You can just check the global achievements of a game on Steam and see how many people have them . These are very easy. Anything above 5% shouldn't give much trouble. Under 1% might be tricky.
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You only need a very basic understanding of it to do these, so read the rules on the internet. It's called Texas Hold'em. It's not exactly chess AI you are playing against.
Although my advice is don't buy something if you won't enjoy it. Don't get it just because of some playfire reward.
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Yeah I have been using it to play games in my backlog, if an interesting one pops up. The only game I bought because it was featured was Goat Simulator the day it came out, but I wanted to mess around with that game anyway. I don't get the people thinking of buying games, forcing themselves to 100% it, and "earning" maybe $.50.
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The value of the achievements are usually equal to how difficult they are. The 0.50 ones are usually the rarest cheevos in the game.
Poker Night 1
Not too hard, should get this within a tourny or two
Shouldn't be too hard if you're chasing it, especially if you're in a one-on-one. Will just require card luck.
Straight Flushes are pretty rare. Just keep playing and keep chasing them I suppose.
Poker Night 2
Should be easy enough
You'll have to grind out many tournament wins to raise the cash for these, but they're the second cheapest ones.
You'll have to play a lot.
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Say that about Flappy Goat. Worst achievement ever and it's 0.10. Think I got to 5/10 at most. I can understand why Flappy Bird went belly up (or down). He was probably afraid he'll get murdered, stabbed to death with an IPhone or something. I won't be 100%-ing that game just cause I hate everything about Flappy Bird, Flappy Goat, and generally speaking anything flappy.
With regards to Poker Night 1 & 2, yeah, some of them are hard to do. Sam was my worst enemy. He usually didn't bet big but when he did he had 1 over me and BAM, Max jumps out and takes all my money. T_T
Not to mention the fact that I had these achv for a while now and they didn't register as of yet.
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Life Balance = 1 million, if you win your balance raise up, if you lose your balance drop. There's a trick, if you get a low % to win in a hand just Alt+F4, and then continue the tournament from the last hand, basically fold/raise, next hand all-in and if the odds are against you just Alt+F4. In the first hand of a new tournament alwasy fold (if you are no sure to win) cos if you use Alt+F4, when you launch the game again there's no CONTINUE TOURNAMENT option only NEW TOURNAMENT, and everytime you start a new one your balance loss $20000. You need to win 13 tournaments in a row to get the achivement. If loose one then just you need to play more than 13.
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What about "play for the first time" credit, it should appear in your Playfire app instantly or it will appear when time to get achievements for this game is over?
Because Playfire is displaying me "Played Dwarfs!? for the first time, for a total of 9 minutes." on my profile, but no credit was added since yesterday, same for Poker Night 2, I played it even before Playfire.
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"Poker Night at the Inventory - unlock Straight Flush - £0.50"
If actually playing the game and not cheating, then most people will not get that one by the time these rewards expire.
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I have it already and only played 4 hours according to steam. Though I missed the reward because I unlocked it a while ago
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I've played a decent amount of poker in my life and I can count on one hand the number of straight flushes I've even seen played, let alone having it myself. Unless you're lucky chances are you won't get one in such a short time frame.
With a 20% discount code and the $0.10 cashback you can get each game for $0.90 which is a bargain, but don't expect to make any profit out of it.
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Yup. Haven't played in years, but I was heavily into online poker over the course of a 3 year span in the past. Would usually play at least a sit and go everyday and would often play for hours on end. Think I had 2, 3 at most straight flushes in that time.
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I'd say the reasons to go for Playfire rewards are:
Otherwise I think you're just going to get annoyed by grinding to get the achievement.
I've been playing Poker Night at the Inventory (obtained under condition 1 above) and it's quite fun. I've only got two of the achievements so far, though.
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Its not hard, its just kind of luck based, as you would assume given that its a card game.
You can get the best hand on your first ever time playing it or it could take you months of playing the game.
You could win all four special items in four straight games or it could take several before even one shows up.
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If you play to get the achievements you'll be waiting a long time until they eventually come around. Poker's a skill game to some extent, but you can't control what cards come out which a few of these achievements involve so your best bet is to just keep playing new hands over and over as long as there's a chance that you can get any of the achievements your need, then reset it as soon as you see that you can't, rinse and repeat until you have them. I reckon it would take a few hours if not longer to get all of these achievements though.
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It's probably not worthwhile if you only are interested in picking up the 2 games for the achievements. Maybe you'll have fun with it, but you'll probably be spending a few hours just to profit $.20-.30. If you know you'll enjoy yourself, sure, go for it.
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If you have played poker and understand it, it shouldn't be that hard to get, I got all of the achievements in 8 hours of playtime, though I used the Alt+F4 trick a lot when I made all-in bets.
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Question about "Poker Night at the Inventory - unlock Down to the Green - £0.25"
Says on the achievements list "Down to the Green - Win consecutive all-ins." Does that mean to showdown or doesn't it matter? If I go all-in pre-flop and everyone folds twice in a row do I get it?
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Answering my own question - Nope, there had to be callers but it only took 10 minutes to get going all-in every hand. It counted winning a side-pot as one of them.
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Bah. That achievement isn't dropping for me. I've had loads of consecutive all-in wins in as many different ways as I can think: pre-flop, after the flop, 1-on-1, all players still in, etc. But the achievement isn't registering. It seems that a few others have had this problem too but there aren't many clues on how to fix it. So I guess the 25p isn't mine. Seems strange to be sad about such a small amount of money, but it's the principle ;)
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So, I'm thinking about buying Poker Night 2 or Poker Night at the Inventory on Green Man Gaming and try to get the achievemts I'm supposed to and get the money from the playfire rewards. For those who don't know, GMG is running a beta phase of something called playfire rewards, where you get paid for completing achievements on some games. If I buy the Poker Night and get all achievements I'd be able to get the money I spent back, and even more than I spent. But I've never played Poker, so maybe it would be hard for me, I don't really want the game, but it's perfect in my opinion, because I get a free game, get paid for playing it and earn more money to buy new games. But as I said, I'm afraid I buy it and don't manage to get the achievements. This is the list of achievements for each game and its respective reward:
Poker Night 2 - play for the first time - £0.10
Poker Night 2 - unlock I Tournament to Do That - £0.10
Poker Night 2 - unlock Sam to the Max - £0.25
Poker Night 2 - unlock We Are the 1% - £0.50
Poker Night at the Inventory - play for the first time - £0.10
Poker Night at the Inventory - unlock Flush - £0.10
Poker Night at the Inventory - unlock Down to the Green - £0.25
Poker Night at the Inventory - unlock Straight Flush - £0.50
What do you think, should I buy it anyway and try to get the achievements?
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