So one year ago I did a trade with somone and it went well, we stayed added and talked, played awesomenauts and such together. Maybe around a month of being added I was looking for a total war game, it was Napoleon total war or empire total war. My friend wanted to play it with me that afternoon so I was a bit in a rush and nobody responded on my comments yet. I was talking to the awesomenauts trader/player and I mentioned that I was trying to get that, he mentioned he had it and was willing to give me the key to it, (for free!! I was really happy! Normally I'm the one giving games away to my friends like that!) I was in a great mood, unknowing of what will come in my future. I downloaded it on time to play with my friend and we had tons of fun, a day or so later the awesomenauts trader came to me and seemed in a bad mood, I was worried about them so I asked what was wrong, they said i would not want to know (or something like that) so i insisted anyway (like any friend would trying to help). He said that somone commented on his trade offer for the game he always wanted, Dungeon of the Endless. And that that person wanted the total war game that he gave me. (To me that looked like it would have been a scam because a Dungeon of the Endless is worth a lot for than that total war game). Anyway, he then asked me how much money I had on steam, I said what I had and it turned out I had enough to get that Dungeon game, I thought about it but my parents at the time were extremely... Let's say they did reasearch on ANYTHING before letting my buy anything. I remember trying to convince my parents to let me get Minecraft... Yeah... Anyway, (btw the Minecraft thing was before I had steam but they did do reasearch on anything back then at the time of this story) I knew they would not be very happy with purchasing games on steam store then sending it to some stranger to them so I told the awesomenauts trader that I would not be Abel to do that.

That's when it all started...

When I told him that he did not believe me, he went on about how friends give gifts to each other, and that I was a traidor (shout out to people who helped me find that word), he blamed me for him not having the Doungeon game, he thought that I just did not want to buy him it, he never forgave me.

Months, even a year after I try to talk to him about unrelated things he would always mention that I am not a true friend, I would always be stressed while talking to him so I avoided talking to him, a few months ago I asked if he wanted to play gmod with me sometime, he then said tha he is not interested in that game and even if he was he knew I would not ever gift it to him because of the kind of person I am, again, making me feel guilty about the game he gave to me as a present. He seems to think I owe him and that I'm a liar and makes me feel guilty. I get annoyed and stressed whenever I see them on my friends list because I will feel guilty or annoyed. Nothing positive about them being there.

During the more recent gmod talk I partly (did not promise) that I might get them somyhing during winter sale just to get them off my back but I can't stand them anymore... I decided to unfriend them today.

Posting this and talking about it does help me calm down :/

This could have been avoided if they updated their trade post. We may still be friends.

If I can find some quotes of him I screenshoted I will add them, (they made me guilty and acted like it was all my fault and I lied) Even though I did not :(

[Edit: Fixing tons of weird spellcheck errors]
Edit: I actually did offer a few gifts it he did not want those...

8 years ago*

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Do I owe them?

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Yes, that's how gifting works.
No, there is no reason to expect something in return

He was not your friend.
He tried to be cunning and receive fairly new game for a bundle key using your feel of guilt.

Rather shady but effective marketing strategy - good that you didn't fall for that :D

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8 years ago

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Yes, you owe him a punch to the face :3

8 years ago

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You do owe him a debt of gratitude. You don't owe him the game he wants though. Gifts are not something the receivers choose, but the givers. :P

8 years ago

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Think on the positive way of this. Now he taught you how to be a blackmailer :D

8 years ago

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Extortionist, not blackmailer. Different concepts. Extortion is the general term, referring to attempting to obtain something through coercion. Blackmail specifically refers to extortion based around the promise of not revealing damaging information on that individual.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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trader / traitor - everyone is a bleeding heart liberal teenage drama queen these days - most likely a scammer.

Charity vs forced Charity - your situation is much like liberals - we'll give you free welfare now and when it comes time to vote we will call for you to return our charity with your vote.

Tell your "friend" to go suck Hillary Clinton's dick (he probably works on her campaign).

8 years ago

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Why on earth you kept him on your friendlist for so long? World is full of people who think that if you "gift" somebody something, now they owe you something else in return (not unlike "I buy you dinner, you let me in your bed, kay? - hahahaha, no" scenario). They try to guilty you if you don't act the way they wish you to, but, unless you asked/demanded a gift from them, you should just ignore them and forget about them. Even some scammers work in a similar way.

8 years ago

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I don't know in what world you are living, but every time I gift something for my 2 year old nephew i expect him to gift me back.

Gifts are gifts because you are not expecting anything in return. You are giving them because you want to and maybe because it brings you joy when your present makes someone happy.
If you retroactively want something in return, I'll just return the gift to you and probably ignore you for the rest of my life.
I don't have time nor will to deal with those kind of people.

8 years ago

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If a Friend gifts You a game and then he demands something in eturn then he is not really a Friend... Especially when he asks for that directly like he did.
Don't care about him and forget about that situation. You've done your best and it's good You have finally removed him from your friendlist.
Don't worry, be happy! :)

8 years ago

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Seeing this story, it looks like he's a dick. Don't feel bad about removing him. I'd have done it a lot sooner.

Also, he really wanted that game and is still angry about it over a year later? Kind of childish of him if you ask me. It's not like that game is very expensive or something...

8 years ago

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That guy seems a follower of Spanish first minister: he said once β€œUna cosa es ser solidario, y otra es serlo a cambio de nada"
Translation would be something like ---> One thing is being solidary, and another thing is being it without getting anything in exchange (yeah, spanish people vote this kind of stupidity) Just delete him from your friend list and be happy

8 years ago

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Wow... and I thought my president was stupid. He famously said during his first months "les pido un respeto respetuoso" / "I ask of you a respectful respect", and after a couple of years he's still ignorant enough to speak of "homes that consume 99 kilowatts of water"

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8 years ago

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I think they studied on the same school xDD

8 years ago

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The solution is simple.

Give him Bad Rats.

8 years ago

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no, remove him immediately

8 years ago

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that I was a trader (not the game trading kind, the kind that turns on somone)

You meant "traitor". But anyway don't feel bad, he either was just frustrated at the whole thing or he wanted to make you feel guilty and buy him the game yourself! :P

8 years ago

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Block and remove, they're not worth your time. Clearly the dude is just init for himself, a real friend gives and expects nothing in return.

8 years ago

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Don't worry about it, you did nothing wrong. If someone gives you a game and you promise that you'll give something back later, that's one thing. But him giving you something, then regreting his decision and guilt-tripping YOU because of his bad decision is just plain stupid. I think I had similar experiences when I was maybe in my early teens - if you two (especially him) is considerably older and still behaves like that, seriously, block him The inability to accept his own choice and still blaming you for it after years just pushes this to even scarier dimensions. Trust me, you don't want people like him around yourself in your life.

8 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by eep.