But as long as the mods can't do that because they have no rules for it, that would allow them that, they are bound and can only act in a limited frame.

3 years ago

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This is actually easier than all this mess.. As in.. A LOT more easier..

3 years ago

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Bring cg to the point that he change the rules and give the mods the possibility.
I can say you that a part would be happy to do it.

3 years ago

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I wonder if they could like implement a way to show why a certain game is 0 value or reduced, like showing where the game was from and the date it was.

The date you can see when you hover over the stars next to the game's name indicating reduced/zero value when creating the giveaway. Or on the bundle game list. Sadly SG shows no further info about the giveaway/bundle that put the game on the list. You can check barter or some reddit groups (like freegamefindings) and that or a bit of googling will show you the corresponding bundle or giveaway like 99% of the time. I have run into a few cases though when I found absolutely no info on the internet, not even by date specific google searches.

3 years ago

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As first thing, lets call it a general rule that is active in nearly 100% of the cases, the mods set stuff to free when there were a GA with 1k keys. In that ammount it sounds a bit different as your told example.

but sometimes I will create a giveaway for a game that I personally really enjoyed, and then it turns out to be reduced or no value and I have really no idea why.

Make the FREE or BUNDLED cv tag a good game in any form worse ?
I don't think so.

I help you with the other thing you wrote. , you see here your gifted games and if they were free, reduced or full value.
When you create a new giveaway ( you see there if it have no, one or two *, hover over that star(s) and you see with which date the game got set to free/reduced.
After that go to and search for the game you want to know something and then scroll down to the bundled/special/freebies infos and you know why.

I don't know a easier way and that is how i, double, check before i report a game, to reduce the workload for the mods as much as possible.

3 years ago*

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I'm not opposed to these games being added to the 0CV list, but I think that after a time period if they haven't been given away or available for free (year or so maybe) they should be added back to the reduced CV list.

3 years ago

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This is also an excellent point that I forgot to type

3 years ago

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Except this creates an issue of key hoarding until the value is returned. We went through this years ago with Metro 2033.

3 years ago

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+1 wow i agree with what you said my copy of death squared i did recently was from over a year ago (not that it was free before) - i bought it on humble ages ago

3 years ago

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Perhaps, but how many people are going to hang on to keys for years just so they can get a few CV down the road? I think they'd be much more likely to trade or sell them way before that point. And even if they do, from the perspective of an SG user I'd just be happy to be able to enter more Metro 2033 giveaways.

3 years ago

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Such was the feeling at the time of the aforementioned Metro 2033 incident. Countless thousands of copies had been given away for free years before, but eventually the community thought much as you do now. However, once the game was finally allowed to be given away for CV once again, there was an absolute cavalcade of giveaways from clearly evidenced key hoarders. Community was once again in an uproar.

The compromise was eventually reached around the time of SG 2.0 to allow such games to still be given away, but for 0 contributor value.

3 years ago

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Guess I underestimated the key hoarders.What was the time frame between the game being given away and Metro 2033 being re-added for CV?

3 years ago

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I'm not positive. But given the timing of the reinstatement and 2.0 stuff, plus the fact that the free giveaways occurred before I joined SG, means it was at least 2-3 years.

3 years ago

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Double work for the mods, without a gain for someone besides the exploiters because they store more keys as the normal people that buy a bundle or two.

I know here people that use 30, 77, 100 and 300 accounts on different freebie sites, sadly no joke, the """smarter""" ones spread the gifting of this games over a long time and i see them 1-2 years later still gifting the games they farmed so long ago.

They would be happy about the changed rule.

3 years ago

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Ok, fine, I'll ask.. How many are those exploiters in so high lvls that it MATTERS? 50? 100?
How many are active above say.. lvl 3 (most use lvl 3 so I'm going for it)

For a handful of bad apples you wanna punish the whole tree to infinity?

3 years ago

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The line has to be drawn somewhere. After years of drama and discussion, the line was drawn.

As I said above, feel free to suggest an alternative solution to cg. As is, this is the compromise that was reached.

3 years ago

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"Everything changes"

Laws of constant motion..

I also don't care one bit what has happened over the past decade.. Always move forward for the better. This isn't it. If it was.. there would be no problems :)

Compromises don't work like that.. And you should also when to compromise and stop wish for anything.. Just saying..

3 years ago

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I also don't care one bit what has happened over the past decade


3 years ago

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Ok, if no compromise then what i order.
Easy as that because one must have then to say what happen.

I am very sure far from all would be happy :-D

3 years ago

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I don't understand this well to answer xD

But no.. I'm not "commanding" anything.. I'm trying to see what's what

3 years ago

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I don't know all, so the question is nearly impossible to be answered.
30 accounts and more ? I know maybe 20 and all of them are above level 3, the most of them much above, from them but that number is for sure much to tiny because not all jump into my spotlight and i have a life besides sg ;o).

I don't get what you see as "punish the whole tree to infinity" when a bit cv can't be earned.

1.) You can give games away before date X to get the cv.
2.) You can give other games away as XYZ that is set to reduced/no cv, if that is important for you

3 years ago

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I don't mind the reduction or the 0 CV. I mind that it's not equal. I also mind when it's for no reason..

And for me it isn't about the CV.. Unlike the mirror 2 ga (which I found all), I miss quite a few feuda stuff that I might never-ever find.. If nobody gifts them for 0 Cv then guess what.. It's bad.. While we get the same HB ga's for 2$ deals and 6$ deals............ Or dollar bundles..
But it's not only what I miss/want.. I shout generally for 1 thing..
For good or bad people care.. They stop making this ga's for 0 CV they won't drop them on a chat.. They'll keep them until they lose them/get invalid/whatever or only trade them (and even that is an IF).. It's keys going to waste and ga's not happening.. The CV itself it's totally irrelevant to me..

3 years ago

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How could it be EQUAL ?

Bring 20 mods more and then they have a chance to handle all bundles, freebies and tickets "in time".

And if people then hoard their precious 0cv game keys till they are invalid then let them.....
I absolutely don't care if someone want to hoard them. Nothing lost when this people are lesser active on sg.

I see enough that do 0cv GAs of, partly good, games and they don't have a problem with it (me included).

3 years ago*

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Most aren't "simple" users

Edit: "And if people then hoard their precious 0cv game keys till they are invalid then let them.....
I absolutely don't care if someone want to hoard them. Nothing lost when this people are lesser active on sg."

Key word here is YOU.
You don't care.. Is it the same for all?..

3 years ago*

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i make 0 CV giveaways but sometimes i think a better use of my time would be anything else and just leave these codes untocuhed and unused (and no i am not talking about if the person plays it when they win)

3 years ago

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That's a good point. Most free keys stay active only for so long.

3 years ago

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also why aren't star deals on Fanatical added to the bundled list then? or are they?

3 years ago

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When they reach -95% and get reported, they are/will.

3 years ago

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no offence but you'd love it if every game was worth 0 wouldn't you

3 years ago

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No, why i should ?
But, of course, the ones that fall into the rules for the FREE tag, yes.

3 years ago

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You are paying to get a game. You will still have to pay the same for this game, even if there were no event. So, it's only price on one game. And you are getting 10 games for free. You pay nothing extra for those games, you pay only for the first one. And the first one isn't marked as freebie, right? So, what was your question again? Why games you getting for free are marked as free? Well, because they are free.

3 years ago

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Free WITH purchase.. Don't play with words..

Dollar bundle is 100% the same thing or ANY free with purchase game EVER (including deals like GMG xp deal etc)

3 years ago

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No, it's not the same thing. With dollar bundle you are guaranteed to get every game in this bundle. With this game purchase you only guaranteed to get one game - Mirror 2. Everything else is optional ( and AFAIK they are already out of keys, so you can't get them anymore). So YOU don't play with words.

3 years ago

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Even worse then for 0 CV.. It's even harder for the mirror 2 promo..

With what word did I play in your opinion? For as long the promo was active it was a guarantee you'd get 10 keys. Same as the dollar bundles. They have same terms you know.. "While supplies last". Atleast in mirror you knew it was 1600.000 keys upped to 1.850.000 unlike every other bundle that has games going out of stock suddenly. Mirror made it "random". Much like the 10 key mystery bundle...... Hmmmmm....

3 years ago

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With what word did I play in your opinion?

"bundle" obviously. Since it was never said to be a bundle, even publisher calls this giveaway.

"as long as promo acitve" or "guranatee". You can only chose one, since they are opposite.

Much like the 10 key mystery bundle...... Hmmmmm....

Really? So you can buy 11 mystery bundles and get only one game? You sure have buy strange bundles man, you sure do.

3 years ago

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And while the promo (much like the bundles) was active you got only Mirror 2? :o

3 years ago

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Also, yes, GMG XP deals should be marked as free, I'm agree with you. Aren't they? You should create a support ticket then, and ask to mark them as free.

3 years ago

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I read very well how all those support tickets have helped.. The issue isn't going for 1 game at a time. You try to find the cause of the problem.. Not keep patching it up..

3 years ago

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There is no solution to automatically mark free/bundled games, sadly. Only solution is reporting such games. That's how it works on SG. I reported games that should be bundled multiple times, and they were always bundled after that, so it works. If you know other ways of abuse - report them, don't try to pretend that this case should be treated differently because of that.

3 years ago

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Oh but it is..

You want to keep patching, keep patching. Mirror 2 ga, feuda keys, etc are all examples.. From what I see the problem lies to abusers not the rest.
Mirror 2 is also quite special as it's the dollar bundle's equivalent.

3 years ago

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If there was a choice between "fixing the system" and "patching" - I would chose "fixing" for sure. But we only have choice between "patching" and "doing nothing". So choice is obvious for any sane person. If you don't like how things are done on SG - well, it's sad, but I guess you can leave. That's okay. People sometimes move forward to new things in life.

Mirror 2 is also quite special as it's the dollar bundle's equivalent.

The more you compare it to bundle the less similar it becomes. So far you failed to find even one similarity.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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"But we only have choice between "patching" and "doing nothing"--

start from there.. not with patches

The more you compare it to bundle the less similar it becomes--

The more I compare it to bundle the more stubborn you become.
Because you don't like it.. You didn't got them, you don't like cheap obtained keys or whatever other reason and want to see everything burn..

I'd much rather have everything set to even the tinniest of CV than having it 0.
You are forgetting that for way too many people those 0,95 cents are waaaay too much. Or of bundles, other ga's and so on. They simply have no other way..

3 years ago

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start from there.. not with patches

Then tell me alternative.

I'd much rather have everything set to even the tinniest of CV than having it 0.

You are too concerned about CV. You are just too stingy, I see no other explanation. This site is about gifting, not about getting CV. If you are concerned about CV this much - you are abusing this site, no other option. Please go away and never return, site will be better without greedy abusers like you.
And yes, moderators were fighting abuse since the very start of this site, and that's why measures like "bundled" games and later free games were implemented. Yes, those are patches, because there is no better alternatives. But as long as those patches keep people like you from abusing - I welcome those patches.

You are forgetting that for way too many people those 0,95 cents are waaaay too much. Or of bundles, other ga's and so on. They simply have no other way..

Oh, how cute, now you care about other poor abusers that have no other way... to do what exactly? Abuse? That's good. Get CV? They don't need it, they can just win games on level 0, it's great for poor people. I know it, because I'm poor and I remember level 0. I started to make giveaways because I wanted to thank great people here for all the games I won. Not because of CV.

3 years ago

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Then tell me alternative.

I already have.
But true.. It needs more than that

You are too concerned about CV. You are just too stingy, I see no other explanation. This site is about gifting, not about getting CV. If you are concerned about CV this much - you are abusing this site, no other option. Please go away and never return, site will be better without greedy abusers like you.

Oh yes please tell me what I abused and how. I'd looooove to hear it. You keep NOT reading. My "problem" isn't the CV itself and not even for me. But yeah, I keep forgetting I'm talking with walls.

And yes, moderators were fighting abuse since the very start of this site,
Yes, those are patches, because there is no better alternatives.
But as long as those patches keep people like you from abusing - I welcome those patches.

This is laughable.. ALL of it. For so many reasons that I'd need to write a book. Not planning to do so..
Abuser again. Please let me know in what regard. That's gonna be a funny read

Oh, how cute, now you care about other poor abusers that have no other way... to do what exactly? Abuse?

You are special kind of "special" aren't you?
The majority isn't even abuse to begin with xD Like for instance this event and other situations.
And no, I've always been against this.

they can just win games on level 0, it's great for poor people

You aren't ignorant only to OCD to everything that doesn't concern you. Kudos on being the perfect example!

I'm poor and I remember level 0. I started to make giveaways because I wanted to thank great people here for all the games I won. Not because of CV.

And THIS has NOTHING to do with a ga's "worth. Like feuda keys.. Not EVERYTHING screams abuse.. For some that's all they can and it's more than enough. Or those talking the time to do some of the VERY hard ga's that require actual time and effort.
There is poor and there is "poor". But I'm not getting into it. It's an easy google search

Again.. I personally don't care for the CV itself. I care for the sentiment and notion behind it and how the majority views it. You can see from other comments here and elsewhere what I mean. It's not THAT hard

3 years ago

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I already have.

No, you did not.

You keep NOT reading

YOU keep not reading. But yeah, I keep forgetting I'm talking with walls.

This is laughable..

Everything you write is laughable. And I would laugh, if for a second I hoped that you are not serious. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

Like feuda keys..

What are those feuda keys? I never heard of it, and it seems moderators never heard of it too. Will you explain to us, what you refer to? You know, we, NOT ABUSERS, don't know every possible way to abuse. But we would love to know so we can stop it.

I personally don't care for the CV itself.

You protecting the ways to abuse CV too much to believe in that. If you don't care about CV then why you wrote so many comments to protect it?

and how the majority views it.

So, now you are speaking for majority? How cute. But guess what - you are minority. You are alone here, protecting this way of abuse. And in my book, if somebody protects ways of abuse - they have to be abusers, why else would they protect it?

3 years ago

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You are not joking/trolling and that's quite sad.

I'm not gonna write the same things 500 times for people that cannot read.

Feuda keys = keys winnable from feudalife challenges over at ig. You seem to be on a crusade for abusers. Look it up. It has plenty of posts here to inform yourself.

I'll answer only to why it matters if not for CV itself because maybe you'll finally get it into your head (even if I've also answered this many times).
I care for ga's of ALL types to keep happening. You take away the CV, you take away incentive from - yes- most people to give those 0 CV games away. Nobody does something for 0 reason at all. Maybe they will keydrop them, maybe gift a few elsewhere, many will try to trade as "there is no point" (don't forget how frauwned upon are 0 CV - 10 CV ga's - atleast from those writing in the forums, very easy to read also) but most will let those keys rot in a drawer until they are lost or unusable. This is bad for those having them (waste of time/money), bad for the games themselves (wasted) and bad for those who can't afford them/obtain them. Don't forget.. You may think of all card "farmers" as the root of all evil buuuut generalizing for all is bad. Some people have NO other means to obtain a game but to farm shovelware. And don't misuse my words. I'm talking about a very specific category of people. Not all. Stop mixing things.

Abuse sometimes isn't abuse. Don't genetalize for ALL. I don't like abuse. But not everything is abuse. And I see more abuse from "high up" in "ranks" here than those level 2-3-4 you are thinking about and think are level 10.

You are right on 1 thing. It's not majority. It's majority of tbose writing on the forum. Better?

3 years ago

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I'm not going to spend my time answering to a troll like you anymore. I'm tired of your lies.

3 years ago

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When "arguments" end, this happens.. It's not about time. You just ran out of things to say that try to manipulate and twist what I'm saying. And you also can't respond for your accusations.. Long story short, you throw away a tantrum "quote" and walk away since there is nothing left you could say. Fine by me. Byeee

3 years ago

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Problem is arguments from your side never started. You never had anything sane to say, and I was so stupid that I tried to educate you. Long story short you started a tanrum here, and I should have stopped responding long ago. Good thing is your opinion means nothing here, and things will stay as they are. Byeee.

3 years ago

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Aaand we are back to "learn to read"

But your are right. This is a colossal waste of time for me.

Nobody's opinion matters here as it is up to the owner what the "rules" are. Like it or not that's it..

Things staying as they are isn't always for the better..

3 years ago

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I see abuse everywhere and yes, higher level users piled over the years more stuff on a account that can be a exploit/abuse but you forget that only 4% of the sg users are level 2 or higher.
So of course is the abuse from the other 96% higher as from the 4%.

My last add game ticket reports (that i checked in a special group of shady users) kicked two level 10 users to level 9, one from level 10 to 7, two from level 9 to 8.

So i fight against any abuse/exploit and when i can choose were i spend my time for the reports, i pick the ones with the most abuse on one account or multiple accounts that have one owner behind (and i must be able to deliver 100% evidences -that is mostly the problem on it...-).

3 years ago

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Aaaaand we are back to the "go for the abuser". Which I agree with..

I don't get how it's possible to agree and disagree on the same thing at the same time.. It confuses me a bit xD

3 years ago

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It's very easy.

I go with the possibilities from the actual rules.
And you dream about the perfect way, that don't exist and will never exist because cg will not change it to your perfect way.

3 years ago

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I don't have a perfect way. I don't even think due to human nature that something can be perfect (human something - psychology). Buuuut this is irrelevant.

Relevant -> This random 0 CV way isn't working. It can be fixed. The way abuse is handled isn't working. It can be fixed.
Why not try something else?

3 years ago

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You don't want to make the suggestion to cg ..... so nothing will change. Easy as that.
So discussions about it, between normal users, is wasted lifetime.

3 years ago

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I don't believe 1 ticket will change anything. Seeing it on mass scale might.

So here we are :P

3 years ago

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Feuda Keys = Indiegala Feudalife Event Keys of very many games.
I known you can use Autoclickers to be successful, someone told me then that isn't possible anymore. I don't know if it is true or not but i got curious and spoke with a friend that was active there. He shown me that he can farm 3 in 5 mins. (and he hadn't done it for month). After some people wrote long texts of how much work it is to get this keys blablabla, it is sad and funny at the same time to see how easy it can be abused.
Since i seen how fast it is and came with that, experience, around, they changed the wording to "only the best can get so much in such a short time" and "game XYZ is rare and get then nuked too as the common drops".
I don't know if you must be special to be so fast but if i only calculate with 1-2 keys/daily, multiply it with the ammount of accounts and on top with the known multiaccounters that have everywhere multiple accounts (i know a good bunch with 20+ accounts).
And of course, they changed now the wording to "only a small part abuse it".
So they move but only the tiniest bit that they are forced from my experience and revealed stuff.

In the end, as soon as the mods have time for it, this games get nuked to 0cv I wrote the tickets for it long(er) ago.
It will hit bundle buyers too, as always (i will be affected too) but only with a few games in 1-2 copies. The ones that will loose a lot of their levels will be the ones that gave each of this games away with multiple copies.
And i know a good bunch that are level 5 alone from the feudalife keys. So it will hit the right ones from my point of view.

3 years ago

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Thanks for the explanation. That's the thing called "gameplay giveaway" on indiegala, right? I've heard of it but never actually tried to play. It's sad to hear that it's so easily abused.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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You wrote this, I even forget how many times. Those heavy abusers you soeak of are only a few (not much unlike people with multi accounts here)

The vast majority is anything BUT that.

And no this doesn't affect my CV.. But then again, for me, it isn't about this..

But far from "a few games from bundles"

You seem to think that this so easy to do anyway.. It has a couple of people yes. But a few.. As for those lvl 5, I can't tell you much about except it doesn't even matter. Feuda keys aren't so "free" as you think (reasons stated 500 times by various people) and you can do the same over time with a bazillion promos/tiny bundles and so on.
But to catch a bunch of people you wanna obliterate an entire "country". Senseless

3 years ago

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FREE = without spending money for that

Your, different, definition of free isn't important because the rules here are based on the one above.

And if level 5/cv would not matter, then not so much would be cry around when they lose a few cv.
All the "but i had one level (more)" threads speak a other language^^.

3 years ago

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You can buy credits to keep playing
You need to buy to play effectively and/or make ga's
It's free but not free, think of it as in app purchases (even by taking completely out of the equation what I view as free or not)

TO ME it doesn't matter. Which is why I shout.. Because to MANY matters.. And I'd rather not lose all those ga's all together and having a "shell" of a site

I'm not disagreeing with you. Most CARE. A LOT. That's the problem.. Why they care isn't for here imo

3 years ago

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Sure someone can buy such credit .... if he want to learn faster how to get all this precious free games. Or if he is not smart enough to learn the stuff fast enough.
But that doesn't mean that the keys aren't FREE. It only means that person is not skilled or dumb. Besides greedy.

3 years ago

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Irrelevant, irrelevant and irrelevant..

We are back to free with purchase^^

You get what I mean.. No point to drag this

3 years ago

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This is such a simple marketing ploy. If you have to buy something first to get some other stuff for free then it's not free at all. If the giveaway was clearly separate I'd agree (like when devs offer owners keys to another game/version months later). This on the other hand was clearly a linked deal. They simply offered to give people 1+10 keys for their purchase to push the release of their new game. People basically bought the package deal, it's just a technicality how it's actually structured. You are really stretching the meaning of free here.

I didn't get these games btw because they weren't free actually and they were not worth 0.95 EUR for me.

3 years ago

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If the giveaway was clearly separate

But it is! You can't get free games just for buying Mirror 2! Try it, you can't! You need to play more than two hours first. So, they are giving you keys for gameplay, not for purchase.

I didn't get these games btw because they weren't free actually and they were not worth 0.95 EUR for me.

That's called "missing a giveaway" and can only happen with free games. If they weren't free - you can't not get it. That's not how buying works. You getting what you paid for. So, if you did not get those games - you did not pay for them. You just proved me right.

3 years ago

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You paid 0,95 cents and to make SURE you don't go refunding you get the 2h 20min rule. Unlike a bundle that you cannot refund something period. And if you do, the gift goes away too. In steam they can't unless they revoke. easier to check a task than this.

easy solutions always cause problems don't they?.. this reminds me of something...

3 years ago

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So, in a bundle you can get only one game and not get the others? And find out about it only after purchase? Well, you sure buy some strange bundles, I've never seen one like this, neither in steam, nor in retail shops. You are just trying to stretch this and pretending to not understand the difference, because you were unable to abuse CV. Sorry, I'm not sorry for you.

3 years ago

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This is personal.. And mirror 2 ga is of no interest to me as a gamer. I have them.. I activated them, I have no intention to make them a steamgift as I have no keys left!

You NEVER saw an out of stock game in a bundle? Or a game getting replaced?.. lol
What is the mystery bundle to you?.. Or those old grab bags/gift bags/loot bags whatever they were called? (it was before my time)

3 years ago

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First of all, this is not a bundle. If you call it a bundle - it does not become one. And according to publisher - this was a giveaway, a promotion, anything, but not a bundle. And it's not up to you to decide that it's a bundle just because you want it to be one.

You NEVER saw an out of stock game in a bundle? Or a game getting replaced?.. lol

AFTER purchase? No, never seen one. You get what you purchase. Bundle can change indeed, but never after you buy it. And surprise, some people purchased the game when giveaway was still active, but did not get the games because it's ended before they played for two hours. That's because games were given for 2 hours of gameplay, not for purchase itself. Your argument is wrong.

What is the mystery bundle to you?

That's when you buy 1-2-3-whatever "mystery" games and get 1-2-3-whatever game keys. I've never seen one where you buy one game and get 10 game keys on top of it. Probably because there is no bundles like this.

3 years ago

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Mystery key in a bundle change (not just THE mystery bundle.. Some bundles have x games and 1 mystery).
Humble didn't used to show which games they where and so on..

You are forgetting mystery keys FREE with purchase :) It can even contain Deathloop! :)

9And generally you are forgetting toooo many examples that I'm too tired to write + I'm cooking)

3 years ago

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They gave the keys for purchase actually. The 2.2 hr gameplay requirement was there so people couldn't refund it. That would have made it an actual giveaway where people would have been able to get the other games without an actual purchase.

3 years ago

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Then go purchase it now and get the keys. If they are given for purchase you should have no problem doing this, RIGHT?!

3 years ago

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The offer expired like other more conventional bundles do, too. Sales don't last forever. I don't understand how this would be a valid argument.

3 years ago

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I don't understand how calling this a bundle is a valid argument if even publisher calls it a giveaway. And sale isn't expired - you still can purchase Mirror 2. For the same price. And get what you pay for - Mirror 2. What a surprise.

3 years ago

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And you still can get free mystery keys with a purchase.

What about those grab bags I forget whichever site had them?
bundles from DIG can change the second of purchase (call it being unlucky)
Every spin the wheel game, every xp offer game
By adding everything to the list pretty soon you'll have NO games giving CV :) You want that?

It was a bundle though. A semi mystery bundle WITH purchase. You don't spend for mirror 2? No keys for you.

3 years ago

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It was a bundle though.

Except it wasn't a bundle. Stop lying.

By adding everything to the list pretty soon you'll have NO games giving CV :) You want that?

I don't mind.

3 years ago

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But it is.. Differently worded but a bundle non the less

I don't mind.

For this to take effect you need to change the system. Not against changing the system but as it is now this makes 0 sense.

3 years ago

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Differently worded but a bundle non the less

Wrong, it's not. You can call white color black, but it stay white. You can call this a bundle, but it's not.

For this to take effect you need to change the system.

You just said it's going to happen, and now we need to change the system for that. Your lies getting even worse, while one would think it's impossible.

as it is now this makes 0 sense.

It makes perfect sense for every legit user of steamgifts.

3 years ago

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Same argument applies to you.

To make everything 0 CV yes you need to change the system as it would make 0 sense to have CV if all are 0 CV. What's the lie? And I don't want to make everything 0 CV. That's more you.

It has nothing to do with legitimacy and everything to do with your ignorance over various topics and issues. Probably why many things seem irrational to you

3 years ago

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ignorance over various topics and issues.

You telling me about ignorance? The one who can't even distinguish bundle from promotion? I'm actually surprised you can write, it's almost unbelievable someone who lacks logic this much was able to remember letters. Go troll somewhere else, abuser.

3 years ago

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I'm a curious cat..

What's my abuse exactly? Told you before.. I'd loooove to hear it :)

It's unclear to me if you are just trying to get a reaction out of me or if you are just.. Sorry, I can find a suitable nice word for it.

And since when a bundle isn' t allowed to be a promotion?? :o Shocking I know.. Never crossed your "mind"

3 years ago

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Sorry, your trolling won't work anymore.

3 years ago

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You can't answer is all..
Colossal waste of time

3 years ago

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Good said

3 years ago

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Essentially it's a dollar bundle with one guaranteed game and 10 random ones

This is not correct.
You're buying a game. Period.
The thing that developers are doing a raffle with the free games is another thing (it's already ended, but it was a thing, yes).
And yes, as soon as you can get a key for a game for free - it would be added to the 0 CV list.

3 years ago

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That's playing with words. They are NOT free.. They are free WITH purchase..

Dollar bundle is 100% the same thing or ANY free with purchase game EVER (including deals like GMG xp deal etc)

3 years ago

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They are free WITH purchase

Incorrect again. They are free for the people who own certain game.
Let me ask you a question - what is your point here? Would you prefer these games to have "reduced" CV? Would you prefer these games to have full CV?
Why should SteamGifts do that? What is the point for the end user, who is not trying to abuse the system and just uses the site to share and win the games?

3 years ago

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Nope.. It's a promotion for those who will purchase said game within a timeframe (and their backers - oh.. and the tiny fraction that had bought it beforehand.. Oh right I forgot.. Sg knows sales AND of steam now except other stores..)

Reduced I can understand. 0 CV no..
What's the difference to the dollar bundle? 1 euro vs 1 euro.. Anything else is word play (in this case my mystery blabbing of the bellow comment stands)

"Why should SteamGifts do that? What is the point for the end user, who is not trying to abuse the system and just uses the site to share and win the games?"

How about those people that gave it away or will give it away (from a bundle probably) in the future? 185k total sales. I estimate (from traffic, chat, etc) more than 120k were over on Japan.. That leaves 65k. Even if it was 50% it's still a small number. Now.. Of those atleast 60-70% have been activated on accounts (you can see this by the amount of ga's generally and EVERY trading site).. This leaves a tiny fraction that will end VERY soon.. Yet, everybody from now to forever will get 0 CV for 17 games (mirror is already 0 I think so not 18) forever for a tiny number. That's somehow better??

Add to this 34857938 feuda keys.. Bundled and unbundled.. For 30+ people that abuse it for scraps..

THIS helps the "general public" somehow? xDDD

Speaking of abuse.. Curator keys, dev keys, cheap site keys, dlc from steelseries/alienware/etc, dmd xp promos, free with purchase other games, cheap russian store keys and so on.. Where is sg there?.. Those abusers that you are all so scared of won't even bat an eyelid for this or feuda keys.. But yeah.. "general public" will be thrilled! For someone losing scraps in cv while they lose a chance for a "good" game

3 years ago*

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What's the difference to the dollar bundle?

Say that to the people who will buy the game now and will not have any of these keys. What is the difference?

How about those people that gave it away

Do not be afraid, it's added to the list only on 21st of January. So everyone who shared the game earlier will keep their CV. That's how SG works.

Yet, everybody from now to forever will get 0 CV for 17 games

Yes, exactly. Sadly, we cannot differ "smart" person who keeps their free keys until the time is right and the usual person who just want to share the game. This is one of the SteamGifts flaws. Well, dura lex sed lex.

Add to this 34857938 feuda keys

Could you elaborate? What exactly do you mean?

3 years ago

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"Say that to the people who will buy the game now and will not have any of these keys. What is the difference?"

Bundle out of stock :D
Say that to the people who will buy the games from the bundles now. What is the difference?

"Do not be afraid, it's added to the list only on 21st of January. So everyone who shared the game earlier will keep their CV. That's how SG works."
Afraid of what? The CV? See my point? After 21 January there will be NO more ga's except 2-3 blind people who won't see the double star

"Yes, exactly. Sadly, we cannot differ "smart" person who keeps their free keys until the time is right and the usual person who just want to share the game. This is one of the SteamGifts flaws. Well, dura lex sed lex."

In 5-10 years this "ga" will matter so much to all huh?..

"Could you elaborate? What exactly do you mean?"

You are "gunning" and for 0 CV on feuda keys. Guess what.. They are TOO many.. Many of them extremely rare, others bundled, many unique, many common. Many also VERY good to play.
Make them 0 CV and see how many will keep ga them :)

No, I don't remember how to use the quote..

3 years ago

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To use the quote, you may simply add > symbol in the beginning of the line and then add 2 lines after and put your text.

You are "gunning" and for 0 CV on feuda keys. Guess what.. They are TOO many.. Many of them extremely rare, others bundled, many unique, many common. Many also VERY good to play.
Make them 0 CV and see how many will keep ga them :)

I still don't understand what exactly do you mean, sorry.

Bundle out of stock :D
Say that to the people who will buy the games from the bundles now. What is the difference?

How can you buy a bundle for the same price if it's not sold anymore? This is not a bundle. It was a game. Please stop playing with words.

After 21 January there will be NO more ga's except 2-3 blind people who won't see the double star

Please don't judge everyone using only your point of view. We're still giving away the games even if they're put to the free list. And I'm not the only one.

Sorry, I've lost a point in this discussion. As I see, I won't be able to persuade you. So please have a good day. I won't continue.

3 years ago

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You answer selectively to what you think it's easier.

The topic isn't only for Mirror 2 ga but the general 0 CV reduction lately.

You can't buy it for the same price. As you can't with Mirror 2 10 keys along with purchase. That's my point..

I would love to see the stats of 0 CV giveaways that are not of total newbies that don't know what it means or developers, reviewers, curators, advertisers. I really would..

No need to keep going at it. You either really don't get or you don't want to get it. In either case it's pointless

3 years ago

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I would love to see the stats of 0 CV giveaways that are not of total newbies that don't know what it means or developers, reviewers, curators, advertisers. I really would..

It's a lot. Regarding filtering out newbies I don't want to speculate who a newbie is in your eyes. Gotta dig deeper yourself then.

View attached image.
3 years ago

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I didn't say only newbies for a reason..

Getting 10 copies from a dev for a game that's gonna be released in 2 days doesn't count also.. Easy to spot with the eye but difficult to show on the stats.

Or somebody wanting to help a friend's game with the intention for it to maybe get a review or 2..
Or somebody steaming the game and wanting interest and so on

Very few "different" people will keep making 0 CV ga's after they release it.
It is low as it is and it's only gonna get lower the more games are added to it

3 years ago

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There are x scenarios for everything. You wanted numbers, I gave you a quick general answer.
Since you know all about it, feel free to tell me why I gave 0 CV games away.

3 years ago

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Why are you putting words in my mouth?
I never said NOBODY EVER does it..
I said that without a secondary reason VERY FEW do it.. Did I say somewhere that 0 people do it? No..

But the vast majority will go ga the 0 CV elsewhere (from ig to discord servers) or {usually} nowhere at all. They trade them or keep them to infinity..

Again.. The % is small but not 0.. I never said that..

On another note: Thanks for them :D For making them :D

3 years ago

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Say that to the people who will buy the game now and will not have any of these keys. What is the difference?

Bundles expire too just like this offer expired.

3 years ago

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As I said, it was not a bundle. It was not a deal. It was a promotion for the owners of the game, which gave 10 keys that may be used anywhere. Do you understand the difference?
If it were a promotion when you buy the game and you have 10 more games right on your account - they wouldn't be put in a 0 CV list, because they would not giftable.
As simple as that.

3 years ago

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Fanatical has free with purchase mystery key many times. This is considered the same as this. You buy 1 game/bundle and get something as key for free to use elsewhere. Why aren't all mystery keys marked as 0 CV?

(it is a bundle though.. event bundle for limited time. Marketing isn't the problem here.. Something else is.. But I'm not sure exactly what and why)

3 years ago

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Yeah, that is interesting thing... Some even allow to pick from certain number of keys. Clearly they are not part of a "bundle". But something given for free after an action.

3 years ago

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If you were able to choose between, as example, 4 games, as FREE extra, then you can be sure that this 4 games get added to the FREE list as soon as the mods see it or have a report ticket to it.

3 years ago

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So, I should report following to mods.
So these would be added to Free list?

Tower of Time
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide

3 years ago

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As far as i know

3 years ago

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Also add all past choices. And every mystery key fanatical EVER had as it has been in free mystery keys WITH purchase (some even get 2 with special promotions in their cart), spin the wheel, every greenman xp offer and mini-bundle.

Add to this stores you never heard of that do this + everything on a sale of 95%

Don't bother.. List all steam except whatever got released the past week or so (minus a few that get released with -95% discount)

3 years ago

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And then what is a part of bundle and what is extra?

Remember HiB bundles and second week bonuses...

3 years ago

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Don't ask me this.. As it seems, I'm the "irrational" thinking individual here...............

(I don't remember those tbh, must have been before my time in HB)

3 years ago

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If you were able to choose between, as example, 4 games, as FREE extra, then you can be sure that this 4 games get added to the FREE list as soon as the mods see it or have a report ticket to it.

3 years ago

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I understand the difference. And I'd certainly support putting these on the zero CV list if this offer was more removed in time. Like if there were prior owners of the game to whom the publisher offered these extra keys gratis. But in this case the game just launched, there were no prior owners at all. It was very clearly a ploy to drive the sales of their fresh launch. I see your logic but in this case it still feels awkward because of the timing and extremely close link to the launch sale.

Btw what's the official stance on promos where you get a free key if you spend x amount in store? Fanatical, Indiegala and probably several other keyshops regularly have these.

3 years ago

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If you were able to choose between, as example, 4 games, as FREE extra, then you can be sure that this 4 games get added to the FREE list as soon as the mods see it or have a report ticket to it.

3 years ago

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This part confuses me. Why is it so important to point out that these keys may be used anywhere, when the opposing side is arguing about dollar bundles having the same value but not being put to zero. Are the dollar bundle keys also not usable everywhere instead of being directly gifted to your account? Is your sole point that because the inital purchase is one game and you get 10 more on top of that, as opposed to buying 11 games for the same price, even though they both (hypothetically) have the same price and come with the same amount of games and there's no way to get around this without paying money?

This is a legitimate question, since I genuinely don't understand your counterpoint after this comment. If it all boils down to that it's being considered given away though, then I understand.

3 years ago

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Buy Mirror 2 = Get the game and 2 DLCs.
On top get as FREE extras 10 games if you do/done it in timeframe X, played it till X and clicked on page X the button to recieve them.
If you buy the game in 2 weeks, you pay the same price, get the same Basegame + 2 DLCs but nothing else for free.

$1 Bundle = You buy the bundle with 20 games. No FREE stuff on top. Finish.

That's the difference (that some people try not to see here).

Ps.: The $1 bundles give very much cv and get exploited, so i would set them to FREE if i would make the rules, but cg make the rules.... and the mods can only enforce what's written in the rules (What they would like to do is maybe something else).

3 years ago

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So the sole point is also the only point then, since limited time doesn't mean much when the same can be said about most deals like bundles. But imo, most dollar bundles also should be no cv, so I guess if I was to say something about this, I'd also say this should be 0 CV
Honestly, I think my lack of understanding is that this seems to be more of a pedentic argument then a really good one, but I suppose if that's the entire reason, then I'll just accept that as the reasoning.

3 years ago

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I think their main point is that the launch sale and the giveaway are two separate events and are evaluated as such for SG classification even though in this case they started at the same time and were clearly linked. I looked at it as a package deal myself and made me confused about how it could be considered a giveaway. In normal cases I would have had no problems seeing how owners of a game getting extra keys was a giveaway. There being zero owners at the the start of the promo who could benefit without a purchase threw me for a loop I guess.

3 years ago

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Yeah, I can see that. I think that part might have confused me as well, since the differences compared to a dollar bundle were minor at best. But I suppose even if it is a small nuance, it's also a very important one that they must be part of one direct purchase as opposed to purchase+extra. This thread has been pretty informative to me, since I never considered that.

3 years ago

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I disagree with the notion, for me the nuance here is meaningless and in either way you need to pay money to get a pack of games. You can't get all the games without spending money. This means they aren't free

3 years ago

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I'd much rather see a bazillion games added with minimum CV than this selective nuisance and 78638764 missed "cases" being 0 CV.

EVERY game no matter how small has value.. The 0 alone is bad enough as it is.. It shouldn't even exist imo.

But that's just me.. And it doesn't even matter anyway.

And I do agree..

This means they aren't free

3 years ago*

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Much more as 30 abuse the feudalife stuff.

the rest of your calculation, assumings are unclear for me. Sounds like sucked out of the fingers but i don't get to prove what exactly (besides the "the ammount are so tiny that nothing had to be done").

I am not sure what you want right now.
You wanted that a mod say something to the case.
A mod appear and do this.
You don't like his answer and cry.

It start to get a bit funny for me, looking on this.

3 years ago*

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You keep using the word "cry". Why?
I can't answer to him because why? xD
And because he "spoke" what he said is right 100%?..

That's even funnier..

You're fixated on the feuda keys.. No.. No more than 30 abuse it to the extent that makes you smoke out of your nose. The rest just give a few keys that will get them to NOWHERE.
And no.. most care for CV and lvl for the groups.. Unless you saw soooo many public ga's at this level not locked behind 32424 sgtools, restrictions, groups, whitelists, etc.. Most even see those ga's and blacklist. So what are they joining exactly? The middle guys.. Because the abusers have definitely been blacklisted by ALL high lvl members.. Who this affects but the "general public" that WANTS those games and might never get them?

3 years ago

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You keep using the word "cry". Why?

Because it is exactly this.
All is unfair, only hit it XYZ (= most likely you in some way -i haven't checked-), other ones abuse it much more, with XZY and should be handled but the mods should smell all cases without that i have work with reporting them what i see.

I can't answer to him because why? xD

You can answer but did you think the way you do it, will motivate him to answer you, maybe in a positive way, again to the matter ?
I would bet more on no as on yes.

And because he "spoke" what he said is right 100%?..

No but he is Senior Mod, so good luck finding a higher one that will answer you (Gaffi would be, nearly, the only possible one) or change something in a different direction with the cv -because of the comments here.... [I don't expect that a ticket got made...]-.

I am not fixated on the Feudalife Keys, you came above around with Feudalife, so i answered on that.
And yes, i want that the feudalife cv get nuked, same for the Lootboy stuff, same for the overpriced games from the shady russian stores, the freebies etc.

It is very easy to see, now before it happen, how hard it will hit bundle buyers that gave, a few of the inflicted, games away with 1-2 copies and how hard it will hit the extreme feudalife exploiter ones with much more copies from, nearly, all this games.
The difference will be extreme.

Because the abusers have definitely been blacklisted by ALL high lvl members

The most people don't blacklist much, so i don't know where you got your info from.
My experience in many groups is, sadly, VERY different. People mostly don't care for the Blacksheeps.
The people in my group, a bigger part of them care if people use multiple accounts, outside of sg too, or buy 20 copies of each overprices game in shady ru stores for a few cents to exploit/abuse the cv system, but they are, sadly, the absolute minority on sg.

3 years ago

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I'm intense :P

Check all you want but non of these affect me.. Only if something changes maybe but even then I'd prefer it than this situation now. The only way I'm affected is because I'm annoyed for what's to come.. Aka nothing..

If everyone is all "kid gloves on" like it is now, you think it will help? I'm intense but not insane.. There is a line I'm not crossing..

You get aggressive on feuda keys the most. This might be my "annoyance mindset" now speaking but to me it looks you dislike it a bit more. Perhaps I'm wrong on this.. Probably from your answers

3 years ago

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I share my hate equal on all. Like the Imperator.

This was a joke, i have no hate for this stuff, i only dislike the abuse/exploit

3 years ago

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I understand a joke :P

You reminded me a lyric of a song "I hate everyone equally" xD

3 years ago

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Ok, how about this? EVERY single mystery key.. You don't pay the game you pull. You pay air. A ticket. The game you pull isn't paid for. It's free!

What do you think?

Edit: (Yes, I absolutely LOATH word play)

3 years ago

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As far as i know, they don't reduce mystery keys.

But don't take my answer as 100%, i am only a experienced user.

3 years ago

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I'm a bit afraid to ask as I don't want to start another discussion, but where's the line between this kind of free with purchase and all the get X game with qualifying CPU/GPU/other hardware - recent example

All those promotions have multiple limitations and buying at a different time, from a different country or even a different retailer doesn't grant the bonuses, so they're certainly not part of the "package" The keys are additional bonus content unlocked by some action after a purchase. (They're not always steam keys and sometimes manufacturers only offer direct activation and not a key, but that's not the point, I'm asking a general question, as often those deals feature keys at some point(Like the nvidia vouchers initially exchanged for keys in GeForce Experience). As far as I know original Dying Light, Wastelands, multiple games from Watch Dogs and Assassins Creed series(Uplay), even Death Stranding and many other AAA games were available in such way.

I'm not arguing in favour of any option here, I'm just asking for a clear interpretation of what makes a game key free if it's part of some kind of a bonus code/package deal.
Similarly how would it work for keys added to other services. example if amazon would try to add a steam key to prime gaming. You can't just buy the sole bundle(games featured in a given month), you buy amazon prime, for many people the cause might be different - deals and deliveries, prime video/music/reading. Basically everything aside from the deals and deliveries is a free bonus content

Obviously this would only apply to games which at some point are available in the form of a steam key or steam redeemable gift which isn't tied anymore to a specific steam account. Other examples are just to present the business model for which I would like to hear an interpretation of the "available for free" rule

Ps Everybody else please refrain from commenting, this is just a request for an official stance on the matter for future reference.

3 years ago

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First world problems.

View attached image.
3 years ago

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If you live in the first world, all of your problems are first world problems.

3 years ago

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Not really. There are poor people in the first world too. There are sick people in the first world too.

3 years ago

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So you're saying we shouldn't qualify the problems of others based on their global economic status?

Such was the point.

3 years ago

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Sorry. I thought you were serious.

3 years ago

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I started to think about NOT to giveaway 0CV games. If it's what mods want I'm ok with it.

3 years ago

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Hmm, now I wonder about those old Steam games that gave extra copies. Those copies were free as well. So should we disable their CV?

Like for example Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition - Collector's Edition. That is extra FREE! copy with it. So I take we should make it free game since release of that steam item?

3 years ago

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I think this still happens (gauntlet 4 copies comes to mind and games like hack"n"slash that give a second copy as gift or flatout 1)

3 years ago

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Yeah, there is still number of 4-copy pack. And then some special versions that give extra.

I suppose 4-copy packs are 4 copies, and thus not free. But those that give extra for "free" on other hand...

I think most infamous was The Ship... Which was like 5 or something. That is giving two extra copies, and those two giving two copies...

3 years ago

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Yes, The Ship was made free a long time ago.
I don't know any Steam promotion right now that will give you an extra giftable copy of the game when you buy something.
If you know one - please let us know.

3 years ago

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As said: Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition - Collector's Edition

Includes: Two copies of Divinity: Original Sin – Enhanced Edition, Classic games Divine Divinity and Beyond Divinity, Design Documents, Art Pack and Soundtrack.

That is two copies. One for yourself one "free"... Only for 25€ extra. Or 2,71€ in Argentina...

Then ofc some Valve games like The Orange Box. If you already own HL2...

3 years ago*

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This is not a "free game". This is a bundle of games. Including one giftable copy. Everything for this price.
So it cannot be counted as a deal when you get free games for doing something, thus we will of course not add it to 0 CV list.

Please if you will see next time some deal that will offer you a free game - inform us.
Have a good day.

3 years ago

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*You buy one game for 0.95 EUR and get another 10 games on top if you play the first for 2+ hours. Essentially it's a dollar bundle with one guaranteed game and 10 random ones (from a short list). There is absolutely no way to get these games for free at all. They are also mostly very low base price games and DLCs so if they went on the reduced CV list this deal would provide real CV at about the same or even lower rate than normal bundles. Like 3-6 real CV for 1 dollar spent depending on what random games you get. But for some reason they have all been put on the zero CV list instead. Why?

Could a mod please explain the rationale behind this decision?*


The "real value" of CV is near 0 regardless if a game is on the 0-CV list or not, just factor in the number of extra GAs being a higher level grants you access to, the number of entries on those GAs, the time you lose by worrying about all that and who knows what else.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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It wasn't a question, but a statement. The parts between *s are a quote from the OP that should have been in italic but wasn't for some reason.

3 years ago

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Ah sorry... i don't got it in all the 🔥 here around^^

My bad.

I would recommend you to set before his sentences a >

3 years ago

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I don't get why people care. I originally joined to give away keys I had but would not use because that is better than just letting them go to waste. I got a key for Mirror. I already owned it so I gave the extra away. I don't care that it is 0cv. Is it really a big deal that I didn't get $0.30 added to my cv? Do people care that much?

3 years ago

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Is it really a big deal


Do people care that much?

A few squeaky wheels seem to pop up once or twice a year.

3 years ago

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I don't care about these games at all. I opened this topic because I wanted to know what made a deal that was accessible only through payment a giveaway. I was interested in how these are judged. A senior mod replied sharing their logic behind the decision and it was useful in that I can apply it to judge future similar situations. If some similar offer comes up in the future and I'm thinking about jumping on it for giveaways now I'll have a better understanding on whether it could end up zeroed for CV or not.

3 years ago

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Yeah, I can't say I care at all about this promotion, but seeing how these are judged as opposed to similar deals that have some differences is interesting.
Someone brought up the mystery key from Fanatical, and I really want to see what's the reasoning on that among other things.

3 years ago

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When you have only one key to give away, it's not a big deal. But often, people have a lot of keys they do not need. As long as they get rewarded with some CV they might give them away, but if no CV comes their way in return, why bother?

3 years ago

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Just my 2 cents but when you giveaway and you expect a return on something like "cv" for example for a gain of whatever, you're not doing gifts, you're trading games for a rank.

In general as you said it's not the person that has one key that doesn't work that gets this upset but the person with a ton of keys when they realize they can't gain stuff from their keys. But again, are they here to give or trade their keys for status?

In my opinion however, this however prevents many people from using bots and tools and other methods from farming keys from certain places for the specific purpose of giving them away in return for a rank rather with the intention of using those keys when they could let other people who actually want those keys go and get them in the place that is giving them away rather than trying to enter giveaways for someone whos trying to get something in return. It's basically an anti-scalping method if you get my point, and I actually agree.

I also think it's somewhat difficult to decide what are the best situations where this should be done but I think it's justified in this scenario because as you could probably tell from the past few days the giveaways have been spammed with these games.

I should also probably note, because it's possible to get a refund in certain scenarios past the 2 hour mark as some users commented in the thread regarding the deal, you could basically get the game, farm the 2 hours and get the keys, then refund the game through whatever means, and now you got 10 free keys, that you didn't pay anything for, which would make it justified for 0 cv. Does this seem more fair?

3 years ago

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I don't disagree on the games for rank and so on.but for good or bad CV is the system here and many will list something here and for it. Maybe not intentionally but 0 CV games here........ You only (ok mainly) see them from newbies that don't know what it means, curators, reviewers, advertisers, devs, etc but not simple members.. Exceptions exist of course but it's scraps.

Nothing will prevent abuse as trading exists. So ga or no ga they will keep using bots etc.

And for 1-2 bad apples that might abused this hard you gotta punish them all?

In max a week from now you won't see them again.. And many missed it and waaaay too many couldn't even afford this..
Which is why imo with the current system it should have a minimum cv but not 0.
A reason for way too many games not to go to ga oblivion..

Of course I don't even like the system as it is.. Buuut that's another conversation xD

For "single" cases, isn't it better to go for the abuser and not nuke everything out of orbit? :P

3 years ago*

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Just my 2 cents but when you giveaway and you expect a return on something like "cv" for example for a gain of whatever, you're not doing gifts, you're trading games for a rank.

Well, that's basically the official stance of Humble and that's why they ban people who they catch gifting their bundle keys to random people.

In my opinion earning CV is such a light reward. People just like to see numbers go up and it's counterproductive to make them feel bad about it.

I should also probably note, because it's possible to get a refund in certain scenarios past the 2 hour mark as some users commented in the thread regarding the deal, you could basically get the game, farm the 2 hours and get the keys, then refund the game through whatever means, and now you got 10 free keys, that you didn't pay anything for, which would make it justified for 0 cv. Does this seem more fair?

I don't think promos/offers should be judged based on their abusability. That line of thinking could take us to setting everything to zero CV as scammers can buy keys with stolen credit card info or from stolen Steam wallet funds / Steam marketplace items. Basically everything can be abused. Also if Steamgifts is fine with people openly flaunting their 20+ AWA, Lootboy, Indiegala or whatever accounts here then they definitely shouldn't let their policy be influenced by that. If abuse on other sites is a concern for Steamgifts then why not ban the abusers themselves first whenever possible?

3 years ago

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I don't think anyone's intention is to make you feel bad about it, I don't think any mod here or even cg specifically spends their day thinking how they can make yours worse, of course I'm not them, but I'd like to believe there's no illuminati sg cat circle out here, right? It's not like they're cutting cv out completely, but they are cutting it out in instances where they feel it's justified since the games are acquired in well "fishy" means lets say.

In terms of abusability, there definitely needs to be control. If a scammer buys games with stolen funds then eventually whenever steam or whatever party takes care of it(if they do), then those keys should become invalid, and if they do, then the user has the opportunity to mark the key as invalid, which hurts the ga creator. This probably takes a lot of time and they could do a lot of damage in between but to me it's better than saying hey the guys that go the extra mile to ruin everything get away with some stuff, we should just let everyone through. Doesn't sit right with me. I'm also not sure how much time they have to spend looking for people abusing the giveaways, but I don't think their high ranking staff is very large so I don't think they have a lot of manpower to deal with everything, when just making a ticket informs you they're backed up constantly. I made one earlier cause I found a guy that made a giveaway for a copy of "Mirror" when he just won it 17 hours ago.

If you look at it from a comparison of the gpu market for instance, because there's no control over it, people buy gpu's with the intention of reselling them, not actually using them, and thus rising prices, and creating shortages, and limiting supply. Yet, if there was some sort of control over this factor then this wouldn't happen. The same issue is going on with many products right now, even cars. There's entire yards filled with cars for instance, why, to drive up the prices to resell. I don't think that's the intention of anyone that originally wants to sell any product.

PS: I actually agree they should 0 cv games from alienware arena, indiegala challenge silver giveaway is probably fine because you gotta spend silver or something(which I don't think you can get free, I could be wrong), and I don't go to lootboy so not sure. I don't actually use any of those 3, but Alienware especially for doing daily tasks and not spending money high accounts eventually get some free games and that should be 0 cv. Should also apply to the GMG vip giveaway games, and a few others yes. I agree. If they're given away for free, the cv should be 0.

3 years ago*

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illuminati sg cat circle

I'm still laughing at this xDDDDD

I don't think that's the intention of anyone that originally wants to sell any product.

It isn't controlled because they don't care. Their interest is the initial buy not if someone can profit from it afterwards.

silver or something(which I don't think you can get free, I could be wrong),

Cap is 240 silver credits. You get free 10 per 1 hour but you can also buy them. Each game on feudalife costs 10 credits.

On lootboy you can do stuff (play a game, do a survey, see ads and so on) to earn diamonds that you exchange for packs that contain and a game but you can also purchase the pack itself.

AWA is free and I don't think you can do anything paid about it. Not sure, I don't use it much

Why 0 and not a flat minimum? Scraps but something.. As to not lose all motive to make such a ga?

3 years ago

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You're right. It would be best if all people gave without expecting anything in return. But how many gifters do you think SteamGifts would have left if only best of the best remained?

From a quarter to third of my high level winners haven't created a single GA in more than a year. I wish it were them winning games on IndieGala and giving them away here.
What does it boil down to?
Person A spends time getiing a game free of charge to give it away and is rewarded with 0 CV.
Person B does nothing of the sort. Actually, Person B does nothing at all except enter GAs and has 0 CV added as well.
Therefore, Person A = Person B.
I can't say it's always wrong, but there are cases when it is.

Multiaccounters fish for other things. Games they give away on SteamGifts are just a by-product.
On AlienwareArena, they want games that can be sold or traded and sometimes Steam credit cards, but the latter is rare.
On Lootboy, they mostly fish for Steam credit cards.
On IndieGala, it's possible to win rare delisted titles like Droplitz, Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards: Reloaded, and FUEL that can be sold.
So, SG mods' actions won't stop them.

Again, some gifters are admirable.
Would I say no to winning a game I'd like to play from a person not that admirable? No. Would you?
When a game is marked as free, does it affect the number of GAs of the game? Yes.
Therefore, it affects our chances to win it.

In June, I gave away a dlc for Dead by Daylight. One week passes, and I find it has been marked **. I ask support what was the reason. Their reply is 'This DLC was involved in a mass giveaway by the developers on twitter back on September 9, 2020' and also 'the DLC was marked free in the SG database before you created a GA for it back on June 13th of this year' which is a downright lie, because it wasn't 'marked free' when I created the GA. I'm not blind yet.
Who uses that abhorrent Twitter anyway? How on Earth are we supposed to know what is given away there?
Sorry, my opinion has to stay that this thread is warranted.

P.S. Looking forward to mods marking the last remaining game ** someday. After that, we'll all have a big celebration.

3 years ago*

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Those games were given away for free. You only purchased the other game (like I did). It makes sense they count as being given away.

3 years ago

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Are you here to give or to get CV?

3 years ago

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Neither. I'm not sure exactly why I'm here but definitely not for that. I have to admit for some time I cared about building my CV and keeping a 2:1 ratio or better but not any more.

3 years ago

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I kinda still care, but reaching level 10 with any sane spending with all of the bundled/0CV seems just a mess...

And I gave up with the ratio when they changed it to apply on winner even if creator did not get it.

3 years ago

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Wait wait wait...
You want to tell me that when you win 0CV game it is not giving 0CV but what? 15% or 100%CV?
So that means ratio is worthless now...

When was that change made?

3 years ago

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Not 0 CV games, but sub 5 entry games. The creator does not get CV for those, but they are still calculated as such for winners.

3 years ago

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Ah ok. Well I guess it is to discourage the CV farming between friends or even alt accounts.

You could probably do a GAs only for blue <3 list and have only 1 person on that blue <3 and farm CV that way.

3 years ago

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then why bother?

3 years ago

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How could they?
What's next?
Making games from 1$ bundles worth 0CV?
Making games from bundles in general worth 0CV?
Making ALL games worth 0CV?

I'm fine with that xD Maybe they are slowly implementing my suggestion about removing CV system in general.

View attached image.
3 years ago

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As it is used now, it's not working as intended that's for sure..

Where the change needs to happen I'm also not sure..

But it has a problem.. This is easy for everyone to see

3 years ago

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i get your point, i see no gain in giving away these games to random ppl that might not play them
instead i give them away in steam chat

3 years ago

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all reduced CV and zero CV games I already giveaway on other sites rather than here currently

3 years ago

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i could only see that being ok if they readjust the levels. like i need 100cv to get to level 5, that would take like 200 reduced cv freudalife games so i fail to see the issue with them not being 0

3 years ago

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And you get good rewarded for them on indiegala ?

3 years ago

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full value although their level 1 starts at $50

3 years ago

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I can tell you that i don't use their site, the GAs too, since years because there were more multiaccounters around as normal users and the wins were only some freebie games from gamehag etc..
And they made nothing against the Multiaccounters after i reported some and one of them had in his profile that he use 3 accounts.
Maybe it had changes since then but i would not bet on it because ig got worse in other parts... so why should then this got better?

So wow, great site, great wins, great chances.

Each one pick what he like, so if you feel happy there with your GAs then is that fully ok.

PS.: The stuff that are still full value on SG will, maybe, not be that forever and you as gifter know were you got different keys, so maybe calculate that in before you give them away because sooner or later will the mods be aware when FREE or BUNDLED games are wrongly listed as full value.

3 years ago*

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so now youre mad zero cv games dont have priority for here, that what happens when you deincentivize givng away low hanging fruit to zero cv

3 years ago

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How you come on that when i write >Each one pick what he like, so if you feel happy there with your GAs then is that fully ok.< is very unclear for me and a bit strange because it go fully against what i wrote :o).

3 years ago

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Yours is a rather risky approach. If you build your CV on reduced value games then a few of them going on the freebie list is not too big of a hit. Obviously not the case with Feuadalife keys which will all be zero CV retroactively.

When you are buying full CV games just to level up here if they are retraoactively put on the reduced CV list you basically wasted your money for nothing. I see a full CV game among your sent gifts that I expect to end up on the bundle list with a date of 2014. Yes, 2014. Tons of people have bought that game in stores at 85-90% off since then just to level up here and when SG mods catch up it will hurt a lot of people like you.

3 years ago

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I strongly assume he don't paid the full price for the games that he gave away.
From one look into his account i see, MAYBE, 2 that weren't bundled at the time he gave them away, the rest was 100% from bundles.
So in the end he known they should have the BUNDLED star but because they don't had, he decided to give them away.
Someone could describe this as exploiting, a other one could see it different because of only 9 full value GAs. The spectrum is big but in the end when they will be set to the correct status he should not be surprised or angry/mad about it because he had a (unfair) ADVANTAGE till that happen.

3 years ago*

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I'm talking about Hitman: Blood Money which was bundled once in 2014. 99% of the keys for that game that are given away here surely aren't from that very old bundle but are bought at the regular 90% off sales in various official keyshops.

I think most people giving that game away don't know that it should have a bundled star. 90% off usually doesn't put a game on the bundled list. There are several other titles that sometimes go 90% off and are relativey safe to gift. This one is just definitely not one of those.

3 years ago

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90% off usually doesn't put a game on the bundled list.

If it's in steam - it usually does, because of regional prices.
And if you know it was in a bundle - just make a ticket and report it. The more people report such cases the better.

3 years ago

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I reported that game long ago, don't worry. None of my 'add game to list' tickets have been processed so far though. The oldest is 8 months old so they might soon be getting to some of them.

Edit: Nice coincidence. One of my tickets just got processed 5 minutes ago. Yay. (It was about games that were available for 10k to 20k lootcoins.)

I'm curious, do regional prices put games on the bundled list? The standard Steam regional discounts for Argentina and a few other countries are so steep that even a modest 60% off or so would put lots of games at 95% or more off compared to US base price. It makes gifting unbundled games extremely risky. One would have to religiously check steamdb to avoid surprises. I know caring about CV is frowned upon but buying a 50 USD game for 20 USD and getting your real CV modified for it to 7.5 would be quite a bummmer.

3 years ago*

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I'm curious, do regional prices put games on the bundled list?

Yes, they do. It may vary from case from case (for example, if discount were short and there were no region-locked giveaways during that period - moderators may refuse to add it to list to not punish other givers), but usually they do.

I've made 19 "Add to list" tickets, all of them now closed, so have patience, hopefully yours will be processed too.

3 years ago

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Several just got processed including the one about Hitman: Blood Money. I apologize to all who bought it for levelling.

3 years ago

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Bundled doesn't mean that it get set to bundled.
The asked price for the bundle and the store price of the games are important for that.
As "general/around that rule" you can go with around -95% = will be listed as bundled.

3 years ago

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It was a classic bundle. You got something like 15 games for 5 USD if you purchased the tier it was in. Might not be accurate as I'm going off the top of my head. But it definitely was in the should be set to bundled category. Which it was just now.

Btw I feel like everything in classic bundles gets set to reduced CV lately even if the price isn't that favorable. Somebody cited a terrible IG bundle above in this topic that was only about 85% off but still sent the included games on the bundle list.

3 years ago

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In the end, bad that it took so long to handle this case but good that it got handled.
Better late, then never ;o)

Ps.: You pushed nvcstudent210 now 0.17 levels down.

3 years ago*

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Yeah, it's not much but I still feel a bit bad about it. If they had known about its misclassification they would have probably spent that 3 USD on something else, maybe a nice cheap game for themselves. At one point I also planned to spend my galacredits on buying games for SG gifting but then decided to save the galacredits up for many-many months instead and got myself a very nice game for 15 USD.

3 years ago

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Just in case, if any of your tickets will push me down too - don't feel bad about it, I'm fine about it. You did good by sending those tickets!

3 years ago

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