a) use the new Steam feature to remove games from your library and remove all 494 unfished games => 100% completion rate
b) get Spoiler Alert - the game runs backwards, so you will start with a just finished gamed
c) hire some of these chinese WOW gold farmers to finish your games for you
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Damn, so it's never ever complete!
I unfinished it to 0%, but now this means I'll never complete it unless I start it from the beginning once more!
But then again I'll have to uncomplete it!
But once I'm done, I'll have to restart again to have it complete!
That's an infinite struggle!
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I've totally fallen for this mentality and so recently I've implemented a hold similar to what Zareh suggests - I'm not buying any new games until I get through at least half of my "to play" lists. I've passed up a few sales that I cringed to watch go by, thinking I was losing the opportunity of a lifetime and that I'd never see that price again.
What I've learned in my "no buy" period is that sale prices always happen again, and often they're cheaper the next time around. So don't worry. You'll get that price again. Sit down and enjoy some of your games before you keep buying more :) It's the Gaben Steam sale curse - so many games, so little time to play them in, so few finished.
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I have the same problem... I blame SG! All I have completed on PC is:
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Life Is Strange
Portal 2
Thomas Was Alone
Tomb Raider
To The Moon
The Stanley Parable
A Story About My Uncle
Valiant Hearts: The Great War
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
Walking Dead
Walking Dead: Season 2
Go for short games to get a chunk done, and try to do them in one sitting!
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Yeah I have done all the endings, I might go back and get the last few achievements to get another 100% to the list! Thomas Was Alone is a great gem of a game! Ah the gravity levels are a bit of a pain but you get through them!
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Bought during the last summer sale, played through almost all endings. Tried to get the speedrun achievement but I'm not good at those :\
Now I'm waiting for 2020 to arrive to get the 5 years achievement, and then.. well, I'll be missing only the unachievable one =P
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Ah I see. Everyone has their own tastes and opinions! I enjoyed them! Especially The Stanley Parable, loved the narration :3 LIMBO was awesome, loved it :D
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Yeah you have quite the backlog, nothing in comparison to me anyway... Wow, over 100 games! Nice congrats! You are making progress at least :D
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Well, if you don't enjoy single player games then just don't play them.
I've stopped playing multiplayer so instead of spending 1000 hours getting better at doing the same thing over and over again on one game I can spend 10-50 hours completing single player games, enjoying different stories and gameplay every time as well as hunting for achievements.
So yeah I used to play a lot of MP games but lately I enjoy SP a lot more. MP games are very repetitive. Just play what you like. If you don't finish SP games it's probably because you enjoy MP more.
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Remember when I was a kid and payed a few dollars to rent a game and play it for only a few hours over a couple days?
Yea, I actually get a better price to playtime ratio on games I get now on Steam these days.
Barely played games backlog JUSTIFIED.
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I did once, rented two games a weekend played one a lot, the other barely. Decided never again because the frustration of being impossible to end it without paying more. And well it required a lot of things including traveling. That's the main reason I never ever rented again.
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I have 1300 games. 95% of my playtime in the past 2 months is from idling them for cards with IdleMaster.
The game I've spent like 400 hours in the past 3 months isn't even on Steam. Yet I keep collecting more and more Steam games. I know the pain :(
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Sometimes, the games just get really really boring and repetitive so you just put it down. It's not your fault the games get really really really repetitive and boring and so painfully boring and repetitive that you just want to put it down. So, don't feel bad that the games are boring and repetitive; it's okay to stop playing a boring and repetitive game because it's boring and repetitive and just put it down and move on to another boring and repetitive game--that you'll probably put down shortly--as it's repetitive and boring as well as other boring and repetitive things.
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don't worry you're not the only guy who goes "I will eventually play these games"
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That's right! i play until bored, though i try to get to the ending, but i dn't try to get 100% completion (i find that a chore, and sometimes requires going through the game 2-3 times)... sometimes i get back to the game, to hunt achievements... :P
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I bought two games today (well, one and a compilation of three arcade games, really) and already 'beaten' one of the games. But since it has piles of characters and different story paths, completing it will take a lot longer.
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I already stream my adventures in gaming at Twitch.tv/tsarius1...too lazy to work with editing, so I upload some things raw to youtube (first hour in a game, playthroughs of really interesting games) so...yeah, I'm well on my way to being an internet celebrity -sarcasm sarcasm sarcasm-
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Ok the last was a joke, but the others could help?
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I have the same problem too!
Games that I have finished :
The problem is that whenever I try to finish the game, I try to be the "perfect". I will try to use the best weapons, best gears, etc. that in the run I lose focus in the game, especially for freeform games such as The Witcher series, Fallout series, and Elder Scroll series. On the quest to be perfect, I usually ran into mods (that are great) that I usually restart the whole game after installing the mod. Or, I found another game, that may prove more interesting.
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Have loads of games, typically start them up with the intention of finishing then find something else I'd much rather play.. Best bet I have for finishing games is only pick one game with a clear goal in place.. I want to beat the game.. Work through beating that game and ignore all other games.
If you try to play too many games at once it'll frazzle you and you won't finish any..
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I rarely make it to the end of games, I have 500 games on steam and I've only completed 6 of them. The games I've completed are Portal, Portal 2, Bastion, Transistor, Evoland, and DLC Quest. I've also completed Abyss Odyssey and Skullgirls, but those don't really count due to their nature of being more about increasing player skill than making it to the end of the game.
What should I do? I can't just keep letting my backlog of games get bigger, but at a certain point in most games I just jump ship to the next game.
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