Musical bump !
Now it will be stuck in my head (mostly, but not only) for days.
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I'm gonna share my opinion from the other homophobic thread, sorry for the copypasta:
While i agree that sometimes awarness events might get overboard, the original intent is to reminder people that we (or they) exist and that you should not be afraid or ashamed of being yourself. That said, i despise when people take this philosophy way too far, like displaying overly flamboyant parades that serve no purposes other than reinforcing stereotypes, playing the "flashy and girly homosexuals" card. This results in people having that kind of "i didn't expect it from you, you don't seem the type" attidude, like what? Because i'm not behaving like a girl, so i must be obviously heterosexual?
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Yeah well the truth is that flamboyant homosexual people are a small minority. It's a stereotype, furthered by the usual attitude towards the common perception of gay people. I know exactly one guy that blatantly shows the usual feminine slant and she's currently undergoing gender change therapy. Problem is, if parades shows only that kind of people, or at least they're what commonly sticks in the general perception, it means that not displaying blatant attitudes will label you as a "not really gay", "confused", or "just a phase".
For most homosexual people, "not acting gay" means being a perfectly average guy because there's not acting behind at all. They just are. That's the main reason why coming out is really difficult for some: aside from possible violence or prejudices, the perspective of facing uncomfortable questions might just be better avoided for personal inconveniences.
(I don't know if i was clear enough, i should really improve my english)
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I understand, and to some extent agree.
with one exception: transsexual/transgender is something different. But that's a longer discussion and I'm probably not the best one to conduct it
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I see your point, and think it's a good one, but also have to counter-point that even non- gay pride parades are usually pretty darn flamboyant!
The local pride parade last month certainly had some of what you were talking about, but also plenty of just regular old normal people too (but this is also in a city where the cross-walk is painted in a rainbow color year-round).
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Many LGBTQ people wait all year for this one month, the streets get painted with rainbows, motivational queer and trans speakers share their stories, and we are all reminded how far we've come for LGBTQ-rights
Maybe it happens like that in big towns, but in rural areas LGBT people get the usual "eww gross" treatment they get every single other month of the year when they mention the subject :/
Even though there's still a lot to be done, it shouldn't stop people who want to celebrate from doing so. Everyone, LGBT or not, have a nice June :)
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I've never been comfortable with pride, in any form. Whether it's being proud of who you are or what you've done, it's never sat well with me. If I ever catch myself being proud of something, it automatically triggers some introspection on whether that's really justified. That's probably just me, though, as most people seem to be perfectly OK with taking pride in various things.
"Gay pride" makes me uncomfortable for this reason -- the pride, not the gay. I do realize that "gay pride" is less about being proud of the fact that you're gay, and more about being proud that you're not afraid to say so (or even that you're saying so despite fear). Still, if it was "gay awareness month" or "gay rights promotion month" I'd like it better -- though I suppose that's not as catchy.
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Basically. Although rainbows don't smell, and while I'm loathe to argue with the Bard of Avon, if roses were called pusmoisters, I'm pretty sure people would actually claim they smelled worse.
Also, not using the word "pride" would remove the need to argue against things like "why isn't there straight pride month", as people are a lot less likely to ask the question "why don't we have heterosexual rights month" (unless they really want to demonstrate their ignorance and prejudice while doing so).
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A good counter to that is: because nobody was ever insulted/thrown out into the street/spat on/lynched/raped/killed for being straight.
I see your point but it's Pride because for so long (and still today) LGBTQ people were told to be ashamed of who they are and who they love.
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That's a good counterpoint. I hadn't considered pride as the simple antonym of shame yet.
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Thanks. I get where you're coming from and it took me a while to "get" it because I was taught "pride" was a sin. I am glad you are open-minded enough to consider other perspectives. It's rare when it comes to issues like these.
A very good speech in Sense8 on the matter, echoing that point
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To be honest, I felt quite stupid after your remark. Like, of course it's pride in the sense of not being ashamed, duh. It's the difference between feeling pride from a "neutral" starting point, and feeling pride from the complete opposite starting point.
Fortunately there's no shame in ignorance, if you make honest efforts to get rid of it. :-)
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since when did U BL me Mully? my Blueheart is broken now :/
oh wait. U didn't BL me. right?
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[Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition](http://www.sgtools.info/giveaways/9c16773d-6830-11e8-adc4-fa163ee2f826) Level 3 SGTools (no Germany sadly) - trentjaspar - 15 June
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I live in a rural community so if I go around in rainbows or anything that indicates my queerness I'll be attacked, but it's awesome to see the LGBT stuff online and know that in other places you can go out in the street to shout it out with no violent repercussions <3 <3 <3
(also that is the best gif ever for rainbows and i will be using it against any trolls i get on twitter this month.)
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actually in my city, if your family find out U R LGBT, U will be outcasted in best scenario.(well it depends on the family type but most likely these scenario happens if U get the chance to get out at one piece)
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Thanks <3 If the neo-nazis who terrorize the neighborhood aren't hauled away by the cops at some point, I'll just move somewhere else in the next decade and this'll all be a moot point. Rainbow hair dye every day!
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I'm sorry to hear that. If it's any consolation, in my suburban community kids are now able to be out and queer without mockery or prejudice or hostility against them. That was not the case when I was a kid. So things are slowly getting better. We just have to keep working, keep preaching tolerance and acceptance, and hope that we will eventually reach the point where everyone will be free to be themselves and no one will have to fear physical violence.
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Oh yes, things are definitely getting better! Taking a hell of a long time, but progress is basically one long con anyway so just gotta wait it out.
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ugh, racist, homophobic, and misogynist. the trifecta of bleeeearghlsdkfjs
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Can confirm! I've lived all of my long life in that town where every JRPG begins, and when I was little, things were so bad that even white people were racist against each other. It's slowly gotten better over the years, and there were times when I thought I had to get out, but I'm not going to uproot my entire life, just because their attitudes suck. If they have a problem with what I am, instead of who I am, they're just going to have to find a way to deal with it. Thanks, Mully, for this lovely thread and giveaway event!
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I've lived all of my long life in that town where every JRPG begins
I'm so sorry to hear that. What with all the fires, earthquakes, demons from other worlds and miscellaneous other disasters destroying that town after chapter 1. The insurance alone must have crippled your family...
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You know, life is what you make of it; I beat the demons, got stronger, and used the gold they dropped to rebuild my town. Now, we all live on a floating island that can land only in shallow water, for some reason.
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[Splasher](https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/5r0P3/splasher) Level 1 - MyNameIsMud - June 30
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Open Giveaways
Get ready for the rainbows! π±ππ±ππ±π
π§ Some info, just in case? π
It's this awesome time of year again!
June marks the LGBTQ Pride Month all over the world. Many LGBTQ people wait all year for this one month, the streets get painted with rainbows, motivational queer and trans speakers share their stories, and we are all reminded how far we've come for LGBTQ-rights and how much more we have to fight to be treated fairly. =3
Here's a calendar of events: π±
Enough rants,
a few giveaways to celebratetime to leech πEnded
Just a heads up... don't ask "where's straight pride month".
Avoid looking dumb by not saying that. π
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