Giving your games to selfish people
It doesn't happen to me since I always put at least level 1 on my giveaways - to prevent what happened to you.
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I know, right? I don't expect people to thank me just for being able to enter but a "thank you" from the winner afterwards still would be nice...
I have to admit though, I didn't do it myself at first but now I always do, either here on steamgifts or directly on steam when they gift the game on there.
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Yes, I can admit that I haven't said thanks for the first 3 giveaways or so either, but you'd think someone would learn how the system works after winning almost a hundred games :> I mean, it's not like he doesn't comment (although it's entirely possible that his ~2.8k comments come from a bot/script). I personally ain't bothered if someone doesn't thank me even after winning, but it should be common courtesy to do so.
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I just did a little research and it seems like they posted "ty" now and then. Oh well, I mean, it's none of our business really but like you said, it should indeed be common courtesy to thank someone who just gifted you something.
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I understand how you feel. If this bothers you, make your games level 1 at least.
However, there is nothing in the site rules saying you must give away games.
This is a site for people to try to win games, and they may not be able to buy games for some reason.
They may be in a country that has issues.
They may be without work and using a computer they inherited.
They may be many things.
So, be careful before you judge. And if it bothers you that much, set your giveaway levels above 1 :D
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That's true, It just left a bad taste in my mouth, I gave the game anyways since he isn't breaking any rules... I'll start to make giveaways for level 1 and above from now on.. Thanks :D
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Most of the time, my games are set to level 1. Unless I do some special train... every once in awhile I'll make a level 0 one. But now it's probably 1 out of 10-15 games... I felt the same way the first time someone won one of mine and had never given. But then I created a similar topic... and went through the same learning process. :D
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I'm not sure about how I'd feel,
I've never hosted level 0 ga because I wanna avoid people who don't know how to use sg.
But... I guess is still better than 97 won giveaways and 4 giveaways of free games from indiegala
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Yeah, I have begun creating non-0 level ga's after realising the same. It's really difficult to deal with people who don't know how to use the website, so it's better to give to people who knows what to do and also contributed some.
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Chill, and add level restriction next time.
Voted: That's ok imo.
He/she may not even download the game, leave me a Thanks or not feeling like giving stuffs back to the community. But what important for me is the result; I did gave my games away to someone. Just that, makes me happy and that's enough.
Overthinking kills my happiness, not gonna do that.
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Yeah, I guess the less I know the better it's.. I did my part.
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Considering how easy it is to come by a few cheap games these days, it's really inexcusable for someone to win that many games and not give even one back. (Seriously, there are games on sale on Steam for 9 cents! right now.)
I guess it takes all kinds to make the world go around. As a firm believer in Karma, I am sure he'll get what's owed him sooner or later. ;)
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We have a saying that might fit here. RIP dude's love life.
relevant proverb
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Just create giveaways that have a level requirement :)
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Doesn't bug me if they win before they give, but when that gap gets too large it does become a little upsetting. As a few have said so far that's when you start going level 1 minimum and for me at least it's felt a bit better because then I do know that the recipients are participating more actively and perhaps more deserving of their wins. Plenty of situations where it is good to see a game go to someone who doesn't give. Perhaps they can't. Perhaps they just need that little extra bit of happiness that you're providing them. Whatever the reason as long as the title is actually played and given the time so that the title has not gone to complete waste, then that is something.
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Some people are lucky and can afford buying their games while some others are not. Isn't this the exact same situation the human societies face?
For me, the people you point out are like the poor people in our society who join the daily common meals. They are in need of our assistance. It doesn't matter if they are giving back to the community or not atm. Eventually in the future, when they will afford buying games, they will give back something :)
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That's really a nicer way to look at them, thanks (:
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Just made a giveaway and someone with 2 years of registration time won it, went to check his profile and noticed that he won 97 giveaways and haven't made a single one yet...
Just left a bad taste in my mouth, won't say the name cause i don't want to make a witch hunt...
Sorry for the bad english, not a native english speaker
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