Hello, merry lads and lasses.
This Sunday I'll take the midnight plane to Munich, and I've never been to Germany before so it's going to be interesting.

But first of all,

⇨⇨⇨ GIVEAWAY 1 ⇐⇐⇐

⇨⇨⇨ GIVEAWAY 2 ⇐⇐⇐

Now, it will be a business trip so I won't be seeing any local amenities I am afraid :(

Plus I will be there very late and I don't know if the S-Bahn travels that late in the night, or if I should take a taxi which will possibly take an hour to get there and cost an arm and a leg.
And if that wasn't enough all the German I know is "Ich spreche kein Deutsch", which is going to be very helpful.

So, wish me luck 🙌🙏

6 years ago

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You should definitely research public transport routes. Once German taxi drivers notice you're a tourist, they will rip you off.

Have fun in Germany!

6 years ago

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Will do! My company will be reimbursing my expenses, but if they see a €200 taxi bill they may question my judgement...

6 years ago

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Haha enjoy, and If you have plenty of time travel with "Deutsche Bahn".^^ It's sometimes a bullshit monopol.^^
No, enjoy germany, munich is not a favorite town of me, but I don't like this old look and the dialect.
If you have much time take a trip to Dresden, it's a great town. :)

Btw: I'm from Germany and I'll travel in few month to the UK (Maybe London and England - maybe more suggestions?^^)
Funny thing, you comes from the UK and travel to germany. And I comes from Germany and travels to UK^^

6 years ago

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Awesome, man!
Well I live in Wiltshire, close enough to Stonehenge and if you want a piece of advice don't go to Stonehenge XD
Or, well maybe go there once but don't try to get close to the stones: they charge good money just for a close look.

Go to Avebury, instead. You can get as close to the stone circle as you want, free of charge, and to the famous "Tolkien's Trees" which are said to be the source of inspiration for the Ents in The Lord of the Rings.
P.S. There is also a pub. Of course.

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Thanks for the GA's.
Have fun in germany.
I think Munich will be ok because not so much "village people" there. More open minded, more educated.
Go to little villages in Bayern and you hear and see people acting like they already/still life in caves (like many many many years ago^^) :-DDD
And trust me... a lot of other germans don't understand this ones too :o) (no joke)

6 years ago

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Thanks dude

6 years ago

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Good luck!

6 years ago

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Unless you get lost in the bavarian hinterland it should be no problem.
Try to avoid taxis, even very short trips are expensive.
Don't forget the bavarians are a bit special, but Munich is nice ;)
Have a pleasant trip.

6 years ago

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i still have fond memories of my visit to munich from this very place: www.hofbraeuhaus.de

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thank you for your giveaways, Fox and business trip or not; have fun and enjoy the local food and drinks! :D

6 years ago

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All the best on your trip!

Hope you at least get to eat some nice food!

6 years ago

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