Pay $1.99 for 6 fancy games

Q.U.B.E, The Few, Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land, Robot Rescue Revolution, Lightfish and Deadlings.

Click here

The Few 59% 5 click
Robot Rescue Revolution 80% 3 click
Deadlings: Rotten Edition 82% 1 click
Lightfish 82% - 11 click
Q.U.B.E 86% - 6 click
Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land 65% - 11 click
9 years ago*

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Does this bundle stand out to you?

View Results
Yes! Going into my cart. This deserves a round of applause.
No ... What a "debut" bundle... Not buying!
Hm..... maybe ...
I/you are the star of the show here ☆

I'm not at my PC but I'm pretty sure I own almost all there, insta-skip.

9 years ago

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deadlings was bundled once before :P

9 years ago

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oopsies I missed that one. thanks!

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago*

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thank you :D fixed

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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It's actually a somewhat good debut bundle (or more precisely, way better than the last three or so sites that've debuted).

They're reasonably decent rated games, and they've sort of got a 'puzzle' theme going on.

Unfortunately, every single game is a (sometimes rather frequent) rebundle, so..

Doubt too many people really will have much interest in this one :/

9 years ago

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How sad. :(

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9 years ago

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it's 83 now :)

9 years ago

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I have all of them but 1 (funnily enough it's the most bundled game) so I'll pass. At least it has good games (or at least decent ones).

Btw, QUBE doesn't have cards

9 years ago

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uups. thanks.

9 years ago

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A bunch of decent games, but overly bundled. I think I own most or all of them; still, if they provide quality offerings in the future that could be appealing.

9 years ago

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Ooooh, a new bundle site!
I got all of them though, but "Deadlings: Rotten Edition" is a really fun game though! I liked it :)

9 years ago

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Do we really need One More Bundle site though? I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't last long. So many have already closed their doors. It was already a crowded space.

9 years ago

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True that. If it was me, I definitely would not decide to open up a new bundle site.

Super Duper bundle is pure garbage.. And that bundle blitz' greenlight games are the crappiest 'games' I have ever seen! Voted no for all them on greenlight. Maybe this bundle site will do better? Who knows.. It can nearly only do better, lol!

But I still find it weird that blink bundle decided to close up since they made some decent bundles. Oh well, business is tough I suppose.

9 years ago

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Decided to put together an informal list of bundle sites that have either closed or gone inactive for a significant period of time:

  • Blink Bundle
  • Indie Royale
  • The Green Light Bundle
  • PayWUW
  • GamesRage
  • Bundle Bandits
  • Bundle Central
  • Bundle in a Box
  • IndieMeadow
  • Little Big Bunch
  • Indie Ammo Box
  • Playinjector

There may be some smaller ones that I missed or one or two others that I have forgotten about because I deleted the bookmark.

9 years ago*

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Yeah, that's quite a list.. :/ I only purchased from like 6 of them though.
Speaking of new bundles... A new one appeared! :p

9 years ago

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Oh geez.

Well I checked it out but doesn't really interest me. Looks like they include some IndieGameStand codes in their bundles though, which is something that I have not seen anyone else do.

9 years ago

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It's never ending lol!

Yup, noticed that too. I have only seen that with 1-2 other games before. I think that was even from a game on where I got a IGS code. :p

9 years ago

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If you look at Rachel's chart then it's more like the Debut re re rebundle except for Deadlings what is a decent game but it can't hold the bundle on it's own.

9 years ago

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One thing that isn't clear is whether Q.U.B.E. is the new director's cut or not. The old version is no longer available in the Steam store but it's possible that keys for it could still be distributed. From what I read the current Indie Gala Grim Trekker Bundle gives the original version of Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey instead of the Remastered Edition, so these things can happen.

9 years ago*

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Old keys for "Q.U.B.E." from past bundles give you the new director's cut when redeemed, so I guess it will be the same for this one.

9 years ago

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I got both games, i.e. for "Q.U.B.E". & "Q.U.B.E Directors Cut", from a single key from this bundle

And only just over an hour to go before the bundle expires

8 years ago

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Robot Rescue Revolution looks interesting but I have nearly everything else.

9 years ago

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QUBE is actually pretty fun!

9 years ago

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It looks fun, one day

9 years ago

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I'll give them some support, though I can't possibly need any of that.

9 years ago

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Wow, this is a horrible choice of games. Most have been bundled at least several times.

I was expecting something really nice, what a disappointment.

9 years ago

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you been going through all the threads created by rachel..

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9 years ago

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Not really, just recent three ;P

9 years ago

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damnit..I should have waited..if I have showed patience I could have caught you on more threads..until next time husto..till next time \o^o/

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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oh i love this show :DDDDDDDDDD

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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meh you teasing me now T_T i have no TV.

9 years ago

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do you have laptop and unlimited internet?

9 years ago

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laptop yes, internet ... yes. netflix, no. $10 for netflix ... no T_T

9 years ago

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will pm you a round about method to watch.

9 years ago*

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haha okay great! except i'm super tired right now T_T and stressed about homework and stuff.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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haha netfix is actually good ! But then ... not good if you don't even have time tow watch stuff >_>

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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exactly! haha ... i have too many distractions going on ... best not to add another one XD

9 years ago

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LOL! I had to laugh at the suggested prices!! Is this some kind of joke? But yeah, bundlepeats galore should be their name :-p

9 years ago

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Ironically, this isn't a bundle debut for any of these crusty old bundle veterans.

Nil points...

9 years ago

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