I'm very quick to blacklist complete jackasses, such as a few I just did from some other discussion. Some people deserve it. :P
Not saying you do though, no idea why you were blacklisted by some users.
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Common way of getting blacklisted...
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That's a very thorough list but it's missing the most important reason of all...
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I recently found myself on the blacklist of an active and well-respected user, number 12 is the only explanation I can come up with for that (I asked once, didn't get a reply, so I guess I'll just never know for sure)
I have no idea if I did something other than a puzzle to upset that person, so I can't correct it/apologize/make sure I don't do it again - So I agree with OP about it being nice to have an (optional) drop-down list or something to let others know why they got blacklisted (the reason could be shown on the "you can't enter" screen, when you find out about the blacklisting)
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At least u can try.. last night i asked archibot help and i found i am on 4 BL....
which makes me quite happy.. anyhow..
I wish. that if you blacklist someone that you must supply a reason..
so things are in the open instead of in the dark..
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Nice list! So far I've been blacklisted by two people that I know of. One of them was because of number 11 and I have no idea what the other one was. :P I agree with nelly that there should be a message when trying to access a giveaway from someone who blacklisted you mentioning the reason why they did it.
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Now I remember I'm also blacklisted by a third person. That one might have been because of 27 because I was blacklisted immediately after I won their giveaway.
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Wow, I haven't realized it. Thanks!
Guess it's good/luck I created 9 GA's today. lol
Will be my way of celebrating. :)
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It will be a pleasure to have you in our group: http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/PU0Da/elitegifts-brasil-recrutamento-de-brasileiros (if you don't want, please read at least).
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Happy BlackList Day!!
Just kidding, Happy Caik Day ;p
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22 happened to me, I hate bullies :*(
Great list btw.
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Was 27 the reason why you blacklisted me? You did it so fast I didn't even get to say "thank you" on the giveaway. :P
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It was a completely different reason. Non of the reasons on the list tbh, please don't take it personal, I blacklist people that blacklist me without explaining why, but with you that is not the case, I can see that you have a desire to understand why, so I will tell you why if we can do it in private, I rather not have an argument up here =]
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It sucks, but I wouldn't think about it too much. People are sometimes selfish and mean, and they do selfish and mean things. Wany gave a pretty extensive list above, and I think that list sums up most of the logical reasons you might end up on someone's blacklist, but it's the illogical reason - the arbitrary one - that will get under your skin if you think about it too much. I hope you keep staying positive. Some people do deserve to be blacklisted, but it should be for a good reason you could explain to others, not "just because". And even after blacklisting someone, keep in mind that forgiveness is not a sign of weakness.
Welcome to SteamGifts. Wear your scars with pride, and Keep staying positive.
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Aye, that I am. My birthday anniversary is coming up next week, and as is customary on the site, I have made a train to celebrate with my online friends. It's mostly bundle leftovers, but I organized it all based on their Steam rating. I've got a ton of goodies ranging from 23% positive ratings up to 100% positive ratings (with entry levels based on their Steam rating, of course), and there are a few AAA games to find, as well.
I'm not sure exactly when might be the best time to open the doors to the public, though. I was going to throw open the doors next week a few days before my birthday, but I'm starting to rethink that now that the train is finished getting put together. If someone owns nothing at all in the train (unlikely, with all the bundled goodies, but work with me for this hypothetical), then it will take just over 1,000 points to enter every giveaway I'm offering. So to give people a fair chance to enter every giveaway they might want, I'm thinking of opening the doors a bit earlier then expected. What do you fine people think? Wait until the last few days before my birthday, and give slightly better odds on each giveaway, or throw open the doors early, and give people a chance to enter as many giveaways as possible before the deadline?
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Well, I didn't want to exclude any forum dwellers on the site, including the newbies who haven't given anything yet, which is why the entry level requirements are so low.
I'm hoping I might get some more opinions on the subject from others here, but I'm definitely leaning towards opening the doors early. I think maybe you should keep an eye out for a forum post later this week...
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"Wear your scars with pride"
Aren't you being a bit melodramatic? He was not the victim of a hate crime. We giving away video games here, not the cure for Ebola. Let's try to keep things in perspective.
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Today in "Reasons why things get blown out of proportion."
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Is it blowing things out of proportion, though? A blacklisting is a mark on your account not unlike a scar. Calling it such may be dramatic, but not in an overly exaggerated way. I'm not being melodramatic, and I'm not blowing things out of perspective. I made a five-word statement to someone about staying positive. Assumptions about the statement's meaning made from there are your own.
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It was actually more about this "when someone is upset, dramatic language is totally acceptable."
The way I see your reasoning is I can be upset and be justified in cussing you out, which would totally be out of proportion, because I can say "Its just dramatic language."
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Ah, I think I see. I stand by that statement, but in a more narrow way than you are interpreting it. Dramatic language to get someone to stay positive is OK. Overly exaggerated or melodramatic language is probably not OK. And projecting negativity is never OK, dramatic language or not.
I'm not trying to blow anything out of proportion. I'm just trying to use some flowery language to tell someone to keeping looking forward, rather than dwell on the past.
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To my interpretation, you're encouraging someone to take far deeper offense at a trivial matter that minimally relates to them than they ought, and promoting entitlement under the guise of positivity.
Sooner or later in life, you need to learn to let things go.
Starting with something extremely, extremely minor like this, IS a positive, in and of itself.
There are far worse things in life to have hanging over you.
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I've already edited the original post that started all of this. Read through the discussion chronologically, and you'll see it's been talked out. There's nothing more to be said.
The idea that telling someone to stop obsessing over it, let it go, and move on is "promoting entitlement under the guise of positivity" is ridiculous. What other response could I give?
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I was referring to your follow-ups, which definitely didn't give the impression of letting it go.
Of course, for example, I interpreted Dramatic language to get someone to stay positive is OK. as you suggesting the OP should use dramatic language to get their way. I
suppose you could have meant it as YOU using dramatic language, which'd be a far more reasonable perspective- even if it's still an outlook I couldn't personally agree with, within the contexts provided.
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I still fully disagree that was an appropriate usage of the phrase, and consider that an unreasonable confirmation of self-absorbed perspectives (vaguely similar to taking someone to the hospital for a stubbed toe)- but no, my previous sentiments were founded on a misinterpretation of your intent, then.
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Mean? For stating, you were being melodramatic? Something you just admitted to purposely doing? You might want to be careful next time it rains or a drop may mar your paper-thin skin.
I took exception to your "Wear your scars with pride" comment because it paints OP as a victim. It encourages him to keep a resentment over something that doesn't bear a second thought. Many others in this thread have encouraged the OP to "let it go" by pointing out what little impact blacklisting has on participating in Steamgifts.
Blacklisting is not some heinous crime inflicted upon the innocent. It is a perfectly valid function of this website. The majority of members on this site are on somebody's blacklist. You're not the victim if you get blacklisted, you're just one of us.
If you find my response mean or upsetting, well, I'm sorry you feel that way.
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For stating, you were being melodramatic? Something you just admitted to purposely doing?
What? When did I "admit" to "purposely" being melodramatic? I acknowledged that I used some dramatic language. I deny that I was ever melodramatic. There is a distinction between the words, and I never "admitted" to being melodramatic. Language matters.
I took exception to your "Wear your scars with pride" comment because it paints OP as a victim.
Does it? I don't agree, but think whatever you want. Just know you are projecting your own thoughts onto my words, not interpreting the intent behind my words.
It encourages him to keep a resentment over something that doesn't bear a second thought.
Don't agree with this either, but you are entitled to your own opinion. Just know that it is your opinion, not mine.
Many others in this thread have encouraged the OP to "let it go" by pointing out what little impact blacklisting has on participating in Steamgifts.
Which was my advice, as well. "Wear your scars with pride." Everyone who has spent some time on SG is on someone's blacklist. Obsessing over it accomplishes nothing. So let it go, wear your scars with pride, and move on.
If you find my response mean or upsetting, well, I'm sorry you feel that way.
If you have to end a post with a disclaimer like that, then maybe you shouldn't make the post, since you are acknowledging in the disclaimer that you think the post might be mean or upsetting. And being mean or upsetting is not nice. In fact, it might be the very opposite of nice. Be nice. Don't be mean.
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On what planet does "Wear your scars with pride" mean "move on"? Scars are permanent marks indicative of past pain and suffering. "Wear your scars with pride" means you learn from your past mistakes and failures then emerge stronger for it. A completely out of context and melodramatic statement to someone who got blacklisted from entering one giveaway of a video game. Hence my original statement of keeping things in perspective. Language matters but so does context. By all means, be nice, just don't be a drama queen about it.
I was not acknowledging I thought my post was mean or upsetting. I was acknowledging you might find it so. It's a bit passive aggressive to call someone mean just because they don't agree with you. Since you edited out calling me mean in your first post, I suppose a part of you agrees.
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On what planet does "Wear your scars with pride" mean "move on".
Earth, dimension C-137.
Since you edited out calling me mean in your first post...
Never called you mean, so there was nothing to edit out. I did say "don't be mean" in my last post, and I stand by that. Don't be mean. Being nice is nice.
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It's still there, in the last sentence of my penultimate post. Not edited out. Check it: "Be nice. Don't be mean."
If we agree how OP should handle being blacklisted by someone he doesn't even know, then why are we having a disagreement here? Are we quibbling about the use of language, or are we just both feeling defensive because we feel offended by some small slight?
I like you, M-F-Rick. You've usually got some good contributions to to forum. You're on my whitelist for a reason. We agree on how OP should treat his blacklisting. Why do we seem to be moving towards an argument here?
I'm not calling you mean. I'm not saying that disagreeing with me is mean. I'm not trying to be melodramatic, and I'm not trying to blow things out of perspective. I just wanted OP to stay positive and not obsess over some small slight that shouldn't get him down.
Also, nice gif. Love the perfect loop.
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To be honest, I don't care about being called mean or being told, "Don't be mean." which is what you stated in your first response then edited. My contention is that you are making a mountain out of a molehill by telling OP "wear your scars with pride"
I don't think we are going to find common ground here. I don't think we perceive getting blacklisted in the same way. Let's just agree to disagree and leave it at that. In the end, just like getting blacklisted, it's not that important.
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My contention is that you are making a mountain out of a molehill by telling OP "wear your scars with pride"
I meant for him to just accept that blacklistings will happen, and to accept that he is part of the community now, because it's happened to everyone who's anyone here. But it's been such a point of contention that I've gone ahead and edited my first post in the thread.
And I don't know that we actually disagree all that much here, since we both agree that the issue's not important enough to stress over. Maybe we disagree about whether or not we disagree, and that's a fair - if slightly confusing - point.
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quibbling about the use of language
This is why understanding langauge to the point that you can freely express yourself the way you want with minimal confusion is so important (and why people who intentionally abuse the meanings of words are always going to be the ones at fault for any incidences that occur from such).
If there's a disagreement on the meaning of something you said, and the meaning the other person is interpreting is a valid one, then you yield to them, stating clearly you didn't mean it in that manner, didn't realize that interpretation, and that you respect their outlook. Apologize, and move on.
For someone pushing positivity, you're the one dragging this out and amplifying it more that it needs to be.
While not near as severe, it's the same principle as people who push bigoted words solely because THEY feel it is okay, despite it clearly being problematic for the other person hearing the words.
Learn to respect the other outlook, when it comes to the meaning of words, if that meaning is at all plausible.
And if it isn't, just smack them with a dictionary, 'cause that's one of the reasons why we get stupid conflicts :P
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People usually blacklist for stupid reasons, so don't worry. :P Just blacklist them too. xD
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People blacklist me because I tell them that their waifus are shit.
Most of the blacklisting occurs in the forums, ironically enough. So try not to post stupid stuff. And of course you can't know who blacklists you, nor have it be two-way, because.
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When i blacklist someone, i can't just blacklist once, i must add another random lucky person just so i can always leave my blacklist on an even number
Don't judge me, judge my disparnumerophobia
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I have a similar phobia with numbers. Somehow I must always use numbers that end in 0, 2, 5 or 8. Anything else gets on my nerves. Whenever I have to make a thread or a giveaway here, I look at the clock waiting for a minute ending in those numbers to do it. :P
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when someone blacklist you it should automatically blacklist them for you
Tip: dont give a damn about what others do, you cant change it, so dont worry about it
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I like this suggestion =) If I blacklist someone I really don't want to enter their GAs anyways.
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I don't. What about people who prefer the "turn the other cheek" philosophy? :/
In fact, I bet if A blacklists B, and A wins one of B's giveaways some time later, it would go a ways toward B's removal from A's blacklist.
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I hadn't looked at it that way. Perhaps it can be an option.
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fast with blacklisting? do they need to review all cases before hitting the red button? :3
some people are trigger happy to blacklist everything that moves, and others are just tired of seeing the same things on sg.
i don't know what happened with the 2 blacklists you got but you shouldn't care much, just blacklist back if you feel they aren't worthy of your giveaways, nothing else you can do.
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Today I meet 2 person which blacklisted me. I don't even know why. I have 0 PPL on my blacklist. Is it possible to do in future option to check who blacklisted you at last. Cool what be if someone who blacklist other one would choose option from list and if I would see it. I know only about one my mistake long ago which was not in purpose. I don't like this situation as I am actively user and receiving/contacted winners or gifted very soon. Also make some giveaways too.
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