That is merely an assumption you have made and placed on everybody else. It is not restricted to work only in one direction. Personally I assume that anyone who did not thank me after winning, did not truly want to win the gift to play. They merely wanted to win something and thus stole the chance from someone else who would have loved to play it.
In my view, such people should not win giveaways created by me and thus I try to exclude them.
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so you're saying you spent $60 on a really tight budget to giveaway a game to a complete stranger, you receive 5000 entries and not a single person said thank you or even commented when they all had the chance to that there is no reason for the gifter to feel even a little saddened that not a single person could take the time to thank them for spending their hard earned money to make a giveaway for them? I mean, if I was in that situation, I'd feel like the entire gifting process has been dehumanized and it would feel like I'm giving away my money to robots.
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Well, I am coming from an old school perspective (this is the same argument I made before bundle games were giving away, IN WHICH THIS WAS STILL AN ISSUE, even when people were spending money on gifts with the specific intent of giving them away, not just giving away extra copies). To also prove you wrong, I have $1somethingsomethingsomething in contributor value, although I've never had a job in my life, have no fixed income, make less than a few hundred a year (half of which is from monetary gifts for holidays and the rest some from oddball one day jobs I do for people), yet I still buy games, entire copies of games, for the sake of giving them away.
"And if you feel you give away money to robots, many people use addons that automate the thank-comment and enter giveaway-process with just one click ... and you talk bad about non-commenting robots while you symbolize the one-click people as thankful humans which are the actual real robots."
So can you prove that everyone who says just "thank you" is a bot? I highly doubt that, but if you have some conclusive evidence to prove me wrong I'll concede the point. In fact I agree that using a script is, hmm, not good, and I'm not "symbolizing the one-click people as thankful humans," my mistake though, I did mean for it to be implied that comment meant actually comment yourself and not use a script.
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I haven't thanked on any giveaway page yet... but I do thank when I win
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Some people post "thanks" even when the contributor specifically asks people not to. If people would really want to be cortious, they could at the very least read the contributor's comments.
I don't post thanks because I dislike it on my own giveaways. They are a damn nuisance to go through to find the actual comments and questions. I don't feel appreciation at all when people just post mindless "thanks" or "ty" for no reason (if you win, you have a reason to thank me. Don't thank me for giving you a 1:1000 chance to win something). A "thanks" written by habit is meaningless and doesn't IMO reflect the person's actual gratefulness. It's just a pointless habit.
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keep in mind that this site serves people of all nationalities and not everyone can speak English, it's very easy to figure out how to say "thanks" and post it on giveaways you enter. That being said, there are still some people who completely miss the point and don't even read the descriptions, and shame on them, but that doesn't mean everyone saying thank you falls into this category :P
also it's somewhat presumptuous to assume that just because you don't like to see thank you's means that no one else does. also you've only one giveaway that has had more than one full page of comments, and even then, it's not hard to find the real comments during a quick scroll down, an entire sentence stands out like light and day against lots of "thank yous". i've had plenty of public giveaways with lots of comments and never felt like it was an inconvenience to find the real comments (admittedly not as convenient as if there were no simple "thank yous", but still not inconvenient)
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quite often people who dont care to spend 5 second to write simple thank you under giveaway wont even spent 1 minutes on writing you THANK YOU when you will give them the game.
and its not about thanking someone for a game that you may not won, is thanking someone that he CREATED A GIVEAWAY
even more, the highst contrib value the bigger ammount of thanks, wondered why ? because people who giveaway games know that the person who creates a giveaway at least deserv simple THANK YOU.
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"I could care less if I got a single comment on any of the giveaways I create. All I would like is the personal "Thank You" from the person who wins."
Clearly what you think is the most important thing, and everyone of differing opinions should be drawn and quartered.
Believe it or not, some of us like to thank people for spending some of their own money to giveaway a game, because to some of us it's touching that people are able to give selflessly to others, regardless of whether we win or not. I personally say more than a simple thank you, but I don't think it's fair to scoff at people who do just say "thank you". Would be rather depressing if there were thousands of entries and not a single "thank you," would almost entirely dehumanize the gifting experience, would feel like you're giving away games to robots.
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But that's what it feels like now reading the "Thank you"s. They're very obviously created by scripts (and therefore robots); superfluffykitty always posts
for example.
Sure, your opinion is important, but so is mine and the OP's.
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"Sure, your opinion is important, but so is mine and the OP's."
The reason I said "Clearly what you think is the most important thing, and everyone of differing opinions should be drawn and quartered." is because he's taking his own opinion on thanking and making it a justification for his not posting thank you's on giveaways, he's making the presumption that EVERYONE thinks like he does and thus it's execusable and justifiable for him to not thank others on giveaways. In my response, I'm not assuming that EVERYONE wants to be thanked, but if you aren't sure whether a gifter prefers or doesn't prefer to be thanked on the giveaway page with a simple "thank you", that (and this is a proposition, not stating it as fact so you don't misunderstand me even more) you have more to lose by not thanking them then you do by posting a simple thank you.
So using extreme examples to accentuate the point, if two gifters giveaway Bioshock Infinite and each get 5000 entries, I would propose that in general, it would be more saddening to the person who likes to get thank yous and gets 0 comments than it would be to the person who doesn't like "mindless" thank yous and gets 5000 comments that are just variations of "thanks".
That being said I hardly think all variations of the "thanks" comments are user scripted, SFK indeed has been doing it forever, and I could go on about what I think about SFK but I doubt that would be prosperous to the state of my account on this site. There are definitely quite a few other people who are using it, and it definitely is defeating the point (just like people who are too lazy to even scroll down to the comment box and post it and just piggy bag on the first comment). The idea is the thought behind thanking someone who has spent their own money to give a game to a stranger, if you're doing the most efficient method of thanking (using user scripts, piggy backing) because you feel as if thanking is some social expectation that you have to uphold just because, then obviously there are problems. But if you're simply taking a few seconds out of your time selflessly to thank someone.
It is my opinion at any rate that if someone is genuinely thanking someone, albeit a simple message like "thank you" then at least respect them for doing so. Obviously if they are using a script or something just to save them the hassle of having to be courteous, there is something to object to, but generalizing the situation and saying everyone is using a script is erroneous and just that--a generalization.
In closing, I'll just say that at no point was I saying my opinion is more important than that of people who hold beliefs like you or the OP, quite the contrary. In fact I'm actually proposing it's important to consider every single persons perspective (every single gifters whom giveaways you enter anyways). Generally if "thank you" comments seriously offend someone or they find them very annoying then they say so in the giveaway, but very few people mandate you to say thanks, why? Because in most societies being courteous is the norm, so when most gifters don't specify whether they want to be thanked or don't want to be thanked in the comment section, I propose that it's a much safer option to just thank them. This is of course assuming you're actually attempting to do the morally right thing and to be as courteous as you can to the gifters sensibilities. If you just want to say "I don't like thank yous, so I'm not giving them out to anyone" and totally disregard what message that may send to the gifters, then go right ahead, you're entitled to do that.
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That does not make all of the comments script generated. About only 1-to-10 entree even posts a comment in the first place.
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Title is completely correct. Comment to entry ratio is not a requirement for public giveaways and is thus not important at all.
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I don't understand why some of these groups require a high comment to entry ratio
Well, beign private groups they can put any requirement they please. There are many other groups around, if you don't like them
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I agree with the OP. I do not post 'thanks' in the entries it is thoughtless to an extent. I ignore them on giveaways that I create. I have noticed a few people do not reply to my email after I send them the giveaway code. The only reason I know they have received the email is that they mark the code as redeemed on here :) That is just rude as it is a direct contact with someone, not a forum post.
If a question or comment interests me I will reply, but I will not say thanks on every giveaway I enter :)
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I don't understand why some of these groups require a high comment to entry ratio. I mean its just mindless thank yous anyways. Who makes a giveaway on this site and then constantly looks at it to "enjoy" all the mindless thank yous people posted? I could care less if I got a single comment on any of the giveaways I create. All I would like is the personal "Thank You" from the person who wins.
I truly thanked the people I have won gifts from. Even chatted them up a bit as well. That's what matters, not mindless comments on your giveaway.
Their Group, Their rules. I understand and that is totally their right. I just don't agree at all with that one rule when implemented.
I Understand community/forum activity but if someone has thousands of entries then the ratio thing becomes kind of ridiculous...
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