"I use to write generic "thank you" like you, then i took an arrow to the kneel "
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Well the thing is, everyone who has ever signed up here came for the chance at free games. The community and friends you make here is just an added bonus, and it's a matter of preference.
You can choose to be active, or spam useless topics, or be a lurker, or a leecher. Fact is, none of them are against the rules.
Some people just like to giveaway games to people who are active like them, sure why not. If you don't fall into that category, well then carry on and move on. You don't lose anything. There are still tons of public giveaways that are open to all. Same thing for contributor giveaways.
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Also, it's worth realizing that the reason they ask for a ratio is often not because they want people who spam a huge number of comments, but because they don't want people who spam entries to as many giveaways as their points can afford. In other words, you're focusing on the "maximize comments" side of the equation, when I think that many of those groups are at least as focused on the "minimize mindless giveaway-joining" side of it.
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I always give a personal thank you when i have won something and have almost never posted in the giveaway threads.
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Awwwww... bobofatt all grown up. I remember when you had comments < entries.
And then you started spam farming after joining support!
Wait... Do ticket responses count as posts?
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Wow, you ticket response spammer! Down with spammers! Stop exploiting post counts!
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Let us shoot for 20k, then will we be super members, any year now.
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Commenting is a courtesy. Sure it may be mindless but so are courtesies performed in real life. 5 extra seconds from a person is appreciated.
Also, by similar logic, would not the thank you that you receive from the person who won also be mindless? Because it really is in my opinion. Sure, I'm thankful of my wins but did I really have to say it for the gifter to assume that? Granted, if it's something I wanted highly it'll show. But when it's something you want but not so urgently, do you expect someone to bs emphatic joy?
The rule is simple and has been discussed numerous times; it's to help find active members that you would want to spend time with and appreciate gifting to. It may not be a perfect metric to determine how social a member is but the rule itself is generally a guideline more than a firm requirement.
Generally getting invited into private groups occurs through one of three ways:
Find a new group with few barriers
Be active on the forums and befriend other active members
Make awesome giveaways and become noticed for your generosity
The ratio really isn't that ridiculous. At first it may seem like a lot but considering on an average day (prior to the humble weekly P shower) a day would get you anywhere between 150 to 300 P, enough for 5 to 30 giveaways a day. On average it will be 10 to 15 entries. That's 10-15 extra comments on the forums a day for a 2:1 ratio. Not really that hard imho.
If you have few comments currently but many entries, it will take time to change that ratio but as previously mentioned, it's not even a strict requirement for groups.
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It's not about it being hard, for example, each time i leave to do something (work, shopping, family, friends, etc), i come here for 15-30 minutes to get in giveaways and spend up all my points, some other times (like now) i get attracted here like a damn magnet and can't leave this topic be, CLOSE IT FOR THE SAKE OF MY RATIO, IT'S GETTING TOO HIGH FOR MY TASTE.
Also i only read the last paragraph, don't be pissed (was bored).
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Lol, you argue a point without reading everything said. That's like shooting someone cause you heard FIRE but the captain said "Hold Fire!".
You come here for a quick peek to enter a giveaway; you could also quickly peek to comment in a thread. If you don't comment on threads, how should people know you even spend time on the forums?
P.s. - I don't provide an opinion to be right so no reason for me to be upset ;P
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I think the difference is that giveaways are ALWAYS worth entering while few topics merit the time taken to track down something worth commenting about. I'm inclined to say it has something to do with general age and the lifestyle enjoyed by different segments of the population (that's my nice way of saying that kids are often yappy), but I wouldn't be surprised to be wrong.
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You can always create your own thread as well. If there are few things worth commenting on, make something worth commenting about.
Perhaps you may not like to comment on more trivial matters but that's fine. If you aren't yappy in general, people shouldn't expect you to be yappy in a group and some groups are built around social interaction/yappiness more than others.
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Oh, I totally agree with what you're saying... I've nothing against groups having their own cultures or desires or anything like that. I think it's more that it seems like a very common thing lately (I may not post much, but boy do I lurk when I can't sleep!) to decry others here for having a poor entry/comment ratio.
I can't say much about your comment on creating a new topic. You're right and it's also not really in my nature, haha. Good talk :)
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I suppose the commenty to entry ratio is the easiest way to build a community. It's like an interview; people are hired based on how well they might fit according to what little the employer manages to see.
I don't think the community is here to reprimand less active members but rather less active members are confused as to why there are such demands from groups.
Anyone can make a group but where's the fun in a group built purely on mandatory giveaways? They get old and boring and it becomes a race to see who can profit the most from the "giveaway lottery". People with fewer games will be able to enter for more group giveaways while people with more games will enter less (eg - Exists in Your Account) and then they become disheartened at how little they're getting back from the group in comparison.
Hope you enjoy my thoughts. Cheers :p
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Like i said, i was bored, see posts above.
But there are better things to do than constantly check for threads each time i want to get in giveaways, which takes less than 5 minutes, if i jump into threads i might stick around from 30 minutes up to a couple of hours, i usually avoid this because i want to do other things than typing down replies that come in a couple of minutes and go in a couple of seconds. (see what i did there?)
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I'm with ya. I don't bother commenting unless I have something to say about the giveaway.
It's good that giveaways have a comment section but many of them just don't need it. For any giveaways I've done I care about a simple thank you from the actual winner more than 1000 thank you's from people posting it on everything.
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the only reason i comment is that when I made my own giveaway i found out you could be rerolled. I figured people are kinda elitist and if I don't have comments they'll think i'm a spambot/lurker/noob/*current term for not nice*
I'm not new to the internet. I have forums I visit already. I just honestly don't have time to become known here. I think that's a bit much to ask considering the very focused direction of the website (towards giveawys) trying to tell me that the culture here is based on coming here to communicate with like minds doesn't work because the site isn't designed that way. The reason you could find me active on SiteA and SiteB is because those sites are designed to encourage me to make a home there.
I love SteamGifts and all but at it's core it should/has been/likely will always be about doing efficient giveaways. There's nothing wrong with that, but until I can do simple simple things like subscribing to topics or get alert responses. I just don't have that kind of time. I comment enough to avoid looking like a lurker (I even do more than just 'thank you') but ain't no body got time for more than that.
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alright I'll believe you seeing as how you are in a better position to know.
I'd just like to point out the hilariously suspicious reason #6 - "Other"
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There's always something weird that can come up. Have you done a re-roll before? A ticket gets sent to the moderator team, which is then approved or denied by us. We will never re-roll a ticket for "Other: Doesn't have enough comments", "Other: I don't like the way he smells", "Other: He gave away a bunch of Darksiders and Red Faction". There always has to be a valid reason.
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well shiver me timbers. HUGE brownie points to you. that appears to be literally the only option in the menu besides the "Network" that I apparently have never clicked.
That actually does resolve almost half of my issues with SG right there. Kinda with it had a bloody light but the fact that it's there is better than not having it.
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It's true that there's many improvements that can be made with the forums etc but they'll come with time. The site is run by Support which are all volunteers. It's true that SG isn't the optimal place to have discussions on random matters but it's a good place to find and discuss new deals as well as talk about games and participate in events or puzzles for giveaways.
Hope the option makes your stay more enjoyable. Cheers!
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Also SteamGifts Plus Plugin will mark threads you've opened and tell you how many new comments there are from the last time you've viewed it.
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I do use SGP but that doesn't address the issue of being able to find a response to your post. If you respond to me and I come back tomorrow all SGP will say is that 68 new posts have been made no way to find the one that was a response to me. View Replies does that and that's the more valuable aspect.
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now this is exactly what i'm talking about. MDuh is making a reference to another thread and there's no way for someone like me who doesn't know what MDuh is talking about to find out without just reading all the current threads.
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Typing "MDuh" in the forum search box brought up the thread instantly.
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+1 comment here, only 3000 more to go to catch up
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If you're posting in someone's giveaway, you should normally be saying something more than just the "thanks" that everyone posts as if they think it's going to improve their chances of winning or something. Otherwise, your post is utterly pointless. The only time I ever put up a "thanks" post is when I see that there are little to no other comments already there. I feel that the user giving away something deserves a little expression of appreciation and if I don't see other posts, I'll do it myself.
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I think it is rather pointless as well. I'd rather have a crappy ratio than to go and spam every giveaway I enter with a pointless thanks. I'll thank them if I win when I get the key or gift copy. I'd rather have a crap ratio and my comments have more thought behind them than "thanks".
And I'm definitely proof enough that commenting on a giveaway does not increase chances of winning. My comment:entry ratio sucks, yet my wins is nearly double my estimated wins.
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"I'd rather have a crappy ratio than to go and spam every giveaway I enter with a pointless thanks. I'll thank them if I win when I get the key or gift copy. I'd rather have a crap ratio and my comments have more thought behind them than "thanks"."
So, based on what you said I think the implication (and I feel this is the case in reality) is that the best possible solution is to post meaningful comments and earn a good ratio that way? It's really not hard at all to post meaningful comments on giveaways, I've never settled with just a simple "thank you" (beside maybe my first few giveaways I entered), it takes a little more time, but not that much. It's not hard at all to spin a comment off a giveaway description or if that fails, something about the game (like why you're interested in it is a surefire way to make a more meaningful comment since everyone should hopefully have a reason for wanting the game they are entering for)
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Yeah, if people get a good comment to entry ratio and are always saying something more meaningful and not just spamming, then awesome, nice to see someone that active in the community. I know the few times I comment on a giveaway is usually when I found a new game thanks to it and I'll let the giver know that I appreciate that and wishlisted it. Or if the giver puts in a comment like "tell me a favorite band" or something like that, I'll answer it to show I did read.
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I mean its just mindless thank yous anyways.
The ignorance is strong in this one. So..........................if someone has more comments than entries, what does that mean? Ummm let me think about it, they actually take part in the forum?
What you fail to understand is that there are two ways to contribute to this site. One is in the form of giveaways, the other is forum activity. Even after reading your edit, I still don't think you understand. Someone who has more comments than entries is someone who is on this site for more than just winning free games. It shows that they are part of the community in more ways than one. That they care about more than just their own selfish desires.
Using that logic, a better ratio will almsot always indicate how courteous someone is. I want courteous people in my group.
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Because I don't post a mindless thank you for every giveaway I enter does not mean I am not courteous. I Appreciate Every person who gives away a game on this website. I am not however going to personally thank every single one of them.
The only time I ever post a thank you every time or start a discussion is when it is a group giveaway. It's a much smaller audience where you have a chance to actually get to know the people you are thanking.
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So you have to actually know someone before you should thank them?
It takes 3 seconds to type a thank you. I usually include the giveaway creator's name so that whoever reads it knows that I actually bothered looking to see who has made the giveaway. 99% of the time no one will even read it, but at least I did something, so I can personally feel better about that.
I've had this argument so many times before and it always boils down to laziness. "There are so many giveaways so I can't be bothered to write thank you in every one of them." You can hide behind the excuse that it's "mindless", but that soon wears off. During my early days on this site, whenever I saw someone else who had put a thank you, it inspired me to put a thank you too. I wanted to show my appreciation for someone for creating a giveaway for a bunch of strangers. We take giveaways for granted nowadays with all the bundles flying around, but it's still someone giving something to people they most likely will never meet/get to know. That counts for something, and a small thank you is the least that can be done.
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I don't understand why some of these groups require a high comment to entry ratio. I mean its just mindless thank yous anyways. Who makes a giveaway on this site and then constantly looks at it to "enjoy" all the mindless thank yous people posted? I could care less if I got a single comment on any of the giveaways I create. All I would like is the personal "Thank You" from the person who wins.
I truly thanked the people I have won gifts from. Even chatted them up a bit as well. That's what matters, not mindless comments on your giveaway.
Their Group, Their rules. I understand and that is totally their right. I just don't agree at all with that one rule when implemented.
I Understand community/forum activity but if someone has thousands of entries then the ratio thing becomes kind of ridiculous...
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