There is no normal answer than this shit? Facebook deletes accounts too, but they will not deleted they will just freezed -.-
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No, you can either suspend account or delete it. So there is option to delete all information associated with your account and you're unable to retrieve it later.
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"When you delete your account, all the user generated content is normally erased (although there are small exceptions), while all the log data is preserved โ forever." The preserved log data won't have your name attached to it.
So yeah, they delete everything you posted (minus things you shared in common with people, as it'd mean deletion of their content as well). Just keep logs that can't be connected with you as your name and other things that can identify you are gone. And chat history for some reason.
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Some information, like messages you sent to friends, may still be visible after you delete your account.
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Hi icaio, there are no plans for allowing users to reset accounts. I think it would just introduce too many potential issues.
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Users permanently suspended won't be able to come back after a year, right?
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Yea SG stats say there are over 1 million users on here, but I bet at least 95% of them are inactive accounts.
The question is, how long since last used should be considered inactive?
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yes. Sometimes people need to take a break from the internet for a few months or a year (like soldiers overseas), and it would seem to be unfair to them to reset or delete their account, especially if they weren't warned about such a possibility when they left.
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Then just delete Level 0 users-- they won't "lose" anything (like CV) because their CV is zero.
Heck, even just removing users with zero GAs and zero entries will clear up a lot of accounts.
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yes, but only if they've been inactive for over a year or two, and have had an email sent to them warning them that "in x (30? 90?) days, if you do not enter a ga, make a comment, or give something away, your account will be suspended/deleted"
and what will that do to the number of accounts registered, which some use as a metric for the health of this site?
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Well, I was talking about automatic account deletion: zero GAs, zero entries, not logged in for a year-plus could be automatically deleted.
IMO, emails should be sent to any user who's been inactive for more than, say, a year...maybe two (regardless of level, entries).
I personally don't think that the number of abandoned accounts is a metric for site health, but others may disagree.
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I dunno, I would hate to lose my name just because I was inactive on a website. It is a point of not just identity but prestige. Any chronicdiscords after me must be chronicdiscord0 and the like, I don't want some other schmuck to be chronicdiscord and me be chronicdisco because he has taken my nickname of choice /from/ me.
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I'm not sure, but can this allow for abuse in some way. Could a user delete their account and create a new account here with a new Steam account? Violate rules as much as you want and then destroy the account when you are caught and create a new one. Can permanently banned users just delete their account and create a new one? If all your previous information is anonymized or deleted, can you start using an old account again that was banned once it has been removed for one year and in that time you can work on getting other accounts banned?
Edit: I missed the part about the Steam ID being saved for banned account so that they cannot rejoin, but what if the person just creates a new Steam account and joins again after you delete their IP and email address from your records in 2 weeks?
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Oh, I didn't comprehend that part. It still sounds like they will be able to just create a new account with a new Steam account in 2 weeks when the original account information is removed though because it says SG will delete the IP and email address from their records. It sounds like only that specific Steam ID will get banned and you can come right back with a new one.
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That's true, I didn't think about the $100 account value.
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I don't have a problem with leechers. It's the users using autojoin scripts, not activating wins, using multiple accounts, and breaking other rules that are the problem. If they get permanently banned, there is a good reason for it and it is not leeching. Often these users can be level 3-5 since it is so easy to get there with a few of the $1 bundles.
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It says SG will delete your IP and email address. What is stopping the banned person from just rejoining with a new Steam account?
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Those threads are about attention. They will definitely still exist.
Edit: Also, many people will leave without deleting their account. They may change their mind and want to come back in the future. I don't see a reason to delete your account unless you want to hide your past.
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Maybe delete them after 1 year if they've never been used, or 5 years for those that were once used?
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Of course it's not for me to decide, it's all up to cg.
I do like the email idea though to get people to come back.
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None or around 0,1% that don't used the site for 3 years+ will come to the site to delete his account.
Sorry that is only a nice dream for me.
We decide not but it is possible to start a discussion over anything or give a suggestion and cg decide.
I see nothing wrong with that way.
Steamgifts don't loose anything when such old unused accounts are kicked.
But win because the user search function is better, people can choose more names (that are now reserved/occupied from death accounts) and the statistics are more realistic. And as a sideeffect the serverspace and backups will a bit faster (not much but every not more needed data deletion are good)
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If i decide to abandon the account (its fairly used though...) i may come back after x years... Please dont delete those accounts automaticly. Its a pain in the a*** to regain the old level. I just want to login after x years (1?4?10?) and use my acxcount just as normal.
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i'm serious. If i dont login for year x and decide later to "rejoin" the commuiinity... I dont wajnt to start all over again from point 0
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Right but how much did you know that came back after 3years+ ?
Did you expect that sg will life 3 more years ? I don't think so by the fast change from a good ammount givers to nearly all leechers and/or exploiters/autojoiners/won key resellers and so on
And that they store all accounts for that time ?
I know sites that delete your account when you are 6 MONTH not active.
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and the never-used ones could get an email saying "your account will be auto-deleted if you do not respond to this email or have some sort of activity on the forums, or by creating or entering a giveaway." prior to deleting them.
Also, should there be (or is there) a "inactive" status for people who want to leave for a short term, but don't want to leave for good?
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Probably a good feature to have in the wave of new privacy laws worldwide. This feature doesn't sound to me like CG is trying to get rid of people, but to allow those who do wish to leave for good a way to delete their personal information.
Will someone who has been previously permabanned (which, as i understand it means they can only see their account is permabanned, and can't even contact support) be able to delete their account?
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It does state that your Steam ID will kept on record so banned accounts cannot rejoin. So waiting a year will not work.
No reason to wait a year when your IP and email address are wiped from SG records after 2 weeks. Just need a new steam account. You need $100 of games on the Steam account that are not considered bundled to register, but a single Humble Monthly will usually give around $150 of unbundled games.
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I guess, but I wonder if there is a notification to CG about the request to delete. Then he could do a quick check on the account in the 2 week period before it is removed and see if it is being deleted to abuse the system.
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You can activate 50 keys not 20. And it don't take much time to activate them with scripts/bulk site activation -only a few seconds-.
Same to the "research". That is exactly ONE Sentence in a group (as example the Autojoiner Group with 3k+ members...). Acquire ... รคhm yay... they must sell a few CSGO/PUBG/DOTA2 skins and have then the money to buy such bundles -or let them buy from other ones and pay with skins/cards&gems (if there Mainaccount have no wallet at that shops).
All in all... anyone that knows 3 month sg and bundlesites finish all that tasks in maximum 15 min. and can leech then as long as it needs to catch them. From my own reports experiences i can say that a lot of people with many red marks at sgtools first perma suspended after 3-6 years. Enough time to grab a lot.
And this "barriers" discourage none of the greedy censored people
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I assume they could also just buy a single month of Humble Monthly games (since they're not counted as bundled).
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Depends how big is discount when we compare it to Steam prices. If games in monthly bundle are worth more than 230$ (I think it was the border, don't cite me on exact value :P) they move past 95% discount and are added to the bundle list.
Happened already with 2 or 3 HB monthly.
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I m not talking about bundles, there are a lot of games that are few cents and count as unbundled cv. Let me give you example, "Export Simulator", at this moment still not in bundle/freebie list. Do you think that all of these multiple copies giveaways are because the gifters are generous and they got charmed with the game or because 1 copy costs slightly less than 1 cent; to be exact, 5 copies costs 7 cents and give you 20$ cv, or 10 copies copies cost 14 cents and give you almost 35$ cv.. For more than 2 weeks people are getting full cv, and the game is not added to bundle list.. why? Noone cares. As someone who used to report "abused" games here, let me tell you that there are more than 5 ways to gamble cv system, and until support actually do something about that, reporting is simply waste of time.
Ofc this is not only game that is outlayer here, there are more examples. Like I said, you CAN with 1$ get 100$ worth account as far as steamgifts is concerned.
Or, if this is complicated for you and you don't want to waste your time searching for outlayers, you can just buy humble bundle monthly, sell the main game ("best one" in the bundle) and activate others. Almost every month, for selling the main game you'll get your money back and you can activate fillers to get 150$ worth account (or if you already have acc, than just do this to make giveaways for ez levels).
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I must say you are right with the most things.
But at one point i must stand a bit behind the support.
ALL times when i reported games for giving a lot of cv but costs "nothing" at, nearly every time russian/CS, shady sites, they set this Games and DLC's on 0cv (retroactively). And it was a pleasure to see how cv sellers and devs that brings out 50p DLCs drops very fast at there levels and don't earned more money with such things
Yes it is a fight against windmills, yes i think the support should act harder BUT i think the most of them do what are allowed from the rules they have to follow at there "job".
I can understand that you are frustrated because of the overwhelming level of such exploiting. I am often at the same point
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You will not be able to register again for one year
then you will start with a new profile
For real? So any bad apples can clear their negative track record and come back as a "new" user.
This opens up for abuse outlined by others such as:
create fake accounts > bot wins and not activating them > deleting account > repeat
Optimal abuse would be with 2 bot accounts, switching them yearly.
How can two deleted accounts already exist when they haven't logged in within the last month?
The IP address we stored for your account.
Side-question: for people with changing (dynamic-)IP. How many and how long are they saved?
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I'm less optimistic. I don't think 1 year is enough of a period for timeout. Sure seams like that on the surface, but depends on what people might want to try to hide by deleting their account (yes, speaking about the abuse, not about folks who wanna leave permanently).
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Thank you for the update, cg.
I guess this change is more out of necessity to conform to the new European privacy laws than there's actually a large need for it except for trolls who like to drive people away from SG. ^^
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I'm not raising a question for someone his or her right to use this, I'm questioning if there's a large need for this.
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Those are rhetorical questions because it's only cg who will have the needed data, like also the number of active and not active SG users who will use this specific functionally.
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I wrote it big to bring the essence of all my sentences into this short thing.
The possible Abuse that is written many times from many people in this thread.
Very short form:
Create a account, take what you can, resell the stuff and so on. Then delete the account after many many many infrigtions.
Make a new account use it for the same thing. Same end.
Use a new account. Same end.
The year is over start using the first account again....
How i know what the need is = I am very forum active and have contact to many people. In my nearly 1 year at sg i seen exactly ONE that pleased for a deletion and heared from a second one.
Lets say i don't seen and heared from all but i am absolutly sure that the number is very low [i say (much) under 10] in 1 year.
The support have for sure numbers (they got tickets for that) and can provide us exact infos.
Exactly i don't need it myself BUT that have no influence on my thinking about if it is needed or not, if it brings big advantages or bis risks. I can split all that from the fact if I need it or not.
I don't assume that everyone thinks like me and i prefer it when everyone think for themself :o)
When i (i repeat I) want stop using sg i stop using sg. Finish.
I don't need a deletion of all my "traces". All that want can read years later what i thinked at 23.03.2018 or at which other day.
When the site is uninteresting for me all that maybe read that are uninteresting for me too.
To all i want contact outside/after sg i have then contact (at Steam, discord, twitch, email...).
I can understand that others want delete all there traces and it should be possible.
But i am against a way back with this account and a cleaned history.
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- Discussions
All of your discussions will be renamed to "Deleted" and their descriptions will be deleted. Comments from other users will remain in those discussions.
Is this part of the "delete private data" resolution? Wouln't it be less "ugly" for the view of the site/users to just add "DELETED" (or some short description and delete last letters if the size doesn't permit it) to the thread description? I don't suppose there'll be a huge amount of users (well at least not for now) that would leave deleted-description threads but if even a few of the more talkative users leave that would make a great mess of the thread descriptions.. A thought..
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yes. And some might want their account deleted, but not care about their comments. I can think of one user right now who messed with stuff to get a permaban because he felt he was spending too much time/money/etc here or on steam and was trying to quit steam games "cold-turkey."
He did not go through & delete all of his prior comments.
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People can leave information that allow others to identify them in posts. Like 'Hi I'm mskotor and I like dragons". So it'd be easy to connect user with deleted56843 account. That's why all posts are deleted. To not leave any trace. I do agree that it can leave some discussions messy but otherwise users would have to move through all their posts and discussions, deleting every case where they shared something about them manually.
Also if someone would delete their account (leaving discussions as they are) and later decide that they want to delete comments after all they couldn't. As their ties to previous account is deleted and SteamID is stored only to not allow users to register again for a year. So it's not possible for them to access those comments to delete them, or contact support to do so.
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Just because someone wants to leave the site doesn't mean they want to erase their past from here. They may have had valuable contributions to discussions or want to leave their history here inccase they change their mind and decide to come back in the future. There are lots of reasons to stop using the site and I don't see why someone leaving has to erase all the history of themselves.
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I really wish there was a feature to export a backup of this list. On the old site, I use to keep the list on my computer and import it into the site. At least, I think that was direct through the site, it could have been a script.
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Hi SG,
If you visit the account page, you'll notice a new section that allows a user to delete their account. The link provides in-depth information about how accounts will be deleted, so if you would like to learn more, feel free to give it a quick read. If you're left with any other questions though, please ask. Thanks!
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