Who kind of an idiot says that?
You must watch Indie Game: The Movie NOW
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Could've been announcd ten years ago for all I care. I'm just saying I'm a bit bored of platformers now. It's like the nineties with survival horror games, or a few years back with fps games. It's even worse since there's a new platformer for free every ten minutes on Kongregate.
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Is it a spreadsheet? That's good. All my PC is good for is using spreadsheets.
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Guys, Fez is old news. Lulz.
However thanks for bringing the pre-order news about, Dunther.
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Yeah, although the full context is that this was a response to people bitching about it being only 1 dollar off on release. Which still isn't a very professional response but I can see his side on that one :3
He also wrote that if 9 bucks is too much for you, just go and pirate it. That it's just a step below purchase and you hopefully still enjoy it.
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This game does absolutley not look like another rip off platformer! Awesome!! And only for 10 bucks, what a deal!
But wait, its gets even BETTER! With the preorder bonus I get it for 9 bucks! Holy crap, I grab it now!
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Actually at the time of inception it was pretty great idea and people raved about it. The team had some problems and split up, and Phil Phish also spent too much time on polish, which made the game much less relevant once it finally came out on XBLA. Which was a year ago. It is partially a case of some other platformers being a rip off of this one, however bringing their shit together faster and actually releasing.
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Hm I suppose you could argue everything comes from Super Paper Mario or something xD Haven't played paper mario though. Or Fez for that matter, but did hear about Fez much sooner than about paper mario. Specifically, when I was playing Perspective I thought about Fez right away although admittedly they try something else with perspective warping. I saw some other similar thingies but sadly can't name them, some other free to play indie stuff on some flash site probably.
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The first time I saw Fez I instantly thought, 'oh, so it's like Super Paper Mario.'
Not a bad thing though, besides that one element, the two games are nothing alike.
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I recall the xbla version had a game breaking bug that affect 10% or less of all players but Phil Fish couldn't put out a patch that would cost about 12 or 14k for something that only affects an extremely small minority. I'm hoping the pc version won't be anything like that but at least with steam I doesn't have to pay to put out a fix like on xbla.
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Actually, that was less than 1% of players (even though I know your sentence is still accurate) and $40.000. Moreover, it only affected players that already started a game prior to the patch, not new players.
He also said that this would not have happened if they had released the game on Steam instead of XBLA so I don't think they would be any issue this time (except if he doesn't want to patch the game out of spite, which I would be able to understand given how people are shitting on him all the time. That wouldn't help his reputation at all, but at least it would give a valid reason for people to hate him).
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It was actually quite good. You should give it a watch.
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Sooner or later it's gonna end up in a bundle; and then 100% to charity.
screw that asshole
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Will pirate it on release and wait for it to show on a indie bundle so I can give 100% to charity
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I can't see it being in a bundle anytime soo-- ever.
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Nah, it will be on Humble Bundle eventually. He is even working on Linux and Mac ports.
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Oh, you are so cool.
If you were not completely hypocritical, you would either never buy the game or wait for the Humble Bundle.
You obviously want it, so stop being a jackass and simply buy the goddamn game (or don't and wait for the bundle) instead of using shitty excuses to pirate the game and putting yourself even lower than the man you are mad at for some nonsensical reason.
By the way, even if Fish is the visible face of the company, you are hurting the programmer of the game too, and he did all the porting to PC so I think he deserves to get some money even if you don't like the artist, don't you think?
Also, even if I replied to you, this post isn't directed specifically against you but also to all the others who think alike.
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So what? Why would i give any of my money to a guy who was a complete dick to the whole PC gaming community by saying PCs are not for gaming and then porting his shitty "oh look another indie platformer, yawn" game to PC "just for the money"(IN HIS OWN WORDS!).
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Because you aren't a narrow minded individual that takes everything he said seriously when he is obviously joking/being snarky maybe?
Do you really believe that he was being serious when he said that "PCs are for spreadsheets"? If so, I suggest you to watch Indie Game: The Movie and have a look at what piece of software is installed on his computer (clue: it begins with a "S" and ends with a "m").
He said that he wanted to port the game on PC "for profit"? (this is the actual quote by the way)
Oh my god, he is truly a jerk, isn't he? That's a relief to know that every other developer isn't doing it to get money, but to... to... to what exactly?
Finally, if the game is effectively a "shitty [...] indie platformer" like you said, why would you even want to play it in the first place I wonder?
You should read that too: http://www.giantbomb.com/articles/the-rabbit-hole-that-is-life-after-fez/1100-4275/ and that http://kotaku.com/dont-you-have-anyone-better-to-hate-than-the-guy-who-m-478837623.
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If it looks like a douche, talks like a douche and acts like a douche it probably is a douche, that's one of the things i've learned in life so far. And yes, they all do it for profit, but there's no need to be a dick about it towards potential customers. So what if he has steam installed? Is that a get out of jail free card, does it excuse someone for being stupid and acting like a douche? The "joke" is only one example, just look around, you can find many more, even here in this thread.
And where exactly in my post did i say i want to play it? I never stated i would pirate it or had any desire to play it, i just stated that i would never pay for his game.
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How is being honest being a dick about it? What would you have liked him to say? I guess he could have said that he wanted as many people as possible playing his game too (which is actually what he said in the conference summarized in the first link I posted).
Having Steam installed on his computer is not a "get out of jail free card", it's evidence pointing towards the fact that he plays games on PC and can't as a consequence be taken seriously when he says that PCs are only "for spreadsheets".
If you aren't interest in the game, I don't see why you would want to pay for the game at all regardless of what Fish said, hence why I assumed you had a desire to play it.
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I had to look up this spreadsheet business. Aha, so he was saying that this is a console game and PCs are for spreadsheets, yet we have Fez for PCs.
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This is the dev. Still going to buy eventually, because I couldnt care less. In fact, I find the fucker hilarious.
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You Phil Fish haters are so god damn whiny.
It's not a game about his life, nor is it PC hate propaganda you really have no reason to dislike the game.
Am I one of the few people that thinks that you can enjoy someone's work without liking/agreeing with the author(s)?
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You are alone on this Compass.
Anyways, he's a prick. I won't buy nor play his game. Period. You all can marry him if you want.
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That's your call to buy it if you wish. I won't :)
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He isn't alone, and he is totally right on top of that.
Also, as I said earlier already, by not buying the game because of your "principles", you are also hurting the programmer and the composer of the game who, even if they don't have a mouth as big as Fish's, worked on the game and will not see any of the money they deserve.
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I could not care less about them. I'm not hurting everyone. For that reason I'd be hurting every single maker of a game/book/movie/CD I don't buy.
You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. You know.
Also the part that he was alone was a friendly pun. And he's not right he has an opinon. I have another.
And I'm many things but I won't eat my words. I won't play that game. Ever.
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I want those same people whining about him to give me a detailed impression about every single person who worked on a game they've bought.
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Not at all, I completely agree with you. I'd be willing to bet that there are a lot of egotistical, hard to work with, occasionally unpleasant people behind the favourite games of certain posters in this thread. The only difference is that we don't know about them as people because they haven't appeared in a film/don't post on social media etc, character flaws and all.
Then take games and extend that to films/tv/music/fashion/whatever. Enjoy boycotting a huge amount of stuff with value. It's those same character flaws that tend to make whatever they've produced worth experiencing in the first place.
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Exactly! +1 (but seriously... phil fish is a prick)
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I personally don't have a problem with Fish and find his eccentricities fairly entertaining. Regarding the enjoying someone's work vs agreeing with the author just sounds like its going down the path of the Shadow Complex controversy all over again. It all comes down to personal preference, but there are some points where you have to draw the line.
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Screw Steam and it's regional pricing bullshit. Bought it on GOG, cheaper and drm-free...
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I love how you acted as an arrogant dick by pointing out the amount of arrogant dicks calling him arrogant here.
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Nothing to do with pretentiousness. You just have a higher level of tolerance for arrogant people than the average bear...
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Just got my copy :3 link
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