Well, it has finally happened, I've been blacklisted (and called a retard). The reason? I asked people to not just write thanks, but instead I said that if they wanted to post something, they should post a picture of a capybara.

So here is a silly game for silly reasons to blacklist people (And please don't just copy paste the same thanks, post something cute instead!)

9 years ago

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funny. went to your ga to see who he is only to figure out he's already on my bl...
thanks anyway for cabybara love. :)

9 years ago*

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It's understandable, especially if people give alot away, not wanting to get spammed with the you got messages notification by people saying thanks (noone ever bothered to have it adressed or made a poll to have that removed?). Although if people ask to post something else you get the same thing.

And somehow cabybara reminds me of a chupacabra http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/27/phylis-canion_n_3805887.html less cute though.

9 years ago

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i never know about those rodent. they look cute... pet urge raising

9 years ago

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They are awesome! I don't think I'll ever be able to have one as a pet though, due to where I live :(

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Don't sweat it. No matter what you do, you'll always upset somebody :)

9 years ago

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level-3 "one day for ched-ception". LoL
ask people to say other than thank you, I think, its one of a good way to "filtering" nice people from rude people. keep it up.

9 years ago

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There were enough level 3 people who did not already have the game for it to get 115 entries! The game itself does not "look" that bad, but it apparently has some big issues that will never be solved.

9 years ago

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well, from now on, you should focusing yourself on 114 entries with non-thank you comment instead thinking about random rude guy on the internet (SG). by focusing on that, we'll realize that there still more nice people on the internet and forget about that random rude guy soon.

I feel so old for commenting like that #orz

9 years ago

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Here, a kiss to make you feel better!


9 years ago

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I have whitelisted you and I am calling you accelerated. Hopefully it will help to cancel some of the negativity that you received.
Here is a capybara which went to sleep while using a turtle as a taxi. I was told that they still haven't reached their destination yet.

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9 years ago

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Well, if you have been blacklisted for asking people not to say 'thanks'; then I deserve it too, because I have put that in a number of my recent giveaways. I usually ask people to share their appreciation in a different way. IE: posting a meme, gif or sharing a joke etc. Then, I at least know they appreciate the giveaway and are sharing a smile with me.

9 years ago

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fuck them.

9 years ago

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I guess you should have asked for Pangolin pics?

9 years ago

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Interesting thread there.

Whitelisted for your blacklist.

9 years ago

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how do you post pics

9 years ago

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when i first found this site i posted thanks on each of the giveaways i entered, it seemed the polite thing to do, then i gave away the steam keys i had laying around and saw the flood of messages just before the give away ended, often same person same word on every give away (i dont like to accuse but i have my suspicions some use bots and are going for all give aways not just games that look interesting) so i decided to only post if i had something to say.....
so far i have entered tons of giveaways and not won a single one, i do wonder if since i dont say thinks people are rerolling assuming im ungreatfull lol

9 years ago

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I suppose it's their right to blacklist you just as it's yours to make a simple request like 'Don't spam my inbox with generic thankseses.' Certainly weird but there are a lot of those types of folks out there. Sounds like maybe a not-so-nice person anyway; like you said, I think you're better off.

9 years ago

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Pretty new here, so what is the point of saying thanks on a giveaway? Do people just do it to do it or is there a reason to comment on giveaways?

9 years ago

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Being nice, something that went out of style it seems.

9 years ago

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Thank you! I saw it so much I wasn't sure if there was some sort of ulterior motive or not.

9 years ago

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I find it funny. It used to be "don't say thanks and you'll be blacklisted" now it's "says and I assume you're a bot and you're blacklisted" hahaha Where as like me I'd manually type it in every damn time. Whatever though, stay classy SG.

9 years ago

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People like to feel like they have power with this whole blacklisting bullshit, I've ranted about it many times before. I've stopped posting here as often specifically because every time you post your opinion, you're at risk of some butthurt betty who can't defend his opinion just blacklisting you and moving on instead of actually trying to question you or defend his own opinion. I know the blacklist topic in particular here is for lowering the inbox spam from "thanks" scripters, but the entire concept of the blacklisting feature in general bothers me. Like 90% of people don't know how to use it.

9 years ago

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At least you weren't called a BloodlustBitch
Stand up soldier ;)

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9 years ago

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Yeah I think I saw a giveaway like that few days ago
And I'm thinking there will be so many people that couldn't read this words
Yeah exactly xD
And they got angry because they can't read

Here comes the Capybara

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9 years ago

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Don't feel sad. Here, take this

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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