Do I owe them?
I was worried I would somehow be given a -rep because he would feel like I scammed him or something at the time. (Again I was a trading newbie so one -rep does a lot to a few + reps.
On another note: I also think if somone gets permanently suspended the -rep should go away (I got scammed recently and they -rep me then later got banned because she scammed more after me) (that I blame myself)
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What the fuck. You should have unfriended that guy as soon as he started blaming you for not giving back for his gift. Heck, it was very inappropriate to demand anything after giving you a gift. Don't feel guilt for unfriending such a jackass, OP.
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My answer is simply my bills are paid and that's all that matters.
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Such toxic people are not friends... should've blocked him the moment he kept going on about it. So what if he -rep or even revoke the Total War? I'll rather have peace of mind than dealing with such a toxic person that tries to guilt trip me over a supposed gift.
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It's probably worse than a scam... heck, you can't even call such people leechers, that'll gives leeches a bad name since at least leeches don't guilt trip you. To me, guilt trip is the worst offense of all
Such toxic entity, just block them and forget about them..
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lol what a jerk, even if he is not a scammer he is kind off a piece of shit for bugging you so much about a decision he made, id remove him if i were you.
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Well, I'm no expert but if I buy a gift for someone, I don't ask anything in return, or try to make them feel guilty so they will buy stuff for me later...
And I think there's a big difference between "a friend" and "a person on my Steam friend list." Friends are people you want to see, not people you dread talking to. If talking to someone makes you feel icky, I vote for "stop talking to them."
I suspect if you gave this person anything, they'd just ask for more... You don't owe a video game to a random stranger... Life is too short for that nonsense. :)
Years ago, before I was a game buying lunatic, I had someone offer me some keys that they got for free from alienware & dlh and some coupons, and hold his virtual hand out, expecting something in return... Maybe I'm just a big jerk, but I said no. :)
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Thank you!! I have given tons of games out to my friends (because I remember the feeling of having a game given to me as a gift from a steam friend for no reason) and whenever I give a game to a steam or real life friend that does not trade and might not know much about trading so I make it clear that it is a present and i don't need anything in return.
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i would just send him a copy of the same game he sent you back and block him and move on or just block him and not send him anything ether way next time he says hes not your friend just remove him and say your friends list is for friends,life is to short to deal with people like this.
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Either way he still gave it as a gift for free and imo he was totally in the wrong to come back and try to make you feel guilty. Also again was a pretty shitty move to try to get you to buy him the more expensive game instead of asking you to buy the same game he gave you IF he was going to ask for it back, kinda screams planned imo
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I agree with posts above, a gift is a gift (and is a really kind and unconditional act) but what he did was something completely different. I would have removed him from my friend list a lot sooner than you did. If I could get myself a cheap copy of the game he gave me, I would return it to him just to feel better, but otherwise I wouldn't bother. You didn't do anything wrong. :-)
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He was just irritated that he missed out on a trade. Someone like that isnt a true friend. A true friend wouldnt try to make you feel bad for their loss/mistake. You dont owe him anything, and I wouldnt feel bad in the slightest unfriending. Fuck him
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oh btw the word you were looking for was Traitor (the backstabbing kind)
(located right after ur first paragraph)
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Twice I received gifts from one friend on Steam, we used to play together. I really didn't ask for it, just mentioned it was one game I was interested and would buy it sometime, then she gifted it to me. Never asked for anything in return, but I still gave her a couple of games some time later. We actually never managed to play those games in co-op but, doesn't matter. She got a bit of too much work to do and didn't come online as usual, disappeared for 1 year. Worries me if something happened. For me it's how friendship works, not placing value or how much it's worth for a GIFT.
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I was a trader (not the game trading kind, the kind that turns on somone)
Do you mean 'traitor'? Or am I missing something here.Sorry, don't want to be rude but I'm just wondering.
Anyway, you definitely don't owe that person anything, they themselves wanted to give you a gift, it's not like you told them to give it to you. It's understandable that they were upset if they missed a good trade, but that's by no means your fault. In my opinion, if they had really been honestly upset over it, they would've asked you if there was any way you could give them that same game back so they could do the trade, and asked this only because you had already mentioned your intent on buying the game yourself before this person decided to gift it to you.
Their entitled attitude is horrible and it's really petty and manipulative of them to keep mentioning that for months, so you shouldn't feel at all guilty for unfriending them. Even if you had given them a gift during Winter Sale, they would not have changed their view of you and you would've still remembered always what sort of person they were. They told you that you aren't a true friend because you didn't gift them a game they wanted, but you should know that they weren't a true friend for trying to mooch off of you.
As someone who has had to deal with people wanting stuff from me I tell you this: Don't feel guilty, try to forget that leech. :)
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No, you are not a traitor. Just stop and think about this for a minute.
Imagine that you are friends with someone. Would you, as a friend, give a gift only to ask for "payment" for that gift, later? Would you call your friend stingy and a liar just because he or she wasn't willing to spend the last of their money on you? Would you, as a friend, lay a guilt trip on your buddy to force him or her to do what you want against his or her wishes? Would you then talk badly about your friend to other people? Would you threaten to take punitive action against your friend?
Seriously, none of that sounds like a friend. That is the behavior of an enemy, not a friend. Such a person cares only about him or herself and has no concern for you or your well-being. You shouldn't be feeling guilt, you should be feeling embarrassment for allowing yourself to be duped.
P.S. (As a general rule of life, anything given as a gift belongs to the one gifted, to do whatever he or she wants with it, even if that means throwing it away.) [Edited for clarity.]
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"Anything given as a gift belongs to the one gifted, to do whatever he or she wants with it, even if that means throwing it away."
Yes, but:
@OP: As others have said that person wasn't a real friend. It's a hard lesson to learn but it's better not to surround yourself with people who constantly try to drag you down. That doesn't mean it's always happiness and sunshine between friends but in the end they will support you no matter what. Think about what kind of person you want to be and then go and search for such people to surround you with. You deserve to be treated the way you treat others.
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This does not apply on giveaway wins on SG. (Not directed at you Khalaq, just to prevent confusion and "support said it's okay".)
Yes, yes, you are right, of course. SG has specific rules about what a gift recipient does with his/her gift.
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So one year ago I did a trade with somone and it went well, we stayed added and talked, played awesomenauts and such together. Maybe around a month of being added I was looking for a total war game, it was Napoleon total war or empire total war. My friend wanted to play it with me that afternoon so I was a bit in a rush and nobody responded on my comments yet. I was talking to the awesomenauts trader/player and I mentioned that I was trying to get that, he mentioned he had it and was willing to give me the key to it, (for free!! I was really happy! Normally I'm the one giving games away to my friends like that!) I was in a great mood, unknowing of what will come in my future. I downloaded it on time to play with my friend and we had tons of fun, a day or so later the awesomenauts trader came to me and seemed in a bad mood, I was worried about them so I asked what was wrong, they said i would not want to know (or something like that) so i insisted anyway (like any friend would trying to help). He said that somone commented on his trade offer for the game he always wanted, Dungeon of the Endless. And that that person wanted the total war game that he gave me. (To me that looked like it would have been a scam because a Dungeon of the Endless is worth a lot for than that total war game). Anyway, he then asked me how much money I had on steam, I said what I had and it turned out I had enough to get that Dungeon game, I thought about it but my parents at the time were extremely... Let's say they did reasearch on ANYTHING before letting my buy anything. I remember trying to convince my parents to let me get Minecraft... Yeah... Anyway, (btw the Minecraft thing was before I had steam but they did do reasearch on anything back then at the time of this story) I knew they would not be very happy with purchasing games on steam store then sending it to some stranger to them so I told the awesomenauts trader that I would not be Abel to do that.
That's when it all started...
When I told him that he did not believe me, he went on about how friends give gifts to each other, and that I was a traidor (shout out to people who helped me find that word), he blamed me for him not having the Doungeon game, he thought that I just did not want to buy him it, he never forgave me.
Months, even a year after I try to talk to him about unrelated things he would always mention that I am not a true friend, I would always be stressed while talking to him so I avoided talking to him, a few months ago I asked if he wanted to play gmod with me sometime, he then said tha he is not interested in that game and even if he was he knew I would not ever gift it to him because of the kind of person I am, again, making me feel guilty about the game he gave to me as a present. He seems to think I owe him and that I'm a liar and makes me feel guilty. I get annoyed and stressed whenever I see them on my friends list because I will feel guilty or annoyed. Nothing positive about them being there.
During the more recent gmod talk I partly (did not promise) that I might get them somyhing during winter sale just to get them off my back but I can't stand them anymore... I decided to unfriend them today.
Posting this and talking about it does help me calm down :/
This could have been avoided if they updated their trade post. We may still be friends.
If I can find some quotes of him I screenshoted I will add them, (they made me guilty and acted like it was all my fault and I lied) Even though I did not :(
[Edit: Fixing tons of weird spellcheck errors]
Edit: I actually did offer a few gifts it he did not want those...
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