On Nov. 8th, it will have been one year since I bought my very first bundle! Why is this significant you ask? Well, I didn't collect steam games until I discovered Humble and things have kind of gotten out of control since then XD. I figured I might as well celebrate the day when I first descended into madness :P.

Oddly enough, I first heard about bundles thanks to a Zero Punctation video where Yahtzee mentions after the credits that his book was part of a humble book bundle. If it weren't for that video, I very much doubt I would have discovered bundles and I would have probably went back to playing WoW instead of finding a whole slew of pc games that have pasted me by. Kinda weird when you think about it.

Anyways, here is the train that I promised.

Instead of bumping, please let me know how all of you found out about bundles. Kinda curious what some of the answers will be.

Edit: Forgot to add this, but my first was the Humble Indie Bundle 13.

8 years ago*

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I'm typing this with my left hand because my right is tired from clicking Next so many times!! :P
Thanks, and bump!!

8 years ago

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Thanks for the ride. Happy bundle cake day :D

8 years ago

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I must say this train disappointed me a little. ... No sexy gifs :(

I honestly don't remember how I found out about bundles. My HB library says I bought the Humble Botanicula Debut on April 20, 2012. The next purchase was Humble Double Fine Bundle in May 15, 2013, over a year later. Then came the Humble Indie Bundle 11 on February 21, 2014, almost another year later and starting with the Humble Eye Candy Weekly Bundle on July 5, 2014 began a steady flow of several purchases a month. So this is where my madness started. Had surgery late last May and another one in October. It looks like bundles, games and SG saved my life kept me sane during rehabilitation :)

8 years ago*

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Been thinking of doing a sexy train in a few weeks time but I need to find the pics beforehand or it'll take all night XD.

8 years ago

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Now I spent so much time extending my comment that you already found the time to answer.

Alright, will be looking forward :)

8 years ago

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Wait you had surgery? D:
Hope you are feeling better.

I wonder why you have such large gaps between bundles at the start. They couldn't have been any worse than some of the stuff that bundle sites put out now :P.

8 years ago

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Thanks and bump!

8 years ago

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Wow. That was a huge giveaway collection. Thank you and keep up.

8 years ago

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Hell of a train!
first bundle was an IndieRoyale - I think their first one!

8 years ago

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Bump for the longest train I ever took

8 years ago

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I've been WoW free since right at the release of Cataclysm, was tough for a short while, but I had the advantage of several of my best WoW friends also quitting about then

Honestly, I think I first also saw links etc about bundles on GoG... Ironic, since their keys are almost never included in bundles.

8 years ago

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It was all about Arthas really anyways. That's pretty much when about 80% of the people I knew stopped playing.

8 years ago

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I'm always kind of surprised when someone says they still play... especially someone like me that was even in beta.

Feels like I quit a lifetime ago... (just looked it up was December 7th 2010, think I expired a few days after that, so ALMOST 5 years ago!)

8 years ago

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Yeah, it seems like a lot of the older players left while the newer hardcore raiders moved in behind them. The Lore addicts and people that play for the farming/crafting aspect of the game ( I never understood it but I met some people that are altoholics and must have everything in the game in their inventory ).

Right before Draenor launched I logged in with a free month that someone gave me, just to see how things were and what had changed...I could not believe how simplified they made the game, the microtransactions and macrotransactions as well as the talent tree changes just made me shake my head and uninstall. Blizzard will always have a part of my soul as long as Diablo exists though. Ever since the days of US West legit SoJ hunting, I've been in love with that franchise.

8 years ago

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I think I found it through this site

8 years ago

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I would like to thanks steamgifts and the discussion forum, as that is how i know about bundle sites. Yes, from those free game giveaways thingy.

8 years ago

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My first was the Humble THQ bundle in December 2012. I don't know how I found out about it. Bought a couple more Humbles over the next few months but didn't know there were any other bundle sites for a good while.

One day I discovered Groupees by googling something along the lines of "sites like Humble Bundle" and ended up buying Be Mine 9. That led me to discovering Indie Gala and this place in a round about way.

8 years ago*

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I don't recall where I originally heard about Humble Bundle, but I remember feeling guilty for getting such a good deal, so I'd spend $10 for a $4 BTA. Then I kinda forgot about HB until fate brought me to SG (a trader wanted a game I had advertised on my profile, and wanted me to +rep him on SG (and he'd do the same)). The rest is history as far as sticking around SG, discovering a dozen bundle sites, and quadrupling my Steam game list. :-)

8 years ago

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wow that train

8 years ago

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that was long and interesting :v, congrats on 1 year of adding to your backlog.

8 years ago

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The forum people in my country post the bundle things every day :P

8 years ago

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Love some of those games. I really wanna win Paranautical Activity. >u<!!

8 years ago

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That was quite the jouney! I don't remember how I found out about bundles, but I regret not discovering them sooner.

8 years ago

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Great ride, thanks. About my bundle's addiction now, well I had been getting some HB bundles for a bit, but then I decided to see if I could find other places that had bundles, so I googled it and found my very first non HB bundle, I think it was the cryptic bundle from BundleStar. That's what started it all, when I got addicted, and it all went to hell from there...

8 years ago

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I discovered the wonderful world of game bundles last year through a friend met on a music forum a few years ago. I got my very first bundle from Groupees. ;)

Wow, that was an epic train... I should have packed a lunch. :D

8 years ago

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genre gaming site I am following posted that game I wanted is on bundle <3 pay what you want and get keys for steam <3

8 years ago

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through facebook and a friend, bump and thanks

8 years ago

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Bump! :)

8 years ago

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Thanks for the loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong train. :D

8 years ago

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That train... so long... thank you for that.

8 years ago

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My little addiction started thanks to SG. Humble made in Spain or something like that was where it all started, just got the first tier because AR-K looked fun (it was not bad). I'm not severely addicted though...

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Cjcomplex.