Um... What? Ok? What is this and why did he let himself get run over by a big and slow machine that can easily be dodged. And even so, how could he have even survived that?

Now I didn't really like Aquaman. The character himself is ok but the movie gave him powers he should never have. I also like the actor himself.

Read the article here.

Pretty sure he really didn't get run over and is making it out as a publicity stunt.

5 years ago

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That's silly. It's easy to dodge bulldozer

5 years ago

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Not in this case...

5 years ago

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That's a steamoller. (in both those cases)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Nobody wants to the in the DCU, lol

Oh wait, he was in a protest. It was an accident.

5 years ago*

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Bulldozer > Steppenwolf

5 years ago

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The article itself says it's him trying to get attention to construction of TMT at a top of volcano his people consider sacred.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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… because he “got run over by a bulldozer” while protesting construction of a giant telescope on land considered sacred to native Hawaiians.

that's the important part and what people should focus. it only takes a bit of empathy.
the rest could or could not have happened, but it's there to raise awareness.

5 years ago

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Pshh, who cares about desecrating native Hawaiian sacred land. Aquaman 2 possibly being delayed is clearly the important issue here.

5 years ago

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Yeah, it's a shame that this more than obvious message was completely removed in favor of saying "Lmao, bulldozer?" and thoughts on Aquaman instead.

Regardless, I never heard of this situation, so inadvertently the thread introduced me to it.

5 years ago

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I think some people hate it when celebrities "use their platform" to talk about and promote causes they really care about. They prefer when they use their platform to promote vapid movies, products and how awesome they look in fancy clothes on some red carpet.

5 years ago

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The fact that bulldozers are slow and easily avoidable tells you everything you need to know. It wasn't an accident. Letting it hit him was more important than moving out of the way. And after reading the article, I can see why. It's sacred ground for the local natives and he was willing to die to protect it.

5 years ago

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Apparently "Jason Momoa willing to die to protect native Hawaiian sacred land" isn't a sufficiently click-baity title.

Maybe if it was "Top 10 reasons Jason Momoa is willing die to protect sacred land", or "The secret reason Jason Momoa is willing to die to protect sacred land, and what it could mean for your love life!"

5 years ago

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I don't really know, what to think about this. It seems pretty hard to get hit by a bulldozer in such a way, that you would suffer an injury preventing you from work, yet not being very serious (if it was serious, we surely would hear about it without him telling us). Could this be a publicity stunt, working both for his cause and for promotion of the new Aquaman movie?

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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It would certainly be more interesting. Hawaiians disagree though.

5 years ago

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Actually a small but very vocal percentage of Hawaiian are against the telescope.

The ancient Hawaiian were into astronomy and they used the stars to navigate on their canoe voyages so it actually fitting that that tradition would continue in to the modern day. Additionally there are already like 6 telescopes on the mountain, its not like this one is the first.

The telescope is a target because it's an easy scapegoat. The scientists involved dont push back very hard. Meanwhile just down the mountain the military does live fire training, including setting off bombs and using depleted uranium rounds. I wish they would protest that instead.

5 years ago

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At least we'll always have the Aquaman game on the Gamecube.

5 years ago

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Is that the one that is basically a clone of Superman 64?

5 years ago

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Reminds me of "Twisted metal"

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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I am pretty sure some of you might have heard of American activist Rachel Corrie, who was run over by an Israeli bulldozer. It does happen.

5 years ago

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I'm pretty sure the bulldozer didn't have a nationality XD

5 years ago

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The exhaust pipe was circumcised. I can't see it being a Palestinian bulldozer. Short of it turning out to be American, it was surely Israeli. ✡

5 years ago

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Well, yes, and sadly she got killed by it, which is a much more likely outcome, than having been injured, but not even maimed in such accident.

5 years ago

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Its sad, but you should only stand in front of a bulldozer in another bulldozer

5 years ago

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The thing about the giant telescope is... there are two places to build the telescope, that scientists consider they are the best. The decision is purely political between the two. Both local goverments agree to it.

A) Hawai, US, On land considered sacred to native Hawaiians, and where there are protests against the construction

B) Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. On land NOT considered sacred to native spaniards and where there are NO protests against the construction

So, what to pick? As Mully said, if you want to have some empathy

Unless somebody wants to be kind of an asshole, I guess.

5 years ago*

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If that is true, maybe a twitter storm to the U.S. President to respectfully request he stop the Mauna Kea construction in favor of plan B.

5 years ago

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American prestige project vs Spanish prestige project....yeah, Trump will veto in favour of Hawaii.

5 years ago

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Couch it in terms of supporting religious liberties via the First Amendment. ;)

5 years ago

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The scientists have stated that the Hawaii location is the better of the 2 and that the canary Islands are basically the back up plan.

5 years ago

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"...swallow your pride, don't let your lip react, you don't wanna see my hand where my hip be at..."

5 years ago

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.... wth? 🤣

5 years ago

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OP had made a presumption that the actor was lying. Not sure why they needed to do that.

(also, a quote from Will Smith, a great philosopher of the 90's)

5 years ago*

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Ah yes... I googled where the quote comes from. Hence the very confused "wth" 👀
The fresh and great philosopher from the wicky wicky wild wild west ey....

View attached image.
5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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oh, HHGTTG, hmm? nice

5 years ago

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Could be just his foot. Refusing to budge when you're being threatened by a bulldozer, now that's Aquaman!

He's used his image to raise awareness before. He shaved his beard so that people would listen to him talk about plastic pollution in the oceans so he knows what he's doing with social media.

5 years ago

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