So, lately I made a trade with someone. Everything went fine and at the end he ask me if I was on Steamgift/trade.
We gave each other page and I +rep him. But one hour later, he didn't return the favor. So I sent him another message to remind him to +rep me.
He said "Ok sorry, just now"
And I didn't thought of it anymore, but today I noticed he didn't.
After a little search on his page, I noticed he never +rep anyone he made a trade with... So clearly it's not just me.
In that case, that's it ?

Understand me, It's not about me don't have a +rep, it's more about someone who ask to have +rep, but do not intend to give any to anyone like it's a normal thing to do.
Do you think it's ok to act like that ?

EDIT : So, 45minutes I created that thread, and I already got 6 people who blacklisted me for literally no reason.
Great ! I was polite, and simply ask what the community thought about that situation. But yeah, better blacklist, why bother ?

8 years ago*

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no one is forced to leave rep, if it'd make you feel better i guess you could either talk to them again or remove the +rep you gave them

8 years ago

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Yeah, actually I know +rep is not mandatory, and It's not about it really. I didn't put it properly, so I just Edit my post to explain it better ^^'
Thanks for your answer anyway.
I think I will just stop bother and leave it.

8 years ago

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nothing, really, you can't force someone to give you reputation, good or bad

8 years ago

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cry loud

8 years ago

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leaving rep is not mandatory. it's your private thing whether you do so or not. He does not have to leave you rep, you do not have to leave rep to him. If the fact that fully successful trade just didn't give you rep is such a big problem and dealbreaker for you simp[ly remove your rep from his profile and don't trade with him in the future. Problem solved.

8 years ago

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Yeah, actually I know +rep is not mandatory, and It's not about it really. I didn't put it properly, so I just Edit my post to explain it better ^^'
Thanks for your answer anyway. It was more about his attitude about it, really.
I think I will just stop bother and leave it.

8 years ago

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Once I ask someone if he could leave me +REP (when beginning trading) I insisted a couple of times and he -rep "for insisting to leave him a +rep"... oh the lolz
He eventually change it, but I learned not to insist.

8 years ago

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I didn't insist more to him for that reason ^^' Didn't want to have a -rep for no reason at all.

8 years ago

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Some people just don't rep, period. Whenever I trade, I send a canned farewell message before de-friedning:

Thanks for the trade, and have a great day!
Please don't forget to leave rep on my SteamTrades profile:

If I check back later and find that they never repped me but I did them, I remove the rep I left.

8 years ago

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Easy ^^ Maybe I will try to do the same !

8 years ago

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+rep is optional, but recommended.
It's like when you say "Thank you!" in the shop.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Freilyreydia.