Already have the game but thank you for the giveaway! Have a bump while we're at it ^^
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I'll try it after got a new phone in a week ^^ Thank you ^^
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IrishCurse ! No offense but why did you made so mainstream game? There are tons of such games and i personally dislike them and all non-casual pro's should be agreeing with me.
This will be like all those Candy Crush rip-offs :P
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No offense taken...
To be honest it is the first game we have ever made (or attempted to make for that matter), It started as a project to see if we could. A little push from friends and family and we decided to put it on the Play Store. So far this has been a great experience, learning programming, art, and music (which again very new to each of those) It is by no means a "Pro" level game... more like a good time waster for the general public.
All in all it is nice to see that there are some people out there who genuinely enjoy playing something that I helped create!
Thanks for your response
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Nice if you made it completely yourself than you can be proud on yourself and i will too, but most of this mainstream games are copied from each other and changed design slightly and not more.
I wish you all the luck though
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I am actually really glad you made your previous comment! It gave me a lot to think about on my way home form work yesterday, and on the way in this morning (hour commute can be really boring). I was thinking about "originality" in games and how almost every game I can think of could potentially give credit to a different game or aspect of life for its existence.
So, I thought this would be an interesting discussion to have with the forum. Can anyone think of a truly original game?
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Great Response!
I think I would have to agree with you on Tetris... it would be hard to place an influence for that game (someone else may be able to think of one).
Asteroids- Was really influenced by Science fiction in general spaceships and flying saucers. The game play was original for its time, but the rest was defiantly thanks to existing fiction.
Pac-man - again the game play itself is original... running form ghosts in a maze like structure getting power ups to eat the ghosts and eating fruit for points... but where would it have been without the first person to make a maze. Then you also have to wonder why ghosts... could there been a haunted maze story out there somewhere?
Breakout - influence by pong with the addition of breaking bricks... Also using a ball to knock things down or break things was more than likely not a new concept in the world. Still a classic and I love seeing the different iterations that have been made based off this game!
Qwak! - Duck hunting was the influence. Making a digital hunting game is video games mimicking the real world.
Spy Hunter - Bond... James Bond! Take away existing fiction and you have to wonder if this game would have been made the same.
Portal - basically a puzzle platformer with a gimmick (great game though)
The Company of Myself - Portal + Orson Welles maybe? Not familiar with this game, but a quick look up screamed this to me.
Colossal Cave Adventure - spelunking with table top adventures maybe? Again not familiar with this game, but table tops have been building adventures like this for a long time.
There are so many things that influence us... If we never had war as a human race Battlefield and COD would not exist! If we still thought that we where the center of the universe would Mass Effect ever be made? Without Tick Tack Toe would Candy Crush exist?
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So true,when you think about it yesterdays science fiction can be tomorrows technology. It really makes you see how building off of someone's ideas (even when they seem impossible) drives human creativity and inventiveness to an all new level.
Thanks again for your well thought out replies!
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m0r1arty is correct. In fact, I was just watching an episode of Through the Wormhole about this during my break last night. Basically, ideas spread and evolve in much the same manner as genes. People think the term meme is a recent thing, to denote internet jokes, but the term and idea has been around for decades to describe the way ideas move.
To have a truly original idea would be like having a large silicon-based lifeform suddenly pop into existence in downtown NYC. Nothing comes from nowhere, not even ideas. The best we can do is try to combine or modify existing ideas in different combinations.
But as to what I suspect you're actually asking (in regards to original video game ideas), there have been lots of pretty original ideas. Basically, think of all of the different genres of video games, and then try to back trace them to their origins. Or you can think of the ones that took an old genre and did something quite different with it, like Portal doing first-person physics puzzles.
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I don't know if I am really asking a question as much as pondering.... like I said above I have an hour drive to and from work. Magic's response to the thread came shortly before i left to go home for the day and I really started to think about originality in games. Then on the way back to work this morning I started to think about it again. The more I thought about it, the more I started to see that games are more of a borrowing of ideas. I thought it may spur some decent conversations so I brought it up.
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Well, assuming a person isn't going to do a straight up ripoff of a game (i.e. Flappy Bird and its clones), a developer either takes an existing idea and improves it in some significant way (Dwarf Fortress/Infiniminer/Minecraft) or mashes together different elements from other games (Portal - first-person & physics puzzles). One's best chance for success is usually in creating something that reminds people of something they already like, but with something else to hook them (Burnout - racing, but with big crashes). The trick is always in finding that hook.
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Answer: Yes, I can. That is why people pay me to come up with ideas for them.
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Lol! I am not asking for new original ideas! The question is involving existing games.
Getting paid for ideas must be awesome though!
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"Can you think of any truly original games? Games that would not be able to give any credit of there existence to anything other than original thought."
Sorry. I understood that to mean "come up with something original." If you're talking about games that have already been made that fit that description, there are some. These are usually games that spawned a genre in the industry. Night Driver. Pac-Man. The Ancient Art of War. Tetris. MUD's. Dungeon Keeper. The list goes on and on.
Regarding getting paid for ideas, that is what "consulting" is all about.
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I can see where that could have been mistaken.
I guess what I was really thinking about would be more like this (but with games):
"Back to the Future" may have been influenced by earlier works of fiction like Memoirs of the Twentieth Century (1733) by Samuel Madden or The The Time Machine by H. G. Wells. Time Travel was not an original concept, though making a time machine out of a DeLorean was an original tweak.
Games like Night Driver for instance are based of of real world things (driving in the dark, and already existing first person driving games)
Pong may have been one of the first video games, but would you really consider its concept as original. Really the only thing that was totally original about Pong is the fact that it could be played on a computer.... But that is just my thoughts on the matter....
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Hello Forums!
This post has 2 purposes:
If you wouldn't mind, give it a little bump once in a while.
PS. Adding a third aspect to this discussion thanks to MagicCookies. His comment and my replies can be found here:
Basically, the question becomes... Can you think of any truly original games? Games that would not be able to give any credit of there existence to anything other than original thought.
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