You lucky son of a bitch. D: I have never had that prompt on 7 and that is all this thread is wanting.
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I have that little check box to on the bottom, but I never had to change settings to get it. Did you end up configuring something when you first got your pc?
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you used the word "fucking" 5 times in your text. as a moderator you should mind your language, sir.
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it's just about appropriate behavior - especially as a moderator you should think about what you do and what you post
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Since when the internet was about appropriate behavior, and what inappropriate behavior? getting angry on some issue? that's inappropriate behavior? or you mean that the simply the use of a certain word to describe the feeling towards an issue is inappropriate behavior? are you trying to kill the very essence of language which is to express yourself just because you don't like some certain words?
EDIT: Also most if not all moderators were just regular active forum member before joining the SG staff, just because they decided to help SG it doesn't mean they need to change their forum persona.
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Using the word "Nazi" in any context is inappropriate. Fact.
And I have to say something about your little EDIT.
Becoming a moderator on any forum is all about change. You're representing the site now, you have responsibilities and have to be more careful with everything you do. This isn't to say that you should completely change as a person, but you should definitely make some changes.
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Well I will agree with you that using the word "Nazi" is indeed inappropriate. but again, I never claimed I'm an appropriate person. And as long as it wasn't in an offensive context it isn't that much of a tragedy anyway.
Not enough that they are volunteering to the job which doesn't pay and isn't simple, and you say that on top of that they should act in reserve, it would really suck. Obviously in certain official and/or serious forums the mods need to act on a model in order to preserve the public image of that forum, but this community is neither something official or serious, its just a typical forum on the internet. And of course there are basic responsibilities every mod everywhere should take upon themselves, and those responsibilities are simply not breaking the same law they protect, and this post didn't break any rules.
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Well a volunteer job is the best way to show how dedicated someone is. Regardless of how serious or non serious the site is, they should always consider their responsibilities and act accordingly. There are plenty of people out there who would make good moderators but still manage to "be themselves". I suppose it's about finding a balance.
The way I see it, someone with "staff" next to their name should be someone I feel comfortable coming to for any site related issues I might have. I don't want to feel intimidated, and I don't want to feel hesitant. Honestly, I don't want to read a thread where a mod genuinely rages about an inconvenience with an operating system. It's not breaking a rule, but it doesn't help his role as someone who manages the site and others look to when they need help.
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I can see where you coming from, it's obvious it's always better to have some serious and responsible as a mod. I'm simply saying that it isn't the kind of forum that having serious and responsible staff is such a critical thing, it might be a preference, but not a requirement.
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this is when the internet is about appropriate behavior i would (dont know about how to do any fancy hyperlink trick)
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There's huge difference between plain inappropriate behavior and having freaking absolute zero tact and being completely inconsiderate ass.
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[Fancy hyperlink.](
It turns out like this:
Or you could, you know, fucking read the FAQ. Like you're supposed to.
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Cursing cuts the bullshit, I believe world would be a better place if some people were told at some early point that they're just a fucking moron instead of dancing around the topic. And it's fun. Actually, I'd support obligatory cursing in support's responses, fun and educative at the same time.
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I can do nothing but concur with your opinion that morons should be told they are, as soon as it is discovered that they are. People are too scared to hurt someone that it's affecting our society in a negative way. Compare the way society acts now to how it did 5-10 years ago (le 90s kid xdd) and notice the difference between being allowed to tell someone they are wrong and having to try and sneak it into their thick IQ 70 head.
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The only thing that bugs me about Win 7 is with some games, I get a message telling me that Aero was turned off because the game wasn't compatible with it. I click to turn it back on and then click the check box that says "dont do this again", but it does it EVERY F**KING TIME.
As for your problem, just turn UAC off completely, thats what I did.
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I know, that is really annoying. You tell it to stop asking... but it always ends up coming back! Actually I think it only asks me once per game if my memory serves correctly, but with hundreds of games it still asks a hell of a lot.
As for UAC and whatever else I just turn those options off whenever I do a fresh install for a customer. It's never been a problem because they never see it, and I only see it once per install. I don't hate my customers though, and since I like keeping them as customers one thing I won't do is force them to use Win8. I've migrated most of them off XP and over to Win7 for practicality and support reasons. The good thing about XP is that it kept me in business with it's myriad of problems over the years. The bad thing is that it often left me with little time for anything else. XP was amazing in it's day and I look back on it fondly and Vista was simply a great idea poorly executed but I can't imagine using either of them anymore with a better alternative readily available. XP does a few things better than Win7 (network shares come to mind) and I do still have a few 32-bit XP machines around doing duty as HTPC servers for that reason, but as a true desktop OS? It's obsolete.
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I just treat every UAC popup as a way of comfirming I want to run the program , turned of dimming only for my computer and I feel much better that way haha. I feel you.
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You complain that Windows 7 is "designed to be used by an idiot" yet you fail to do the most basic tasks. That's a bit paradox if you ask me.
Yes it was designed to be more user friendly. For a normal user those options are perfectly fine and useful. And it actually DOES save your behavior. It will only ask you ONCE if you don't do anything wrong. But then again, it was designed for idiots so that shouldn't be a problem right?
If you really want to get rid of UAC and are such a pro as you pretend to be then why not just simply set the DWORD value in the registry (Enable_LUA) from 1 to 0 and be happy?
Windows XP was great in it's days but now it's outdated for many reasons.
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Personally I have no issues with the UAC, sure it pops up from time to time, but it's not really a big deal. And I'm on the default setting (2). I don't know why it asks you permission to stay at 3 - but if you're not changing anything you could just click cancel :p
I don't know what two programs that require elevated privileges you run at start-up; as for java it should only ask when you update it.
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I miss good old regular DOS. I felt like I had more control and less problems.
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Not sure what you mean with internet years. And anyway, I don't have the chase-after-new-stuff mentality, so the age of something is irrelevant.
Feel free to tell that to my games. They didn't get the memo, it seems, because they all still work fine.
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Still using XP with pretty much no problems, though eventually I'm going to have to downgrade to 7/8 to play some games. The new versions are probably better behind the scenes, but just like browser updates, it seems every new version is some supposed UX expert trying to convince us that their way of doing things is the right way, not by making the new ways better but by making the old ways worse.
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OMG are you retarded or what you can turn of this by typing UAC on start menu (User Account Control) and just turn it off!
And just for that you are lobing XP more. are you fucking kiding me? Windows XP is so damn outdated its more that 10 years old.
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As I know, Windows XP doesn't block any software program to write in system related files, unless you are logged in with a non-administrative account. I don't remember a "Never ask for this program again" option, maybe you are talking about Windows Firewall or a non-Microsoft security software?
Microsoft had to change that behaviour, people mostly were using a single-account and power to change system related files so easily is a serious security issue nowadays (people who turn off UAC make a big mistake).
You can run with highest privileges a program on start-up using the Task Scheduler, but I don't think you need to do that. I think you have a configuration mess in your pc or so.
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I have Vista Ultimate on a Dell laptop that I used while earning my networking degree in college. I graduated in 2008 and still use that laptop almost daily. It came with Vista Home Premium and 3GB RAM and being a Dell it was "designed" to run on Vista at the time it was manufactured. The hard drive died once but I have never had any other problems with it. I have had issues with home made systems or with those that were trying to upgrade from XP but I have never had a problem with Vista on any computer that the manufacturer had designed it to run with.
What pissed me off about the "Ultimate" edition was the supposed "Ultimate Extras" we never really got. Language packs and a Texas Hold-em game was a far cry from what MS had said that they were going to do with the Ultimate Editions of Windows.
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Are you fucking kidding me?!
Windows 7 is absolutely fucking designed from the ground up to be used by an idiot. It has made literally every single control much harder to find so you have less chance of fucking it up. Here you see I have four options.
Windows asks me about literally every single thing I do and dims the screen until I deal with it's bullshit.
Windows asks me about literally every single program I run (not including Windows settings (supposedly)). It again dims the screen.
Windows asks me about literally every single program I run (not including Windows settings (supposedly)). It does not dim the screen.
Windows never asks me about any program I ever want to run.
Those are the four most fucking stupid options I have ever seen. I sure as hell am not going for 4 because sometimes I click on something suspicious I later regret. But 3 asks me about the most inane shit, including two programs that run on start up. I finally snapped and tried again. I was already on 3 and it asked me about fucking JAVA. I looked around for any way I could change my settings and gave up, setting for 3 again.
I pressed Okay.
It asked me if I trusted a Microsoft program for Windows 7 to make not a single change to Windows 7.
What in the hell happened to Windows XP, where you could have it ask you about any program once and there was a nice simple tickbox that said "I trust this, never ask me again"? None of this bullshit.
I fucking hate this laptop and everything it stands for. The SG chat knows the reasons for this well. I now wish to proclaim my hatred for this piece of shit called Windows 7. If there's useful options somewhere in this crapheap of an OS, it's buried under a mountain of useless crap to try and discourage me from searching any more. Well, good job, shitty design, you did your job correctly.
Edit: Man, this could have been a puzzle giveaway and no-one would ever notice. Hmm...
Oh, and yes, I have the admin account. This isn't some parental control crud.
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