The easiest way with Bethesda's engine is usually wiping. This is the time when Steam's policy of trying to be nice and keeping player-added files backfires. When you uninstall, you have to manually delete the remaining folder, and also the configuration files at Documents\My Games\Fallout 4. In your case I would bet that the latter part, the INI deletion is needed only. Run the game launcher, set your graphics/sound again, and it should work.
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Thanks for the reply. I did delete the files manually before reinstalling. The player files in my documents and the game files in the installation folder. Still the same issue after reinstalling.
Very weird since I have installed mod in other games and this is the only one with this problem.
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sigh The sad thing is that Bethesda changed their scripting engine for this one, but in their usual style it seems "fixing" was more like "dumb it it down, yet break it even more". (On the other hand, why would I expect anything else from them?)
Anyway, to give some meaningful advice: this problem is related to retained files. Since I don't know the game yet, I'll try to guess blindly on previous experiences. Which says that check the Data files (or however they call it now) part of the launcher and see if it wants to load that mod still or not. Next, see if you still have the archive invalidation (bInvalidateOlderFiles) on or off in all INI files.
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Yup, they still call it the Data Files.
I have checked all of the INI Files and changed them to the original state (0 / off), still the same problem.
Is there a way to delete all Fallout 4 files and simply reinstall from scratch?
I'm wasting my weekend not playing Fallout ><
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Hm, it was brought to my attention that you don't have FO4 in your library.
If it was pirated, then I cannot help. Not because of ethics but because I have no idea how they circumvented the DRM. All I can say that pirated versions always had trouble with mods, especially when the injection-using plug-ins come to play. And to completely uninstall them, you often need an uninstaller program like Revo Uninstaller, running a level 4 (out of 5) uninstallation scan.
If it is on another account and legit, then you pretty much need a local search on the C:\ drive for "fallout". I'd wager most of it will be in Documents, so start there. Since we are looking for either loose data files (which are normally in the game's installation directory) or misaligned config files, the possibilities are really limited here.
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The pirated version has the uninstaller file but still it wont completely uninstall everything since the prob still exist after reinstalling.
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Yeah, but the problem with many pirated versions is that their uninstaller isn't exactly throughout. Since they have to use some sort of circumvention or hack to make the game believe it is a legit one, gods and the crackers know where they put what files. The NoSteam team tends to have some nice implementations, but they are not perfect either, and they are just one of many.
Still, the problem is that it is difficult to tell you how to get a full wipe. By all accounts, based on how the game engine is structured, simply deleting the installation directory and the configuration data in Documents\My Games should work; after all, these are the files that determine what is loaded.
The only thing I can think of is that they implemented a similar approach as BioWare did 17 years ago and made a separate override type folder somewhere else. But finding that is needle in a haystack: start an overall file and folder search for the term "fallout" and hope.
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did you install the mod with NMM
did you edit the ini files to allow modding
check this video
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Yeah, I have the pirated one.. Would want to wait for a sale but a friend gave me over the holiday last Dec. Cant resist ><
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did you install the mod with nexus mod manager?
to enable mods you need to manually edit some ini files in Documents\My Games\Fallout4
and add/modify a few lines, there are tutorials for that.
you also need to put the plugins file as read-only or f4 will disable mods every time it launches. the file is in C:\Users\---username---\AppData\Local\Fallout4
that's probably why it's breaking your game.
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I installed it manually. Just like what I did previously with Skyrim and had no prob.
I am a but confused with the read only part.
When I changed the ini file, I found out about the read only.
So I did these:
Some of the things I did must have ruined the game.
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Hi all,
I tried to Mod my Fallout 4 with this:
(First & only mod).
It didnt work, ruins the game, graphics look weird, cant play it at all.
Works totally fine before the mod with no problem whatsoever.
Tried to follow the mod uninstall instruction but still the same.
Tried to re-install game 3 times and other things but problem is still here.
How do I fix this or return it to original state?
Please help me =(
Screenshots of the problem:
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