I'm not interested in this game, not do I like the genre much at all. Therefore I'm not angling for an invite.
That aside... I do think this is a nice way to try to get a game to someone who will play the game and have fun doing so. And I like that there are other ways to show interest BESIDE having it on one's wishlist. I rarely have more than 4-6 games on my wishlist (right now there are more, but that's because of a possible trade), so would be grateful for these other ways to show interest.
Having said that, have a free bump! :-)
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I have never heard of this game before, but it is exactly the kind of game I love. Platformers and Rogue-likes are my favorite genres. Spelunky is my favorite indie game. I think I have a few hundred hours on it between the original free version and the Steam remake. I love retro graphics too. Everything about this game appeals to me. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Wishlisted for sure.
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wont play the game so wont enter, but i like this style, it takes some work but it will make sure the game ends up with a person that wants to play it. (personally i would go for level 3 at least) asuming its not a person that would lie to get the game :)
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hi and thanks for chance ,i hope can participe XD im a person that entry a giveaway only if intereting,i not important the cost, ot is game seems that i like and funny for my,i promise tha if i win i´ll complete XD
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Hi, I usually dont put Early Access games on my wishlist because to many times they end up being abandoned or too buggy. This game does look fun though. I am always looking for games that my daughter and son and I can play together. There is not a whole lot of them out there. Thanks for the chance and I really like this way of giving games as it weeds out people that use bots or just want a +1 in there collection. Oh, and I would just like to put a recommend in for PeteOzzy. They have given away a ton of games and I always see comments made by them in the discussions. Thanks again and good luck!
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I'll throw a Bumpity-bump your way - the game looks interesting but not my particular cup of tea (I tend to shy away from multiplayer games for a couple reasons). I'm also somewhat horrible at platformers! :)
I do think this is an interesting way of giving games and a way for people to get a better than average chance to win a game. A max of 25 people would be a 4% chance to win which is better than most other giveaways (other than hard puzzles and whitelists).
Of course, if this was a game up my alley, I'm sure it'd be a day I have a migraine and unable to think so my response would be, "Me likey. Pretty colors. Baaaaby Ruth?"
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Hopefully you'll end up getting your 25 entries, but if you do end up needing a extra entry, I would play this game. It just may take a few days before I could play it (due to work).
Have a great weekend.:)
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Thank you.:) I've accepted your friend request and posted a message on your Profile.:)
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It looks fucking awesome and I've had my eye on it for awhile now. I have a partner that I can play through the entire thing with and they're also super interested too. I've always been into Run n Guns ever since the Contra days, with Metal Slug being one of my favs. (I replay that series pretty much every two months. SO good!)
So, yeah, I'd love for you to give me the chance.
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While I do enjoy platformers (even though I am not very good at them for the most part), I probably wouldn't get a chance to play this for a while anyhow.
I do like the way you're doing this, as it shakes things up here at SG, and gives a fresh take on the whole giveaway thing.
Here is a bump for the thread. I'm looking forward to seeing how this ends up.:)
I would also like to throw a PeteOzzy recommendation onto the table as well. He's a really good guy, and I am positive he would give this game the love and attention it deserves.;)
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I'm not interested in the game, but I want to give you a bump.
Also "mutes" - great name for the type of people I do not like either.
This is a great method for giving away a good game. A bit work intensive though, you really gotta be dedicated.
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Game looks interesting, but I know I wouldn't be playing it for a while so I won't request an invite.
(Added to wishlist for now) ;-)
I did, however, want to say that this is a great way to giveaway games (if you have the patience for it) as it does indeed aim more towards people who read and respond as well as have an actual interest in the game.
Couldn't agree more with the comment about the "mutes." I don't necessarily mind when people don't comment on the giveaway if I haven't specifically asked for a comment or discussion, but when the winner takes the key and silently disappears without even a generic "thanks" it's just plain rude.
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tfw i'm that mute person. If the creator of GA invites me on steam, I will thank them. But I rarely ever leave a plain ''thanks''.
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Well, I hadn't heard of this game before, but it looks like a lot of fun. I've got it wishlisted now ;)
I'm always looking for new co-op games to play with my brother and with my friends, and this looks right up our alley. Some other similar games we've enjoyed are
Castle Crashers
Towerfall Ascension
Towerfall Ascension
& on my brother's acct
And Spelunky, but don't have it on steam.
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I'm a big fan of platformers, and of pixel graphics. This game is intrigueing me, I've never saw it before. I'm a huge fan of pixel-related physics like the one in Cortex Command and I hope here I could find another perspective. Thanks in advance.
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Procedural generation seems to be like a new catchphrase. Not that it's a bad thing. The closest thing I've played to Hive Jump would be Risk of Rain. No, I won't link my stats of the game, because the multiplayer was broken. It was pain in the ass to connect with my friends. However, if this games has the problem fixed, I would play it more than just 5 hours (which I have on risk of rain).
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Not really, but judging from steam store page, it seems like it had online multiplayer as well. oh well.
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Count me in, I want to play it, guess because I'm huge fan of indie, pixel art and platformer type, and 1 more thing, the game is new but looks promising. Similar games that I really enjoy so far:
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