Blacklisted for posting about blacklisting for blacklisting.
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Blacklisted for blacklisting guy who posted about blacklisting for blacklisting. ; 0
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That seems to be popular.
As I see it - blacklisting is used as a sort of punishment for unwanted behavior or breaking site/personal rules. Since I don't enjoy pissing people off, I tried to figure out what is considered unwanted behavior aaand... Can confirm that this thread gave me 11 more. =)
I'm getting much more, than giving, so ratio might be another factor. Didn't thought about it.
As for saying or not saying "thanks" or making other comments, I saw some giveaways where owners specifically asked not to say it, but didn't notice any that requested to do so. From personal experience - when one giveaway results in lots of same "thanks" messages it is cluttering inbox very fast and I would prefer to keep it tidy so I won't miss messages about winners having problems with keys I provided, asking something etc.
Thanks for answers guys.
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They usually prefer to blacklist people that are breathing, but it's also quite common to blacklist people that aren't breathing. In short, people may blacklist anyone. :P
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It's solely at the discretion of the one who put you on their list.
It could be that they don't like your avatar, your use of syntax whilst talking, something you've said or what they consider of your behaviour here or elsewhere.
I don't use the blacklist myself but I have no problem with being on other people's for whatever reason they have for putting me on it.
Maybe somebody who has put you on theirs will tell you why in this thread - that's the only way of really knowing.
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i dont uderstand this one, why is this forbidden, since by making or reading thread like this, one can try to act better to avoid future bl. An di just realize by asking this rule in comment, big chance i get blacklisted too. lol this plot twist is not better than twilight
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As far as I know the main reasons are:
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I think that thanking somebody for their giveaway is a great idea when winning, but the creator of the GA may not want the +1 notification and blacklist you anyway. You just never know. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Sorry to bring up old things and the +1
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People (usually the ones who get blacklisted a lot, and don't want to take responsibility for their own actions ;) ) like to claim that people randomly blacklist, but there's usually a reason behind it.
You can get backlisted for any number of reasons. Apart from the ones you mentioned, breaking various rules, some blacklist due to ratio (which might be why you got blacklisted) other blacklist due to comments you've made. Some blacklist for comments you don't make, like saying thanks after winning a game (you have 18 comments and 61 won games, so that might be it). Some blacklist due to them being racists and seeing that you're from a country they don't like. There are any number of reasons, but there almost always is a reason at least.
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U can get blacklisted for anything, any potato strange reason, community here is so so sensitive and touchy from everything. (if we talking about threads) then u can be blacklisted for ratio, for "seems" rude... and then some real reasons as breaking rules or insulting
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Many people blacklist for ratio of win / sent games (never done that since one user just have less money then the other ) and if you got other point of view for case you discuss with them (which in my opinion is just dumb but whatever) I use blacklist only for users who regift won games and people who insults other which is unacceptable.
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i dont uderstand this one, why is this forbidden, since by making or reading thread like this, one can try to act better to avoid future bl. And i just realize by asking this rule in comment, big chance i get blacklisted too. lol this plot twist is not better than twilight
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Common reasons I've seen:
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I blacklist people first and foremost for being tools in the forum, secondly for breaking group rules, and occasionally just for having an extremely poor ratio.
I believe about half of my own come as return-blacklistings from people who notice they're on mine, and the other half from creating giveaways/events in the forums which have any kind of entry requirement (even if only being the need for some minimal effort). There's a very clear spike for each time I've created something like that.
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What are the usual reasons for being blacklisted?
Seriously though, people blacklist for whatever reason they want. Some probably blacklist just for fun. The most common ones are for rule breaking, posting about blacklisting and being rude/annoying. But people may also blacklist you because they don't like your avatar...
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98% on mine are serial regifters but in general people can blacklist or whitelist others for any reason.
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I wont blacklist someone for a bad ratio alone but if they are the type to go on the forums and troll and be rude to people or re-gift or not activate there wins they will eventually end up on my very short blacklist. Think about 15 people have made it there so far.
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My main reason for blacklisting is people making multiple giveaways for exactly the same giveaway at exactly the same time e.g. 5 copies of Banner Saga in individual GAs, without them being distinguished by Level 1+, Level 2+, etc. I just find it very disrespectful to the community at large to make another user piss away all their points on the same exact giveaway when the creator can easily make it one GA for the same 5 copies.
I doubt many people care about this, but it just irks me worse than serial regifters, so yeah, instant BL.
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So based on that blanket statement, you don't think serial regifting should be blacklisted, either. Great all-or-none philosophy, can't find any flaws with it.
And yeah, you're probably right. It probably doesn't matter. But you cared enough to comment about it when nobody else did, so I'm going to whitelist you, not that that will matter, either.
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I have rarely seen multiple giveaways of the same game for the same level. But if they did do that, it could be a mechanism to help the entries to be more from people who really want the game and are willing to spend all their points on it instead of elsewhere. Although, you might be able to accomplish the same kind of thing by putting a challenging jigidi puzzle in front of it
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Theoretically, the odds wouldn't be different, or only very slightly, for you to win a game whether I made 5 GAs for the same game or 1 GA for 5 copies of that game. Making a multiple copy GA allows you to enter and also still enter other GAs you may be interested in. This being said, I haven't crunched numbers to prove the above statement and I don't really care too, I just find it disrespectful to do the multiple GA thing. It's like the store telling me I have to pay 5 times the price for a can of soup I really want. No thanks, I'll just go get the can of soup from somewhere else.
On a side note, can you imagine one of those 100K copy GAs doing it as all individual GAs instead?
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Yeah, it would only be very slightly, unless you went to the extreme and did like 1000 points worth of separate giveaways and the GA was only open for an hour or a few hours. Anyway I agree that there are um, better ways ,to try to improve the quality of the giveaway entrants
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I found I was blacklisted when I had a different opinion about Trump.
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I don't blacklist anymore, i was doing it when i was new on SG, but i cleared my Blacklist to zero and i don't want blacklist any people here.
when i get blacklisted i must say it goes past my ass and how many too, maybe i get now blacklisted for this comment too.
and if i win or not is also not that interested anymore, i have so many games i never can play all of these. and i buy almost every bundle and the games i want for me anyway, so i hope you see it like this too and if all members thinking like this, we had less drama here.
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I stopped caring. I win good things having quite a lot of blacklists so I'm not complaining! I case you are wondering I have 65 blacklists and all of them suck :3
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haha, i have 50!
damn, i lost :(
i should win more
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*existing in any plane of reality or unreality. Including other's imagination.
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Was wandering about my profile and stumble upon blacklist graph. Apparently a lot of people added me to theirs.
In the beginning I had my moments I'm not proud of. Something like: won a giveaway, saw no key right away and tried to report a person, once I tried to giveaway a free game(yeah, I'm that kind of guy who doesn't read rules beforehand). That's fine and well deserved. Though stats show that most occurred in a short time period and then another recent one after few months.
Makes me wonder.
So, what are typical reasons for being blacklisted? Maybe there are some unwritten rules or SG etiquette?
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