i know that feeling (although i only own ~100 games). i'm trying to get through my whole backlog of linear games, tho.
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I've been trying to get through my backlog for a few years now but, thanks to bundles and Steam sales, it's growing quicker than I can finish 'em off.
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i just recently found bundles (unfortunately), and that's quickly becoming the case for me as well.
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Same problem.
I am trying to stick with Dead Space 1 atm and finish that up, then move on to another.
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The first Dead Space... Man, I wish I could go back and play that for the first time again (I know it too well now). Had a perfect setup back then with an actual gaming chair, my 5.1 surround sound system, and a perfectly dark gaming room... Scared the crap outta me!
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I've had a problem with not enjoying what I was playing in the past. My fix is to try a genre I don't normally play.
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I'd try that but the only genre I don't really play is sports... And considering I hate 99.9% of sports games with a passion... Yeah...
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Surely you must have some you don't focus on?
And Tony Hawk's and similar games included in that? There are still some great games to try.
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In german there's a saying "Wer hat die Wahl der hat die Qual" which translates literally to something like he who has the the choice has the pain. No that that doesn't make that much sense but it's meant to imply that having a lot of choices can actually be a really sucky thing. And that's the boat you're in, no idea where to start so you don't really want to start anywhere.
I've had and still have the same problem, but in my case I also spend a fair bit of time with other media like movies, TV or anime and even books. And usually something from that other media will trigger a particular gaming desire and then I'll play that game so it's not that much of a problem for me anymore. The only advice I can really give is to move between the genres you like, don't just stick with shooters for instance cuz then they'll feel all samey and more like a chore, rather switch to RTS or a Racer after you've finished one to take a brake from them. And then switch back as soon as you feel the urge.
This type of "strategy" has a draw-back though, it leads to tons of partially played incomplete rather than unstarted games because you jump to a different game whenever the desire emerges rather than forcing yourself to finish one. But it provides the greatest amount of gaming enjoyment for people in our position.
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I'll have to commit that saying to memory. I love it. It's so fitting.
I don't quite think my OCD would let me start and just stop tons of games... But maybe I just need to play a couple very different games at the same time? Maybe switch between three or four until I start to finish them off? I don't know. I'll have to think about that though.
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Yeah perhaps just try 2-3 very different games at a time.
I also never intend to actually just abandon games it just happens. Suddenly watching anime is more fun or perhaps real life intervenes and then 3 days later I find I haven't played the game at all anymore and then when I get my gaming time back/finish the anime suddenly there's something else that looks a whole lore more appealing and before I know I'm playing that all the time and haven't played the other game in 2 weeks and then an almost endless cycle of that happening over and over again leads to all the unfinished games.
Worst of all is if I buy something new then I just want try it for a bit and see what it's like and I fully intend to finish the game I'm on though and not play the new one, just test it for an hour or two, but before I know it a week has gone by where I've spent every possible second of free time I've had on the new one and haven't touched the old one nor do I feel like going back to it. Then when I force myself to go back to the old one I end up bored with it and just faffing about not actually playing the game the way it should be played and not enjoying the game anymore so I don't try to fight it these days and just go with the flow cuz it's better that way.
And the only time it really sucks having an unfinished one is if it was a really intricate game where once I come back to it later I don't remember how to play at all anymore and have to start completely from scratch....or if the next games in the series release and you can't play them yet cuz you still have the finish the previous one (that is the very best time to play the old one though and I usually finish it fast then).
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That... Actually sounds a lot like me... Hmmmm...
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Just happens. Lately I found myself playing more multiplayer games (CS:GO, LoL, BF3) and not even launching single player ones despite willing to play good stories.
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I'd likely be wearing out my mouse and keyboard with an MMO and some multi-player FPSs, if only my internet didn't have a 5GB bandwidth cap.
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I have had the same thing for two-three years now. Except for me even when I start the game and force myself to play it I still lose interest really fast and it ends up feeling almost like a chore to go back to the game... even though I do like the game. I keep buying new ones feeling like it's going to be different with this new one or that new one. Of course it never is. I'm just going through a game lull I guess. Meanwhile I keep spending more and more money on games... I just keep feeling like I'll find one that will get me out of this lull.
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I have that problem. I own a lot of games, both physical and digital, that I've bought since they were cheap. Since I've had some collect dust for years, I've just sent them off to people I've gotten to know online. NZ, Aus, US, UK, hasn't much bothered me. Knowing someone is now playing them made me happy.
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I get like that. I say if you enjoy the collecting, there is nothing wrong with it. It really isn't any different than collecting other things. You look at them, they make you happy. You get the advantage of playing them, when you want to. You can't say that about many things you can collect. When you get in the mood, you have them. If you aren't, they will wait. You will probably swing back to wanting to play them, someday. It can take a long time, but it will probably happen.
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I own 89 (I used to own a stable 69 just a few weeks ago) and yeah I can safely say haven't even gotten to properly playing half of them yet. If you find a game you're hooked to just keep playing that game until you get bored, then switch over to a different game. I have exams now so I am not playing, but when the holidays come only god knows if I will be able to play them all at least once...
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I used to go through this and just take months off at a time. After my last time off, which was 7 years, I think I am done with long lapses. My suggestion is to keep a lot of games installed at once, including basically everything from quick to slow paced, casual to hardcore, etc... Keep the variety up and just play whatever you are most in the mood for. If you can vary your gameplay right off, then when you go through this you will have an easier time finding something.
I will play any type of game, so now I figure it will be really hard to get myself to completely quit. When I don't feel like playing games that much, I just play something casual to keep my brain active. For example, right now I don't feel like playing much, but I have been playing 10,000,000 and 7 Wonders: Ancient Alien Makeover. Both are casual games that can be played for a few minutes at a time. I keep going in and out of the games. Eventually that will wear a bit thin and I will get in the mood to go back to something with more substance.
It might also be depression. I suffer from both ADD and depression, so it isn't always easy to figure out what is causing this need. The only real difference ends up being that depression is usually triggered by something that you can trace back to. Otherwise, either one will end up pushing you away from gaming, sometimes. My advice is to simply not leave all the way or it can be hard (For some people, at least) to go back.
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Yeah I have that problem all the time, I've got over 500 games I haven't beaten (steam and console combined) but I only ever feel like playing a very small portion of them. I've been hoping to set up a gamie review blog which I think would motivate me to play them all but I haven't had the time.
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im the same way, i am on the comptuer 16 hours a day for the past few years now.... and it used to be gaming all day.... now even though i wanna play games so bad i cant get myself to open a game and play...
its a pandemic thats starting to irritate me... there are so many games i wanna literally play so bad..but after installing... i just...dont.. i look at them every day and say "i wanna play it" but i dont open it v__v
wish there was a way to fix me
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The only game I am hooked since the announcement of it is Assassin's Creed... Anything else, well, I've been forcing myself to start playing them.
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What you described made me remember of what happens to me when making music.
Maybe is procrastination.
So a couple of tips
·Go to take a walk, to take the sun or just rest for a couple of days. Don't force yourself to play, it won't work.
·Start a game with a motivation, for example, a friend who could play with you coop or multi.
Have a nice day :)
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Actually, you know, it's funny. I forced myself to start Dead Space 3... And once I did, I got completely hooked.
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I've got a 5GB a month bandwidth cap. If I deleted my games now, well, It'd likely be years before I got them back.
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It's a IRL depression trust me bro :( :) backlog etc xD . How to combat it - Start finnishing the tv series & games you started & left unfinnished then proceed with others ;) .
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Unfortunately, I have the same problem.. Lately, the only game I'm able to concentrate on is Civ 5.. I tend to look through my games for about 30 minutes and load Civ 5 while trying to decide and end up playing that all day lol not exactly sure why that game specifically, but I guess there are worse games to be hooked on lol..
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I'm having a case of gaming ADD or something. Games are my life, pretty much all I do in my spare time, yet every time I've sat down to play one lately, nothing looks appealing. I currently own 562 games that I haven't beaten, so you'd think that something would grab my interest. But nope. I know that I want to play a game, I just seem unable to pick...
Now, I forced myself to start Dead Space 3 the day-before-yesterday and, after playing about fifteen minutes of it, I was hooked. I played through it in two sittings. I had to force myself to start it though, and that's the problem. Once I did, I was great! Up until that point though...
I don't know if I've got gaming-specific ADD, if I'm burnt out, or maybe I'm getting depressed? Bleh. It's annoying though.
This ever happen to anyone else? If so, how have you combated this effect?
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