Hi, i just noticed my CV level go down alot
these 3 games seem to be the culprit and are now No CV (30 ish game keys collectively)

Citizen Sleeper
Snowtopia: Ski Resort Builder
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter

No CV = now given away for free somewhere? tia

7 months ago

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Not necessarily free right now, just that it was free at some point in the past. IIRC this can also include free "with X purchase" like Amazon Prime games or Alienware Arena games.

7 months ago

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they were full or reduced cv 1-2 months ago and i personally haven't seen them for free anywhere, unless im missing a free key site (link me)

7 months ago

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Citizen and Destroyed were given away on hitsquad's Twitch channel, not too sure about Snowtopia

7 months ago

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He also did Snowtopia

Someone made a joke on one of my comments somewhere and I thought it was funny. Sorry for stealing it but it seems that hitsquad put a hitsquad on Humble Bundle game's CV.

7 months ago*

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That's cool. So some rando on twitch buys keys by the truck load on the grey market and all of us who actually pay for bundles can't get CV out of it?
Not that I care about CV anymore but I get why people would be ticked off.

7 months ago

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If bundle buyers wouldn't sell their unwanted Humble keys for profit the issue wouldn't exist.

7 months ago

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I 100% agree with you but then it's like saying if people were not making money selling drugs there wouldn't be any drug users.
People who used to spend time and effort trading unused keys in bundles are now selling them for peanuts on the grey market like they do with Steam cards.
It's not something I would do because I think it's iffy and I'd rather give them away here but if I get why people do it, with the price of bundles these days (made worse by the grey market so it's a vicious cycle)

7 months ago

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... drugs ....drugs

this. so many times.

7 months ago

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But not too many times or you'll get too stoned to function :P

7 months ago

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given away, overpriced scam stuff(you know those $50+ asset flip games)
there is that one streamer(hit squad father or something... I already forget) who will be the culprit of the choice fillers going 0cv.

and apparently some games that are never free and just get highly discounted in one currency(granblue fantasy versus and maybe some others) also go 0CV(this one I highly disagree with... just make it reduced as it wasn't free)

7 months ago

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damn hitsquadgodfather has 100's of games, is it truly free if you have to watch twitch for months straight? i think no cv is abit harsh

everything seems a little pointless now if it can all be taken away just by that.

7 months ago

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These games were not simply in his shop but on mass giveaway for 300 or so points. Games of similar value / caliber usually cost 7k to 20k points in the shop.

Also what gets set to reduced or zero CV is quite a bit of a mess. Not all giveaways get caught and they are not judged consistently. There are games on the zero CV list that not only were never given away but weren't even bundled. It's basically impossible to keep track of all giveaways / deep sales / etc. so it's unavoidable to run into situations like yours. Best not to even think about it.

7 months ago

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You gave 9 copies of each of this 3 games away, so i assume you got the games for free (watching streams, or let them run in the background aren't any form of accepted payment to let them count as purchased) and the games got the 0 cv that is correct in such cases.

Harsh is it only for people that paid, a high price, for them and lose cv.

7 months ago*

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i paid real money for them (around 40-50 cents) and kept one copy for myself as the games are good! especially Snowtopia

7 months ago

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One can always count on Masafor to come barging into any CV topic with zero tact. Just think through what you wrote here. You casually accused FancyFancy of running 9 twitch accounts to take multiple keys from the Hitsquad giveaways. And your proof for that is where? Of course nowhere.

(watching streams, or let them run in the background aren't any form of accepted payment to let them count as purchased) and you got the 0 cv that is correct for this

Also by your logic basically every game should be set to zero CV. Or gifters should be required to submit proof of purchase of their keys to avoid the horror of someone unfairly gaining CV on a game they acquired through filling surveys / collecting store credit / generating ad income for a streamer / doing tasks on a site or any of the dozens of ways one can exchange their time or data for money or other stuff (including Steam keys) on the Internet.

Because what's really important is not to have as many good games being given away as possible here, but that nobody gets 'unfairly' ahead on the all important imaginary ladder.

7 months ago

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I am in general (very) direct. I don't see this as a bad thing.
I never accused FancyFancy for running 9 twitch accounts (or other accounts) to get multiple keys from the Hitsquad GAs.
I don't care enough to check HS if multiple copies of a game are possible with one account or multiple accounts needed, how many points/clams etc., whatever, can be collected, how high are the prices etc..
So please not write such stuff like a fact because it isn't true.
I am only responsible for my words not how other ones interpret or twist my words.

I am sure that nearly each one assume that the source are a freebie/freebies when someone giveaway 27 copies + own the games (so most likely claimed 3 for himself -which FancyFancy wrote later as true-) = 30 copies or a very cheap source.
If a very cheap source, as FancyFancy wrote later by himself, then it is clear that the keys must be from somewhere and the HS twitch crap is very well known and give thousands of copies away, which push the price for the games to very low on the gray markets.

And yes, i am in general for enforcing the existing rules.
Or you don't need rules.

I don't hunt the black sheep since over 1,5 years, very rarely that i check someone nowadays if he don't win one of my GAs or want to enter my group, so other ones are nowadays responsible for the reduced or zero'ed cv (but i support their effort mentally^^) and i am the wrong target ;o)

Ps.: If i would create the rules, then the extreme abusers would be banned. This are maybe 50 accounts. After this examples the excessive abuse of the cv system, in each possible way, would be drastically lower. Which would reduce the work, for the mods and the users that report such stuff, by a lot. And it would lower the need to reduce 'unfairly' gained cv (as you named it).

7 months ago*

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So you didn't even bother to check how those giveaways are run (through gleam btw with only 1 key possible per account) yet you were confident to assume the keys were from a giveaway you don't even know the basics of.

I am sure that nearly each one assume that the source are a freebie/freebies when someone giveaway 27 copies + own the games (so most likely claimed 3 for himself -which FancyFancy wrote later as true-) = 30 copies or a very cheap source.
If a very cheap source, as FancyFancy wrote later by himself, then it is clear that the keys must be from somewhere and the HS twitch crap is very well known and give thousands of copies away, which push the price for the games to very low on the gray markets.

No. Actually it's the other way around. The Hitsquad guy buys the giveaway keys from grey market sellers in bulk. What happens is that resellers have so many copies on hand of the least popular Choice games that they simply can't move off from them. So they are willing to sell them for cents by the hundreds to a buyer like HSGF. If a game's price is at about 60 cents on these sites then it has basically hit rock bottom. Both FancyFancy's keys and HSGF keys are from the same source. 'Parted out' Humble Choices. You or anyone else could do the same to contact sellers for a bulk price. The bigger the purchase the better price you could get.
Essentially what you are doing is that you have decided that OP's keys are from an unworthy / tainted source and doubling down by trying to link his keys to HSGF's mass giveaways in more convulated ways.

And yes, i am in general for enforcing the existing rules.

You went a bit further than that in your original post. Let me quote again:
'so assume you got the games for free (watching streams, or let them run in the background aren't any form of accepted payment to let them count as purchased) and you got the 0 cv that is correct for this'
Luckily mods are not as extreme and don't consider HSGF's stream shop as a mass giveaway deserving 0 CV, only his actual mass giveaways. It would be a disaster for this site if they did that.

7 months ago*

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So you didn't even bother to check how those giveaways are run (through gleam btw with only 1 key possible per account) yet you were confident to assume the keys were from a giveaway you don't even know the basics of.

Wrong, you implicate, again, that i directed it at one special GA but i talked about GAs in general.
When someone give multiple copies of games away, it is in the extreme majority because somewhere a freebie got dropped.
I don't need to check then the exact source to say in general something about multi copy GAs, that cv get nuked (and discussions appear with "but i had one level" contexts) etc., because the exact source isn't important for this.

Luckily mods are not as extreme and don't consider HSGF's stream shop as a mass giveaway deserving 0 CV, only his actual mass giveaways. It would be a disaster for this site if they did that.

We have absolute different opinions for this point.

They should 0 cv that games too, if (and only then) it must be assumed that he "sell", for a payment that can be collected without to pay money (= the games are free), them and have 1k keys of them there.

7 months ago*

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When someone give multiple copies of games away, it is in the extreme majority because somewhere a freebie got dropped.

Or they buy keys in bulk. It's less hassle than running 10+ accounts.

They should 0 cv that games too, if (and only then) it must be assumed that he "sell", for a payment that can be collected without to pay money (= the games are free), them and have 1k keys of them there.

I think it's better for everyone's, and especially the mods' sanity if they simply let such edge cases go. How would this even work? Should they keep a tally of how many keys HSGF and other beer money sites and whoever else hands out for each game not directly for money? It's impossible. And it's really bending the definition of free. If you have to generate 5 EUR worth of ad revenue for HSGF or fill out 5 surveys on a beer money site to get a game of 5 EUR value was it really free? It wasn't, you did work for them and got paid for it.

7 months ago

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If you have to generate 5 EUR worth of ad revenue for HSGF or fill out 5 surveys on a beer money site to get a game of 5 EUR value was it really free? It wasn't, you did work for them and got paid for it.

Everything that isn't paying with MONEY is FREE.
And each discussion about it, is wasted time.
At least if the rules not change (and i don't believe they will in the next years).

That people are so dumb to pay, crap fake twitch streamers, with their time and ad revenue, that this ones earn big, don't change something on the definition of free on this site (or trade sites like barter or on steamdb etc.). Same with surveys.

7 months ago*

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Spending time is not FREE. You know what they say. TIME is MONEY. And you have to expend a lot of time on that site to buy good games. Not all people born rich, and definitely not all have the age to be working. That shouldn't be a punishment to participate here and try to give some games. Because you know games are to enjoy. And no matter how many times a games has been given. There will always people who will want that game.

7 months ago

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To try to discuss it with me, a normal member of this site, will not change the meaning of FREE (= no money invested) on this site.
So you bark at the wrong tree.
Discuss it with the site owner.

"...and try to give some games. Because you know games are to enjoy. And no matter how many times a games has been given. There will always people who will want that game.

No one stop you to give a game away that is marked as free.
And yes, the winner will, most likely, be, in the same amount, happy about the win as he would be if the game would be marked as bundled.

7 months ago

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Wait, so you are saying I can give away a bundled game today, and 6 months from now, somewhere on the internet it is part of a new giveaway, and now it's reduced to 0 CV retroactively?

7 months ago*

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No, you understood it wrong.

If game A is TODAY for free somewhere with 1k copies:

  • It will be set to free whenever the mods see it/have time for it. So it will hit each GA that was done TODAY or later/in the future (and got till that date more cv as really earned for the GA).
  • It doesn't hit the GAs that were done till yesterday.

People should be happy that they had more cv, and maybe a higher level because of this, for X days/weeks/months/years before the game(s) get set in the correct category (bundled/free).
But they prefer to curse, shout and cry because their precious cv got lowered when mods do their work.

7 months ago*

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Oh, I understand. It will only affect those who did it after giveaway. Even if it takes the mods some time to update the CV.

But everyone else who gave it away before the giveaway, is fine.

Okay that makes sense then, don't see an issue

7 months ago

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You don't have to watch, you just have to keep a tab open.

7 months ago

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Probably waste more electricity, and time, and CPU power, idling your PC for that, then just buying those 50 cent games.

7 months ago*

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I always thought a few tabs, so what? But yeah they use up a lot of resources, although edge got some energy saving mode, but still.

7 months ago

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i just check, No Mans Sky is still full CV and hitsquad has had it for months, so idk

7 months ago

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what matters is quantity, supposedly the magic number is around 1,000 copies, but some things that had 500 copies got hit to 0cv.

alot of the mass ones from him cost I think I heard 350 channel points which can be obtained in a couple hours of watching(as long as you click the little thing to get extra points)

7 months ago

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Not around.
Exactly 1k.
But ALL free cases for the same game get counted together.
So if somewhere are 500 copies and on two other sites each 250, it will be set to free, because reached the 1k.

7 months ago

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quake 2 has only had 500 copies in a mass giveaway and got hit to 0cv, I assume its because the number of giveaways created after the CVhitsquads(one of these days I'll remember their channels actual name) channel put them out.

7 months ago

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500 aren't enough.
So it must give a additional source(s) OR the mod that done it, made a error.

7 months ago

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One of the worst cases is the Intel Master of Game even from 2021:

I don't think there was any public info on the number of keys given away but it must have been quite low. This NA region restricted event is responsible for several very popular games being zero CV on Steamgifts including Subnautica, Cuphead and Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
Cuphead was in tier 1 and there were 5 giveaways for it here during the event. Subnautica was in Tier 4 and there were 0 giveaway for it during the event and only 2-3 in the following half year. For both there were only about 20-25 giveaways in 3 full years since then. SG shot itself in the foot by putting such games on the zero CV list just to deny a handful of people a little extra CV.

7 months ago*

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A mod answered, at least to a part of the games you name, and explained that more free keys for them were available.
Members joined in too and all evidences shown, very well, that the, needed, 1k were reached.

Can't remember in which discussion but it was in the last few months.

If i remember correct, at least for a part of the games, the keys were handed out in a email a few days after the few copy GAs.

Yes, they should battle the trash, fake games from shady, mostly russian/CIS, stores (and the ones that spread them here to abuse the cv system) much more and lower the effort for real games that give a real gaming experience, like the games you wrote above.
But i don't expect that i will see such a change till i stop with sg, because cg would need to do a bunch of work... ;o)

7 months ago

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ow the mass giveaways, not the store he has, makes more sense. thanks for the info guys

now i just have to hope he doesn't find the same deals that i do in future

7 months ago

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Reduced and 0 CV are set retroactively to the date the game was bundled / given away. So as long as you give away the games before that happens you will be fine.

The problem is that there is a lag on SG mods setting games to reduced / 0 CV because they might not find out about them, or are just overworked (for free). Which means you can't tell for sure when creating a giveaway what it's actual CV should be. It's a similar problem for those overpriced trash games.

7 months ago

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All 3 of those were reduced to 0 CV due to a Twitch streamer giving away thousands of keys.

7 months ago

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Thanks thought so.

can i ask does it get reduced retroactively

does the cv do down the date i create the GA or when the GA date end is

7 months ago

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The CV gets set to zero before the keys are even available so it's best now to assume any Humble Choice games will be zeroed. I wouldn't buy any to give away, that's for sure now.

Made a thread about it a couple of weeks ago noticing another game got zeroed many months later.

7 months ago

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That's not necessarily how that works. The CV got set to zero retroactively to the day after Hitsquad announced that he will be giving it away. So it's not a "hope this doesn't get to 0 CV retroactively", there's actually madness to the logic. And SG gives you a day leeway if you're worried about it since they seem to be doing "day after announcement" on multiple of Hitsquad's games. So if you have some in a spreadsheet that you plan on giving away, they should give CV unless Hitsquad gave it out already or announced yesterday that he will be giving it out.

I don't agree with it being set to before it's actually given away but you should still know if it'll be retroactively put to 0 CV

7 months ago*

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Setting the value to zero a day before the Saturday raids makes more sense since there's still no access to the flood of keys on that channel until then and also doing the zeroing that month would be of huge benefit rather than many months later (if resources allow it).

I saw your edit afterwards and I see we're on the same page anyway. 😁

7 months ago

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I'm really noob and i haven't give lot of games. But i think that's unfair to the people who has given that games months before. That's the good of Indiegala Giveaways. That they don't do this. Thanks to hitsquad a lot of people can obtain games. I'm one of them. And i would like to do giveaways here but i see this things and doing giveaways to be treat like you didn't do nothing. A lot of people from here is in hitsquad. And the games shouldn't have less value because of how many times it was given. 0 CV is a lot... And there still people out there who doesn't have that games. So counting as free is unfair.

7 months ago

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But i think that's unfair to the people who has given that games months before.

if before the giveaway date, nothing happens. If you just mean that the giveaway here is long ago already, but only reduced now: well, the mods have to spend free time to gather the information or check reports and then set it manually. I don't think they like to do that either.
And you know that you got the key from a giveaway, so you can expect it to be reduced beforehand.
CV reduction based on price reduction years later looks way more unfair to me.
However, just care less about CV and levels. The motivation should be to gift something to others, not to gain something out of it.

7 months ago

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Yes but not all games are obtain only from giveaways. Buying games with clams it's more hard, is not a "job", but you really need to dedicate time to that.

7 months ago

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Typo or some idiom? Or is that the currency on that Twitch guy's website? I don't get what clams have to do with it.

7 months ago

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Yes, sorry, my mistake. The clams are the "money" you got to buy games.

7 months ago

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No worries, you couldn't know that I have never used that.
I get that you need to dedicate time for the better games there. Similar to Alienware or back in the days Tremorgames.
Some people have a job and can afford to buy games, but don't waste precious free time on something like this. Others don't have a good income, but then often more time and thus invest time into that. Checking whether the CV is already reduced or it could be, probably takes less time than getting those clams first.
CV and levels are like a bonus for gifters here. If you giveaway games somewhere else, you don't get anything for it either.
When I started using SG, I also thought "it's not directly trading, but it could work a bit like that", but that's a wrong mindset. If you want to trade, use Steamtrades or barter.vg.

7 months ago

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However, just care less about CV and levels. The motivation should be to gift something to others, not to gain something out of it.

You got me thinking a lot, and the comments from other users did too. And you’re absolutely right. Giving shouldn’t be about winning; it should be about allowing others to enjoy games. I realize that I have games I rarely play because I’m too focused on accumulating more, telling myself that someday I’ll get around to playing them. But perhaps it’s better to simply enjoy the games I already have and give others a chance to win. You have a great spirit! Thank you for speaking this way and for being polite. So, I apologize for my previous opinion, and from now on, I’ll focus on giving more instead of complaining and worrying about CV and levels.

7 months ago

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No need to apologize. As I said, I've been there kinda myself, not in questioning CV, but in expecting to get something out of it in return, and I read about other people starting using SG like that in the beginning, but then changing mindset at some point. Similar to "enter every GA" at first, then only what you really like to play later on.
I also understand that some people criticise the 0 CV management, because they think that people won't giveaway these games anymore. The community stats show a pretty solid 20% for 0CV giveaways though.

7 months ago

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I think a bigger problem than being fair or not is that it discourages people from giving things away, knowing it might end up having CV taken away. No one benefits from less GAs. It is what it is though. I don't see the current system changing. Many even like it.

7 months ago

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Yeah, the site is shooting itself in the foot by setting high value games to zero CV. For example if I remember correctly Subnautica was in a single NA region restricted giveaway with an unknown (but probably very low) number of keys. And now there's no incentive to give away one of the most successful and lauded indie games of the last decade.

Or for example take the highly popular V Rising. I don't care if somebody got it from a giveaway. They are still giving away a key that is worth 17-20 EUR currently. They should get CV for it. There's a thing called opportunity cost.

7 months ago

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Couldn't be more agree with you. I'm glad to see people thinking about this.

7 months ago

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This is the best post on the thread. SG's policy on CV is eyebrow raising.

7 months ago

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Yeah i understand what you say but i see this like some system that only benefits the rich people.

7 months ago

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No one here owes you anything because you aren't rich. We're not all rich here. Running someone's stream in another tab won't magically make you rich either.

Don't waste your life trying to game the CV and you won't notice much of a difference, problem solved. Cool if you like the CV game, but don't complain about the game's difficulty then. ^^

7 months ago

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The problem is HitSquad basically streams 24/7, so some people just "mine" the Twitch points by keeping their browser open on their stream 24/7 as well, racking up those points. Seems unfair for your average person who might watch them occasionally or those of us they don't bother at all.

7 months ago

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I'm not the one who let the transmision open 24/7. Energy is expensive. I'm there when i'm with the PC on. And it costs me a lot of time to get the clams. And time is money. So of course is not a job. But is a opportunity not only to receive games, also to give games. Many people from here share game from that site.

7 months ago

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i feel abit discouraged i will have to think twice before buying extra keys for my group giveaways

7 months ago

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I trully understand you. And i was talking about the unfair for you and that kind of users. I'm not saying is unfair for those who participate in Giveaways of GodFather and obtained it "easy".
There a lot of games there that you have to spend a lot of time there to claim it. And with times i mean weeks, even months, so, yeah i think is unfair. To those who make a great effort to try to give something and then be descarted like if you didn't make no effort. Not all here have a job, and that shouldn't be something to discourage people to giveaway and grow up on level. All people should have a chance of giving and receiving without being discriminate by the system.
And thanks to the clams system from GodFather a lot can make giveaways. I'm not talking about the ones who cost a few clams. I'm talking about better games. That are hard to get. Sorry about your lose on level.

7 months ago

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Thanks to hitsquad a lot of people can obtain games. I'm one of them

Well that's great. Just get the games for free there and you know... play them.
What's the point of getting games for free there hoping to trade them here for useless CV just to get a small chance to win other bundled games?

7 months ago*

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You should learn text comprehension. Read all the comments. I'm not going to lose my time with people like you.

7 months ago*

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I don't know why you're coming off so hostile, man.
Not even going to ask what "comprehension text" is but whatever, have a nice day.

7 months ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

7 months ago

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I really need to throw out my bundle keys at a timely fashion, or get them nulled because some trash streamer

Chapter X of this is why we can't have nice things / why it's harder to collect keys for events.

7 months ago

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I put the blame on the CV reduction system itself, rather than free promos made by people that have nothing to do with SG.

7 months ago

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that's very normal ...as of now. OP is normal too (and kind of heartwarming for me) is like a "normal point of view" that would eventually change with time and giveaways and comments on this forum... you'll gonna see this from a different perspective. thinking about a Mod fixing CV settings, in his free time, here on SG.

...but why? you'll gonna see how CV is an important part of this "game" called SteamGifts. like... what you see today as a "bug" will be a "feature" as you get more SG-experienced :)

7 months ago

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Normal or not, the reason, or blame, was put on the free promo, when in reality, it is the CV system that is the reason their keys were made worthless. Promos are done completely independently of SG, and are not the cause of why nice things can not be had. Free promos are nice things.

I don't expect the CV system to change. It's been this way for years. I do think it's little over zealous, and inconsistent. You can see the result of widespread CV reduction in the site's stats. Once it was introduced, far fewer GAs were created, even though user numbers increased.

Anyway, I'm fine with just being a casual player of the game. The way to win is not hugely dependent on CV. Joining groups is probably the surest way to win the game. That partially relies on CV, but relies more on GA history and the social aspect than pure CV.

7 months ago

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I'm fine with just being a casual player of the game. The way to win is not hugely dependent on CV. Joining groups is probably the surest way to win the game. That partially relies on CV, but relies more on GA history and the social aspect than pure CV.

so. huge.

7 months ago

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Groups are great.
I used to do my giveaways on my steam group to reward my customers but i moved them to here for better management and a slight kick back of CV as i already use SG alot.
Also i know most likely its real people who would play the game not just bots entering them like the public GA.
Steam gift not having once captcha on the whole site to prevent botting is insane

7 months ago

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Free is nice, but they don't give those games from their good heart, but buy them up from grey markets to fish viewership. I see no point where I shouldn't judge them the way I do.

7 months ago

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Yes, it's promotion. I assume the goal is to ultimately make money. Twitch ads and subs. Some devs also give out the keys for the same reason, promotion of their game. The devs have the same goal, money.

Developing games and running Twitch channels have costs, and they presumably intend to make that back, both to fund their next project, and profit.

Judge them however you like, but the cause is the CV system. Not an unrelated party creating a free GA as promotion. If the keys are cheap enough on the gray market, that is enough to trigger zero CV.

7 months ago

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As i see we are agree in that.

7 months ago

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Would be awesome if game page listed reason for reduced or removed CV

7 months ago

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For the bazillionth time.. 0CV is a horrible idea.. A minimum CV would work better

7 months ago

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yeh lost 1 level today also, its just how it is

7 months ago

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Wow .i had no idea this site is wiping out historically earned points .
That is seriously wack.
I see no point in doing giveaways here if that's the case

7 months ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

7 months ago

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Who said that ? Not me. Like you said ,you can do giveways elsewhere ,so... Does not compute.

7 months ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

7 months ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

7 months ago

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Sorry about that , i have a bad habit of editing after seeing how it looks :P

Yeh ,but not nice to have your account downgraded for no good reaon.

I agree though , this site is pretty cool and has some nice members :)

7 months ago

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