We're Doom'd. Thanks for the generosity, ruteqube :)
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Nvm interesting region setting. it looks like ROW minus Russia
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I used the info on SteamLocked. Some of them were only blocked for Germany, Austria, and Russia, while others had a whole bunch of different countries in the mix too.
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/me not rly interested in doom, but to just drop the info here: doom is not "banned" ( and never was) in germany. it was a "adult only" game, which you were not allowed to advertise for; Until 2011, when it was rechecked and lifted the advetising ban (afaik for all parts of the series).
So totally fine for german to buy it on steam now. E.g. for doom4 steamlocked only shows the "DOOM Steam Pre-Purchase (70918)" version as banned, but prety sure you don't have that^^
Afaik the only relevant "banned" version is the US Version of Doom II: Hell on Earth, (german version is fine(which is not on steam)), because of swastikas and stuff, which was considert back in 2011 still a reason.
That could be lifted too at the moment id software apply for a recheck.
Because id put the us version of doom2 in every bundle you can see some stuff "banned" (426, 440, 4917, 11027... are all bundles) while the games itself(e.g. doom1: 419) is not banned.
sooo situation for steam versions right now is: doom2 bad, rest ok for germany
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But SteamLocked does not shows a restrictions you've set. You probably misunderstood what it shows and I don't blame you,it really worded poorly there. Allow me to explain. Let's take DOOM for example: https://steamlocked.com/app/379720
It says there:
There is a risk you won't be able to ACTIVATE your copy from these countries Argentina China Honduras Russia Armenia Colombia Kazakhstan Suriname Azerbaijan Costa Rica Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Bahamas Ecuador Mexico Turkmenistan Belarus El Salvador Moldova Ukraine Belize French Guiana Nicaragua Uruguay Bolivia Georgia Panama Uzbekistan Brazil Guatemala Paraguay Venezuela Chile Guyana Peru
There is a risk you won't be able to ACTIVATE and RUN your copy from these countries Armenia Georgia Moldova Turkmenistan Azerbaijan Kazakhstan Russia Ukraine Belarus Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Uzbekistan
Now, there is a catch. "from these countries" corresponds to "your copy", not to "ACTIVATE and RUN"! So, what they meant to say is "If your key comes from this list of countries, you may be unable to activate and run it". So, if key was bought, for example, in Armenia - you won't be able to activate it if your country is not in the second list. But people in Armenia will still be able to activate keys from elsewhere (except of the first list, obviously, so if key was bouth in Argentina - people from Armenia won't be able to activate it).
Of course, you can't change restrictions now, but I just wanted to explain it in case you will decide to use this site again in the future. I recommend using "Raw data" showed on bottom on page for reference, for me it's much easier to understand it.
Thank you for the giveaways and great (and true) facts about Doom!
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Interesting. The wording and presentation is so ambiguous as to be outright misleading.
Do you have a reference on how to interpret the information at the bottom? I don't have any idea what I'm looking at with regards to the various SubIDs and country info.
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Well, that's pretty straightforward, but there is one catch: there is no way to tell package number(SubID) prior to activation. But I'm jumping the gun. First a few common points:
Every steam key actually activates not a game (AppID), but package (SubID). Package may have one or more games, and may or may not have restrictions. There is no way to find SubID of particular key except of activation, and even then it's not that easy; for example SteamDB web extension shows steam package activated on account; or you can use steam console to find out packages, activated on account (I never did it actually, just heard of it, but I think it must work); and, what I would actually do, if I ever decide to find out package by activating the key - ASF shows package ID right after activation, like this:
Status: OK/NoDetail | Items: [8566, Syberia]
Even without knowing package number, you can guess one - for example, if there is a package, that can only be activated in a number of countries, and your country is in this list - then there is a high chance you will get this package (unless it is known that you buy from totally disregards it). So, in most cases, if you don't know for sure - it's better to expect worst-case scenario.
Now directly to what steamlocked.com shows you in "RAW Data" section. It's a data, retrieved directly from steam (slightly re-worded in case of steamlocked.com, but still), so this data will be the same on other steam tools, for example on steamdb.info. I will explain in steamlocked.com terms.
SubID: | 70918
Package name: -
Billingtype: Store & CD-Key
Cross region gifting and trading: Blocked
Banned countries: DE
In this example there is a Banned countries: field. This is a case when ACTIVATION in NOT ALLOWED in a list of countries. In this example there is only one country where game can't be activated - Germany (DE). Obviously, if you've bought this game in Germany - you can be sure this is not the case)
SubID: 99365 | SteamDB
Package name: -
Billingtype: CD-Key
Cross region gifting and trading: Blocked
Countries allowed to activate: RU AM AZ BY GE KZ KG MD TJ TM UZ UA
Countries allowed to run: RU AM AZ BY GE KZ KG MD TJ TM UZ UA
In this example we have both Countries allowed to activate and Countries allowed to run:. Countries allowed to activate has a list of countries, where it is ALLOWED to ACTIVATE this package. You won't be able to activate this game from any other country. Countries allowed to run has a list of countries, where it is ALLOWED to RUN this package. So, if someone bought a game in Russia(RU), activated it on their account, and then decided to travel to Australia - they won't be able to play this game until they return back to Russia (or any other country from this list, actually, so they can go to Armenia(AM) and will be able to run the game there).
SubID: 100707 | SteamDB
Package name: -
Billingtype: CD-Key
Cross region gifting and trading: Blocked
Countries allowed to activate: BS PA BZ CR SV GT HN NI VE CO GY SR GF BR PE BO PY UY AR CL EC MX
This has only Countries allowed to activate:, so if your country is NOT from the list above - you won't be able to activate it, but if you've travel to Bahamas (BS), bought game in local shop and activated it while being there (you would have to change shop region in steam store too, probably), and then returned to your country - game will still be playable.
And that's pretty much it. So, if you're not from BS PA BZ CR SV GT HN NI VE CO GY SR GF BR PE BO PY UY AR CL EC MX + RU AM AZ BY GE KZ KG MD TJ TM UZ UA, then your only concern - can this game be activated in Germany (DE) or not. And, as I said above, there is no way to tell for sure, unless you bought another key and activated it yourself to find out what package it has.
TL;DR: Look for packages with Countries allowed to activate, Countries allowed to run: or Banned countries: to find out about possible restrictions.
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This was an incredibly through and enlightening post. Thank you so much for taking the time to type it up! Turns out I've been doing region locking wrong the entire time I've been here (which is admittedly pretty short). Thanks for patiently steering me in the right direction.
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The working title for DOOM was actually BIG MOOD. This was later reversed and gave us DOOM, the now-famous title of the first installment of the series, and GIB, which inspired the graphic gore the series is now known for.
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...D O O O O O O O O M.
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