When I first pitched why I should take the Castel Sant'Angelo, the puzzle of the fictional Castel Sant'Angelo what was I suggested to Jeff. The rest just grew up from there.
There was a broken image in one of the questions, it was reported within 5 minutes of the puzzle going up and fixed within 2 minutes of that.
At 20:23 GMT on 17/11 additional text was added to the Bastion of Saint Luke to try to make the puzzle clearer.
At 12:00 GMT on 18/11, a typo in the numbers was found and fixed in St.Matthew's Bation. Some additional clarifying text was also added to that puzzle.
At 15:45 on 18/11 it was noticed that the fix that went in at noon also broke another part of this puzzle. So a more substantial fix needed to go in. This puzzle has now been double checked and really should be correct now.
At 23:30 on 19/11 seNs helpfully pointed out a point in the puzzle of St. Luke where there was some ambiguity, The puzzle was changed to remove the ambiguity.
At 7:15 on 21/11 seNs pointed out two typos on the four bastions puzzles, I had written, The Symbol of St Mark is a Lion, The Symbol of St Mark is a Bull, and the Symbol of St. Mark is an Eagle. Now it correctly says The Symbol of St Mark is a Lion, The Symbol of St Luke is a Bull, and the Symbol of St. John is an Eagle
seNs also pointed out a spelling error on the solution to St. Matthew's Bastion. It has now been fixed.
00:10 GMT on 28/11 nickchanger pointed out that there are a whole variety of different things that can happen with Alt+7 on various international keyboards. As such, I have felt that I needed to change the 3rd bulleted sentence in the bastion of Saint Luke. I apologise.
As of 22:30 GMT on 5 December, 67 people have entered the Castel Sant'Angelo
37 people have completed the Fictional Castel Sant'Angelo
10 have completed a visit to the Tomb of Hadrian
11 have completed a visit to the Papal Apartments
1 has completed a tour of the fortified castle with its bastions and ramparts and the angel at the top. (though 3 have completed Fortress part 1)
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General hints:
In at least one puzzle, the NATO phonetic alphabet will be helpful (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo....)
If it does not look like you have enough information to solve a puzzle, it is probably because you do not have enough information to solve a puzzle.
Hints for the Tomb of Hadrian:
Some people are confused about the order of podcasts. When I refer to the order, I mean the order in which they are broadast (eg, one goes out on Monday, the next on Tuesday and so on). That is not the same as the order in which they first started broadcasting.
Hint for the Fortress:
You did spot the acrostic didn't you. You really need to spot the acrostic. If anyone is unclear Dictionary definition of acrostic.
Hint for the Bastion of St Matthew:
No hints yet
Hint for the Bastion of St Mark:
No hints yet
Hint for the Bastion of St Luke:
The text is important. It says: "Listen to what these messages are saying. Something doesn't sound quite right." The use of Listen rather than Look is interesting, but what could it mean?
There has been some confusion about the line: A person who wishes to sing along, who knows the tune but does not know the words sometimes gargles. I have had multiple people suggest words that could replace gargles including yodels, and trills, but the word I was really looking for was HUMS. I regret the ambiguity in this line.
I hear that the first word in the text of the answer message is Caesar.
The enumeration of the answer phrase in terms of number of letters is 6 5 4'1 4 7 7 3 7. 6 9. (Though actually I have seen that last 9 letter word appear as two words 4 5 or even as 4-5)
This is the list of words that you need for the Bastion of St. Luke: See Sir Shift Marks Even Call Hums Four Ward Too Letters Han Surface Plant
This is the answer phrase for the Bastion of St. Luke (Open only if you are really stuck): Caesar shift Mark's even columns forward two letters. Answer: Face-Plant
Hint for the Bastion of St John:
No hints yet
Hint for the Angel Courtyard:
A core part of this one is to get them in the right order.
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I'm currently on The Tomb of Hadrian. Since there is no reference to the starting time and end time of the podcasts, when you say X months ago, could it be possible that the poscast has ended more than X months ago, or any months ago?
Also, when you compare the number of months, do you compare the both the numbers at the time referred (X month ago), or do you compare the past number of one with the current number of the other?
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Apparently there is a difference of which I was unaware between the " symbol on an American keyboard, and the " symbol on any other keyboard. I was totally unaware of this. I always get annoyed at bizarre formatting choices, and I try to be explicit about what formatting will be accepted. I have changed the puzzle from quotation marks to parentheses in an effort to solve this problem. I am very, very sorry.
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As for the podcasts, are all information in #1, #4, #7, #8, #11 correct? Because according to these each of the five podcasts was put out before another podcast, so there's none of them left to be the last one to be put out...
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ugh, so for example something that has been running for 5 months, could have started before something that has been running for 12 months?
edit: oh, it's the order in which they are broadcasted within any given month... I didn't understand that from the text...
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Solved two, the others seemed just too hard for me being tired. For the picture one I don't even fully understand what I'm supposed to do.
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Interesting... I've already replied... now it's gone.
Oh well, I said it's the mastery one and that with English not being my first language that most likely doesn't help either. But I gave up on that puzzle since i have no idea how to approach it.
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Ahhhh... No the Mastery problem is designed to be all but unsolveable without the 5 CASTEL words, which means that you can only solve it as the last puzzle in the Castel Sant'Angelo.
You get one word from the fictional Castel, one from the papal apartments, one from the tomb of hadrian, one from the lower fortress, and one from the upper fortress with the Angel.
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Ok. Well, I got a word from the fictional castel and I also solved the papal apartments.
The tomb and the fortress tour seem way too hard for me.
I'm trying the tomb one but I feel like don't really understand the task (what's the "order", the number of broadcasts? What's the oldest?) and as if I'm missing quite some data since I got 5 titles, 5 names and 5 hobbies but am missing an absolut number of casts for at least one and the info on the number of another one. Also, what immediately before/after mean, is it 1 month more or less? The confusion is real.
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Did the Fictional Castel Sant'Angelo. I never seen the first movie. Any good? I was surprised at the Dan Simmons question. Then I realized that I only read the 2 first books of the serie (which explains). Let see the other tracks...
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Thank you Sir for a great and interesting tour of Castel Sant'Angelo.
Only solved fictional Castel yet, but will come back later at least for the tomb of Hadrian.
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That confirms my idea about St. Luke but not being a native english speaker I'm afraid I'm just not able to hear what needs to be heard to solve this puzzle (until now my closest guess to the first word was "scissor")
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Hmmmm... That concerns me, because, with the exception of two words (including the first one), I thought that this should be gettable even for non-english speakers. Let me contact you in chat and see if I can figure out where I can improve it to make this work.
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In the ten words that are there, I now have C-C-C-N-U-U-U-U-C-N, where C = clear, N = no idea, U = unclear (i.e. I have a word but it doesn't make any sense to me)
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With some help, I already have the answer... I actually had the second word wrong (the ampersand line which Mikalye now changed) and it took me in a completely wrong direction...
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The problem with this puzzle is that some words you use as you find them, some you need to change according to what you hear.
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Bump for the first part of fortress solved; when I got the answer for St. Luke (which I can now see in the hints as well), the rest was pretty straightforward. Nice puzzles again!
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New hinting for the angel courtyard has been added.
I am not sure what more I can do for the Fortress part 1. A lot of people told me that I screwed up the initial entry point and made it too hard. So I very liberally hinted it (including giving the solution for one of the four parts). Now people tell me that it is very solvable, but since I initially made it too hard, lots of folks have given up on it. Sigh...
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They need to be solved in a certain order, starting with Luke -- solution of which has been posted in the hints already...
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The Castel Sant'Angelo (sometimes called the Tomb of Hadrian) has been many things: A mausoleum, a fortress, a hideaway, a museum… How a building took on such a myriad of roles throughout its lifetime remains a fascinating even today. Rome offers an abundance of monuments and sights rich in history, stories and legends, but Castel Sant’Angelo is one which truly encompasses the essence of the city’s transformation throughout the centuries.
There are 7 giveaways in this event comprising Always Sometimes Monsters, Towerfall Ascension, Dead Island GOTY edition, Broken Age, 80 Days, Freedom Force, and Freedom Force versus the Third Reich.
The event features an interlocking series of puzzles and quizzes. You need only complete a single part of the Castel Sant'Angelo to get this weeks landmarks code, and there are quizzy research bits and puzzle bits equally weighted.
You can complete all parts of the Castel to be named Master of the Castel Sant'Angelo, though the Castel is much, much, much smaller than the Louvre (about a sixth of the size).
Note: Collect the passcodes from the landmarks from this week to gain access to a train for week 6!
Schedule for complete event and access to weekly trains can be found HERE
The puzzle starts here
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