How often do you get lit?
I am 46 and have smoked regularly since I was about 15-16 years old.
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Seeing your nick, I clicked on your Steam profile link - yep, I wasn't disappointed :-D
BTW, same here, except I'm few years younger...
But - from your profile - "Alcohol IS a HARD DRUG" - you don't drink at all, then? I really enjoy good craft beer, good wine or spirits...
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I actually love a drink. The "Alcohol IS a HARD DRUG" statement is more geared towards people who think it is fine to drink & get drunk in front of their kids & stuff then say how bad cannabis is.
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I'm 36 and have smoked it since I was 14, over the last 10 years my consumption has increased a lot.
I don't drink (except Bday \ Xmas ect) or take other drugs and apart from the side effects of using Tobacco, I feel pretty healthy.
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Never did and never will! That's fucking bullshit. Why would I need to smoke something to feel nice? I understand if people use it for their medical needs but not people that do it just for fun.
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Drinking is good in small quantities. Wine and beer have health benefits, if you don't drink a lot of them.
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Oh really? I've heard about drink technologists, but never about weed technologists. Where did they study about weed? :P But, if you didn't notice, as I've said before, I'm ok with people using weed for their medical needs, but not ok if they're just doing it for fun.
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Drinks have been studied for many years and I am mostly talking about beer and wine. It's not like I would include absinthe too. xD But about whiskey, yeah, it can help too. But a bottle though.......hmm, not really, since I was talking about small quantities. You mean to tell me that people smoke it for medical reasons without even asking a doctor for it? I can hardly believe that, since that would be rare. I know many people that use it for recreational reasons, so let's not hide the facts. Alcohol is being used for recreational reasons too, if you like drinking a lot.
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They done this tv show and test with a set of twins, one who took small amounts and someone who binged, results were even 2 glasses per day was already more then was good for you.
When i even take a small amount, i am feeling the side effects in my body, so lets not again hide the fact too that alcohol is just poison.
"Ethanol (/ˈɛθənɒl/; EtOH), also commonly called alcohol, ethyl alcohol, and drinking alcohol, is the principal type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages, produced by the fermentation of sugars by yeasts. It is a neurotoxic, psychoactive drug, and one of the oldest recreational drugs. It can cause alcohol intoxication when consumed in sufficient quantity.
Ethanol is a volatile, flammable, colorless liquid with a slight chemical odor. It is used as an antiseptic, a solvent, a fuel, and due to its low freezing point, the active fluid in many alcohol thermometers. The molecule is a simple one, being an ethyl group linked to a hydroxyl group."
That's what you put in your body and i think 90% of alcohol takers don't even know that.
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You can't really say that alcoholic drinks are poisonous. There have been many studies that are showing the health benefits of, for example, beer and wine. Go to science direct and you'll find multiple articles about their health benefits. You may need vpn to open some of them though. And, if you can, please rephrase the first sentence, because I didn't understand anything. xD
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I know what they said, wine is good for the heart etc just as well as i heared later it was proven otherwise.
As with alot of research there are so many that contradict eachother, one week this is good for your health and the other week it isn't, also what's good for someone might not be good for someone else, just like people have lactose intolerance, some just as well have or getting after drinking for some time an alcohol intolerance.
Even so it might be good for your heart, blood pressure etc, it will not be good for other things like you liver.
Just look at the ethanol piece i added if you haven't, and tell me if you still want to claim it isn't poison basically what you take?
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It won't harm your liver if you drink small quantities, except if you're doing other things too to harm your liver. And I already know about ethanol, no need to link me anything. Many substances are used for multiple reasons, so what are you trying to prove? Even the chewing gum has petroleum.
And we're talking about really small quantities:
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Gum is small, you don't digest it, you don't take several packs at a time unlike you take several glasses, that's a clear distinction from gum vs drinking it, and yes even in gum it might be crap, alot of food is you really know what is in it, full of crap, and with this you putting basically fuel in your body.
As i told you in that tv show they done on twins (thus you expect similar results) and that alone proven 2 drinks is already not good for your body, can't remember if it was the liver specific (think it was) but it had several disadvantages to your body even those small amounts. And you know just as well it is made like that, in that many can't even quit at 2-3 glasses, it releases a restraint in that you quickly take more.
You can believe and tell yourself whatever you want that small quantities is good and does not harm your liver, i just call it bull. By all means continue drinking if that's what you want to do.
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Gum was just an example. They use petroleum for candies too. Many things have many uses, more than you can dream of. :P Yeah, true, most foods are crap. :/ I can stop in 1 glass, so don't worry. :P I'm not addicted to it. I know many occasional drinkers that never had any problem with their liver. The heavy drinkers though, well, they got some serious problems. You may think it's bullshit, but check sciencedirect and you may see the health benefits too.
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Again i heared all about it (and at one point i believed it too), and you can throw with any link or site you want, here let me throw 2 critical ones against it.
I am not claiming you are right or i am right, but to safely and blindly just follow and believe because it's science but most of all to yell it's basically just safe in small amounts, is just ridicule. We can agree too much makes our body feel crap etc, and it will damage organs right? Thus it must be something really bad we take in, so why on earth would even small bits be safe for our body? If you could explain that logic to me.
Just as everyone is different and one of those researches in that link says, offcourse there might be a large group that can easily take 2 glasses a day (heck my parents did for decades) they don't all just die or need a liver transplant, just as certain people smoke a pack of cigarettes a day and stil llive to be 90 or 100, still it doesn't tell you what it does in your body.
The research thing is the same as certain propaganda people read in the media, they follow things blindly.
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We can agree too much makes our body feel crap etc, and it will damage organs right? Thus it must be something really bad we take in, so why on earth would even small bits be safe for our body? If you could explain that logic to me.
Because it doesn't accumulate into you that fast in order to cause damage. :/ If you're a heavy drinker, it will accumulate inside you and cause damage before the organism manages to throw it out or turn it into something harmless. If you drink occasionally, you're giving your organism enough time to throw it out or turn it into something harmless. There are other substances though, like aspartame, that are considered accumulative and will stay (at least its biggest part) inside your organism without ever leaving it. I think you already know that our organisms can repair themselves. :P
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I still don't agree, and are you some medical researcher or doctor that you infact have seen actual prove with your own eyes instead of what you just read?
Not everything can repair itself (else why are so many donor organs needed?), and only to an extend, such as a liver that is very resilient, but there comes a point it says enough is enough.
You are saying in small amounts your body can throw it all out, and even if that's true it's still crap (fuel) you put in your body, wether it stays in, goes out or not, it doesn't matter.
And yes aspartame, sugar, hormones, pesticide, as i already said there is alot of crap in food, some things you can't escape from and that stuff is also everything your body has to fight getting it out again, maybe even a mixture of such things with alcohol combined might make it not a good combination for certain people.
How much light soda drinks (aspartame) should people take that you are okay with? :P
How about people that drink alot of light products, it can't stay all in their body else they would bloat up. You know speaking about gum again, when i was young there were stories about that if you swallow it it would stay in your body, turned out that isn't true either.
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I'm based on studies. I'm not a researcher. :P The organism can repair itself, as long as you let it do that. :P Yes, of course, only to an extend - I never said otherwise. And yes, not everyone reacts the same to each substance. :P
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And have you read 200 page reports from it, or just an excerpt 1 page website article?
But everything that just gets publicized you believe? Again as to what one article i posted,
it criticizes that exactly how people are different there wasn't really any conclusion from such studies that the benefits were from alcohol because there are so many other factors not taken into account.
Also in that documentary i seen a research done on twins and fully tested by a doctor and even he was shocked by the tested results of small amount drinking, i rather believe such a thing then some words printed by someone.
Anyway going to sleep, we each have our own views, and that's okay but i also don't agree as others put it (and what started to get me writing) it's somehow different then weed.
But doesn't seem to change your mind.
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Oh, come on. I have read multiple. Am I supposed to remember the exact number?
With the same logic, as I usually say, organic food usually sucks, because it's full of mycotoxins most of the times, which can easily cause cancer. We can't take everything into account sadly. :/
As I said to another guy, it's fine to have a different opinion. But you can't tell me to change my opinion, just like I can't do that to you. :P For me, weed is useless if not for medical use, and alcohol is good in the long run if in small quantities.
Goodnight. ;P
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It's not about changing opinions but you don't really come with any real conclusive facts to back up your claims other then you having read some stuff (and thus believing it) in thus further repeating yourself over and over claiming alcohol isn't bad at all, and weed is, and thus be able to convince others that they might be wrong.
Just saying it's safe because some articles said so, doesn't fly, especially if they consist of 1 page articles.
Also with that logic, in certain cases alcohol will exactly be the cause of increase in certain cancer cases.
Anyway, goodnight.
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Alcohol isn't bad at all? o.O Now you're altering my words. :P Like, what else can I do, other that reading scientific articles? Do a research on myself? :/ Fun fact: Most of the times where they can't find out the cause of the cancer, it's because of the mycotoxins. Well, not exactly a fun fact, but simply calling it as fact, sounds a bit shitty. :P
I referred to studies to back up my claims. Sorry, can't think of anything else. There are lots of them in sciencedirect.
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"Alcohol isn't bad at all.. in small amounts" what you claimed.. Not altering, just not precise as you want me to put it.
Do read 100-200 pages reports, try to understand every word of it, think about the research methods, be open to reading claims about why those researches might not be that accurate.
And yes you can easily ask for a blood test and other things maybe if you wanted to see if certain things really change or not.
Even so there might just be things that we will never know the true truth in, doesn't mean just because some articles have been published that alcohol has it's benefits that it must be true, i told you there are just as many that prove otherwise, do research on that.
But most of all don't just believe anything you hear, with anything. And don't mean that as an insult but from the sound of it, it comes across you are still a bit on the young side, and thus what often comes with it, a bit naive.
And again as i also said before we are often driven into a way of thinking/propaganda by the media, like with the elections, fugitive issue and what not.
One most of all needs to do is live instead of listening and living according to researches and other rules and restrictions, and how anyone would want to spend it taking substances or not, it's their body and their life but if i ever get children i'd be sure as hell warn them about the crap alcohol is and not make the mistake i made.
And live with an open mind.
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Are you honestly asking this question? Because it's chemistry, not physics when everything is still *there* and in effect. Concentration means EVERYTHING in chemistry. Concentrated or diluted acids don't differ in their speed to solve something, they often solve different things. Thin alcoholic solution have no harm on the cells because cells actually have defense mechanism against it, and the alcohol-dehydrogenase enzyme breaks it down, while concentrated alcohol can be used as a disinfectant. (Same reason why you can't ferment a wine endlessly strong, because at a point the microbes will die in it). Chemistry is not "crap in lot of stuff is still crap" :)
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That's actually a research i do believe, especially for people living near a freeway, that there is alot of ultrafine pollutants and how damaging that is.
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no I wasn't meaning to tell you that, just pointing out how it's doctor approved without even needing to link you to any website is all i meant by that. however it sort of can be in part that combined with recreational use by some people. it is prescribed even just for sleep medication purposes, for neck & back pains, & migraines too. not just the more serious hiv/aids patients, cancer patients, & glaucoma.
im not here to debate it being legal or not though for recreational purposes, could care less there tbh. but what i call bullshit is the enormous amount of confirmed alcohol related deaths annually versus the non existent amount of confirmed weed related deaths.
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I told you already that I aknowledge that it has its medical purposes and I'm glad when people use it for their medical needs. xD Although I doubt it can help hiv patients. o.O I don't care if it's legal or not. Some of my friends do it too, but never in front of me, because I don't like it. But recreational use is worthless, in my opinion. They say they feel nice by doing it, but why do they need that to feel nice? About alcohol, I also told you that it's good for your health in SMALL QUANTITIES, not if you're a drunk that drinks massive quantities of alcohol and then go drive or take drugs or anything like that. In modern society, smoking weed is considered "fun" and you're not cool if you haven't smoked weed at least once. I'm a really calm person, most of the times, and some people have been asking me if I smoke weed all day. xD
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not by making hiv go away or anything, but just as a stress & pain reliever. but both are "bad" really hands down, and i'd suggest everyone not do either one at all. and we can toss tobacco in that "don't use/touch" department right along with it.
but imo none are "worse" then the other like we've been told in the past. they're all about the same scale of "bad" imo.
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Yep, tobacco is useless too. :/ But no, alcoholic drinks, like beer and wine, have some health benefits in small quantities. I've studied the basics of drink technology, not a lot of information though, and they really have health benefits. To be honest, I'm just telling you what my books were saying. I'm not a drink technologist though, but a food technologist, so you may need to ask a drink technologist to tell you more about that. Finally, let's keep in mind that I said I don't approve the recreational use of weed, but I approve the medical use of weed.
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i mean believing one is okay for recreational use just because you use that particular substance and then not approving the recreational use of weed just because you don't use that particular substance is hippocratic. especially when you already multiple times confirm it has medical benefits just the same as alcohol. your argument continues to be how alcohol has medical benefits, that argument is the same for weed so it's a null/void argument.
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Heh, that was funny. xD Sorry. :P
Anyway, alcohol has health benefits that can help your body get in better shape in the long run - it won't instantly help you with your existent problems. Weed, on the other hand, can help you with your existent problems. So, if you smoke weed without having any problems, why are you smoking it for? That's their difference. And I never said I do recreational use of alcohol. I just like how often and how easily people use the word hypocrisy.
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so if i smoke weed non-medically because i like the way it tastes and don't use it to enjoy, it's acceptable/approve-able by your standards? if it is then i apologize and i preemptively used the hypo word. if it's not then that'd be why people use the word. xD
why use it? to gain super strong lung muscles to blow up many balloons in my next life as a traveling circus clown :P what's it really matter? i guess what i should be asking is, you may not "approve" frankly that doesn't matter.. but do you "disapprove"?
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Why do I have to repeat myself? xD Alcohol can help you in the long run. Weed can help you instantly. If you don't have problems right now, why would you smoke it? If you smoke anything, from tobacco to a simple paper, it will damage your lungs. Smoke is bad, no matter where it originates from. I also said that I won't stop you from smoking, just don't put that smoke in front of me please. You can do whatever you want with your organism. Eat junk food, drink 2 barrels of wine every day, do drugs, etc. - it's your organism. But I won't like it. And I'm not sure what you mean with the approve-disapprove thing. I'm not a fluent English speaker/writer.
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stress prevention. i didn't want to confirm i even smoke it period is why i have repetitively ignored the question, but you continue to ask so i answered. been smoking for well over 15years straight and i'm not worried about my liver, financial issues, or any of that life downing bullshit. i am however worried about my mothers liver who's gradually becoming an alcoholic. so if i were anything i'd be anti-alcohol and pro-marijuana. i have done both before and i know which inhibits me far more then the other, and which allows me to function practically normally. well besides my lazyness in pressing the shift key when typing.
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i am with you on that 100%
even the shift key part.
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Never be ashamed to talk about your health problems. :/ You see, you use it for a medical purpose. That's a good reason, if you have a lot of stress. About your mother, try to insist that she cuts the alcohol. I know I'm helping at all with this advice, but, for example, I did that to my best friend. I kept insisting that he'll stop smoking and I persuaded him to stop the cigarettes and start the e-cigarettes. Now, he's smoking a lot less and I hope he'll stop e-cigarettes too in the near future. I also wasn't letting him do weed, since smoking anything can harm your lungs. I also wasn't letting him drink too much. Damn, I'm like his father. xD But, you see, you are defending marijuana and you are against alcohol because of personal experience. I find that alcohol is much better in the long run than coffee or other drinks and I certainly dislike smoking. Each person has a different point of view. So, you see, you have now expressed an opinion that is different to mine and you didn't tell me to change my opinion - that's actually a decent conversation. It's different than before when you were practically telling me to change my opinion just because you weren't agreeing with me. And you may not agree that I'm an occasional drinker. That's fine too.
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but even if it were medically legal here where i live (which it is not), thinking about even going to the doctor starts to give me stress. so personally i wish it were just recreational legal to avoid the necessity of going to get a prescription and seeing a doc. not to mention being a habitual user i see how it can be used for enjoyment/recreational purposes and be a safer alternative. so in those regards i don't mean to change your opinion, but just trying to get you to keep an open mind that it could be a reasonable alternative.
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Hmm, then you should seek help from your relatives to make that appointment for you and force you to go there. :/ But it's probably not even medically legal there, as you said. :P But I can't call something safe, when it includes smoke. If it was something like cannabis oil, I would be more open minded. But smoking it? I don't even get it. :/
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well like i said in the beginning they're all bad to a degree too. i'm not a doctor and not gonna pretend to know the true odds, and even if i looked at statistics i'm sure they'd very vary from study to study by a large margin anyways. but alcohol 'can' causes liver damage and tissue damage whereas weed smoking* 'can' cause well i'm not entirely sure but ofc risks of cancers (which everything practically can cause) and tissue damage. i'm sure both have more damaging stuff too, but that's again my non-medical knowledge.
i'd be all for oils or any of that if it were easy or convenient though. but ingesting requires more substance and it being illegal makes that inconvenient & even more costly, and oil extraction i wouldn't even know how or where to do or get that. smoking's the cheapest and most convenient is the only reason. but i strongly agree it's horrible on lungs, causes shortness of breath (that's another for list above), and all that bad stuff.. but i just don't feel that it's worse then alcohol by any means. it's far to easy to abuse alcohol and i'm not saying weed can't and doesn't/wouldn't get abused, but it's not quite as easy to abuse/overuse/overdose/overindulge.
edit1: very to vary
edit2: added smoking* (it's not so much the weed that causes those things, but the carbon monoxide from burning it and inhaling)
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your argument continues to be how alcohol has medical benefits
Sorry, comment nesting is so shit I had to quote. Alcohol itself is not good, or maybe just a tiny bit. It's the other components in alcoholic drinks that makes it healthy, like the anti-oxidants in red wine. Pure alcohol is highly toxic, while if you dilute it with water it will be less harmful, but will carry no health benefits. (And now reading further, I'm curious how far this topic got :D )
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"Alcohol itself is not good"
i know, and on the flip side weed itself is not bad. its the burning of it that causes carbon monoxide and other chemical reactions to be harmful. that's why it kinda bothers me when people oppose weed so strongly but are still pro-alcohol. they are and should be treated as equals in my opinion.
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Pure alcohol is highly toxic
Very much so. Alcohol itself carries zero health benefits.
I've just been quietly following this (despite the poor comment nesting, like you mentioned), but I'm glad someone finally mentioned this. (and I wouldn't have noticed if not for my OCD and your reply lmao).
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Lucky was claiming alcohol is good for you "in small amounts", and that's 100% incorrect. It's not the alcohol in some drinks that's good for you. It's other chemicals. The alcohol itself is just poison.
Alcohol can help you in the long run.
From Lucky's comment up above.
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people who use it for medical needs get high as every other person... in most cases in which weed is used medicinal only a small dose of the cannabinoids would do the same effect.
look at the reasons why people get their dispensarie cards in amercia, those are ridicoulus. i say if you don't suffer from massive pain or something like this you get mostly high if you smoke weed or ear edibles medicinal, so the same as if you would do it just for fun.
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Depends. I remember a girl that she was getting so easily and seriously stressed, that she was shaking, screaming, and getting huge pimples (I don't know the correct word for it). It was the first time I actually thought: Damn, that girl really needs weed or something to make her relax. xD Most people though just want legalization of marijuana only in order to smoke it and have fun. Instead of thinking to legalize it for its medical uses, people just want to smoke it for fun. And will lie to doctors in order to smoke it just for fun. That's totally immature in my opinion.
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but if take my case for example, i suffer from depressions and smoke weed daily to be able to have a life. in this case cbd doesn't help and of course am i stoned all day long to not get into depression.
so where's the difference if you just smoke it for fun? you would be stoned as i am, who uses it medicinal. and the girl you talked about is the same thing. she relaxes because she is stoned, not because of one cannabinoid which plugs on a receptor in the brain.
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There are are extractions and flowers now that carry little to no THC and are high in CBD to help with the ailment and not get the person "stoned" while doing so.
I do agree that medical licensing has been a joke. You can have a hangnail in California and pretty much any licensing place will give you one for it.
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Well, then consult a drink technologist to ensure you I'm not lying. I'm a food technologist, so I don't know much about drinks, but I know the basics. But I've never heard of a weed technologist. :P Also, as I've said before, I'm ok with people using weed for their medical needs, but not ok if they're just doing it for fun.
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That research really depends on which one you are looking at, there are just as many that prove the opposite, you can't deny any alcohol is basically poison what you are throwing in your body, same as sugar (which you can sort of get addicted too but noone talks about that).
Can't grasp the fact either others aren't okay with what another person does, as long as that other person isn't bothering anyone else with it, their life not yours.
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I didn't say that I would grab weed from strangers that are smoking it and burn it. xD As long as they're not smoking it in front of me, I'm ok with it, but I still do NOT approve it if it's not for their medical needs. I'm not doing a crusade against it or something.
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-_- My coworkers like to insist that their smoking habits aren't effecting their ability to work. But you can tell the days that they're showing up high, and the days that they're not. Just like you'd be able to tell if they were drunk.
Or tripping out of their mind on heavy duty pain meds. Have you ever tried to work on strong medication? It's not worth the trouble usually lol.
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Never said anything different. ;) Although we can't really know that, but still, I agree. :P
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yeah that may be true noone cant deny that but there was one guy at my college who was at his balcony smoked weed and when he rise up to go inside he was so dizzy he fell to his death , it was college apartements i also lived in one of them and the wall at the balcony was about 1 meter high so it was as safe as it gets , i know that weed didnt killed him directly and that it could easily happen with him being drunk but still we have to accept that deaths like that do exist and i am sure car accidents
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the chance of accidents happening do increase with any intoxicant - the argument i's making was, though it's said that red wine is good for your heart (or whatever it is), the simple act of drinking does degrade and stress the body to the point of potential death just from prolonged use; afaik, th'only significant side-effect from cannabis is impaired memory, which is not deadly in itself
EDIT: i include this image because of the second note
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It's like alcohol and drugs in general. Most of the times, the death is indirect, just like sephirotha7 said. :P
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lies, damn lies, and statistics though - if we had the same data on weed that we have on tobacco, then the statistics might look different is all I am saying on that table :) - one of my friends smoked for solidly and we started noticing changes in their behaviour because of this, he stopped suddenly though - when he chucked himself in front of an intercity 125 - not saying it was the weed, but just saying that statistics are only as good as the data we have, and only as good as the person making the tables - we can all make statistics fit every situation (to be clear here - I do not care if people smoke weed for any reason that they want to :) - just hate statistics being wheeled out, as they are always misleading and slanted one way or the other). Surprised Yirg isn't here already pointing this out, given how much they like statistics and polls - giggle :)
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i'm very sorry to hear of your friend and understand how you could have associated that plant with their actions, considering proximity. however, it could very easily have been that the weed was an attempted coping mechanism (instead of hiding in a bottle) - i do not think that it could have driven them to do what they did (any number of other things i don't want to speculate on were no doubt involved) but... "intoxicant" - "substance that alters perception." i can concede that there is always a(t least a minute) risk of side-effects and, considering how relatively little we still know of the brain, exactly how different chemicals affect it are hard to truly appreciate (not trying to confer more significance to cannabis than is deserving though, i.e. peyote / yopo / myriad others are much more potent (thus (")dangerous("))). i do oppose the idea of, at least prevalent, "Reefer Madness" (just as Shamrock seemed to have hinged his argument on "the majority are not technically 'drunks'/addicts" xD). even personally, though the research asserts that weed is not a depressant (i guess technically), i can attest to the fact that, if other variables like set and setting are wrong, partaking of the plant can seem like a depressant for the user in the moment. simply: there are always exceptions to everything.
bold and incorrect, though, to claim "lies." for sure, stats are almost inherently skewed ("you find what you look for") - the first image didn't even identify source; i only cited them because they're simple and fast means of conveying in broad strokes the truth that weed, compared to other intoxicants, is, afaik, the least harmful (reference: that we've been using the plant in one form or another for millennia with no recorded deaths attributed to it (notwithstanding accidents)). "then the statistics might look different" - heh.
also, whether the numbers are 100% correct or not, again, it only illustrated the point that legal vices like tobacco and alcohol, medicine that is meant to help, driving and even food can all directly kill you - marijuana will generally only make you complacent (in the sense of not wanting to do much of anything). i understand that, because it was involved in the loss of someone close to you, you would perhaps begrudge it and be ((")overly(")) skeptical / speculative; what research there is (both sponsored and objective) has proven time and again that weed is okay (for most).
weed is not technically harmless, as there are those for whom it does nothing but make them feel bad / wrong; in general, though, it is a benign plant with no lingering, harmful side-effects except for that (potential for) impaired memory and ((")slightly(")) damaged lungs; no capability to (directly) cause death like nearly all other similar substances.
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hmmm - in my opinion no plant is benign - they all have effects - I mean my skin turned a shade of orange as a child through eating too many carrots - giggle, true story and very odd - otherwise we would not have sought to use them throughout history :-P - as for the lies bit - it is simply an old saying people use when talking about statistics to point out how silly they can be (nothing more :)
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So when you are with mates for example, and they drink a beer for fun not for health beneficiaries of course, you don't drink with them?
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I said that because when drinking alcohol people feel nice as well and I wondered if he did drink alcohol, since it is bad to drink/smoke for fun. But apparently he only drinks beer to stay healthy
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What are you talking about? It doesn't even make any sense. I drink too. I'm just not a drunk that drinks a lot of alcohol each day. But I wouldn't drink it if it was completely useless. And with the same logic, if my friends would smoke weed, I would have to join them? :P
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I'm sorry for my crappy English but I'll try it again.
What I mean to say is that you do drink alcohol but not for fun?
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I don't think that alcohol is "fun", at least not for me. :P I drink alcohol when going out with friends, in order to have something to drink. And I've been drunk a few times in the past sadly. :/ But I generally drink small quantities of alcohol, mostly beer.
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Then it sounds like you drink alcohol for fun or recreational or whatever you want to call it, and there is nothing wrong with that. But I think it's kinda hypocrite to say that recreational use of weed is different from recreational use of alcohol.
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No, because I wouldn't drink if it wouldn't have a health benefit for me. ;) And I don't consider it fun, so how am I using it for recreational purposes?
I think it's kinda hypocrite to say that recreational use of weed is different from recreational use of alcohol.
When did I say that? o.O You made your own assumption and made your own conclusion.
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I said that because in my ears it sounds like you use alcohol as a recreational thing.
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In your ears, maybe. But I told you the exact opposite thing. :P
"Recreational activities are often done for enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure and are considered to be fun."
I just drink alcohol in order to drink something when I'm outside and I mostly choose beer. It has some health benefits, that we all know, so I choose it over other choices. And I also like its taste. I didn't say that I love going out to drink. I go out to have fun with friends and I also have to drink something or else I would look like an idiot. xD But, as I said before, beer tastes good. :O If they would serve pineapple though in bars, cafeterias, and such, I would gladly order some. xD
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I'm sorry but it still sounds like recreational use of alcohol. You like the taste of beer so you get some enjoyment from it.
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I like the taste of fruits too. Is that a recreational use too? xD It's different to do something just in order to have fun and different to do something that you had to do and like it too. I ensure you it's not a recreational use, but keep insisting if you don't believe me.
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We agree to disagree then :p that's okay. Going to bed now, it's late for me.
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Yep, but I don't like them. :/ Also, as I have said before, alcohol is good in small quantities. :)
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You misundestood. xD I said I don't like non-alcoholic beverages. :P I like alcoholic beverages like beer. It's not like I would force myself to drink beer just because it has health benefits. And I never said I disapprove medical use of weed, but recreational use of weed. Using it, if you have a glaucoma for example, is fine to me. But using it just to have fun, it's not fine to me. I won't stop you, but I just don't approve it. :P So, if you don't have glaucoma, pains, sleep problems, etc., where exactly will it help you? :P
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You don't like non-alcoholic beverages?? Now it gets even weirder, what do you drink then all day? An average adult is supposed to drink approx. 2 liters of water a day.
As for weed and its benefits: How about relaxing at the end of the day? That's enough of a benefit for me. And it does that job so well. It's not only relaxing to the mind, but also to the body. Muscular stress is reduced as well as stress in general. Gimme a spliff and some great music and I'll call it a day :D
Generally I couldn't care less if other people approve of what I have found to be good for my well being. What I do not approve of is other people judging others. I don't even see the point of not consuming things for "fun" as you say. Where would you draw a line? Chocolate has substances in it that do similar stuff to your brain than weed. Coffee is an everyday drug nobody even considers as one. Almost everything that has to be inserted into your body does something to it. Why consume just "to be alive" when you just as well can indulge into everything - reasonable usage presumed.
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Hehe, sorry, I misunderstood. xD I thought you were talking about non-alcoholic beers and such. xD I drink water. :P
Nah, I don't need any weed to relax. There are ways to relax. And I'm a calm person, most of the time, so some people end up asking me if I smoke weed all day. :P I don't need weed to relax, I'm perfectly fine without it. So maybe you didn't try to find another way to relax? Movies relax me, going out relaxes me, going to the gym relaxes me, etc. You are trying to show it like you're doing it for a medical use, although it hardly sounds like it. Still, if you're full of stress, then be my guest, smoke weed then. I said I don't approve that people are smoking weed for recreational use. Can't I say my opinion? Did I tell you to stop it or something? Did I annoy you with my opinion? People are also doing drugs for fun too, if you can even consider that fun. About chocolate, it also has some benefits in small quantities. And I prefer dark chocolate - healthier and much more tasty. ^_^ Coffee has a lot of antioxidants, but I avoid drinking it, since it has a lot of disadvantages, like it can raise pressure or cause insomnia, etc. And I know many people addicted to coffee. I'm lucky to like healthy food, like fruits, vegetables, low fat meat, etc., so you can't really say that I eat just to stay alive, but I also like what I eat. You can consume whatever you want and have fun, but you are what you eat (or consume), so don't forget that. It's your organism and you can do whatever you want. I'm against weed, but I won't stop you from smoking it, just don't smoke it in front of me.
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What is your opinion based on, though?
I never said it's my only way to relax, or that I'm in need of relaxation, in fact I'm the most relaxed person I know, other people even come to visit me when they are in need of some time off and I often get the feedback the the atmosphere around me is so soothing and calm. I meditate, I cuddle my kitties, I eat healthy and mostly purely organic, I rarely drink coffee, i exercise. I don't own a TV and I rarely watch movies. Sitting quiet in nature or taking walks ouside are some favourite ways of mine of worshipping life. Weed is supportive to that state of mind, and just as I enjoy a well prepared dinner I consciously sit down to enjoy my smoke occasionally. I don't see how anybody could not approve of that. And I'm finding it quite stupid to say "don't smoke it in front of me". Why not? How's that any of your business?
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It is MY business, because I don't want to smell it. So why is that stupid? Should I be forced to smell it? It smells bad and I don't want to smell it. People also don't like smelling normal cigarettes too, hence why they have banned smoking in public closed places. Smoke annoys some people, so keep that in mind.
I don't approve it, because it has some disadvantages, like coughing, red eyes, it affects the lungs (anything you smoke can affect your lungs, from tobacco to just a simple paper), it makes people thinking "differently", etc. So, I don't approve it on myself and I don't approve it on others, because I care about others too. If you need it for a medical reason, then of course you should do it. If you want it without any reason at all, so it's useless, then I don't approve it. I don't approve of useless things that have disadvantages. Would I stop you from doing it? Of course not. But please keep the smoke away from me. It's common decency not to annoy others with your smoke, if they're getting annoyed by it that is.
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So your whole reply circles around my last sentence, totally ignoring what I wrote beforehand. For example what your opinion is based on. Which is nothing but prejudice and blind obediance to a ruleset without having experienced anything on your own..
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Well, I can agree that beer is delicious. A really cold beer......daaaaamn. :B But I never thought it's fun to drink.
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Great. So I just don't look younger, I sound younger too. xD Although you probably didn't say it as a compliment, I will take it as a compliment. xD Wait till you hear me talk about sports, religion, nations, and science. :P
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Hmmm, nah, thank you. I don't like experimentations. I actually don't need experimentations, since I already thought of myself and found out what I like. With the same logic, I could try heroin, cocaine, meth, etc., just for would sadly not be for once eventually though. :/
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Important thing to learn here, I never wrote explicit, or implicit "things" were drugs related.
For this, I ask you try some new things, travel(to the next street, other cities, towns, countries), learn from other people. LIVE.
Gold rule, enjoy with your family.
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I would gladly travel far away, if I had the money. But I'm the occasional traveler. Ok, telling me to go to the next street sounds weird, but I do it everyday. :P I go quite often to a neighboring city too. And, during the summer, I go to multiple one-day vacations, if I don't have the money to go somewhere for multiple days. So, I live, in terms of traveling. In terms of experimenting, no, I don't experiment. :P
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Research saying alcohol has beneficial effects doesn't hold up to scrutiny and suffers from confirmation biases where correlation is misappropriated as causation.
Proteins which are commonly associated with having beneficial effects are also being regularly having said claims disproven. For example.
Alcohol is bad for you in the long run, low doses minimize the effect, not negate it.
"Drink technologists" sounds more like enthusiasts who make drinks than people who study the anatomical effects of those things like say, a hepatologist might.
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Minor health benefits in exchange for surrendering your free will/self control, while risking addiction?
Brilliant. Freaking brilliant.
Still, at least we agree smoking for "fun" is unbelievably stupid.
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I never got addicted to alcohol. Never lost my self control. But I sadly got drunk a few times and puked, that's all. I didn't like it, that's for sure. :( I like the taste of beer though, plus it has some health benefits, which aren't exactly minor. If you can't stand alcohol, don't drink it then. Nobody forces anyone to do something. I also won't force my friends not to do weed, but I ask them never to do it in front of me.
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Never lost my self control. But I sadly got drunk a few times and puked
Not to put too fine a point on things, but that's exactly the definition of losing your self control. I don't think I'd be using that as a point in this debate. :P
I'm not holding your having a few beers now and then against you. Don't get me wrong. I don't judge people for things I've done in much greater excess -- just pointing out the fallacy in that bit of "logic" and letting you know it contradicts the point you seem to be trying to make. ;)
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Alcohol, if served in small doses, is not harmful in any quantity.
Horac Hogo-fogo
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Weed is alright if it's not done a lot, but people have to eventually see the truth that it can be harmful. The biggest threat I like to bring to light is mental illness. As someone who has seen the changes of many friends who spent multiple years smoking multiple times daily, as well as my time working in a post psychiatric facility... I've seen how weed can have some serious effects on peoples mental health. Thankfully some information is slowly coming into the lime light to support this, and hopefully will help people try to not abuse it as so many do these days.
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It surely can alter your way of thinking. It can be addicting too. Just like ancient Greeks were saying "Μέτρον άριστον", which means "All in good measure". But the biggest problem, in my opinion, is the smoke. Anything you smoke, ANYTHING at all, can damage your lungs. I don't know anything about what it can do at the mental health in the long run.
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Yeah, the smoke part is indeed true, but most people dismiss it because they just don't care, so I try to bring forward information that may make them reconsider. People thinking they may cut a few years off their life doesn't bother them if they enjoyed their life... But when they realize they increase the odds of developing schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and suicidal thoughts/tendencies... They may rethink their involvement with a substance. As for addiction, it's mental, not physical. Abuse of the substance leads to one becoming detached from reality, therefor rendering them incapable of coping with reality. Basically a mental disorder in itself.
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The thing that makes me sad is watching my coworkers that are stuck in a feedback loop. They struggle in classes while trying to get their degree, which stresses them out, they smoke weed because they're stressed, which inhibits their memory (and according to your article can just straight up lower someones IQ over time), So then they miss deadlines or do worse on papers because they're high and currently don't care that much.. until they get a bad grade as a result.... which makes them stressed... etc
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i used to smoke on the daily every chance i got (so more'n thrice a day) but have since gotten into another pain management clinic which requires that i stay clean to continue treatment - though the weed did help, ketamine and morphine seem to help more. i vote as though i still did smoke, but don't actually (would if i could, hence the vote)
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"ketamine and morphine seem to help more".
Sorry for being insensitive (just ignore and/or blacklist me), but wtf you have that requires this? :-O :-(
I hope you can get better (and wish that you will soon!)
As a smoker I was once asked if I can get some weed (illegal here) for someone on morphine. I said that I don't think it will help in his case - I hope I was right (no drug tests at the time).
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chronic pain condition - not really exactly sure what, but i do have a physical abnormality "pectus carinatum" that everyone seems satisfied in attributing it to (also, according to a couple doctors, am "borderline for Marfan's Syndrome," whatever that means haha). most cases are much more severe than mine in that there are literal spikes shooting out of people's chests (i just have a little bump that is hardly noticeable if you're not looking for it) - apparently it is usually just an aesthetic issue. from whatever it originates, i have almost (")crippling(") pain centered in my chest - to stand up straight is difficult, to stretch my arms completely to the side is almost impossible, to breathe even hurts. apparently the only permanent solution would be for them to break me open, scoop out what is suspected to be excess cartilage, put me back together - doctor told me when i was still in school that if i did this, i would want to die from the first breath i took afterwards. so have settled on just living with the pain, being dependent on substances for relief.
to be sure, i have generic and relatively weak dosages of the medicines (and six or seven more in addition to those two i mentioned); used to be prescribed hydrocodone but that doctor fired me; only recently got in to see another one and he gave me all of those meds; according to him "three times as strong" as what i used to get. first week or two after starting them, yup, i could barely keep my eyes open half the time. finally got back in to work, though, and am more or less fully functional (though i get the shakes in my hands quite often).
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Thank you for your reply. I looked up the "pectus carinatum" and "Marfan syndrome", I was shocked to found that about 1 in 400 people have a pectus disorder and about 1 in 5000 have the Marfan syndrome. Now all I can wish you is that it will not get worse and that you'll have minimal pain and discomfort... Life can be a b**ch, sometimes.
I'm not sure how old are you, but did you tried braces as a child/teen? If so, did it help at least a bit?
Sorry for asking too much, just curious - also, I'm not that healthy myself, diabetic type 1, no pain or complications (yet).
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The thing is with other people around you smoking, it's those disgusting cigarette cases they are forced to have, and when someone in your household doesn't care to cover them and i am forced to see them, i don't care about the smoke, i care about that!
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I smoked heavy every day, all day for about 8 years straight but quit smoking fully a year ago when I started taking boxing seriously. I barely ever touch it now and if I do, it'll be 1 pure weed blunt and nothing again for months on end. Feel a whole lot better for it. :)
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Love me some weed every now and then, it's the most chilly semiluxury substance out there imo and I by far prefer it over alcohol, which does horrifying things to people's bodies and minds.
This ranges from once every few months to several times a week, depending on my mood, so I'm not sure what to choose in your vote.
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Weed can have some devastating effects on the body and mind too, people just happen to be more ignorant to the risks (especially when it comes to mental issues it may cause or enhance).
However, like every substance, you need not worry about the severe issues so long as it's used in moderation. That being said... If you only smoke every now and then as you said... You're good.
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weed is not my thing i cant stand the smell so i never tried it , never did any drugs and i dont plan to , my drug is beer tho i drink a couple bottles of beer once or twice each week
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Even though it's legal in my country...
I've never smoked that brocolli in my life.
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I don't cope using drugs, I cope by having violent fantasies of beating up drug dealers for crimes against the human right to free will.
Unrestrained compassionless hatred everyday, my friends.
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Clearly the greatest evils the government has committed are attempting to fight exploitation of those who suffer and outlawing murder.
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No, great evils governments have commited are being ignorant towards the roots of people's suffering and criminalizing those who suffer for seeking refuge from their misery instead of properly taking care of them. I do not know anything about outlawing murder, sorry.
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Seriously, we live in a world that has seen communism and facism. Where every transaction of information across this web is recorded. The government "not understanding people" isn't one of their bigger issues. And as far as I'm concerned, dealing drugs is ending lives.
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I quit all of that (drugs/alcohol) many years ago, and honestly it's the best thing I've ever done.
To each his own (who am I to judge, having been there myself?), but once I quit, I realized I never needed it to begin with.
EDIT: Odd to see so much intolerance on both sides of the fence in this thread.
Remember kids -- intolerance of intolerance is still intolerance. ;)
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i am so with you tzaar, i quit all of alcohol and weed and other drugs 15 years ago and it was really the best i ever done.
and like you said i realized the same that i never needed to begin with. i am feeling so much better since i quit all of that stuff.
good to see there are people like me done the same :)
Edit : and thats maybe the reason i have now 15 years later anxiety issues and depression.
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Congrats and well-done, Sazz. I know from personal experience it wasn't easy.
Also, I found alcohol and drugs to be a temporary release from anxiety and depression, but not a cure. I always had the same problems once I sobered up, and sometimes (okay, usually) more. I find I actually deal with those things causing issues for me these days rather than mask them with something else. Quitting was just the first step for me, albeit a very difficult one.
Good luck, and congrats again on the 15 years. That's no small feat. :3
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yes i smoke cigs too, thats the only thing i still do, but want quit too. it is very hard to quit cigs, i tried so many times and failed, because og aggression and nerves issues. really hard. hope we get rid of it some day.
edit: forgot to say that caffeine is also not good for me, like you said bad addiction. it gave me more anxiety issues
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Pretty much why I can't quit. Life is quite stressful these days, and they help keep me calm. Without them, I go through stages where first my brain will start to shut down, destroying my ability to focus, then leading to me becoming agitated easily, then I become a complete asshole, and lastly, I become physically violent... I'm always reading websites and pamphlets with advice on quitting, and it always bothers me that they say cravings only last like 10 minutes, because mine get progressively worse over time, and I turn into a monster.
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Same goes for me, except these damn cigarettes, still gotta beat those ;>. Especially have to agree with your edit, but I gotta admit it was kinda hilarious to read all of it yeah, I'm an ass, I know ;D. If you never used or even started any of it, don't bother - it's essentially all just a waste of money, like so much in life is ;>.
Seems like OP's poll is still flawed, misses the "I have, but not anymore"/"Well, I'm pretty indifferent towards it" options ;P.
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This sort of thread is always good for entertainment. XD
Congrats on quitting, too. I rarely like to post things about my past, but seeing some of the great comments I get from others who've done the same really makes it worthwhile (and genuinely makes me smile).
Like you, cigarettes were a real bitch for me to quit. It took me years after quitting everything else to finally quit those 1 1/2 years ago. I'm still not completely off nicotine, since I switched to vaping, but it's definitely helped me cut down a LOT, and I'm slowly tapering off my nicotine usage and will eventually quit. I highly suggest vaping as one possible method to help you quit. :Good luck. You can do it if you want it. :3
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Yeah, gotcha on that part, posting personal info on the interwebs is always difficult and, more often than not, the outcome is a mixed bag.
There are a lot of substances that are highly addictive, but nicotine is definitely one of the worst, partly due to it being easily accessible and socially accepted - at least mostly. Most of my excuses stem from me being entangled in work way too much atm, but I'll look into vaping, thank you for the tip :). Oh, and good luck to you too ;).
I'm gonna resist posting a picture of Shia LaBeouf regarding your last statement ;<, hehe.
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Well I have bad experiences in that I tried weed myself 4 times and am yet to find any enjoyment,....also my closest college smokes everyday and cannot sleep without it.; he also has the brain power of a goldfish. Speaking of years ago my unoffical uncle used to smoke weed all the time in the 70's and he has been suffering with psychotic episodes ever since and is medically insane.
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Forgot to add 'never' to the first poll.
Anyways, here's the fixed one!
Getting some statistical data cause statistics is fun yo.
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