I'll just post Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons, because apparently a lot of people cry during the game.
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I got it in a bundle myself. Well worth the purchase.
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It really felt too forced at the End - they where pretty subtle during the whole game and had a great atmosphere - but at the moment most people apparently cried it felt at if they tried everything to make you sad - which didn't really work for me, too
that said it was still a great game just because of the atmosphere it delivered
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Ending Spoiler. I think the ending was awesome, I don't think forced, just unwanted by the player. You spend hours mastering using both hands working together like brothers and then one is taken away from you. It actually impacts you physically. I loved it.
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I did not cry, but I found it to be really great! Couldn't stop until the end. Played it all in one afternoon.
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no wonder you cried at the end of mass effect 3, it was fu**ing bad! :D
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+1 It's.... oh by creepiness
but the end... this song started to play in my head
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+1 Limbo made me feel really uncomfortable for some reason... I played it for an hour or so because my brother recommended it to me, but every time I died, I wanted to stop. I figure I should try it out again to see if it still affects me the same way but I haven't had the chance.
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Heavy Rain. IT'S RAINING TEARS! (Can we use ps3 games? ^^)
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Hmm either not many people played Heavy Rain or you are all heartless bastards!
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we can talk about Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons or to the moon and both a awesome games
but valiant hearts is just "wow"
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inb4 Barbie Dreamhouse Party!
But really, though, I loved the feelings behind "Gone Home". I know it's not considered a particularly emotional game but as a mom to little kiddies, the story behind "Binding of Isaac" kind of broke my heart and made it hard for me to play for quite a while.
edit: Oh, and pretty much every Final Fantasy ever made (particularly 8 and 9, IMHO).
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+1 on Gone Home
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I didn't think Journey was all that great. I really need to play The Last of Us before anything gets spoiled.
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Journey. Dear god, Journey.
I don't own a PS3 but I stayed over at my brother's place one night and he said "Play this, no seriously, play it", and sat nearby to watch me play it and see how it unfolded on my playthrough. An amazing example of 'games as art', given that it actually entertained while it did it's art thing. I imagine this can depend heavily on what people / partners you find though. I had one that stuck through the entire game, after losing one to a disconnect near the start. I ended up being the guide and big-brother figure, as my partner had horrible luck with certain predatory creatures and not knowing what to do (and got lost in the snowstorm at one point and had to be guided back).
It's amazing how powerful something can be without the use of voice. Ico and Shadow of the Colossus excelled on this premise, and Journey hit it solidly too.
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Personally, Bioshock Infinite made me feel quite a few emotions.
I know that most people disagree, and many dislike the game, but heck. Everyone's different.
Also, apart from To The Moon...
Dust: An Elysian Tail, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Limbo, Spec Ops: The Line, Papo & Yo and Eternal Senia all made me feel emotional. Note that I don't necessarily mean sad when I say emotional. These games just had a little something about them which made them more than just a simple game.
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OMG, Dust: An Elysian Tale... that game was tough as nails at points but that story drove me on.
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I thought the game was fairly easy. Mostly just mashing the attack buttons. The combat was appealing and satisfying, though. :D
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Dark souls
Oh w-wait.. I mean a lot of people did cry when playing this game xD
Portal 2's kinda leave me empty
I mean I need more! SPAAAACEEE
Portal 3 confirmed? xD
Also there is a great horror JRPG called the crooked man
The story was "a bit" emotional too :)
MGS3 & 4 huh
MGS 3... I'm just really sad at THE BOSS moment :(
MGS 4... If only Ocelot you know, at MGS 3 maybe this won't happen (Well, he's a good guy but his way to do things just... uh)
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Please don't hate me, but I didn't like Bioshock Infinite's ending. I loved the whole game up until the last 20 minutes.
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It's inevitable. As soon as time travel or alternate dimensions are used as an element in the plot, the ending or some random story twists will be utter garbage due to the writers overreaching and then using the silliest of conclusions. Which is a shame really.
As for Bioshock 1, all I got out of that was a boring shooter with zero emotional impact~
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Bioshock Infinite SPOILER warning: I think matthew matosis gave a very good review & critique of the problems BioInf's story has, he mentions a lot of stuff I did not find convincing myself during the game, especially how the time travel stuff is handled. So it is more a pretty shell than a very emotional experience for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdNhwb7iuI4
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Silent Hill 2 if you want to feel truly alone and isolated, depressed with regret and guilt, surrounded by horror.
Spec ops the Line is almost like a horror game, with a great story.
Bastion and Transistor are pretty damn good, music really makes the moments but you need to listen close for Transistor.
Bioshock infinite has some great moments.
And of course Planescape:Torment, I do not have enough words for it, just one sensory stone can make you cry easily let alone rest of the game.
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To the Moon, of course ^__^
Definitely The Walking Dead, both seasons.
Cognition: An Erica Reed Story
The Swapper (amazing story with some deep meaning behind everything)
The Longest Journey
Ghost in the Sheet (I couldn't stop giggling, despite the circumstances)
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Viscera Cleanup Duty. I always imagine the tragic circumstances that occurred while I'm cleaning up the leftover body parts. i cri evrytim.
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To The Moon, is overrated. My pick is Gravity Ghost.
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To The Moon is definitely at the top of the list.
Bioshock Infinite as well
The Mass Effect trilogy (Specifically ME3, and to avoid spoilers I'll just call it the "Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong" scene).
Spec Ops was also pretty powerful.
Those are the only ones that come to mind
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+1 for Spec Ops: The Line, although story and gameplay clash a little in terms of authenticity, but if you can get past that, it is really great. The MADNESS! :D
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I had forgotten about all of the things that happened in ME3 and then you did this to me.
The worst part is, right after that happened I went back to the Citadel and the "He was not praying for his soul, he was praying for yours" happened. It was heart wrenching.
Seriously, don't read this spoiler until you've played ME3
Fuck you, I said seriously. If you're legit, continue. When I found out Tali can commit suicide if you fuck thing up with the quarians/geth, I died a lot inside... Someone showed me this video and I'm pretty sure I let out a little yelp at it
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csgo... when you are in team with a premade of 4 russians ?
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I feel you.
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I just played To the Moon for the first time, and really loved it for the emotional story. What are your best emotional games?
Mine are To the Moon, and the Metal Gear Solid series, particularly 3, and 4.
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