What you use as alternative?
It changed, split really. Google Wallet is just the money transfer service (POP service). The commerce side is now through Android Pay. Together they have the same functionality as the old Google Wallet.
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We don't even have that here any more. Now it is plastic... which tends to melt apparently.
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I was gonna say, just because scammers use Paypal doesn't mean the others are any better...
Webmoney is notorious for being used in ransomware scams, along with bitcoin, because of the difficulty of tracking the currency which makes it essentially anonymous. Paypal is actually one of the most secure options because of charge backs and payment delays, along with account verification measures and other security features. Honestly, looking for an alternative to Paypal is like looking to an alternative to sunlight; yes, you can get light, but it's not going to be as bright or cheap or effective.
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Thats a very biased opinion. (nothing against that just telling) I for myselves tend to stay away from Paypal out of the issues that can arrise with it if you are on the money-receiving end.
If the question is to move money on the internet. Bitcoin & alikes are the only things that are really the way to go. PP itselves causes too much problems and frankly i despise the company even but thats unrelated to my real world experience. Or to use your words... it might be sunny at times but it has quite deep shadows too. As for Bitcoin usage... as you probably need more service than pure transactions - so you prob. need something like that https://btcrow.com/ (disclaimer: i have not used their service yet so i can't tell own experiences with them)
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PayPal is built to protect the buyer, not the seller. Receiving money over PayPal is always going to be risky, but keeping good documentation should protect you from abuses. Bitcoin is in my opinion much riskier, because you have to either deal with it yourself with no ability to charge back or you have to use a middleman, which in my research seems to be much more risky than PayPal.
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Thats about right. Being the buyer is on the much better position. Thats fine if you deal with shops & the likes. But the topic creator was asking about trades. If the scammer opens up a dispute and the customer support has no real insight what happened the outcome could be unfortunate. The scammer will try to pass as a falsely accused victim.
While the best thing would be to use steam gift / valuables only trading (you got valve support in back hand). The next best would be bitcoin over an escrow. Money to be released only if you get what you expect. What exactly did you find when you said "its much more risky" using those services. After all its reputation. Those services stand and fall with it. Can they allow themselves to do bad work?
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I mean, screen captures can give you legitimacy in a PayPal transaction, so being careful about paperwork can protect you. But I digress...
The issue with escrow is that it's equally vulnerable to abuse; what if the scammer says they never received anything or that they delivered and didn't? Ultimately, I'd rather have PayPal arbitration (with screenshots) then trust an escrow trade.
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I'm not sure what the objection is here. Are you avoiding Paypal because you think you'll get scammed? Or are you avoiding it because scammers use the service?
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Too many scammers use Paypal...
That's funny, in my 1000+ paypal trades i've run into exactly 1 scammer and paypal even fixed that incident for me.
Sounds like you're either attracting scammers with what you're offering or your prices are so ridiculous that only scammers bother to contact you, either way you'll be even less protected with any of the other options, there's a reason everyone uses paypal and that's because it's safer then any alternative.
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PayPal is the most legitimate one, good security system, credit, refunds, for example. The problem doesn't lie with the payment method, it lies with the person making the payment. Make sure you only make payments for legitimate services, Steam, e-bay, etc... I have used it for years, and never had a problem. There's a reason it's one of the best online payment methods and widely used, because it's very good. I have never even heard of any of the other ones, they don't sound reliable, or legitimate, and I doubt they are very widely accepted as payment methods for online purchases.
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Paypal is safe if you are paying.
If you are selling is a PITA, chargeback (even a "legit" trade) is a joke
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Bitcoin payment is irreversible = no chargeback (but it's harder to cash out in real money)
Skrill should be good too
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Did you have any bad experience with Paypal, or what makes you think that too many scammers use it?
You only get scammed when being dumb, not when using Paypal.
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Sorry, but I had to take a look at your account: "YOU ALWAYS GO FIRST!!! I dont care about your 356218 pages of rep!" - You know what's wrong about this? With only 27 +rep, none of the high repped traders will go first. If your are talking about Steam profile rep, you are right, but you will scare most of your potential buyers. Oh BTW mostly scammers (and people below 14) write everything in full uppercase and 1+ exclamation/ question marks.
And if I'd have to analyze you, you fear so much from being scammed, that you doesn't have any belief in people anymore, so you set up a lot of strict and unneccessary rules. This will attract more scammers, just saying.
BTW I've been trading different stuff for more than 2 years now. I've used PayPal, cards, and even Steam Wallet. I've completed more than a hundred trades, and all with positive outcome (both for me, and the other half).
Now, after this long comment, just to answer your yuestion: If you don't want PP, ask for keys (TF 2/CS:GO/Dota 2). They are an almost always eual currency, and if you want to get money quickly, you can always sell some on the market or Pay... well, let's stay at market, but you will get 15% less, because of fees.
I'd say: Use PayPal, but screenshot every conversation, and be a bit more open :)
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silver is the real deal, gold is a bloated piece of shiny shite metal;
unless you stocked up on gold, then you "have to believe" lol
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You have to admit that gold is more chemically stable, though :)
Edit: Noble gasses. Helium for the win.
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wouldn't argue with that, without even looking it up -
as for someone who'd use it as a "hard currency"
to get a picture: google:
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Too many scammers use Paypal...
So what is best and most popular alternative?
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