Title says it all: what was your first car? How many driven kilometers did it have, how much did it cost, how long did you have it (if you already have a new one), etc etc :)

So, I bought my own car ~7 months ago. BMW E46 318Ci Cabriolet (2004), which had 134 000 driven kilometers and a price tag of 10 000€. Saved money for five years (summer jobs) and it was totally worth it, loving that car. Could have a bigger engine but oh well, next car then. Can't wait for summer, it's just so amazing to drive with the top down.

edit: Since everyone is sharing pictures of their cars, might as well show my baby

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9 years ago*

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2001 Ford/Mercury Cougar V6, bought with 190K km for 1500€ (includes repairs)

9 years ago

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1985 Oldsmobile Cutlass, white with maroon interior, and whitewall tires. It looked similar to the one in the attached photo. :P Don't remember the stats but it was probably around $1000 USD and I had it for a year or so until it started to have problems. It was cheaper to sell and replace than to repair.

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9 years ago

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Mine was a 91' v6 3.1, I still miss that car :b

9 years ago

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1989 Chevy Cavalier Z24 Convertible. Had approximately 90k miles. Don't remember what it cost me but it was less then $2,000. Had it less than a month and it was totalled by an engine fire :(

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9 years ago

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Nice looking car! Sad fate though :(

9 years ago

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We bought us a Mitsubishi RVR from the mid 90's last year.
Just short of 200k on the clock for 35% cheaper than I was willing to offer, and it had just had a lot of stuff done to rejuvenate the engine. (belts, seals, thing-a-ma-jigs)
Yes, I am not a pimp like the guys above me ^^

9 years ago

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Still commuting! Public transportation FTW!

9 years ago

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Hehe nice! Public transportation here is pretty bad as I live in a small town, so car is a must-have. And well, I've always been a car fanatic ^^'

9 years ago

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Yeah, over here the public tranportation is pretty bad as well, but I can't afford a car atm, so I have to make do. But because of that I take 3 hours over what could be done within 1 with a car...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Cadillac cts 3.6 2005

9 years ago

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Ford Fiesta MK III 999cc (1990)

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9 years ago

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Well, my first car was (and it still is) my dad's car, a brand new (back in 2006) Renault Clio 1.5 DCi, I received it last summer with 105k.km and now it has ~118k.km but now I'm saving for my own car, I have like 8k. euros and I'm looking into 2010 VW Passat Variant R-Line...

9 years ago

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1969 Oldsmobile Cutlass 442 with 455ci Rocket, 4 speed M22 Muncie Rock Crusher transmission, and too many to list other aftermarket parts.
70,000 miles paid $1200USD in 1983 kept for 10 years, resold for 2000USD

9 years ago

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probably worth over 20k now... Nice.

9 years ago

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Not being all original probably not, engine, rear axle and transmission all harvested from other cars

9 years ago

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Oh yea, that'll beat the price up some to collectors.

Still a cool driver though, so still worth a bit

9 years ago

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I'm too young to have a car XDDDD Can't answer your question :( :D

9 years ago

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Haha, answer when you're old enough ;)

9 years ago

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Corsa b 1.7 D 190k km
C3 1.1 petrol 74k kmkm / Zafira B 1.9 Cdti 80k km

9 years ago

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Chevrolet Monza GLS 2.0 1995... Can't remember the mileage. Best car I've ever had, except the lack of air conditioning.

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9 years ago

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Well, it has windows, so that wouldn't be a big problem right? My parents never had a car with air conditioning, but with the windows cracked open (at least on the smaller roads), it was bareable.

9 years ago

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use a car without air contitioning in a country with 32ºC in a very fresh day feels like to walk in a oven xD
I'll not die of course... but it is extremely uncomfortable sweat like a pot lid...

9 years ago

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Ah, yeah that's not nice. It only get's that hot here in the summer and not all the time (but when it does it's terrible).

9 years ago

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Corsa b 1.7 D 190k km
C3 1.1 petrol 74k kmkm / Zafira B 1.9 Cdti 80k km

9 years ago

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Cadillac Escalade

9 years ago

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Daewoo Cielo 2001 inherited from my parents, drove it for ~9 years
Now I have a BMW 528i F10 that I bought 2 years ago

9 years ago

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Oh boy, loving the F10/F11 5-series. Looks so damn agressive. Still, gotta say that E60 might be my favourite 5-series. Would love to own an E60 M5 some day.

9 years ago

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Ah that e60. Also my fav. series. I would be happy even with diesel engine, M5 would be too much.. :D

9 years ago

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My dad owns an E60 530xd (2006). It's an amazing car, awd is amazing in winter (but not as awesome as rwd), acceleration is really nice and gotta love the sound of it. And yeah, M5 would be too much. Or at least you gotta be pretty well paid to be able to keep it. Maintenance costs a lot, fuel consumption is pretty high and emissions are high too :/

9 years ago

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Yeah, thats why I said M5 would be too much. Maintenance and fueling would destroy your wallet. However I hope in near future I'll be able to get e60. And those new 4 series looks amazing. 430d would be enough, but they are so expensive atm. xD

9 years ago

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Yes, indeed. I'd love to have a 435i, or pretty much any 4-series. The design of the 4-series is just brilliant. But yeah, they cost quite a lot, especially here in Finland. I think my next car is gonna be E92 3-series, probably 325i (with the 3.0l engine) or above. Not gonna change car any time soon, but that's what I'll go for, probably ^^

9 years ago

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No need to rush, e46 is amazing. Coupe version makes it even better. I also like them, but they're common here. But who cares, for the first car thats just great thing to drive. I gotta save a lot of money to get my first car xD. Hope I'll start working this year and get enough money to buy car in 3-4 years. :)

9 years ago

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Yes, it is. And true, but cabriolet is EVEN better ;) It's like convertible and coupe in the same. It's pretty damn near coupe with the hard top on. But yeah, E46 is pretty common here too, especially the sedan. Coupe is semi-common, but cabriolet is pretty rare, or at least I haven't seen too many of those. And yeah, indeed. I'm lucky to have that car, I mean not everybody gets a car like that as their first car. But I did work a lot for that, and it really paid off well. Five years, but totally worth it.
But yeah, good luck to you :) Hard work pays off well ^^

9 years ago

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Thank you, I wish you all the best.

9 years ago

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Thanks, you too ^^

9 years ago

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97' Toyota Camry, can't seem to get rid of the damn thing :3

9 years ago

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I don't have a car yet but in the future i want to get a VW Golf MK2,and do body/interior customization on it+performance upgrade (matte black body, red rims, red grill outline)

9 years ago

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1989 Honda Prelude, bought in 1999 for ~$3000 with, I dunno, 140k miles? Fun car to toss around as a young kid, replaced it with a 1990 Prelude 2.0 Si a couple years later....

Switched vehicles a lot, among them '97 Nissan 240sx and an '01 Honda S2000

Now happy with my '02 Subaru WRX. Next car will likely be an STi

9 years ago

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Wow, funny, I've had one of those you mention, I had a 90 (I think) Prelude with every feature but the 4 wheel steering... without a doubt the worst car I ever owned. I GAVE it away, and the person I gave it to still cursed my name LOL.

9 years ago

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1997 Mazda 323F 1.5l gasoline. Bought for ~600$, can't afford anything better :D

9 years ago

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1994 Honda Prelude V-Tec, bought in 2009 as a college graduation gift from my fathers, it had a lot of panel gaps the paint was in taters and the interior was falling to pieces, and i loved it, i still have it but i ride a motorcycle mostly these days, as i only need transportation for 1.

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9 years ago*

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2015 Citroen DS 3 =) I love my new car

9 years ago

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Those are really nice!

9 years ago

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Thank you =). It's not my dream car, but it was the nicest one I found in my budget category. I really love it now.

9 years ago

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I inherited a BMW Z3 Roadster that was my dad babydoll. It had 97.000 kilometers when i got it. Nowadays I drive an old Citroen Saxo with 200.000 kilometers because I crashed the BMW twice and oh well my parents don't exacly let me drive it anymore =/

9 years ago

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Ah :/ But may I ask how did you manage to crash it twice? xD And how big damage? Loving the Z3 though.

9 years ago

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First time there wasn't any structural damage. I was speeding a bit and some old man on an old tractor appeared out of nowhere and I had to swerve to the right. I ended up damaging the passenger door, had some scratches on the front bumper and a bent rim. The second time I've rolled it over damaging mostly the soft top of the car. This time I was driving within the limit speed but the bad weather + some mud made the back of the car spin and I couldn't control it leading it to roll down a small 2 meter hill.

Nothing too serious but it was enough for my parents to take it away from me =/

9 years ago

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Secod time sounds pretty rough. I kinda understand why your parents took it away from you, it ain't cheap fixing a BMW :D

9 years ago

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Mazda 3 Sedan (2009), 84k km, bought it almost 2 years ago, still have it. I really love the new version (2014+), so maybe I'll swich it one day need to start saving :D

9 years ago

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2013 dodge charger sxt+. It has a 3.5, paddle shifters, and 35,000 miles. I bought it last easter and I am MADLY in love with it. I've been saving for it my whole life. It was my dream car for as long as I can remember

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9 years ago*

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Nice car! You know that feeling when you're about to go somewhere and you just can't wait to get to drive your car? Or when you park it and you just have to look at it when you're walking away? That's when you know you've made the right decision. Sure, my E46 isn't that special (it's pretty common here, especially the sedan), but damn I worked my ass off to get it and I'm loving it with my whole heart.

9 years ago

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I completely understand that. There's nothing better than the bond with a car
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9 years ago

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My dream car used to be an old-time Charger R/T... I could buy one now, but would have to sell a kidney for a tank of gas.

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9 years ago*

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Those things are babes. You have great taste my friend

9 years ago

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