Already own Borderlands? Save 10% on your pre-purchase of Borderlands 2!. This weekend only.
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He means count him in for Borderlands GOTY, that's why you should care.
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If this were true, should say 19+ people play borderland, not 17...
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If you deposit at NAB, it's free
If you transfer from NAB (to NAB), it's free
If you transfer from ??? (to NAB), it's a 3 day interbank transfer
If you deposit at Maybank, it's free
IF you transfer from Maybank to Maybank, should be free
If you transfer from ??? (to Maybank), it's a RM1 (or RM0.50, check with your bank), not sure about the delay...
If you transfer to Paypal via Goods/Services/eBay Item, it's 1.1%-2.4% + AUS$0.30
If you transfer to Paypal via Gift/Money Owed/Living Expenses/Other, it's free
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Can't be sure about it...
Borderlands: Game of the Year
AUD$7.21 <-- Cheapest?
USD$7.21 <-- Cheapest?
RUS$3.33 <-- Unless someone in Russia wants to do it? :p
Prices are displayed in AUD.
Borderlands 2
GBP$45.21 <-- Cheapest <-- Anyone want to host this? :p
RUS$17.8 <-- Unless someone in Russia wants to do it? :p
Prices are displayed in AUD.
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re: the RUS version, this was posted to a group I'm in...
noting that it includes the line...
onlyallowrunincountries = RU AM AZ BY GE KZ KG MD TJ TM UZ UA LV LT EE you may not be able to (legitimately) play it outside of those regions.
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Seems it probably falls under the Rest-Of-the-World version.
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I..don't get it.
Why does your Borderlands 2 state "$69.99" when the base price is "$59.99" <--These are USD currency.
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Prices are displayed in AUD.
And i'm from Australia...
So i get the Australian price in USD...
Australian store:
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You're in Australia and you see Australian prices for the game but in USD? Now I get it.
I've always wondered, why are games more costly in Australia than other places?
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I could, but I had Borderlands GOTY LONNNGG ago and Borderlands 2 pre order perks don't really interest me.
Because if the weapon system is similar to Borderland 1, then the gearbox gold gun pack and golden key is somewhat useless.
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I know this doesn't contribute to the OP but I just got 3 other friends to say ok to me buying the 4 pack. And it only cost everyone $40.50, seems the cheapest price so far IMO from Steam if you own the GOTY. This is a US purchase so I can't help you with the AUS version, but maybe you can try your friends in the US and see if they will do it for you, and you just owe them $40.50
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Here y'are. Again, this is with 10% off from owning Borderlands 1 already. USD.
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Well you beat me to it but I was showing my actual purchase email. I am like how the fuck did this guy do it so fast.
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Like I said, check with friends in the US and maybe they trust your enough and so forth do to it bc it seems the cheapest that way. Can't wait to play this shit! Going to play BL1 and beat all the DLCS, that's the only thing I have left to do.
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I trust 8 people on my friends list to buy something and know I'll get paid for it. And 8 people is plenty.
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Adjective: Conforming to the law or to rules: "his claims to legitimate authority".
Verb: Justify or make lawful.
adjective. lawful - legal - rightful - just - licit - valid
verb. legitimize - legalize - warrant - justify - legitimatize
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I've never used them, hell first time hearing about this.
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NGPriest? So I checked your profile, you got a lot of people in your friends list, and how many you trust, have you asked them?
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He still needs someone to buy it for him if I am correct and cleaning out your friends list is the best feeling in the world.
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I just assumed that GMG had a different price for AUS, wasn't sure and if not then yes he should get it from there.
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Well if that's the case than I would dump my friends list and start anew. You only got till July 30th to find someone you trust (3 someones that is). Sarcasm.
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They changed the price awhile ago, I would have jumped on that but too late. So the Steam deal 4 pack is still best if you own the GoTY and have friends.
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RU/CIS versions of Borderlands 2 are region locked meaning that you won't be able to play the game outside these regions.
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What about getting the amazon 4-pack .. people say its $36 each copy if you bought borderlands goty from them ...
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On cheapassgamer people do that no doubt, or if you want to save 5 bucks a UK should popup here somehow :D.
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You get an extra 10% if you bought borderlands /goty on amazon.
Limited Time Pre-order Offer: Buy "Borderlands GOTY" for $7.49, Save 10% on "Borderlands 2" Pre-order
Between now and July 30, 2012 at 11:59 PM PST, download "Borderlands Game of the Year Edition" for just $7.49 and get a credit good for 10% off your pre-order of "Borderlands 2" or pre-order of a four pack of "Borderlands 2". Once you complete your purchase for "Borderlands GOTY", you will receive an e-mail notifying you that your promotional credit is ready to use. Simply return to the page for "Borderlands 2" or "Borderlands 2 - Four Pack", place your pre-order, and the discount will be automatically applied. Note: Promotional credit must be used by July 30, 2012
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:O limited thats not good, anyway people can just send UDS or EURO to paypal instead of Pounds :D.
all you have to do is select pounds and see how much € or $ it is for you then select dollars and place the amound you saw earlier :D.
Also i posted so maybe someone will do it...
Yeah add me on UK list i will keep in touch if i got my copy somewhere else (im asking friends too)
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Please add me on the list :3. I hope someone from Uk will host one soon so ...add me on the list .
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Pre-purchase Now and get an upgrade to the Premiere Club Edition.
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<3 Also to mention that the exclusive slaughter dome will be available later after release :D.
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Well for me Borderlands 2 is already GOTY beside all other games i nomitated for that :D. Also if you want to take the risk to have no exclusive stuff in-game oki :D. Everyone does have a huge backlog :D.
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How did you pick Borderlands up for 67 dollars? Im guessing that is just the preorder only with the bonus preorder thing.
I picked it up at 74NZ for the deluxe version, which comes with the disks and bobblehead etc, if I wanted the just preorder it was 56 lol Oh and it was buying it single >.<
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You can remove me from the list NGPriest , I found someone :] Thanks !
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After discussing it abit here:
Group Buy Tips:
Copied from CAG: Steam Group Buy and Gift Requests thread
1. Borderlands Game of The Year
2.1 Borderlands 2 GamersGate
Blue Coins: 59950 -> 40000 (Approx 32,48€)
Hoster: WarrantOfficer
2.2 Borderlands 2 Amazon
Hoster: elbersame
3. Left 4 Dead
US$19.99 -> $15.00
Hoster: NGPriest
4. Left 4 Dead 2
US$19.99 -> $15.00
Hoster: NGPriest
6. Awesomenauts GamersGate
Blue Coins: 9990 -> 6880 (Approx 5,80€)
Hoster: halnco
6. PAYDAY™ The Heist
$19.99 -> $15.00
Hoster: Dirminxia
Note from NGPriest:
If you're in Australia, i accept NAB Deposit (or IB Transfer)
If you're in Malaysia, i accept Maybank Deposit
If you're in another country, i accept Paypal?
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