Most people i see win games have like 500 games on their steam account. Come on guys be fair let people that have not many games enter. I'm not talking about me, I'v made some giveaways too and the winners have around 300 games. I'm not saying not to enter a giveaway just think about it before u do. Do you really want the game or you just want to fill your game library ???

12 years ago*

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Agreed. I mean, if you don't want to play a game - don't enter a giveaway.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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i only have like 5 paid games and i love gaming i have like 50+ hrs on gmod and arma 2 but i dont find the money to buy games

12 years ago

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That's the thing people don't have the money to buy them when there are people that have 500+ games that have never touched. I'm broke and wish i could do a giveways everyday but im gathering money for my fav games i can't miss.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Jesus christ, it took about a million posts here before someone finally got the point.
I completely agree - I don't enter for giveaways of games that I won't play. Nor games that I will 'play eventually'.
It takes away from the people that actually want to win that game and play it once they win it.

12 years ago

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"I don't enter for giveaways of games that I won't play. Nor games that I will 'play eventually'."

This. I've only been here a couple weeks, and will not enter a giveaway or puzzle for something I do not or will not use

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I'm curious as to why the amount of games someone has matters. If someone wants a game, then they want the game regardless of the other games they own.

12 years ago

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It's not about the amount it's about people entering giveways that they don't really care. Just to have lots of games. Why not let people that haven't the game enter and have the chance to win and play it !

12 years ago

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Many people are going to do that regardless. There's no way to prove that they're entering with no intention of playing the games either, so nothing can really be done about it.

12 years ago

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steamgifts can enter a new rule " any game won must be played for at least an hour or you will be banned"

12 years ago

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But what if you don't have the hardrive space at that moment? Or due to internet limitations, you cannot download the game within the provided timeframe? Personally, I won't start a new game I receive until I've finished the games already in my queue (I'm still working on the THQ bundle).

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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lower contribution value if you want to see more people with less games win your giveaways xD

12 years ago

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What does this has to do with my point ?

12 years ago

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generally people with less games tend to be little contributor .

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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The point is that people that have lots of games enter to win games that they actually don't like just to fill their library !!!

12 years ago

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And you know they don't like them how?

12 years ago

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Because they don't play some people buy games and play them for like 10 mins. Watch a gameplay 1st, a review and then buy it !

12 years ago

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Not playing a game means nothing. As I mentioned before, one of the downsides to owning many games is that it takes you longer to get around to various games. There's many games that I own for example, that I'm very interested in, but won't be playing any time soon due to the fact that I'm typically busy with work and am doing other things.

As far as watching gameplay, that does very little. Watching someone play a game, and playing a game yourself are wildly different experiences. For example, Wanderlust Rebirth looked like an amazingly fun game when I first saw it, but after buying it I realized that the awkward camera control gave me a headache so I stopped playing it.

12 years ago

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+infinity. Even the bit about Wanderlust Rebirth. It looked like a great experience but when I tried it, I really disliked it for that reason.

12 years ago

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That's a stupid claim, given the amount of games i win and buy, i don't have the time to play 75% of the new things i get on my library, that doesn't mean i'm buying games or winning things just because i want to get them and not try them out eventually.

If you don't know, there are people out there like me, who work for a living, perhaps when you get a job yourself and have much less free time available, you will get to understand that life isn't all just about games and sitting in front of a monitor, there are other things to do, like having sex with some hot chicks and get drunk with friends in a party.

12 years ago

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and reading books!.... :3

12 years ago

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books? psh

magazines all the way!

unless... comicbooks, yeah i got you!

12 years ago

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Think about it, if someone has 300 games do you think they will get the time time to play all 300 straight away? of course not.I am sure that you have games you have not played yet, should you not enter any giveaways to let people with only 3 or 4 games win?

12 years ago

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No one is stopping the people with say just 30 games from entering. Least going by your second sentence "Come on guys be fair let people that have not many games enter."

I only enter for games I am actually interested in. I'm sure there are many others who are the same. But there are many people who just enter for everything they can just because they can, or just because they want to fill out their list, or what ever reason they can come up with.

12 years ago

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^ I agree. I only enter games I don't just like, but want to play. But I think it is fair to there are a lot of people who can not stop their impulse to spend every point they have or simply out of greed or hope to win a game, any game.

12 years ago

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this is no different in concept to thought crimes.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I may be a bit guilty. I was doing this my first days here, but after my first win, which was a game I wanted for a very long time, I started signing only for games I wish to play. I find myself with over 100 points most times.

12 years ago

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You know, maybe people want to try those games.

12 years ago

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That's a lie, I'v seen so many people have like 300 games and they havent even play the 10 of em for 1 min. I just wish people were more fair !

12 years ago

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people are people :D
just make private giveaways with your own rules and be fair ;)

12 years ago

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I don't think you understand how unrealistic it can be for some people to play every single one of 300 games even in a year.

12 years ago

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i can't even play something small cause i have too much work and not enough time to play anything, but that doesn't mean, i can't enter giveaways for games that i probably will or will not play when i have free time :)

12 years ago

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You and me both bro! I have 2 days off a week, and i usually spend one of those days away from home, with my nephews, the other day i spend chatting with family, gaming and other things related to sitting in front of a monitor (which is today btw, sucks that tommorow i begin work again :c)

12 years ago

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Offline Mode.

12 years ago

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This. Steam rarely takes in to account my gaming times. I play most of them offline because my internet access is sketchy at best.

12 years ago

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Same here. I have 7 characters in Torchlight 2, with over 100 hrs of game play all up, and Steam has recorded 2hrs of that.

12 years ago

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So much this. I have played a lot of games in offline mode during commute but steam still thinks I haven't played them if they didn't have achievements.
And sometimes even the online mode doesn't really work. I have played Oblivion well over a hundred hours, yet steam says only 0.4 hours.

12 years ago

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Must. Not. Leave. Comment. Here.

12 years ago

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Quick - hide!

12 years ago

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Everyone gets equal points so everyone gets an equal chance of winning whatever they enter. Those who usually have more games are the highest contributors so i think the system is pretty fair.

12 years ago

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1st of all i never said the site was unfair (don't make things up) and 2nd my point was to put people to think the good for once.

12 years ago

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Just because the word unfair was not actually used doesn't mean it wasn't implied.

After all, in the second sentence...
"Come on guys be fair let people that have not many games enter."
"be fair" would imply that something is unfair.

12 years ago

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Yep, thank you.

12 years ago

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The site uses a system that allows anyone to enter any giveaway they are elegible for. By saying people with lots of games entering giveaways is unfair you are implying that the system is unfair.

12 years ago

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It just a matter of conscience rigth, i only enter the game i want to play, even then, it still very hard to win anything

12 years ago

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If want a game, i really want it, wheter i play it in the next few days or maybe just in a couple of month, doesn´t matter.
Btw. the more games u own, the easier it is to select the one, you´re interested in, imho.
Also, u can´t enter for games you already own - this increases the odds for all the other guys, right ?
So i don´t see the case.

btw. i play a lot of games offline on my notebook, so the shown up time, ain´t the real one.

PS: Sry for my poor english ;-)

12 years ago

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most people with much games are Game Collectors, they just want as much games as possible.

12 years ago

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Well, that's totaly true and it sucks that it's true cause true gamers don't have chance against them.

12 years ago

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Given that the site has equal chances in giveaways, I'd say "true games" have as much as chance as anyone.

12 years ago

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"Come on guys be fair let people that have not many games enter."

Actually, anyone can enter. You seem to be confused about how this works.

12 years ago

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they want to be fair, in like how the democrats want to be fair to weed users yet disapprove yet try and push for legislation yet...

it stinks of hypocrisy on all sides. sometimes, there is no true compromise to be made. better to have an option than none at all.

12 years ago

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Who are "they?" What are you talking about? Who is being hypocritical and how are they doing that? Better yet, don't bother to answer my questions. I just read your other comments. You seem to be crazy, a troll, or not realize what thread you're leaving comments on.

12 years ago

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I guess it requires more of an explanation.

The OP wanted people with a lot of games to not enter giveaways as to give the poorer folk a better chance at winning. That is their sense of 'fairness'. However, that would mean alienating those of you with plenty of games who simply don't have time to play (see other comments), or those of you who like collecting games. The two sides simply have different intentions, but the OP wants to rule out a portion of the site because of this (hence, "thought crimes" relation).

That's why I said "better to have an option than none at all", because it's better to let these people entering giveaways than not entering at all (and thereby driving them off the site, resulting in less contributions and activity).

12 years ago

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That makes much more sense, although:

  1. The OP is actually only one person.
  2. I don't understand what connection you mean to make to thought crimes.

I agree with you about the rest of what you said.

12 years ago

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'They' can be singular.

The connection is that OP is blaming unfairness on people who hold a different perspective on giveaways and the games they own. So, without hard proof, the OP wants them to step aside because the OP feels that they aren't ever going to finish the games they own, let alone start on the ones they've won.

Thought crimes run on a similar vein. I blame you and you blame me for owning clashing viewpoints. Except, you can't prove my thoughts, and I can't prove yours. I'll (the OP, in this case) just blindly accuse and hope that someone admits to it so I can say, "Gotcha!" (as the OP has tried).

I find this brand of guilt-tripping troubling on many levels, especially because so many fall for it.

e: oh, I give on the semantics, too lazy to check the books whether it's correct or not. it'll probably rule in your favour :P

12 years ago

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Alright, now I see your point regarding thought crimes (and agree.)

"They," however, cannot be singular. By definition, it means "The plural of he, she, and/or it."

12 years ago

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I guess I'm in your 300+ category. I also have only entered for games I at least thought I wanted - though I have since realized that I didn't do my research on Shadow Ops. However I intend to play every game I won just as soon as I get the time to sit down at my desktop - which probably won't be until this design project is over. Hell, I already installed the ones that are worth running on my laptop (except Oddworld, I want to play that with a controller ^^)

12 years ago

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I didn't start this converstation to fight or something like that. Just to say people help each other. It's a lot better when 10 different people have a varation of games and different when a single person have a varation of games.

12 years ago

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i don't know what varation is, but i think that we help a lot by creating giveaways... so, why couldn't we enter others?

12 years ago

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Most visitors pretty much enter any/all games and because they have a very low chance of 1 out of 500/1000. Though it's wrong when someone trades off the games or regifts it.

If they win it, they should at least give it a chance.

12 years ago

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Another one that wants to set in new rules.

12 years ago

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New rules that were adequately thought out and proven to work in other case studies deserve a chance on this site. It'll only harm us in dismissing them all with a broad sweep.

e: is that sarcasm? .__. ↓

double e: of course it does, but a RNG function cannot support a site by itself. Just check GalaGiveaways. That backfired, didn't it?

12 years ago

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Thank you for caring in a positive way for our community.
Don't worry, does work.

12 years ago

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World is unfair. Deal with it or perish.

12 years ago

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Goodbye cruel world :(

12 years ago

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See you later :)

12 years ago

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The thing that irks me is when you find someone who has 20+ wins on the site over the course of many months and has never played any of the games they have won. It would be cool if your wins would be capped at like five or something until you actually play the games that you have won for a decent amount of time. Not sure how they would police this though

12 years ago

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I know it's unfair. Some people have private groups and stuff, i really want to enter a group too and i hope there are people with not many games.

12 years ago

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that would be unfair to people that don't have time to play anything

12 years ago

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It would also be very easily gotten around by simply loading up a game and letting it sit for a few hours.

12 years ago

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That would be all I ask. If you win a game at least give it a chance right :) I guess I just don't understand why a person would want to fill their library with stuff they know they don't have time or interest in playing. If you won a game here 8 months ago and have never even booted it up then you really didn't want it that bad to begin with

12 years ago

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I don't think loading up a game just to get around an arbitrary barrier could be considered giving it a chance.

12 years ago

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It doesn't but at least it makes people have to put in some amount of effort :)

12 years ago

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You think that's bad?
I just reported an account with 20! wins, none of the games were activated, but he did activate some of them on his real account(played none of them), and traded the rest of them, and on top of that he has at least 2-3 other alternate accounts that are active on steamgifts.
We really need some kind of system in place that flags account as soon as a steam account doesn't show the games that appear in his "won" list.

12 years ago

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Bah, I think people with less games who just want to play them should stop entering giveaways because all they're doing is slowing down us game collectors.

12 years ago

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Oh wow you have a new record 995 games. Good for you, just be more human next time !

12 years ago

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Haha, there are some people with far more. I wonder if the guy who won every game on Steam in the Christmas 2011 sale is on here?

Anyway, I am planning to play and review every single one of my games - it'll take a few years, but it'll be an interesting journey - and I'll also be starting mostly with the games I've won on here, so I don't think I'm really being unfair.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

12 years ago

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how owning more games than others makes someone less human?

12 years ago

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He's right though, I'm a frog.

12 years ago

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shocked too

12 years ago

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I agree rage face

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I'll create as many giveaways as I want, and I'll enter as many giveaways as I want.

This site is about having fun and sharing and playing a metagame.

If you really want a game that bad, go out and earn some cash and buy it, not make silly threads on the forum.

If you're coming here seriously expecting to get all those games you want but can't afford, you're just wasting your own time.

12 years ago

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Ok here we go a person that has no idea what his talking about. 1st of all "This site is about having fun and sharing and playing a metagame. " Oh yeah tour right but there is a problem. People don't play the games they win, they just collect like they are gonna break any record. "If you're coming here seriously expecting to get all those games you want but can't afford, you're just wasting your own time." I said from the 1st time it wasn't for me. I'm not the only person compains about it. I want u to tell me whats the point of having many games that you don't play or plan to play in the future ?

12 years ago

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"People don't play the games they win, they just collect like they are gonna break any record".
where does it say that we need to play everything we win?

why do i start to think that u're not too old :D

people, people... anyone understands that u mean urself under that "people" so :D

12 years ago

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I feel like im talking to animals !!!

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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An award winning take down.

12 years ago

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Do you know what a metagame is?

Do you know that I'm not just talking to you?

You know that the point of this site is to give, not receive right?

Gifts are gifts, there's no rules to kindness. :P

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

12 years ago

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Gotta catch them all

12 years ago

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What a bunch of jerks!

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

12 years ago

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I can sell you a copy for 400$ if you want

12 years ago

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LOL srs business!

12 years ago

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Men, you are so lucky with your gifts. You should share them all, be a man.

12 years ago

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Confirmed: xarabas is actually 2 identical guys.

12 years ago

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I like to collect games, yes i have nearly 500 games(400+ were bought by me) and only played like 150 of them, i'm waiting for the day when i retire, so i can lay down and play untill i fall to the side on my own grave.

And if you are curious enough, i'm 20, that means i got a long freaking way ahead of me untill that happens, and it makes me sad just to think about how long it's going to take...

I hope you are happy because you made me sad now.

12 years ago

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Thank god someone actually sees something !!!

12 years ago

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wat, i just lost a braincell, gah!

12 years ago

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And just think, by the time you retire the technology to actually play those games probably won't be around anymore. Just to depress you further :)

12 years ago

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god dammit, not possibru! My laptop is 5 years old, it has to live for another 4 decades at least...


12 years ago

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Fair? Lets talk about fair not based on who has the biggest library but who has the smallest donation count on their record.

12 years ago

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Complaining about it doesn't help. This is a site for ANYONE to enter a giveaway so long as they don't have the game. As long as they stick in their library for themselves I see no problem. It's completely fair, this is done BY random and it's not like the people with a large library has an advantage over the guys with little games. Besides, how large a person's library is makes no difference, a lot of them purchased most of them and it's their money to do with as they please, just because they may have money to purchase the game still doesn't mean they can't enter a giveaway just to try and get it for free thanks to the contributors on the site. Even if they're collectors, they still want it, which is the whole purpose of the giveaway, to give it to a person that wants the game.

12 years ago

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You got a good point but some, not all, some people don't even like a game and trust me i know lot of people that do this and they just enter to have more and more. It's like gathering money till you get old and then what ? Think about it everyone, be good, share, enjoy !!!

12 years ago

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i'm thinking about others by creating giveaways. that's enought, at least for me :)

12 years ago

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True, but some users on Steam only use it just for collecting. A lot of users consider it like a hobby where instead of doll collecting, rare trading cards or something they're collecting digital games. In a way they gain the same enjoyment someone may get from playing a game, but in this case just increasing their collection. Of course I'm sure some don't play the games, but some actually do as well.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Ant0ny.