So many groups looking for "more gifters, no leechers". What incentive do I have to join your group and throw money at you?
I've always been lost with these groups. They try and try to get people to join them to give away more games.
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There is already a group like this - only better :p
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So people who are obliged to give away games on a monthly basis are true friends?
Or better yet: people who actively participates in the group but does not giveaway games are not friends?
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Like I said in the other tryout thread.
Well, I'm a nice dog who look for others dogs to chat and play with them, Also I'm active on chat and most of the time on the forum, I like to play with tennis balls, freesbes and other toys. Most of the time I'm trying to grab my tail everywhere (I'm feeling lucky the day when I get it) I really enjoy talk with others dogs, I sneak all around to hear gossip of the others dogs and talk about his problems like a psycology.
I have problems on this country with the economy so I can't pay for the best/more expensive games, so I hope I get an invite.
The dog of the picture is called Euforia (euphory mean) and she deserve it :3
Oh and I forget "because She is so cute, right? Yes you are. Yes you are! <3
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"You can not just leech and beg for gifts. You also have to be an active gifter, an active friend. If you don't follow this simple rule, you'll get kicked and you'll just simple disappoint us."
nice way of saying: me and my friends will take your gifts and not give any... smart but not smart enough
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Sorry, I'm out for today, I'll show up in about few hours. But just before I go I want to make a few things straight:
1) Why do you care so much about the name of the group? If I had named it "We're all gifters here", would it be better? Everyone know, that if you want to make real friends you do it... in the real world! I don't mean, that we care only about gifts, but come on! I mentioned, that it's a giveaway group, right? Just like Brattahs - you're active on our chat, talk with people and have an opportunity to win some games. Clear enough?
2) Why do you think, that we want to fool you? You can not be so mistrustful. We're not here to steal your games or such, I guarantee you that. But if you don't trust me my assurance isn't worth a dime. So, your choice.
3) To all you, candidates: I'll test you later this day or tomorrow. I'm kinda busy right now, but I won't forget about you.
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Hello, citizen.
Have you ever had ambitions? Have you ever wanted to be rich? Have you ever tried to become a part of something special, that would make YOU special? I bet you have. But I'm 90% sure, that you didn't make it eventually. I'm sorry for you. But I can also help you. Because now it all can change. How? I'll tell you how, with pleasure.
You see, my friends and I have a plan. A plan to make a little group of you more happy. And we want to to this, by making you an offer you can not refuse. Wa would like to invite you to join our little, intimate group, in which you will have a possibility to obtain new games, items and make new, valuable friends. Why do I call it intimate, though? Because only 50 of you will gain a membership. Only 50 of you, who will show, that they really deserve it. How can you prove, that you deserve it? By answering a few questions, that I'll ask you as soon, as you call for a membership. If you answer it, you will be fully welcome in our League of Extraordinary Gifters, called "We're All Friends Here".
But that's not everything you need to know. We give you a membership and our friendship, but we also want something in return. You can not just leech and beg for gifts. You also have to be an active gifter, an active friend. If you don't follow this simple rule, you'll get kicked and you'll just simply disappoint us. You don't want to do this, do you?
So, what are you wainting for? We paved you the way to the whole new, bright future. You just have to follow it.
And remeber: We're all friends here, right?
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