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8 years ago*

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Would you buy it on Console or PC for that price?!

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I think I'm gonna wait a little bit for price drop or even better a win at a fake giveaway :'D

8 years ago

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If the random generated planets are really different from each other then insta buy for me, if I hadn't enough money I would wait for a price drop in Kinguin&G2A, don't think there will be a steam discount for 3-5 months.

Also wtf is wrong with you guys? They worked hard for this, they even deserve 80$ if they keep their word. I disagree about price comments for now, we have to wait and see.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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A singleplayer (because they said, that you will nearly find anybody because the world is so big) without a story...
In the Videos the planets didn't look sooo different... different colors, different shapes... Tbh. i think after 5 - 10h this game will be boring for most players.

Was hyped in the beginning but now i think NMS will be a fail.

8 years ago

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and.. it's up for preorder. includes the usual bonus ship.

also: "The game is scheduled to be released on June 21st in North America, June 22nd in Europe and Australia, and June 24th in the UK and Rest of World"

8 years ago*

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This is a step in the right direction for game pricing. "Indie" shouldn't automatically equate to "bargain bin"

8 years ago

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That's true. But also consider the initial budget of a game. If a game costs 100k $ to make i'm not expecting the same price for a game that has a budget of 50 million .

8 years ago

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Why not? Bigger budget =/= Better game/film/book

8 years ago

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You are mixing 2 different things. Better is subjective, people love Undertale (eg) and everything i've seen of it i hate. People hate watchdogs and i enjoyed the game so considering something better/worse depends on the eyes of the one evaluating. At this point we can only evaluate No Man Sky on its objective value a team of X developers developing a game for Y months costs Z $. I'm not expecting that a team including voice acting, tech investment , engine development will charge me the same price that a company that makes a game using someone else's engine and hires voice actors from the supermarket line to charge me the same price because of "artistic value" the same way i don't expect 2016 Leonardo Di Caprio to charge today the same money he charged for Titanic, you have to earn your pricetag and that takes time and work. And i'm not even talking about value. If a company like Ubisoft dumps a turd on the market it will piss off the investors that put money in the company, on the other hand if "John Doe Garage Softworks" puts a turd in the market there is no problem, just rename the company and move on.

8 years ago

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Except you are talking about value, which is in the eye of the beholder. Like your examples, an experience you might not spare a pittance for may be worth thousands of dollars to someone else. So objectively, placing more of an investment into a product, financially or otherwise, does not inherently make the product more or less "valuable." The worth of an experience is an intangible thing, as you say subjective. So there is no right or wrong, there is simply the reception of the market. Your own personal opinion about this actually proves the point.

8 years ago

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My point is that its easier for me to spend 60$ on a game that i know that millions were invested in the making of that game than a game that has a very small budget even though after i bought both i may enjoy the one that was cheaper to make. The evaluating experience comes after that initial step. That price tag will keep some players at bay until the game proves itself to be good and even then it will have a hard time selling itself . IMO a moderate price tag for the first few indie games of a company would be a better strategy and the one they are following may or may not work in the long run and if it doesn't work it will kill the company. When people are evaluating a game price is also a factor to consider.

8 years ago

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And you are perfectly entitled to that opinion and the ability to vote with your wallet.

8 years ago

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True and vice versa for bigger studios. Pricing should be a combination of content (and its quality) and expected sales.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. You can preorder it.

Out of my price range until i see honest reviews about it. For now it seems a very high pricetag for a single player game without knowing the story. Feels empty and lonely just seeing the preview videos.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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They make it sound interesting.
But I wonder if there are really multiple ways to solve problems, and it doesn't just and up as: farm money, get big guns, kill things.

there’s no multiplayer because multiplayer encourages people to cluster and stay

I don't think I'd want to play it if I'm just playing alone though.

8 years ago

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Yeah, single player survival games seem empty, like playing ARK by yourself. Why survive if there is no one there to survive with you ... If it has a great story to follow maybe it will be good , if there's no story and you just survive for the sake of surviving ... its garbage.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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60€ for 1 game? Never.
60€ for 1 singleplayer game? Never twice.

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8 years ago

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Maybe if I pay 60€ I'll actually know what to do in it.

8 years ago

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RM 105 (~$25) here in the Malaysian store. Worth it?

8 years ago

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You changed the title. Why?

8 years ago

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ppl generally arent cringing on the console price, and only after we discovered the PC price

8 years ago

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console price is cheaper?

8 years ago

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no, but they are used to abusive prices

8 years ago

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Really that's strange since DLC, Microtransactions, Patches, GoTY, and Complete Editions of games are all things that most people are complaining about all started on PC. . Hell PC gamers even ushered in paying for games before they complete now with early access.

8 years ago

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Ah, but if it's a Console game they can... console themselves.


8 years ago

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Hype hype hype
Not bay it
buy at a discount 80%

8 years ago

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So... what's the problem?

8 years ago

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I was expecting 20-30 euro, would've preordered. Will probably pick up on sale for 10 euro now.

8 years ago

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