That they buy games as a gifts during Steam sales and sell them in mid-period between those sales? How do they retrieve money from Steam wallet or do they just leave money in Steam wallet just there for further purchases?

What is the deal of having money in Steam wallet when you cannot spend it nothing else except games and related items?

I bet however when people gain enough +rep or authority they will be trusty in Paypal transfers what for me will make sense.

Although if I had to earn money on Steam I would create workshop items or develop good greenlight game.

8 years ago

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What is the deal of having money in Steam wallet when you cannot spend it nothing else except games and related items?

Profit. They can buy more for their initial investment.

As you said there are ways to cash things out.

Although if I had to earn money on Steam I would create workshop items or develop good greenlight game.

I think it requires much more knowledge and skill to create something like that rather than learning how trading works. If I am wrong on this one correct me.

8 years ago

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I think it requires much more knowledge and skill to create something like that rather than learning how trading works.

Not only that, but it also takes way more time. And you need to have an idea and make it so that people will actually play it.

8 years ago

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There were some "devs" who made jewels like "Uncrowded" or "Voxelized", which are literally Unity assets copied from one of their websites. However it didn't disturb them to put these game into Steam store.

So yeah, unless you wanna have negative rating of players review, knowledge is the key in developing good game.

8 years ago

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good greenlight game


"Uncrowded" or "Voxelized"

I don't have to point out the obvious on that one.

The question is how much did they actually sell?

8 years ago

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Of course I don't encourage to repeat their mistakes.

Just checked "Voxelized" and now it's free lol.

8 years ago

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Yeah so that was not a valid argument based on your main post.

Yep. I still would like to know the sale numbers on those crappy games since it doesn't give you anything to have a game on the store if no one buys it ^^

8 years ago

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This might give you some information since there is no entry in Steamspy:

Game cost 0.99 in the past.

8 years ago

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No it does not since the dev himself already gave away 5 523 copies.

Thats why I said sale numbers and not about the numbers of people who owns it/ played it.

8 years ago

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Crappy games will be giveaway this way since nobody plays them :)

8 years ago

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You forget about trading cards.
I bet that in case of such "games", "devs" earn from cards similar amount of money or even more than from sales.

8 years ago

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I didn't forget about it I just didn't mention it, but yes you are right on that one.

Its a "good" way to game the system but valve should put a stop at it.

8 years ago

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Add cards and put it for sale for under 50 cents and there are enough people buying.

8 years ago

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Unless you got actual sales numbers it isn't a valid argument since you cant be sure about where people got the game from.

8 years ago

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What I was trying to say is, no matter what a pile of crap your game is.
If it has cards and is cheap enough people will always buy it.

If I remember correctly from the "Journey of the light" discussion someone threw in 4digit numbers And there were a lot of people which bought it for full price.

8 years ago

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Not everyone can develop a game. Or design anything. Trading is the best option, and yes, we buy games during sales for discount prices and sell them later for more, the money received is used only in Steam. But it's better than spending money everytime, it's like saving your money by making more virtual money.

8 years ago

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I've traded a lot, either to get games I want to play personally, or to give to friends, or to sell later down the line. Others have done better, but I've sold keys and games for PayPal for $100+ transactions a few times. It's not a full-time thing for anyone, but it's not a bad turn for unwanted bundle items and on-sale games. But then, of course, I discovered Steamgifts and started just giving things out.

8 years ago

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Yep, it's usually like that. Buying games during sales and then selling them after the sales, in order to get profit. We usually sell games for keys or items or games. For example, if I'm going to sell a games for keys, when I get the keys, I'll probably sell them in the market to get steam wallet. Having a steam wallet means you can buy games and items. Why's that bad? By trading, you get free money and then you can buy free games. :P Yep, if you get a lot of +rep, you can do paypal trades as well.

8 years ago

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"Yep, if you get a lot of +rep, you can do paypal trades as well."
Especially "I +rep you, you +rep me" comments are the most valid. Right x D

8 years ago

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What do you mean? :P If you've made a trade with someone and you're both happy by the way the trade has been done, you can +rep each other. That way, if someone gets a lot of +rep comments, then he will look more trustworthy in the eyes of the other people. The people that make "I +rep you, you +rep me" comments, without even doing a trade, don't really get a lot of +rep. :P But I've seen steam groups making giveaways, asking for a +rep comment in their profile as a requirement to join the giveaway. And that's shitty. :/

8 years ago

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I have never seen that fashion with +rep pass to the group, but I can tell you that I have seen many CS:GO community members who post recently:
"Please comment below my profile one of the following:
+rep great trader
+rep trusty trader
+rep fast trader
+rep trusty paypal trader

And I will +rep you too!"

They pop up in the most viewed/best rated contributions past week on Steam to be seen by the most users.

Despite all these scams I used to attend in CS:GO trades on CSGOL and some people traded crates just to get couple +rep comments for free... so that means if you idled about 30 crates or smth you were able to collect quite nice "feedback"....

I also grabbed popcorn once for a blatant scam, where the guy collected +rep comments, which were some kind of entry payment for his knife giveaway. It was great feeling watching all these clueless people crying about the giveaway which never happened... Once the date came, the guy made his profile private to prevent post deletion and that's it...... I wonder how many people believed in his "reputation" when trading with that scammer. :)

8 years ago

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Don't mess with keys (I should though, re: just making it harder on myself), but after a while you get a feel for the games that don't go on sale so often. Well, isn't too difficult, really.... as it's the publisher's decision. example: qvadriga being in a bundle was "Mind Boggling" (laugh) given that slitherine is the publisher there. also, that slitherine sale they had a few weeks ago, is something you wont see often. maybe twice a year, if you're lucky. But, then, the majority of games they publish are relatively niche war-game titles (many w/ that "old schoo"l hex style). My guess is the sales don't matter that much for their regular target consumer. Makes a bit more sense when you also realize that qvadriga is a bit of an oddity amongst their holdings. =p

How many do you own? Not that many, probably... unless you're a fan of the genre.

.... and then on the other hand, you get the publishers that go on sale every other weekend --- I'm sure I don't have to name some of those.

I can name one publisher that I try to avoid.... that being 'AJ Tilley'. I believe they (or he?) is rebranded as 'Dharker Studios' now cough

ed: cheap games & marketplace.. man, it's killing me that I can't remember the name of this game... it is/was a 6 card set (maybe I'm mistaken about that, tho? could have been 5, 7, or 8 cards), & was the first game I can recall that I ever saw under 10 cents USD on Steam.... but the guy was smart.... this was back when sets were going for about 60 cents each... he'd drop his game down to 9 cents or something for a week, go back up to $1 or w/e normal price was, drop it back down to 9 cents, over and over. it was really rather brilliant. was before gun monkeys, spacechem, hero of the kingdom, & the 'second wave' started. ah, well. anyway, i reckon that dev discovered it was possible to make a lot more money from the marketplace than from selling his game. consider that probably 50% or more of the people are listing in 'high value currencies' (uh, I guess I'll call that AUD value or higher) -- even those 0.03 listings snatch 0.01 AUD for developer. the neat thing for Steam/dev is, that the 'high value currency' person can either be the buyer or seller. if they're selling the item, then they lose this fee upon the item being sold. if they're buying the item, then they're essentially paying this fee by not being able to bid less than 0.03 AUD. so only when two 'low value currency' regions are involved in a trade, is when the dev may not get a decent chunk of money. prior to gems, at least. i suspect nowadays the floor is around 0.01 USD (10 gems), possibly down to 0.0075 or so.

anyway, carried on a bit too much again. basically: all these cheap trash games, they can make more money from marketplace, than from selling actual game. though i did notice steam appears to have implemented some policy about those 10 cent games. i think i've seen one or two titles below $0.49 USD (US region) in last.... 6 months? i think this 0.49 thing is true for EU and UK also.

8 years ago*

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Assumption about trusty Steam is the biggest mistake ever made. Everybody needs to pay attention at things, which involve money.

Thanks for nice input!

8 years ago

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Implying all traders do Gift Trades.

8 years ago

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Trading Steam gifts doesn't have the power or profit potential that it used to, because there are too many outlets for buying games now. No one has to put up with paying exhorbitant prices for anything anymore with the endless number of bundles and sales at places other than Steam. Most games on Steam are too expensive, even with a sale, by that I mean, that Steam's sale prices are no longer competitive with third-party distributors of keys.

8 years ago

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Wise words. However, some people might just trade for fun or scam and don't care how the world changes.

8 years ago

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Although if I had to earn money on Steam I would create workshop items or develop good greenlight game.

I hate to sound rude or anything, but that's a pretty ignorant thing to say (and I don't mean this in a disrespectful way).
Doing either of these things requires massive knowledge, efforts and work, and has high chances of failing rather than getting a successful outcome. Trading is hard work, but doesn't require as much resources and knowledge to be rewarding.

8 years ago

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IMO it will never give you as much outcome as doing one of these things. I barely believe that anyone can work for a living by trading.

8 years ago

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Trading surely won't support you well enough to live. Traders do what they do as an extra to fund their gaming needs, mostly.
Attempting to get a game or item on Steam is very risky since it's liable to fail unless you worked extra hard on it. It would have to be crazy popular to support you financially.

8 years ago

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Infinite trading would guide me to nothing less than collecting more and more games, which will be waititng long time until I install them, so it's not rewarding for me at all. Hell.. I'm near to 100 games and think I have to many of them. Huge percent has never been launched.

8 years ago

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