I'm not even exaggerating here. This 'fresh breath of air' which for some people somehow meant getting back to WWII setting which is probably most used and abused game setting in a history of everything is just vomit inducing. It's western front again ( like WW2 didint take in many many different places around the world and have way more interesting fronts than western one ) , it's opening is D-Day...REALLY? D-DAY all over again? it's riddled with M.Bay over the top bullshit action scenes. It's linear as fuck,you cant even kill enemy sniper or MG bunker if that doesnt follow then strict script of the game. It's so shallow,boring,unimaginitive that somehow it doesnt even surprise me that it is selling so good. Your average "gamer" is uninspired bag of boring fuckmeat and boy publishers know that. And that's only the singleplayer. I wont even start talking about lootboxes other players CAN see you opening to induce jealousy and encourage you to buy their fcking lootboxes as well.

End of rant.

No giveaways because i'm out of keys.

Fuck today's gaming , seriously.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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How could you not be interested in CoD 1,2,3,WaW,MW 1-4,BOS 1-3, Ghosts, IW though...

7 years ago

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mw4? bo3 was garbage, infinite warfare was garbage

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Crap On Demand

7 years ago

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"You piece of cod!".

7 years ago

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So, in short, it is a Call of Duty first-person war shooter game made after 2007, but now with even more microtransactions.

7 years ago

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I'm baffled that people are still surprised at the kind of shit Greedivision keeps pulling off.

7 years ago

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So it was a great idea but very very very poorly executed.

7 years ago

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Where do you see a great idea in this?

7 years ago

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Being a game was the good idea, what followed wasn't

7 years ago

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My point is that they could've made it into a great game, it could've had a good story mode as well but they just didn't do it the right way, i mean you as the player are the big bad ass that wins the whole war by himself, Daniel is like the guy that without him the war can't continue, the AI player just waits for you to kill everybody, you need to do everything how the game wants you to do it, etc. I had high hopes for this but they didn't deliver it as always.

7 years ago

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This "good story mode" has been done so many times in the past, that by itself it doesn't count as a great idea. You could play Medal of Honor: Allied Assault for a great story mode and no micro-transactions.

7 years ago

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Oh man now I want to play it again. This and its expansions were great.

7 years ago

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It's been so long right? This was the first FPS I ever played! Never got a chance to play the expansions though.

7 years ago

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Still better than the last 2 Battlefields.

7 years ago

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I dunno about that...

7 years ago

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At least Battlefield WW1 is not a jazzed up rehash of 10 previous games.

7 years ago

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Thought Battlefield 4 steadily improved after release day like aging cheese or wine.

7 years ago

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It's a game made for multiplayer and for luring kids (and adults) into buying loot boxes. It's not a videogame, it's a business.

7 years ago

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Yeah, the single player campaigns are trying to be movie-like, to rile up the players like how badass the setting is. It's really not surprising that they are made to be similar as blockbuster movies,

7 years ago

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But wasnt CoD games always movie like since the first one...? Their all epic in their set pieces.

7 years ago

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They kinda were, though first (and maybe second) were more like an action story, instead of trying to be blowing-up stuff epic, but taking part in events-kind of epic. Like attacking the fort with the huge cannons in United Offense.

I can only speak about my own viewpoint - some stupid, over the top action movie / game is good every now and then, but most of the FPS games can't offer anything else. Sometimes we have a bioshock, a dishonored or prey that are first person games but they aren't after the cookie-cutter FPS blockbuster formula, but try to tell a story.

For me AAA military FPS is one of the most possible boring genre, but as it looks like, they sell and keep the studios up. I just wish there would be more first person games with story, style and design, not just lotsa' shooting and a simple, cliché story that we already seen in movies so many times, because I like first player games, but sadly the last few year's trend is absolutely not for me.

7 years ago

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i played the firsts COD games and they was awesome!!! now COD games are shit just for sell and win money.

BASE game -> 60$
DLC whit 4 shit multiplayer maps -> 60$

deal whit it!!!!

7 years ago

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funny how I find the MP of CoD and Battlefield to be really uninteresting :s

7 years ago

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I had stoped caring about cod after modern warfare 2. Every instance after this was a microtransation garbage fest.

7 years ago

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I've uninstalled beta one after like 3 matches, so yeah. Disappointed.

7 years ago

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I had similar thoughts, that's why I refused to buy one (again). There is so little originality or refreshing ideas in these games. Same front, same battles, same enemies, same friends, slightly better graphics. Why can't we have an Eastern Front game? I know the point of CoD is the multiplayer aspect, but surely it wouldn't be too difficult to put some effort into singleplayer campaigns. Last time an fps shooter surprised me, it was Doom, before that it was Wolfenstein: The New Order, sadly Wolfenstein relapsed in the DLC and went with the zombies again, for the millionth time...

7 years ago

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I actually made a reddit post of the retarded/hilarious things I spotted in the single player.

PPSh on D-day beaches
Your sherman tank being damaged by normal machine guns
Sherman can't penetrate the front of a Panzer IV which is 80mm but it can penetrate the side of a tiger II which is 80mm
Certain locations grant you insta death because you werent suposed to be there
Enemy snipers can shoot you through smoke just as accurately as without smoke
Gun reloads are wrong on many rifles, such as SMLE getting reloaded with a 5 round stripper clip to get 10 bullets instead of 2 stripper clips. If you have 1 bullet left in Kar98 the guy shoves in a 5 round stripper clip to get 5 bullets. Fucking magic!
Gun sounds are one of the worst I have heard in years, indie developed FPS games have better sound for fuck sake.

there are many more...and that's jjust the single player.

7 years ago

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Oh wow.

7 years ago

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I'm actually glad I wasn't the only one annoyed a the complete lack of effort being put into this new one - it is a cash grab for loot boxes from the gullible from what I can tell :(

7 years ago

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funny given that the SMLE clip reloading was accurate on CoD 2

7 years ago

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It's even more funny that you get 10 bullets from one 5 round stripper clip. I think the devs should have seen something isn't right there but hey, I guess anyone can make a AAA game these days.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago*

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The campaign is as accurate as it can get

To what? a Star Wars comic book?

and the online isnt meant to be hardcore serious.

I dont give a fuck about it being serious or anything. It's the same goddamn shit they released 10 times before just re-skinned now with even more exploitation of week-minded and people who have gambling problems with all the lootboxes garbage fucked in

Oh you poor thing. People like you feed this wheel of never-ending shit for companies like Activision and EA. You are why we cant have anything nice in gaming anymore . Buying this crap and helping them to continue this fuckfest.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago*

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And where the fuck did i defend CS:GO business practices ? It's shit as well.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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USSR and their troops can go fuck themselves.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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USSR and their troops can go fuck themselves.

You're coming off as a dick who only cares that their game respects historical context, but doesn't respect that same history themselves. Especially so close to remembrance day. The USSR made great sacrifices and was just as crucial to the Allies victory as the rest, and you should have some respect for that.

7 years ago

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No respect from me to red scums who ruined my country.

7 years ago

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You don't have to respect the leaders of the Soviet Union. At the very least respect the hardships and sacrifices of the soldiers in the trenches by not spitting on that.

7 years ago

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What do you expect from a spoiled kid who has nothing better to do than write about how COD is still not worth buying? Fuckin newsflash...

7 years ago

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Who said this idiot was talking about the leaders?

7 years ago

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"Ruined"?So "teh red scums" are at fault that pigs like you pissed away everything the Union built for you in the past 30 years?The Baltic States were the Nile Valley of the UCSR,yet,against all odds,you managed to reduce yourself to a bunch of failed eurocolonial states.

Now go spread those buttcheeks wide for them yankee gayrines.Its all you filthy animals are good at nowadays.That,and constantly bitching about russians,of course.

7 years ago

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Even your own people that supported the Union in 1940 (which was the majority,btw) and fought in the Red Army against a pack of degenerate whose Generalplan Ost involved the cleansing of close to 90% of your population?LOL.

Typical baltic turdstate retard.

7 years ago

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Go fuck yourself retard ;) Nor you live here nor you know anything except for propoganda shit you were most likely fed.

7 years ago

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Crimea river,faggot.Speaking of,when are you cocksuckers going to evict yourself from Vilnus and give it back to the poles as part of your "decommunization"?

7 years ago

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You must not keep up with news.

7 years ago

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Battlefield 1 and CoD WWII....play both for 500 hours and pick which one is going for eternal flame bunnie sacrifice. <3

For the bunnies!! <3

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Blasphemy!!! xD

7 years ago

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I've finished Infinite Warfare campaign yesterday and it's so good and "fresh" it's actually sad they named the game COD because with any other name it would have been a smash hit (this way all the COD multiplayer kiddies gave it negative review and moved on, but the campaign is pure gold). It's a really good space-opera-action game.

7 years ago

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I never really understood why people bashed the game that much for the change of scenery, IMO that was one of the more redeeming aspects of it.

7 years ago

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With futuristic nonsense it at least had some degree of identetity. Very little of it but still.

7 years ago

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It had ALOT of identity to be fair.

7 years ago

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what kind of measurement is an alot?

7 years ago

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I think the bashing mostly came not because of the game itself.

They had 2-3 "modern" COD games before that, including Advanced Warfare (kind of futuristic), BLOPS3 and Modern Warfare 3. People wanted something different and demanded a WW2 game, but Activision released this (as it's been in the works for 2-3 years already) and people were like, "omg not again" without even trying it.

Second, they locked the MW remaster with the purchase of the game, which made people even more angry.

Third, and this is about the game, it had a buggy start (nowadays it works just fine).

Fourth, regardless of how good the campaign was, it was associated with COD brand which today means "multiplayer" and there's a lot of ways to fail there and get the entire game sentenced based on multiplayer component (have no dedicated servers? doomed!)

Also, some people like our OP hates "futuristic nonsense" apparently, so they are deemed not to like the game in that setting no matter what. But this is related to 4 - if it was "Infinite Warfare" they would never look at it and game would have great reviews, but since a lot of people look into it expecting whatever they want COD game to be, they judge it based on that.

7 years ago

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I do not hate 'futuristic nonsense' i just hate nonsense in general :) I quite liked Titanfall for example and think that Lawbreakers is a very good game :) Both futuristic,both interesting concepts. Giving someone a jetpack and sort of m16 but not is lazy 'futurism' in my book.

7 years ago*

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Reminded me of Robotech a lot, hahaha.

7 years ago

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I'm itching for a modern revision of MechWarrior, I have to admit that while playing Titanfall I always found myself wondering what a proper Battletech game would look like with the possibilities of today :>.

Yeah, I know, I made that statement in a more rhetoric way tbh. I would even assume that, if they'd have already backpaddled then, there's a high probability they would have ended up with the same hate they received for doing something different 'cuz COD, so: Tomato, I guess. COD isn't, nor ever was one of my favorite franchises and has a lot of issues IMO, plus suffers and suffers and suffers from the annual release schedule, but, still, they are by no means bad games, even if much of the criticism is warranted in my eyes. It was the first fully fledged Sci-Fi COD so far and Activision didn't help that much by adding the MW remake, because of that even kinda making the suggestion it would be bad before people even seen it. Never got into the whole COD MP experience tbh, after half an hour (back when MW was still a thing) I already found it to be... not my cup of tea xD and haven't tried it since - plus, since I've started with Arena FPS, I'm kinda biased like that anyway ;>.

COD (at least how we see it nowadays) always was a Michael Bay-"put your brain on stand-by mode"-Schlockfest, the rest comes with the territory, I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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COD WWII was my my worst purchased game of 2017 :(
I wish I bought Wolfenestein II instead ! I'm all done with COD series for good and will never buy another shit from them.

7 years ago

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why did you buy it lol?

7 years ago

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made a terrible mistake :)

7 years ago

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Pfff, don't be silly

7 years ago

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I for one was never this happy about gaming, at least since the 90s.

I mean, the triple A scene is pretty bad with all the rehashes, unending yearly franchises, PG13 appeal, and this new trend of a game being a platform for micro transactions that will some time in the future blow up on their faces.

However the indie scene was never this strong and creative. There are so many games I want to play and that are trying to do different stuff.

One small example: yesterday I won Cuphead and the 3h I've played already were a pleasure. I didn't want to go to sleep :)

COD well, I guess it's just another game to milk the franchise...

7 years ago

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Gratz on your win , Cuphead looks like a really sweet game!

7 years ago

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i have a friend that bought it. he's currently playing and enjoying it so it can't be so bad, he even posted a good review for it ^^

7 years ago

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Hes probably a sheep or paid by Activision to enjoy it.

7 years ago

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or maybe he likes it instead of being a sheep and hating it.

7 years ago

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Ahah. After looking at sales figures for these types of shitgames tell me again that sheep hates it and and non-sheep likes it :) I understand that you need to always be edgy and 'on opposite side' but just stop for once and use your own head.

7 years ago

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i thought you were the edgy one repeating everything the jimgod said?

if people enjoy a game, so be it. i don't care if people liked undertale, it was trash for me but i won't be ranting like a madman trying to make everyone hate it too.

7 years ago

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Are you seriously comparing Undertale and CoD? ( not that i'm saying Undertale is good or bad ) just...really? .

I dont like great deal of games as well and dont have to say anything much about them,they are just bad or not forme but this is hardly a case anymore with shitfest like CoD. It's past liking or not liking it.

7 years ago

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Your friend sounds like a great dude...

7 years ago

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I saw AngryJoe's review yesterday, he tried to kill a sniper with a rocket launcher, the rocket did a 90 degree turn upwards making him miss the shot.

7 years ago

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Well, yes. I agree, people like unimaginative things, they don't llike new stuff because it makes them feel insecure.

7 years ago

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So you mean to tell me that WW2 didn't start in 1944 when the 'muricans came and save everyone? Jokes aside, I would have liked to play as a nazi soldier confronted with guilt from being forced to fight in the war or other war fronts. As it stands, if you have seen Saving Private Ryan you have already played COD WW2.

7 years ago*

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Well that would take originality and effort so not going to happen.

7 years ago

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Lol, I love your rants, they're a great example of the stereotypical gamer but without the racism.

We're yelling about cod being shit, is this 2013?

We haven't had wwii games in years, we've had an abundance of futuristic space combat games for a while, so a wwii game would be refreshing if it was actually decent.

of course they're gonna use d-day for the game, it was one of the biggest and certainly most well known battle of wwii that America participated in.

Complaining about cod being linear and over the top, that' literally a staple of the series, if you don't like that then ignore the games.

And complaining that triple a games are appealing to the lowest common denominator to sell the most copies instead of making a good game, are you just figuring this out?

7 years ago

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I would say something about your rants and them being stereotypical of certain people but well,not going to :)

You have your 'problems' to rant about i have mine.

7 years ago

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The problem isn't even WW2 games, but murica-sided ww2 games. Hard to make a breath of fresh air on the same war's same events on from the same side. Eastern front, Asia, North Africa with Rommel, so many options. But ofc D-day, speaking of lowest common denominator ^^

7 years ago

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As someone who is semi-interested in history in general ( my father is a historian so i always had some relation to history , more than average person has ) modern fps games just milking this one side of one war is unbearably numbing to me. There are they more interesting wars and there are also German side if you really want to milk WW2. There are so many many things you can do with setting of war .

7 years ago

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Omg that sounds awful.

I mean, fps can't do that many things with war tbh. Guns aren't in a state that makes for "fun" enough gameplay until about a century ago, and a lot of wars don't have large enough battles or compact enough skirmishes to be entertaining to the average audience.

adam is right that the American fight on the western front is why people are getting tired. The games are just emulating saving Private Ryan, we've seen and played it so many times before. The war on the Eastern and Asian front haven't been played as much, at least not recently, and other parts of the western front, Italy, France, resistance movements, and the African front are things that we haven't seen 100 times before and might be nice to play. I'd love a game based on the SOE and the heavy water war tbh.

And no, the German perspective would be a horrible idea. We've dehumanized nazis and seeing a German fighting for the nazi army feeling guilty ain't gonna change our minds that "hey, not everyone of them was evil, some didn't know what they signed up for, and some had no choice" Nazi's are literally an evil caricature for us. And there is no way in hell any company would think about making that because of the controversy it would cause.

People got tired of WWII, then modern military, then futuristic space environment. The problem isn't that these settings have been used too much, it's that cod appeals to the lowest common denominator and to do that they've remade literally the same exact story in the environments.

7 years ago

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You'll just imply them instead? Don't be a bitch, if you're gonna say it, just say it, i don't mind.

But saying 90% then backing out to pretend that you're not as rude, seriously?

I don't mind shitposts yo, I just don't get yours, these aren't new points or new complaints. everyone knows cod sucks. everyone knows big companies only care about money.

Assassins creed also has a new game coming out if you wanna complain about ubi's greed and the series being shitty, but that's been the consensus since last console generation.

I'd much prefer if you'd rant about things we haven't heard for years, it'd be much boring.

7 years ago

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This is as surprising as finding out that water is wet.

7 years ago

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To be fair i would like to be surprised ... i'm not. Just pissed off ;) Because it will make a lot of money and what makes money - goes. So we will have even more shit next year and i'm tired of shit and stupid people encouraging even more shit.

7 years ago

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