I dislike you. I dont want you to touch my moneyz. You dont like that idea. You make a thread. I'm forced somehow to allow you to touch my moneyz and like it?
Did I somehow miss the logic in that?
I got 300+ blacklists and most are people I dislike as much as they dislike me. Plus this double way blacklist, just keeps my blacklist to 0 cause they actually blacklist themselves if I ever get in the moneyz mood to do a giveaway ^^
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Typical kapy. Even when trying to distance yourself from your anglo-american ideological brethren you still can't resist showing your allegiance with "Englandistanian".
FYI, -stan is a persian thing, not a muslim thing. So you can't even get your insults right.
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It's not persian, it's arabic all countries in arabic langs end with "stan", for example they call Bulgaria, "Bulgaristan", and bs like that.
And it's funny how England is one of the countries under pure liberal rule and I am totally against this brain wash, plus I don't like a lot of stuff I dislike in American culture and somehow you claim my ideology is "anglo-american"
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Would it kill you to do basic fact-checking? Literally the only ones who call other countries -stan are Farsi speakers and turks. And the turks picked it up from Iran. Though I guess you don't know there's a difference between Farsi and Arabic. Or maybe you think all muslims are arabs.
And I'm pretty certain your ideology is anglo-american because you just repeat the common talking points of the anglo-american alt-right. Theoretically, you could have picked up the same talking points from some other nearly identical group in a European country with a different language, but that would require you to know their language. Which seems quite unlikely given your profound ignorance on every topic. And it's unlikely you got your views in our native language, because Bulgarian reactionaries are primarily obsessed with inventing a chauvinistic pseudohistory for the nation, to try to make themselves feel better about the sorry state of the nation in the present. Whereas you mostly complain about things happening in the US and Western Europe, things that are unknown to most Bulgarians.
What's more, you use "liberal" to mean left-wing, which is a very american thing to do. Interestingly enough, both the US and the UK are currently "under pure liberal rule". But liberal as in classical liberal, what americans call libertarian. The very people who want to undo the "brain wash" you're totally against. And yet you complain about the UK government being left-wing. Which means you're either lying or completely clueless, or so far to the right you've fallen off the political spectrum.
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I love you. Bulgaris is over 1400 years old. You idiots arent even 1000. Dont speak about bullshit and history. Maybe if you stop promoting fake history then your ignorant ass will be allowed to speak to me. Now you get ignored and if u write something on my steam wall you will be reported and then blocked.
Have a nice life mr. know all.
p.s May our hero. She will save the brain wash by brain washing.
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The Trump administration's main consistent policy is small government and pro-business. The UK Conservative party's main consistent policy in recent history has been small government and pro-business. Both the US and UK are very much under libertarian rule.
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Just wanna know. If you're the better person between us two, then why are you the one who hates me and I'm the one who doesn't even know you, or hate you. I mean, I don't hate anyone. I hated once, I hurt the person badly. I didn't like the monster I became then, so I stop hating. I dislike, disagree, joke around, mock or share my opinion, but I don't hate, until I ain't forced to do it. Basically. Even with the 450 current blacklists, I don't hate any of these people. I don't hate your constant slender as well. I can hardly be taken serious most of the time and even when I am serious I always add a joke in the concept so I would try to make it seem less serious so someone doesn't get butthurt, even if people do it anyway.
So, can I go back to mocking SJWs now? :3
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As far as I can see that you are not in a position to demand anything. The reason for that might be that you've got lots of giveaways only for a few people...
And the second reason is that you are a moron. And you know why...? Because when someone doesn't want you in there GA that's the end for you.
All that you have to do is just read your opening text again and just see how stupid you are...
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OK so you start at 0 and get 100 at every LVL to end up with 1000 at lvl 10.
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People will blacklist you if you voice strong opinions like this, especially more so if they don't share your view. And this one is bound to put you on quite a few more blacklists, since this is on another level of rudeness entirely.
And it goes both ways: I've realized recently that I've been whitelisted by a few gentlemen (or gentlewomen), which was rather surprising since I rarely post nowadays. So thumbs up to those hidden benefactors!
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Come on, that's ridiculous. You will only be able to remove yourself from their blacklists, not their entire blacklists. Let's keep some perspective here.
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Well no, not for you. You're a patron, after all. But it shouldn't be available to the general public.
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that would be too easy , how about a duel?
the sender loses and he gets removed from everyones whitelist , the receiver loses and he gets his blacklist deleted.
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LoL Will that come with a select all option or will you only be able to delete one at a time.
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one at a time , gotta make it as tedious as possible.
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First off, it's 1st of May, not April.. :-?
Don't spend time on finding your blacklists or the reasons behind it. It's a very small number within the user base and therefore only a very small number of GAs. You also miss GAs due to levels, region restrictions, SGTools, time.. this sounds like fear of missing out. There are way more important things than SG.
Also regarding deletion of comments/discussions: this is nothing CG just came up with, but has to do with upcoming legal regulations in the EU.
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Being blacklisted is just the same as group only giveaway, both have their own rules to determine who's allowed to enter giveaways and who's not. Just because you really want so n so game doesn't mean you have to be allowed to enter for it, if someone has blacklisted you then you should just accept it's their rules for THEIR giveaways.
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It's not about the quality of giveaways which matters it's the act of giving which matters.
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Your last giveaway was created 10 months ago. You are not allowed to talk here. -.-
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I think you missed my point, the act of giving is greater than the quality of a game, me not giving away for 10 months has nothing to do with it. I have at least given away not as much as you and I do applaud people like you for what you've given.
I'd love to give more but being outta work old fart with a health problem doesn't help. I used to store games in my inventory over a period of time to giveaway but with Steams new ruling I'm unable to do that anymore. I'm also unable to buy bundles myself but I do have some games saved to try and at least even my ratio out at some point.
I do find it fuunny though how people can judge someone they don't know by how many giveaways they've done, so cheers and have a nice day. :D
EDIT: If someone blacklists you and you have them whitelisted what happens?? xD
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Better not waste any time and energy on trying to reason with this guy, it won't ever work, unfortunately. That's just how he is I guess.
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I'm not trying to reason with anyone, I don't know many folks here really, so for someone to mention me not giving away for 10 months I can understand where they coming from as they don't know me so I just mentioned a bit about me and my situation. It's been 10 months or so since Steam changed the ruling on gifts being stored coincidentally.
I have no qualms about anyone who adds me to their blacklist, it's their games they are giving away and if they don't want me to enter any of their giveaways then I fully accept that, it's not a problem for me I hold no grudges.
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Yeah no, I get that :) I just meant that a) you don't need to justify anything to anyone here anyway (thank you for having given what you have given in the past!) and b) this guy (edit: the marshmallow one, not op) seems to feel the need to attack anything and anyone for no reason, so I was just trying to say that if you encounter him in the future, just should just ignore him and don't spend your time typing up a long comment trying to explain things because he doesn't care anyway, no matter what you have to say. That's all :)
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you have them whitelisted what happens
Nothing will happen. I have not and will not have any on my whitelist.
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I didn't mean on yours, I had you whitelisted and now you've blacklisted me so I just wondered that's all, I would have thought the blue heart would be removed. Any way stick a fork in me I'm done. :)
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Aha, but I dont need your blue heart if you never create a whitelist giveaway. In on so 300+ whitelists but I only see the same 2 who creates whitelists. I will never understand why they put somebody on the whitelist -.-
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I add people to mine for different reasons (most don't even know me) someone giving plenty or who helps the community I believe deserves to at least be appreciated. It's not much just whitelisting someone as a thank you but at this moment it's all I can do for now. I've had 28 blue heart giveaways so far and just because I have someone blue hearted I don't expect one in return as mine is a thank you which I haven't earned yet. :)
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I'm fairly certain the blacklist feature only block giveaways, not freedom of expression.
Unless you wanted to express your opinion in other people's giveaways, you shouldn't be impeded by anyone's blacklist.
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I figured as much. The problem is, a lot of people confuse "freedom of expression" with "freedom from consequences".
If someone blacklist me because they strongly disagree with my opinion, it doesn't prevent me from expressing myself.
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I really do think 80% of users blacklist other users it's because they don't agree with others opinion, why else would I get 20 blacklist when I rarely post here on forums, or maybe they hate the fact that my win ration is higher than my sent ratio. I really don't know, and I think I'll get more blacklist again today because I participated in this thread T_T sucks.
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Why should you care, the fact that they black me means I stroke a nerve and I like that MUHAHA.
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Most part of blacklisters (in my opinion) add to BL cause they don't like what you say. Anyone could disagree to others but why it should results blacklists? That is reason why I said about expression blocking. BL become instrument of repression (hope I used correct word) cause users forced to avoid express themselves to save gibs.
Most part of users know that user should say nothing if he want to avoid blacklists.
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cause that is the only point of this site , winning games
And this is the point where I think the whole post might be a big bait. If you think the whole point is winning games, then why should you do whitelist giveaways and gift far more games than you have won? Also you have to realize that people blacklisted you for some reason and will not simply remove you because you demand it!?
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Just to be clear - a group GA is for your own whitelist - not those who whitelisted you. However, you can see WL GA's in the GA scroll (for those who have whitelisted you) and you can also check specific user's previous WL GAs to see if you can enter (i.e., you are WL'd by them).
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I still wish people who blacklisted me weren't prevented from entering my giveaways, but what can I do.
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You're trolling yeah?!
I really hope you are, because reading above makes me want to kneejerk-BL you...
Now I won't, because I chose to enter your discussion, and as such I am now your 'guest', but if you were to express yourself like this on my GA:s you might end up there, and it makes me understand why others have in the past.
Basically what you're asking for above is a system where people can behave like dixxs with little to no means for others to protect themselves from those that do..
cause that is the only point of this site , winning games
Well, for you maybe. For a lot of us we came here for the games to start out with but stayed with it for the community, and as such we would like it to as abusive free as possibly.
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flawed logic.
1 way BL, would most often end with you no being able to enter, since you get on all blacklists
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So... No for most things.
I like the 4th one though. Wouldn't change much, but it would be a nice to have an incentive to solve things. You've been blacklisted for a reason and would be nice that for whatever reason it was you both could come to an agreement. But not in the wishlist. Just anytime you try to enter their gas. B
The 6th one sounds okaish, but for that to be fair would require to clean everything, including the wl you're in and your level. Sounds counter productive. And I bet this system would be abused by people that don't activate their wins/trade them. Even if only once a year.
While we're talking about it, a cool thing would be to be able to comment the entries in our blacklist. This guy because he's rude, the other because he's a leecher, the guy over there, well, he's a facist. And so on.
People that use the blacklist at some point will not remember the reason behind all of them.
And, yeah one of the points of this website is indeed to win games, but I find the community way more attractive. I came here for free stuff(just like every one here), but stayed for the community. Sure, some folks come and go, the community is not same as it was 2 years ago for e.g.(not necessarily worse, but different nevertheless).But I still stick around. One day my day to move on will come, but until then I'll stay here.
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that is something i can stand behind
WindOfMemory for Top Admin 2020!!
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I will also add option to create blacklist only giveaways (similar to whitelist only). What if I want to create some shitty GAs but I don't want to change this site into garbage?
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If you are not joking, then this is impossible (yet?). You can only see number of people who blacklisted and whitelisted you here:https://www.steamgifts.com/stats/personal/community
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The original idea of this site disappeared awhile ago, to give and expect nothing in return. At the end of the day, these gifts people give away are just that, gifts. If you insult the people giving away these gifts that YOU are trying to win, then YOU will naturally have less of a chance of winning the gifts.
The only solution to your problem is to learn to respect people who don't have to spend their hard earned money on others, but still do.
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I'd say it's only disappeared for some users. There are plenty like myself who give away without any expectation or profit(thanks Konrad) from doing so. Mind you, I only give away what I can afford to giveaway or is extra in some way. While I could trade some of my giveaway games instead for something it just seems like a lot of hassle and this is the easier option and has the potential to make someones day much better.
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Well that's just the thing I'm talking about. People like comparing the amount of gifts they've given compared to others, meanwhile losing the perspective of what steamgifts was designed to do, to give someone a game, a random person, a friend, someone in need, someone who doesn't have thousands of dollars to blow on games. But then you get people like this thread creator who goes around disrespecting people who SPEND MONEY to give gifts to mainly random strangers.
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The original spirit of generosity is indeed gone and the new spirit of "if I make circlejerk giveaways to my 3 closed group/whitelist friends that no one else on the site can enter then I'm generous!" has arisen. Especially the part with the artificially inflated "maintenance ratios" that they use to be condescending towards other users from their high horses.
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Errr... Why ppl not allowed to blacklist You?
Because they have the money to buy Your wishlisted game and You must enter their giveaway in order to win?
I only see some envy and greed here
I've lost hope to win any of my wishlisted game here. I realized higher level indeed increase Your chance to win, BUT NOT increasing the chance of someone create a GA of Your wishlisted game
instead I buy the game myself. Rather than relying on RNG's False hope
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i have noticed that people have been blacklisting me whenever i make a new post, i was fine with that for a while since most of their GAs were shit anyway. but now i got blacklisted by a guy making a super ultra mega cool GA for a game on my WishList. so we got a problem that needs to fixing. i have finally realized that i would lose on games the more people blacklist me , shitty games mostly , but games non the less. so i made this thread here to demand everyone removes me from their blacklists so i can check what gibs everyone is making , i will tell you if i am cool with you blacklisting me, that will be if i dont like the games you give ( cause that is the only point of this site , winning games).
also , i have a couple of ideas for the moderators on this site that could really lessen the load of their work. instead of allowing people to delete comments and threads , how about tweaking the way BlackLists work?. cause lets be honest, who cares what people think about you as long as you are able to enter them NOICE gibs. so without further ado , here is what i have thought of.
1-Bring back 1 way BlackLists again , cause i wanna join their gibs but i dont want them joining mine.
2-Put a limit on the number of people that you can blacklist and make the limit increase with LVLs.
3-Add the option for us to randomly remove ourselves from someones BlackList once every month (duration is up for debate)
4-informs you when ever some that blacklisted you made a gib for a game on your WishList (this should allow you to try and "apologize" so that you can join the gib)
5-Patreon supporters cant be blacklisted , its about time they got some actual rewards.
6-Allow everyone to change their name and start over with a clean record once a year.
7-Public list of who Black-listed you.
these 7 solutions will completely remove the need for everyone to hide it and nuke their own comments/threads when ever they go full retard .
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