So, i am writing this because I am impatient as many of you. I know that you know as much as I, but did anyone find any source how much it could worth on steam(i found mostly about 30 €) and did you found anything about pre-order date on steam :) Thanks!! :D

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11 years ago*

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Rockstar didnt even said that it comes to pc :) so nobody will know a pre order date or the price...

11 years ago

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well it will come 100% rockstar said that we just need to wait for announcement on their official site, on news :D

11 years ago

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As far as I know Rockstar hasn't said a word about GTA V PC.

Though, of course it'll come sooner or later just like all GTA games, not to mention the huge demand there is for it and the fact that there's been several leaks of code and stuff.

11 years ago

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GTA V for PC hasn't been announced. Officially, it doesn't exist, there's no such thing as GTA V PC.

As to WHEN it gets announced and WHEN it gets released it'll probably be around May/June and it'll probably be standard 50 dollars/euros

11 years ago

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yea they said late spring / summer.. but i asked for preorder on steam and i think that gta IV for example wasn't 50€.. i mean on consoles is 60€, and aren't games on pc cheaper? Also it will be "old" game i mean almost year old.. but idk anything can happen :) ty anyway :D

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by TheManiac1987.