This happen to you?
eh figured id give an answer for all the people who love to make others feel amazing about themselves over the internet, the friendliest place on earth
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No, i was trying to say that "Your a baby" is wrong "You are a baby"
Srly dude is just basic maths what you are dealing here... 150 giveaways with 1000+ dont give you a lot of chances isnt too much
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this isnt a test on my grammer lol. and i know i just was wondering.
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I think the point was it's supposed to be you're. Also you would be very lucky to win a game in that number of attempts when most games have hundreds of entries. It's pretty simple probability. You'll get there eventually. It's free games! Can't complain about that.
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entered 4300 giveaways. Quote unquote "won" 8.
One of them was removed from my library because the guy who gifted me the game revoked his purchase after he gifted it.
Another one gave me a completely different game that was a 9th the value of the game I entered for.
Still entering and trying to win.
I seem to win things I don't actually want with the last few points I have for the day than anything else.
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That would be wrong since giveaways are independent, ie. losing one does not increase winning chance on next.
Edit: Although difference is small, that would imply that after 999 loses you would be guaranteed to win one. ie. 1000/1000 chance.
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You're still wrong and madjoki is right. It's true that the most likely scenario is winning at giveaway number 1000, but in practice it could occur anytime before or after. The correct probability is as madjoki stated. It converges towards 100% as you enter infinite giveaways but you are never guaranteed to reach 100% even if you try almost infinite entries. Any mathematician, statistician or people familiar with basic probability theory knows this.
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In a way losing one could increase your chances of winning the next. If all the same people enter separate giveaways for the same game and one person wins it then that would be one less entry on the other giveaways. Then again this is just being a smartass since not everyone joins all the giveaways for the same game.
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That's true but the assumption that the amount of people who wants the particular game must remain constant is reasonable. Because for every person that wins a game and doesn't need the game anymore, there will be a new Steam account that wants that game (of course the ratio is not 1:1, but it's to illustrate that there is a constant flow both ways).
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Not every giveaway has the same chances of winning. The more people enter something, the less chance you have of being the winner. Probability and all that.
Consider that some people win primarily through group or private giveaways, which have far less entries, and some are even under 20 entrants. Others are just lucky. 150 entries is a really tiny amount, really. I remember I won my first at about 1200 entries. Just keep at it. Make it part of your internet routine. Open SG, apply for a few giveaways, forget. Repeat until LOOT.
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its sad that i started opening this at school doing it lol.
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as i said not complaining, i was just wondering what some other ratios where cause mine isnt high lol
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like i also said, hitman is on sale and people are throwing them away like trash on here. im sure ill get one eventually lol
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well steamgifts... we are about to get to know eachother VERY well
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I usually win one game roughly every 300-400 giveaways entered. Keep trying! :D
If you want to increase your luck, join giveaways that are done through the Puzzle section of the forum (Usually 5-100 participants, depending on the difficulty) or join more groups on Steam for exclusive giveaways.
Good luck! <3
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I have entered 650, and won 0. But I will not give up. I feel like when I finally win, it will be like when Bruce climbed out of the pit!
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I have entered into well over 3k+ giveaways and NEVER once have I considered creating a thread asking why I have not won every time I enter. I have won 27 games. I am happy to have won 27. Beggars will always beg and winners will always win without questioning how they won.
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You will be missed as a member. But your outlook on how gambling with no money actually works, is really weird.
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It is such a pity though to have such an outlook on things. Almost like a brat stomping its feet off in the sunset, only to come back the very next morning. Stop threatening and just enter. It costs you nothing. Keep in mind of the giveaways you do enter the amount of entrants already.
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Entered in 150+ and not won a single thing. Not complaining but i just find it odd i see some people with like 30 wins and only a few months on here that have given nothing. But my chances seem much higher as the game i wanted (Hitman Absolution) has been bundled again (Thanks Squeenix!)
Just wondering if anyone else has felt the sadness of losing 150 times in a row lol.
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