Thanks! I'm sure you will :D.
I really gotta stop buying all these damn bundles, even if they have multiple games I'm interested in.
I'm never gonna get to play all of these haha.
So yeah, my giveaway numbers are probably gonna fall for a while at least..
Meh.. Who am I kidding, I'm an addict and I'm probably still gonna buy almost everything and extras for others haha.
Who needs food when you can have games, amirite? :D
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Thanks Pabl0z! I think I only entered one giveaway but I was more interested in the music anyway haha.
I don't listen to a ton of older electronic/ambient music but I know a lot from the past 10 years or so (I'm about 3 months from being 21). If you're looking for some retro inspired electronic try Porter Robinson [Divinity, Sad Machine, and my personal Sea of Voices].
Seeing Boards of Canada in here got me thinking about ambient music, specifically Port Blue. Adam Young, the man behind the project, is also the guy behind Owl City. Here's my favorite PB album, The Albatross EP, and what might be my favorite PB track, Heceta.
Sorry that's so much but hopefully you enjoy some of this! :)
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I think I had ODESZA's remix of Divinity in a previous train, which is the version I prefer (you can check older trains on the first page if you're interested).
Haven't listened to Porter Robinson's stuff much more than that, kinda got stuck listening to ODESZA's stuff more when I discovered that track, which I really like.
I listened to those other tracks you suggested just now. I like them. Sea of Voices kinda reminds me of M83 a bit.
I'd probably like Sad Machine more as an instrumental.
That Heceta track has a bit too much going on to really be considered ambient, but I like it.
I don't love it, but it sounds promising, so I might like something else more from Port Blue, so I'll certainly give his other stuff a try!
That Albatross EP however didn't work for me, as in the videos aren't working :D. Might just be blocked in my country.
Thanks for the suggestions!
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Oh yeah that's a great remix! Fair enough, I listened to all of ODESZA's In Return and I liked parts of it but it started to feel a bit repetitive after a while.
Yeah I can see that.
Flicker and Fresh Static Snow have less lyrics if instrumental is more your thing.
Whoops yeah older Port Blue is more ambient electronic but he made more experimental tracks around 2012-13 including Heceta.
Try this for The Albatross EP. It's a lot different in style than Heceta.
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Thanks for selecting a nice variety of tracks.
I'm someone who casualy listens to some Monstercat podcast every now and then. But I't was equally awesome to revisit old time favorites and to discover some new gems.
Oh yeah and thanks for the gibs. :p
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Thank you very much for the train.:)
Some really excellent choices of music in it as well. Kudos!:)
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Thanks :)
Edit: Thanks again for the music. My music collection got a little bigger :) I barely heard any of them before Here are a few of my favorites:
I'm not sure though, if they're still considered as Electronic because I listen more to House and other genres I can't define
Also Mura Masa is a genius :)
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Well, "electronic" is just an umbrella term for a ton of genres, including house.
Just like "rock" can basically mean anything with guitars in it :D.
So yeah, everything you posted certainly is electronic music ;).
I gave your links a quick listen and there's some nice stuff in there. Hadn't heard any of those before, so thanks.
I'll give them a longer listen later!
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Thanks for another music train! That's not really my genre - but It's refreshing to listen something new sometimes and I liked some of those songs
Congrats on lvl 7 !!
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Well, I hit level 7 last week.
I can't believe I got this high in less than 7 months, because I'm broke af. :D
Anyways, I thought I'd dump most of my remaining keys in celebration on another music related train, because why not?
This time the theme of the train is "30 years of electronic music".
Yes, there has been electronic music for longer, but I went for 30, because I just happened to have two keys for 30 different games, so there's 2 copies on each car!
Every car has a couple tracks from a certain year, starting from 1987 and ending in 2016.
The tracks vary a lot in style, so if you don't like one track, just jump to the next one! Maybe you'll like it better!
I went with tracks that I still enjoy listening to today. Hopefully you'll find at least something you like!
You need to be lvl3 to enter and sgtools checks for the usual vac bans, and that you have not broken the rules on steamgifts.
The train runs for two days.
Let's go!
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