I have completed 32 this year, it should be a lot more but I wasted 500 hours on Hitman 1 & 2, I'm an idiot. Trying to focus on shorter and/or more story-based games now, finished Firewatch and Bastion in the last month and currently playing Danganronpa V3.
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Comeon .. if you have fun and enjoyed those 500 hrs then they aren't a waste.
Personally I would rather if I have a few big games that I would have a blast for long times in them rather than having many short ones that might not be all that fun in total.
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I enjoyed majority of it, that's for sure, but definitely all of it. Doing all different ways to kill a target was a blast, but some challenges were stupid and frustrating, have no idea why I did them. Also playing all levels from 1 all over again in sequel wasn't that much satisfying, it felt like a chore but did it anyway because I want to have all unlocks.
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There are a lot of challenges that have no achievements linked to it.
Astats and HLTB state that achievements would take around 100hrs
Personally I have a little over 200 hrs in Hitman, and almost 450hrs in Hitman 2
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Well H2 have a few mechanics not in H1 I enjoyed replaying Season 1 in H2 because of them.
But yes many players didn't like that you have to play H1 all over again in H2
H3 still going to have both seasons in it, though I think they stated that the unlocks (and maybe progress .. not sure about this bit) will carry from H2 to H3
But since it will be Epic timed exclusive -1 year- I haven't be closely following its news
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Both unlocks and progress will carry over, I certainly wouldn't bother doing everything from 1 and 2 in H3. Epic deal was a low blow but I can understand them somewhat, game like Hitman is expensive to make for an independent team, and I don't think that H2 sold that well. I will wait couple of months after Steam release and get it for cheap (got H2 Gold for 20โฌ on gray market site 6 months after release, that was sweet).
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I've been pretty busy this year, so gaming has been on the back burner.
I keep a list of completed games on my profile, organized by month and year: https://steamcommunity.com/id/expiredwaffle/
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Around 130 hours between August and September. Definitely my biggest undertaking of the year.
And I still need to finish Blood & Wine!
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Yeah, that game needed the proper time investment. I remembered spending 2 weeks vacation day on the game! By the end of the second week I had just started the expansion. Granted I wasn't gaming from morning to the evening during the vacation but still took quite some time to finish, including the expansions.
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12 in 30days/ 118 in the year
This is the steam numbers, plus around 50 nonsteam games into the yearly one that is not counted
Hidden object games and 20 minute steam trash games kinda bloat the numbers, if we talk about actual games the number is around 40-50.
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Last 30 days I believe 3: Ryse, FO4 and MGSV (a couple more games I put a few hours but not a complete run .. just a match or 2)
As for a year: 40-50 (between Steam, Origin and Uplay that is).
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7 in the past 30 days & 55 in 2020 (and spent over +200h playing multiplayer games with friends)
i was hoping i'd finish more singleplayer games but i've been too busy with studies in the past 3 months or so (i'm still happy with my progress this year though)
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1 / ~55
Completionist shows I've completed 61 games this year, but a handful of those were games that were previously beaten and maybe only missing a couple achievements I went back for this year.
I was on a good roll at the start of the year in terms of clearing out my backlog, but now my post-grad is taking up too much of my free time with the mountain of assignments.. :c
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Past 30 days... FF7remake (part 1)
Past year? Ohboy... 25+ at a skim through my library...
FF15 (main story+dlc... steam edition), Brukel, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, VtM Coteries, The Council, Tell Me Why, Submerged, Heaven's Vault, When The Past Was Around, Bear With Me: Lost Robots, Eastshade, Blacksad, the Flower Collectors, Donut County, Murder by Numbers, The Red Strings Club, 11-11 Memories Retold, Assemble With Care, Alpha Polaris (f2p), The Mortician's Tale, Paperbark, The World Next Door, Tales from Off-Peak City Vol 1, Killi's Treasure & Timpu's Treasure. ... And some random number of hidden object, casual time management, and jigsaw games.
I do play a lot of FF14 Online as well. Almost caught up with the MSQ (Main Story Quest). And the new content from Terraria. And other stuff with replay value / unending playability.
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Oh wow we have some similar tastes so some questions:
What are your thoughts on Eastshade? It has been on my wishlist for ages.
Tell Me Why is another recent add to my wishlist, so how was that game?
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Eastshade is really laid back and easy to take your time with; even by walking sim standards. I loved the whole experience. I do need to go back and get a couple missing achievements at some point. My only suggestion is too save often; particularly if you go exploring outside normal areas. I got stuck once or twice jumping over walls in and around the city.
Tell Me Why is much like the LiS universe in a lot of ways. So depending where you stand on those games, it could be hit or miss (I liked LiS1 and BtS, not so much LiS2 even tho I did like the premise). It's clear DONTNOD put a lot of effort into making sure their trans character got represented well including having a trans masc VA for him. Even tho I played it only a few months ago, I'm struggling to remember what specific issues I may have had with it other than not caring for one of the two (final choice) endings. One of the differences from LiS is you get to play both Tyler and Alyson at different parts of the story instead of being limited to just one the entire game.
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Thank you! I acutally added Tell Me Why for the LiS connection, but I haven't played LiS2 yet so that one gets priority. I actually didn't know they have a trans character, I'm glad there's a good representation because there's such a thin line between it being done well and just being really obnoxious instead.
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Since it's going to be offline 2021, Battleborn. Been grinding it out. Very long one. Even tougher since sparse online population.
I have a problem in always picking long games to complete. Warframe just reached its formerly impossible mastery cap, that one's next. I have an embarassing amount of hours in that game, which stole from my time to complete many others.
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last 30 days, 0 been trying to 100% the witcher 3
158 hours right now
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5/76. Certainly didn't expect the latter number to be that huge (sure, there were a lot of short indie games, sometimes even two or three the same evening, but there were also some really long ones - like RDR2 or Horizon: Zero Dawn). Even now that I'm sorta an elderly student (the majority of my classmates are about 15 years younger than me), I spend all my free time playing games, and I do have a lot of free time.
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You can sort your Steam library by date you've last run a game (whatever it's called in other languages); at least that's what I did.
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Thank you. Although this didn't make it all that obvious due to idling some games...
I found out, I started and played a lot of games. However, I lose interest relatively easily and only finished 11 out of all of them this year. 2 of 'em this month.
TL;DR: 2/11
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That must feel great! Congrats on whittling down your backlog!
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3/33. The most recent 3 are:
Halo 3
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
Halo 3 was on Game Pass rather than Steam, but I track my playtimes on howlongtobeat.com so it's easy to count how many games I've beaten no matter what store I got them from.
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far cry 4, far cry primal and spongebob squarepants in last 30 days
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I don't really keep track of these things, but at least I have a routine where I review my games after they're done (100% achievements):
Damn son. I think I've done a pretty good job.
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Haha, if you're wondering how: I was taking a break year between high school and university without a proper job, and in that time I got an injury where it was hard to do stuff. So, lying in bed and playing lots of short point and click games, visual novels and other easy games on my laptop was how I passed the time. The stats in the recent month are due to me going through the shortest games in my backlog recently. Not like those are tons of 20+ hour games :P
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100% achievements not required.
For me it's barely:
1 / 7
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