I'm not even exaggerating here. This 'fresh breath of air' which for some people somehow meant getting back to WWII setting which is probably most used and abused game setting in a history of everything is just vomit inducing. It's western front again ( like WW2 didint take in many many different places around the world and have way more interesting fronts than western one ) , it's opening is D-Day...REALLY? D-DAY all over again? it's riddled with M.Bay over the top bullshit action scenes. It's linear as fuck,you cant even kill enemy sniper or MG bunker if that doesnt follow then strict script of the game. It's so shallow,boring,unimaginitive that somehow it doesnt even surprise me that it is selling so good. Your average "gamer" is uninspired bag of boring fuckmeat and boy publishers know that. And that's only the singleplayer. I wont even start talking about lootboxes other players CAN see you opening to induce jealousy and encourage you to buy their fcking lootboxes as well.

End of rant.

No giveaways because i'm out of keys.

Fuck today's gaming , seriously.

6 years ago

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On the new episode of preaching to the masses:
Pops DontBeSilly awoke from his slumber and discovered there was COD after COD II

6 years ago

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Hardly. I just ran out patience .

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

6 years ago*

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A fresh idea for CoD I could see working would be an ancient world take. You can still play up the “special ops” theme by focusing on the Spartan Krypteia or the later Roman Praetorian Guard.

6 years ago

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I'm only now trying my first CoD game (Black Ops; won on SG) and have to say that while it's entertaining on a certain level, I am more than a little surprised at how linear the game-play is, how short the missions are, and how little content there actually is in single-player mode. I'm a long time Borderlands player, so I guess I was expecting something that at least met the same level of that franchise in terms of openness and mission selection for the retail price that CoD games go for.

On a purely personal level, I'm rather amused at the over-the-top machismo in CoD:BO. It's as exaggerated as Borderlands, but the former takes itself so seriously whereas the latter doesn't at all. ;)

6 years ago

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On a purely personal level, I'm rather amused at the over-the-top machismo in CoD

Agreed. It's like Bulletstorm without any of the tongue-in-cheek awareness.

6 years ago

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What the fuck is call of duty ?

6 years ago

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Found the cool guy, everybody.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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For someone who owns 7 different Call of Duty games, you sure don't know much, do you?

6 years ago

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Must have been in a bundle didnt knew that i have this title in my lib

6 years ago

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Yeah, but it has good graphics, so 10/10. That's how quality works, right? Seriously, if you want a good game, either play indie or go back to 2004. Developers today spend 99% of their time on graphics, and 1% on story, gameplay, characters, etc. A boring game with bad controls and bland characters with state of the art graphics is a hit, while a fun game with great controls and lovable characters with graphics from 2016 is called a bad game. People are stupid.

6 years ago

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Funny enough half of these 'graphics' seekers cant even run most of AAA games on High so basically their games still look like something from 2010.

6 years ago

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Just watch AngyJoeShow's review on it. Enough said.

6 years ago

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Why should i read someones review when i dont Care about this game

6 years ago

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I wasn't only talking to you, moron. Go whine to another person who might actually care.

6 years ago

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I'm surprised that people still buy COD. Are they masochists?

6 years ago

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Streamers and their No brain subscriber Fan bois

Company gives Money to Streamer
Streamer plays the Game and says ITS awesome
Viewer thinks hmm ill Buy IT

End of story

6 years ago

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Stop buying,do not support them until they offer a great product.Also you can just wait for reviews and see if it suits you.I stopped buying first day games,i just wait over a year for some or some really good offer.

6 years ago

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Why should someones Stop buying a game because you say so No offene but ITS pointless

6 years ago

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Because it is good advice.

6 years ago

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All i am saying is that if you see that a franchise is failing or it doesn't meet your standards you can always not buy it.Read carefully some reviews and you can judge for yourself if you want to buy it or not.For example i see that football manager and nba 2k for the last couple years are starting to not continuing to offer the quality that they used to,so i stopped buying them.Of course i am not saying people,don't buy them at all,but i believe if we cut down some sales we can "force" them to improve.Blind buying is not an option theses days with so much information in our hands.We have the power to make this market a better place.We all due respect we need to search more before we buy...

6 years ago

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Fuck today's gaming. That.

6 years ago

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Water is wet

6 years ago

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You mean you bought a CoD game expecting anything but?

CoD games are not meant to be realistic, immersive, or even good - they are meant to provide money to the publisher through the thorough milking of their fanbase's wallets.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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