How many users do you have in your blacklist?
All that time you spent blacklisting people...Wasted ! :(
I have 132 residents on my blacklist, some of them may or may not been banned from the site
i dont have as many mostly because i don't search for people to blacklist, these just came to me or exposed themselves on the forum
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well, i will just stay with my blacklist.
i don't care for bots/leechers/price-glitch users/advertisers, but when someone does racist comments or other discriminating stuff, if someone insults me or others in a way i can't tolerate or if someone is against the rules of this site, then i use the BL feature.
simply as that.
oh, and there are only 23 people resting there.
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I want to give nice games to people who deserve it. To me ratio is not that important (though sometimes I want to do GAs to people who give more than they take. It's nice to feel rewarded for what you do), so I'll not blacklist because of it. But racists, and people who don't show respect to the person giving them something nice, I don't want to give something to them.
Sadly my recent experience was a bit disheartening. About 10% of the entries in my two GAs were leaked entries. I think I'll mostly do group/WL GAs for a while. My blacklist grew quite a bit due to the MK X GA :(
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Everyone is contributing as much as he can and is willing to. We can't get into the minds of the others to know the reasons behind why he contributes as much as he does. We just judge based on numbers we see and that's kinda bad in my opinion.
I myself was doing the same in the beginning (and it was bad on my part) but I eventually realized that it is not fair to judge that way (probably because I got into that position myself). It seems that I learnt the hard way it seems :D
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This will always happen for high demand and popular games , unfortunately.Therefore we have our blacklist. I ❤️ my BL.
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I had one, but then I thought eh, what the fuck, I really don't care about it. Had one guy on it before that, but now he is permabanned, so no reason to have a blacklist at all.
Also, as a side note: as long as CV is a thing here, I cannot blame people trying to cash in on price glitches. Especially since those are added to the bundle list eventually, so they don't even get any advantage. Remember the WinGameStore Book of Unwritten Tales glitch a few months back? All it resulted in was a lot of people getting that awesome series. (And, well, that store losing a few thousand dollars in profits. Assuming they didn't just shovel the losses straight back to the developer.)
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I didn't know about it back then and still - I'd rather avoid all those glitches ;)
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Rule-breakers, leechers, and mega-dlcks rejoice! :D
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You don't have to be psychologist to know one simple thing, for sure. People who use blacklist are weak or stupid. When I see someone who blacklist me and I usually smile in that moment, I know I'm more cool then they are. I'm in positive but they are in negative. So I'm the winner and they are bunch of losers. I like to be the winner!
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I only blacklist for rules violations. I have fewer blacklist members now than whitelist members, but I used to have much more of both categories (trimmed my whitelist and blanked my blacklist over the last couple of months, but people are gradually coming back).
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Actually, a lot of people on my blacklist have old violations and have served suspensions without any violations in the past month. However, since they haven't tried to fix their profiles, and I warned on the giveaways that you better make sure your profile is good, I feel that it's a lack of respect to enter without taking effort to fix your profile. I only blacklist winners though, because I'm far too lazy to check every entrant. They still get one free win from me. :3
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It's actually pretty rare, overall, in my experience. Also, "racism" here could be used as a catch-all for "intolerant," (meaning racist, homophobic, anti-Muslim, anti-potato, what-have-you). But when you see certain threads, you can be pretty sure some intolerance will show itself. Or you can just skip those threads. :)
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I currently have 20 on it. All of them are there for good reasons (well, good reasons to me). I don't look to blacklist people, but if they are rude or they think that their opinion is fact, that kind of thing, I usually end up blacklisting people. But I do sometimes check it, and if people have been on there for months and I can't remember why, I just remove them from it.
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I only blacklisted one person so far. The reason is he marked the gift as not received after he won it like 3 months and I just noticed it.
In my opinion blacklist thing is personal preference, someone don't want some to win. The only reason I would blacklist anyone is that he will cause more trouble than necessary if I don't.
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159 users on my blacklist. Every time I think about my blacklist, I'm never sure whether I'm overreacting to everything and being a jackass, or I'm just very active on the forum and tend to catch the "bad ones" in the act. :(
Either way, I wouldn't clear my blacklist. Some users are just too horrible, mean, disrespectful and rude to deserve being part of this community. Since apparently being rude and sometimes even racist to other isn't a perma-ban on Steamgifts (don't quote me on that though), the blacklist comes in handy. I don't giveaway many or valuable games, so it doesn't have such a great impact. Still, I'd rather make sure that some of the users here on Steamgifts be, er, "excluded" from my giveaways.
On the other hand, I now label whoever I blacklist with a reason (SG++ fuck yeah), but unfortunately I lost most of the labels when my hard drive died, plus I have some really old blacklists (from SGv1) which I have no idea why they are blacklisted. Basically - I'm not going to bother. :P
I still remove people from my blacklist from time to time, when I'm in the mood.
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I will give all of the second chance ;)
Who knows?
People change ^^
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My blacklist grew recently due to the Apollo4X re-gifters. It was my first time here seeing something like that happen and I feel like I've been somewhat jaded by it, having the urge to use SG Tools for GAs now and keep any public GAs at level 4+. But I know there are good people at the low levels and I don't care (much) about leechers. I'm just too softhearted to be exclusionary for too long. Anyone who deleted their re-gift GA was remove unless they had other remaining violations and I have every intention of reviewing my black list in a few months to see if people have improved or not.
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For me it's more that I want my giveaways to go to people deserving of a game. People who are jerks or regifters and such shouldn't win anything from me. That said I only have 43 on my Blacklist...
Then again i guarantee none of them are above level 1 and most of my giveaways are whitelist or level 2 and up so i guess it doesn't effect anything for me to blacklist :)
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IMO if someone has already been punished (everyone makes mistakes sometimes) then I'm being an ass hole if I still blacklist them - especially if it wasn't even my giveaway that they were punished for to begin with. I feel that everyone should be allowed a second chance unless it's for rape, child abuse of any kind, or intentional murder of course. Not following the rules here doesn't fit into any of those categories and the site already has a punishment system.
I used to use my blacklist for ass holes until I realized that some people probably think the same about me and who am I to judge? Now it has had zero entries for a few months.
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I did once... it reached a total of five or six people. Three or four months later I could not adequately remember why I had applied that trait to them... so I removed them and have not felt the need to do it again. I'm all for discouraging bad behavior, but I'll leave judgement to the flying spaghetti monster.
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Tl;dr - no GIB, just thoughts
I think I had around 350 people in my blacklist.
Now I have 0.
I hated:
I realized 2 things:
Oh lawld! Those ratios!
It's not my life.
And by that - all that blacklist thing - is pointless :)
Moreover - by making gibs I am feeling very postive wave of feelings :)
By sending keys / gifts - I feel much more joyness :D
And when I think about it - all those bots / regifters / leechers - are enjoying winning those games, so somehow - I made them happy :)
And whoa! Positive vibrations are back :D
Thread purpose:
─=≡Σ(((つ ͡ᅌ ͜ʖ ͡ᅌ) つ
Don't change anything - it is just ♫ announcement ♫
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