Seeing a large surge of people going "Omg only $30 CV WAI ;____:", it reminded me of when I was stupid like that, too. I wanted to see how many of the forum-goers HONESTLY didn't know all of the rules and/or broke some. I still expect to see people go "Well I read the FAQ as soon as I joined because I'm a competent blah blah blah", but I wanna see the truth. As for me: I didn't know about the FAQ until having the used the site for about 2-3 months. Here's every rule that I broke:

  • Winning multiple copies of one game
  • Regifting
  • Necro'ing

And of course, I got suspended for a whopping 2 weeks, and basically vowed to never come back. That didn't work out xD. I was also tempted to make a thread about my CV not working right. I had about $55 CV, and after having given away a second copy of The Ship, I had noticed that my CV hadn't gone up. I was going to ask in a thread, having noted I had seen people's CV break at $30 all the time, but then decided to just ask someone in the group I was in at the time. At least I had given away non-bundle games too, eh?

Now it's your turn. Tell us your story

1 decade ago*

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This site has rules?

1 decade ago

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Seriously though, I read them before signing in for my first time, and I have referenced them from time to time.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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My thoughts exactly. There's rules?

1 decade ago

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I read the rules right away but I probably didn't remember them all by then.

1 decade ago

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I read the rules right after I joined.I expected this to be common sense.

1 decade ago

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'Common sense' isn't so common these days, unfortunately

1 decade ago

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Common Sense is actually VERY rare now.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Wouldn't that make it, you know...not common?

1 decade ago

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shall we rename it as "rare sense" ?

1 decade ago

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its just a name. like inflammable

1 decade ago

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HA HA HA. You must be a skilled comedian! :D (I read them before joining)

1 decade ago

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Roughly a minute or two until I read them (this is an estimation)

1 decade ago

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What the hell is Necro'ing??

and never read the rules just use common sense.

1 decade ago

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Answering a dead thread (after weeks/months)

1 decade ago

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oh... o/

1 decade ago

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Is that against the rules? That's just stupid.

1 decade ago

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I can't find it in FAQ. I thought avoiding necroing was just courtesy and not officially enforced, and bumping old threads is accepted if you actually have something important to say.

1 decade ago

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i'd include it into netiquette, not more

1 decade ago

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Yeah, same here. I was just hoping I hadn't missed such a silly rule :P
I do like that word too, netiquette. I've never heard it before.

1 decade ago

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but yeah, i think they lock it and scold you. its a stupid rule. i think that was the first thing i did. legitimately relevant post answered with a lock and link saying no bumping after a few weeks followed by making a post with a link to the old one xp

1 decade ago

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"and never read the rules just use common sense."

but isn't it common sense to read the rules? :P

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

1 decade ago

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At first I couldn't find the Rules/FAQ because there's really no link to it on the main page... I suggest you guys add a "Rules/FAQ" item on the top bar between forum and support.

And when I finally found it I didn't read it whole, it's too damn long, I just read the base rules then after a while I read the GW and forum rules, and that's kinda it. When I'm curious about something I just check that page.

1 decade ago

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Read them before registering on it...

1 decade ago

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I read the FAQ before signing up.

1 decade ago

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I just assumed the rules to be like that of any other forum.. I never read the rules in any forum though..
The CV thing.. the * beside the games in giveaway lead me to reading about it.. I think. or someone created some thread.. I don't know..
I don't even remember when exactly I read it =.=

1 decade ago

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I didn't know that necro'ing was against the rules until reading this thread. Been here 2 and-a-bit months.

Think I've got a pretty good grasp on the rest of them although if I didn't know about necro'ing there might be something else.

Nearly made an arse of myself on the forum in the big thread when Fortix got bundled. I didn't properly understand CV or bundled games at the time and I was about to post something stupid when I changed my mind and asked questions instead.

1 decade ago

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Two minutes, because I'm a decent person and a competent user of the Internet.

1 decade ago

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I once posted a "[H] Resident Evil 5 [W] Offers" message in the group chat and got excluded, that was a few days after joining. I learnt the rest of the rules by reading part of the FAQ - a bit too quickly maybe - and lurking.

1 decade ago

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Cant remember exactly, but I guess its been a few month until I paid attention to the rules.. and before I read them, I had the luck to win a game twice ;) Out of courtesy I notified the GA-Creator about that and asked him if its okay for him if I give it to a friend or if he wants to reroll (still not knowing the rules).. and he was okay with me keeping the gift.

A while later I actually read the rules and found out that I broke them.. never did it again (even though I had the chance twice), but about a year later, I still got 10-day suspension for my mistake in the beginning xD But I am rather okay with that.. 10 days is allright as a warning, it was totaly my fault for not reading the rules and I like the ruleset as it is.. I did not mean any harm when I broke the rules, but then again, everyone has one excuse or another, so its all fair-game I guess ^^

1 decade ago

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if it has a forum that i think i'll go join i'll read but sometimes i get bored midway and dont finish or skyp parts xD

1 decade ago

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The question is, who use a Steam Login without read the site rules?

1 decade ago

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I tend to read FAQ/EULA/whatever provided before agreeing to it. I also like to go back to FAQ once in a while while answering site related questions (I'd rather use quotation and put link into it than just write "read FAQ") or when in doubt whether something should be done or how to do things.

1 decade ago

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I didn't know what the calling out in the FAQ meant, but understood it soon enough when a few examples of it came up.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I've still not read the FAQ and I never will, that said, I'd say I'm familiar with the rules anyway, I've pretty much learned them by being on the forums. What's necro'ing though?

1 decade ago

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Posting on an old, unused thread.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I didn't read any rules but I didn't broke any rules either.I only joined giveaways I really wanted to win, I only posted "Thanks !" in giveaways and I never gave a fuck about CV.And I read the FAQ after couple of months.

1 decade ago

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as soon as i joined i looked up the rules, soooo instantly?

1 decade ago

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I didn't know about 30CV limit but I didn't ask for in on the forum :D

1 decade ago

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^this......I wrote a support ticket and got informed =)

1 decade ago

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Read before and after I registered, but I almost got suspended for necro'ing a couple of threads almost a year ago. I'd like to blame it on the fact that it was late and I was tired when I did it, but I know deep down that I'm not the brightest bulb in the box :P

Of course, I learned my lesson, and only contribute to threads I know I can contribute to.

1 decade ago

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I read the faq just to search clues for a scam, winning free games seemed too good to be true :P

1 decade ago

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yes. same here. i thought "there just HAS to be a you can only win if you pay 5$ each month - rule"

so i read the FAQ because i was suspiciouse :)

1 decade ago

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For me most rules were obvious from the start without reading. The concept of "referral link" was not familiar to me before so that one I have broken once. I believe I read the rules after that but found nothing surprising.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Bassnium.