Welcome to the forth week of the Connect-the-dot and Coloring event lasting 12 weeks with each week 2 new connect-the-dot challenges!

Previous Weeks: Big Ben, Eiffel Tower, Sagrada Familia, St Marks Square, Bridge of Sighs, St.Peter's Basilica
Voting and Leaderboard Thread is HERE

This week the landmark for this thread is:

The Parthenon in JPG format

The Parthenon in PDF format

Simply print the jpg or pdf (or use paint programs) and complete the connect-the-dots and submit your finished picture in this thread! For participating you will be invited to a special Steam group for GA rewards!

Here is an example:
Example of completed Dot-to-dot -St. Basil's Cathedral in Russia
Example of COLORED Dot-to-dot -used colored pencil, adding some detail

If you want to accept the ultimate challenge then add some coloring to your picture for next week voting will be done on colored submissions for winners and special GA entry!

Check HERE for details on your submissions and the event!

And don't miss out on the other challenge this week of the Neuschwanstein!

The Parthenon Challenge!

Where: Athens, Greece
What: The magnificent temple on the Acropolis of Athens, known as the Parthenon, was built between 447 and 432 BCE in the Age of Pericles, and it was dedicated to the city’s patron deity Athena. The temple was constructed to house the new cult statue of the goddess by Pheidias and to proclaim to the world the success of Athens as leader of the coalition of Greek forces which had defeated the invading Persian armies of Darius and Xerxes. The temple would remain in use for more than a thousand years, and despite the ravages of time, explosions, looting, and pollution damage, it still dominates the modern city of Athens, a magnificent testimony to the glory and renown the city enjoyed throughout antiquity.

Interesting facts:

  • Parthenon was not only a religious building. Parthenon was actually constructed upon an older shine which in all probability was also dedicated to Athena. However in an interesting note, the Parthenon itself cannot to be considered as a true temple dedicated to strictly religious functions.
  • Parthenon was (mostly) not financed by the Athenians. The construction of Parthenon in many ways reflected the upbeat mood of the Athenians in the 5th century BC. The so-called Athenian Empire reached its zenith during this time period, years after defeating the Persians at Marathon.
  • Parthenon had a ‘gold reserve’! While the main building was symbolic of the city-state’s glory, the minds of many leaders of Athens during the time were still governed by the practicality of the grand project. Thucydides, a contemporary historian once wrote that Pericles (one of the greatest Greek statesmen – who commissioned many building projects on the Acropolis, including the Parthenon) considered the imposing Athena statue as ‘gold reserve’.
  • Parthenon was a church, and a mosque. The Parthenon was converted to a church during the last decade of the 6th century AD, and even became an important Christian pilgrimage center in the Eastern Roman Empire. Unfortunately, many pagan sculptures were removed during the period, while the architecture was also refurbished with changed orientation and entrance, along with addition of conventional church elements
  • Parthenon had multi-colored facades. While modern media depicts Greek temples and structures as having gleaming white facades, it is actually the opposite that was true. To that end, the Parthenon was probably quite colorful (if not colorfully loud) in its ancient state.
  • Parthenon had a wooden roof. Since we had brought up marble, the imposing columns and expansive pediments and entablature above them were indeed constructed from solid marble. However, the (now non-existent) roof of the Parthenon was entirely constructed from a timber arrangement.
  • Parthenon’s design is earthquake-resistant! While the Parthenon is often considered as the greatest example of surviving Doric-style architecture, the simplicity of the building’s form and plan is deceptive to say the least, courtesy of architect-extraordinaire Iktinos.
  • Parthenon has depictions of the heroes of Battle of Marathon. It has been suggested by a few contemporary historians (including art-historian Sir John Boardman) that the frieze (above the Doric columns) of the imposing structure of Parthenon depicts the 192 Greek warriors who fell in the Battle of Marathon, against the Persians in 490 BC.

GOOD LUCK on the challenge! Create for us some breath-taking Parthenons for some awesome GA wins!

Cool pics of landmark:

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8 years ago*

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Do you know that Jeff call you ercolate?

8 years ago

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Oops my bad... I get it wrong sometimes?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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BTW, are you gonna make another puzzlemania or smth? 'Cause you have 2 invite-only GAs.

8 years ago

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I'm fairly certain that's part of Game of sWords event.

8 years ago

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You are absolutely right :)

8 years ago

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Meh, I thought it would be another cruel puzzle.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I had already told him a few messages back. ;) This is a bump

8 years ago

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Hey-- spent all day yesterday on the Parthenon--

I did something really neat! My computer is touch-activated like an Ipad so I enlarged the pic to use my fingers to literally FINGERPAINT smudge color the picture!! It was fun!

Took sooo long as I had to skew each and every column for the texture to work on each column!

Here is the final product: "Hercules Atlas and the Parthenon"

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8 years ago*

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Wooow, that's a really amazing piece of work! However, I think you depicted Atlas, not Hercules :)

8 years ago

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Lol, Fixed!

Thanks for the catch!

8 years ago

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At some point Hercules held sky too when Atlas took golden apples from Hesperides for him.

7 years ago

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I think it was Heracles, greek version is more appropriate here.

7 years ago

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8 years ago

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This guy's quite strong, I guess...

8 years ago

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He's supposed to be so strong he is holding up the complete Earth!!

So holding up the Parthenon is really easy then... like he's holding up a mosquito!

8 years ago

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Resistance is futile :)

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8 years ago*

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Wow an evil body-snatching alien craft!

Excellent !

8 years ago

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An idea of depicting the Parthenon as a space ship seems to be a bit weird, but the drawing is still excellent!

7 years ago

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This is so getting a hundred votes from me.
Hands down the best

7 years ago

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Thanks :) Glad you like it.

7 years ago

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Since I was really lazy coloring the 2 challenges this week with paint I tried somehing different with the parthenon. I used it as a detail since it's stated nowhere that you need to use the dot to dot as a primary element and made a car with the parthenon as a log oof the SteamGifts CREW!

Hope you'll enjoy my really lazy submission of this week :p.

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8 years ago

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LOL, I like this kind of lazy :)
Oh and thanks, this kinda gave me an idea for my next piece :)

8 years ago

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Thief! At first, you stole my idea about using landmarks as futuristic technics, now you're gonna steal this! JK, as usual.

7 years ago*

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That could happen, sometimes It's hard for me not to read people's minds. Bad habit I have :(

7 years ago

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Oh, shame on you.
I realised this idea during 3 weeks before so it is not about reading minds, and honestly I'm glad that people use landmarks as completely different things :)

7 years ago

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That's about the time I made a Space-Rocket-Big-Ben, so I think I'll have to erase some of your memory, just in case ;)

7 years ago

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Damn, touche.

7 years ago

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Good, the memory replacement worked :P

7 years ago

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Yay! I'm not the one whom Dan will blame this week! >^___^<

7 years ago

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haha maybe I won't be blame!

7 years ago

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I guess you didn't remove lines and added detail as much as you like...

It passes the rules... LOL!

Maybe next event we will say the content of the dot-to-dot must remain main focus of picture...

7 years ago

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So on this week we can exploit this? :P

7 years ago

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Maybe so... We may need to create a new rule that connect-the-dot content remain focus of picture... but I guess for now we have to accept it since we didn't clarify.

I'll talk to Nordhbane about it.

7 years ago

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Being creative will be more and more painful xD

7 years ago

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Ok Nordhbane and I talked about this and we have decided that we will not accept submissions like this. Submissions must have focus on the challenge content given... This is an example of the detail overshadowing the main content. 98% of the pixels are extra that aren't part of the connect-the-dot content.

Yukulele53-- please leave this picture in the thread as an example of what we don't want happening. I will make further clarification in the event rules. Anyway, if this was your submission I think you would hurt yourself on getting any votes... (unless there was a bikini model standing in front of the Parthenon Icon... LOL)

7 years ago

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Too baaaad :( I really wanted to try to make a Where is Wally Neuschwanstein.
Now I have to think of something else.

7 years ago

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If you're looking for Wally you should ask some chicken.

7 years ago

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Where is Wally? Playing football manager!

7 years ago

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Or make a Where is Wally ON Neuschwanstein!

7 years ago

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If I wanted to do something ON Neuschwanstein, it would be another connect-the-dots Neuschwanstein :) Inception style ;)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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So I have to make another Parthenon?

7 years ago

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Just add a naked girl at the wall of Neuschwanstein, so it remains the main focus of the picture :> Kidding

7 years ago

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We still have 9 more weeks to find other way to make the rules evolve! :D

7 years ago

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A naked girl no matter what size she is on the picture will become the focal point...lol

7 years ago

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You already made it... Just show us the icon full size filling up whole picture.

7 years ago

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yep but redimensioning it will look really bad I think xD

7 years ago

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Don't you still have full size version before you made it so small?

7 years ago

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I have the full size dot to dot but it's not colored :p. Since I only color with paint It will take me a lot of time to do it! :D

7 years ago

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that's looks like some lines are differents!

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7 years ago

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Pixel graphics all the way.

7 years ago

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yeah it's a kind of style! but I think lines are a bit too much different like this to be ok. i'll wait Jeff and Nordh to check it! And of course if it's Ok I hope the car pic will be with it or it won't have any sense ^^

7 years ago

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I'd have to check the lines against the original (once I've drawn them myself), but I do appreciate Pixel art. :)

7 years ago

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that's what happened when you enlarge a little picture xD

7 years ago

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You didn't save it before you reduced the size to soooo tiny?

7 years ago

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I have it at full size but it's not colored! If the resized pic doesn't match enough I'll just work on it to make it matching. It will be less work than coloring all thing :D.

7 years ago

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Yes, I know how to make pixel art. ;)

7 years ago

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I guess there is alot of respect for retro pixel graphics so it might be fine as a style choice for this go round...

7 years ago

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After superimposing the original lines, plus the dot-lines, we can't accept this. The original lines must be present, (or if you choose this style, recreate them to match the look at the locations they should be) and you've tweaked the dimensions quite a bit.

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7 years ago

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recreate the lines should not be a problem. but the tweaked dimensions will be more problematic to solve for me. I'll see what I can do to adjust things.

7 years ago

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same player plays again!

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7 years ago

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Seems acceptable (even though the lines aren't pixel art ;) But at least you added them). You should post it in a new reply, so it's easier to find when I collect the images, plus easier for people who don't want to read through all this "drama" to find the actual image you're competing with. :)

7 years ago

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haha this is not really a drama it's just discussion about the rules and if you are in or not!

7 years ago

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Hence the quotation marks. :)

7 years ago

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Heres mine:

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7 years ago

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Nice and simple. I like the shading behind the front pillars!

7 years ago

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Nice minimalistic style, looks like a cool logo!

7 years ago

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For this challenge I took inspiration from those horrible logos you see in the movies for bus tours and such. They often look very 90s in their design. I used colours that you often see in greek design along with the very cheesy laurel.

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7 years ago

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Wow, it is pretty horrible exactly as you tried to depict it, good job!

7 years ago

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Thanks? :D

7 years ago

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As a Greek I find this funny

7 years ago

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Was my description somewhat accurate? =)

7 years ago

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This, I like this.

7 years ago

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Here's my final contribution since it seems acceptable. Hope you'll enjoy it even if it's not totally pixel art as a final result and the car disappeared a bit! :D

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7 years ago

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Great pixel art!

7 years ago

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hope I'll have the time to end my Neuschwanstein with all I want to do now! With work it will be close I think. And I promise It won't try to trick the rules this time!

7 years ago

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Im sure your Neuschwanstein will be awesome!

7 years ago

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Still a lot to work on but at the moment he could deserves a number one spot! Or not xD

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This is an interesting concept, but still a bit lazy ;)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This one is really awesome, I really enjoy looking at it!

7 years ago

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Thanks old boy! I tried :P

7 years ago

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Very attractive colors!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Very nicely shaded! Great details that match the original lines.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Here is a clarification note added to number 4 on the FAQ.

You can add detailed drawings to your dot-to-dot, adding shading or enhancements to background (clouds etc...) or details of ANY kind to make your dot-to-dot even more stunning!! (Note: Detail must not overshadow the focus of the content being on the connect-the-dot image.)

7 years ago

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This rule is kinda vague, would something like this count as overshadowing?
jk, have a bump!

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7 years ago

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This makes the Parthenon so surreal -- as if it's almost not even there! LOL!

7 years ago

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Yes, you fucked the system, congrats :)

7 years ago

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My creative idea didn't pan out, so I just fucked around with filters.

I present, Demon Days.

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7 years ago

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Reminds me of Andy Warhol's portrait of Marylin Monroe. :)

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7 years ago

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It based on gorrilaz's Demon Days

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7 years ago

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I love their music videos, but not a huge fan of their music. :)

7 years ago

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Well they're coming back soon, I wonder hiw their style will have changed.

7 years ago

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When was their last album? =)

7 years ago

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At the end of 2010.

7 years ago

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No wonder I haven't heard anything recently.

7 years ago

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Very nice styles this week!

It's like you made 4 submissions! Lots of time spent on this one! Wow!

7 years ago

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Not really. I was gonna do one of the Parthenon being destroyed by fire, mortar or a Grecian god, but I couldn't really do it. I was reminded of gorillaz, so I had fun with filters on the original I made and made the Demon Days album with 4 Parthenons.

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7 years ago

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Looks nice, could be printed and hung on the wall!

7 years ago

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Hey Op the thing you wrote in Greek bellow means (The) Devil, Days . If you want to write Demon Days you should write δαιμονικές μέρες, makes more sense. But since most people don't understand Greek here it doesn't matter.

7 years ago

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Managed to "complete" this one too :)

Full size downloadble here.

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7 years ago

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It's like the Parthenon is having a rave!

7 years ago

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hehee :)

I thought some kind of classical/ancient music were more fit, given the place =P
I was going to add chars from Saint Seiya at first but I ended up putting only a subtle recall (is this the right word?) to a piano keyboard.

7 years ago

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I didn't see that at first, but that's a brilliant detail!

7 years ago

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Thanks ^_^

(btw, I was having a look at the leaderboard and noticed I have 4 points but on the voting page I have 6)
EDIT: Perhaps all of them are wrong.. I see the most voted has 18 but on the leaderboard the highest one has 15

7 years ago*

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Votes != points.

You can read more about how points are distributed here.

7 years ago

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Oh, thanks :)
Hadn't read that thoroughly at first 'cause I wasn't sure if I were able to join in =P

(I thought there was definitely something going on.. it was impossible that every score was wrong) =P

7 years ago

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It's almost like I can hear the music...

7 years ago

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Thanks! ^_^

7 years ago

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I wonder what music has been playing in the Parthenon... Cool concept.

7 years ago*

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Thanks :)
Even though I put a piano in there I was imagining something more like an harp..

7 years ago

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Will start this later today(other one is almost finished), at least I already have some idea of what I want to do with this one.

7 years ago

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I hope you will finish it in time.

7 years ago

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The dot-to-Dot is finished, now just the colouring, and still have the entire day tomorrow, and half of sunday. :)

7 years ago

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So, I thought it would be easier to print it out and do it by hand. It was not.

I tried to make up for that by tarting it up a bit. Hah.

[EDIT] Oh, and it's sideways. Cool.

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7 years ago

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This picture is full of joy and positive, thank you for this!

7 years ago

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Dun-dun-dun, here's mine:

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7 years ago*

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For some reason the Parthenon looks here like it is eternal and out of time, which is super cool. Also, I love deep purple :)

7 years ago

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Purple+yellow, my fav combination ever ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Thanks :3

7 years ago

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Oh wow, nice colouring!

7 years ago

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Thanks ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

7 years ago

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Striking! I like it. :)

7 years ago

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Thank you ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

7 years ago

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Is that with finger paint?

7 years ago

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No, painted with random brushes found across the house :D But maybe I'll try to use my fingers for next week submission ^∀^

7 years ago

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color the world one splash at a time ;P

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7 years ago

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I think the government may arrest people playing paintball there. ^^

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I have no idea how you came up to this, but it gave me a good laugh :))

7 years ago

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Making people smile or laugh was the aim ;)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago*

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Made me laugh. Great gif!

Just so you know, in the voting gallery it will not be animated, but in single image view I will manually add the animation back in.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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We've had an animation entry before from lmxn. :)

I also made an animation, but I stuck with the still for the actual entry. I mostly did the animation because it was fun, but the gif-quality made it less attractive than the still version. :)

7 years ago

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How can we not give space cat a vote next week...?!

Nice strategy!

7 years ago

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It's sooooo winning already :D Awesome idea!

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Wow, your drawing is very cool iself and a bit of humor makes it only better! Good job!

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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I will need to learn how to use photoshop for this event xD there are some pretty good pictures

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7 years ago

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Or Gimp since it's free. :)

Or learn how to draw in real life, like some of the very best submissions. :)

7 years ago

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I am worst at drawing I still draw people with sticks :S

7 years ago

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Nothing wrong with that.
Order of The Stick

7 years ago

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Those are cool! I am more like this xD

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7 years ago

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On a positive side, you don't have to draw people for the contest, only landmarks.

7 years ago

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There are other ways to draw people? o.O

7 years ago

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Makes me think of oranges! This Parthenon belongs in Florida USA!

7 years ago

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I want to touch this one :)

7 years ago

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Heres my entry

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7 years ago

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I looks like a box of crayons. :)

7 years ago

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Wow can't beat that palette!

7 years ago

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The Parthenon. LGBT edition :))

7 years ago

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Not much inspired sorry it's very basic :(

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7 years ago

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Basic but beautiful!

7 years ago

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Is that a different overlay or did you just add some stuff to it? =)

7 years ago

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Different overlay from what?

7 years ago

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You've used the same overlay layer on a few of your entries. The nice splotchy thing.

7 years ago

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Oh! The watercolor texture. I have a few of them that I try to combine and mix and match depending on the final result i want. One of the ones I've used on this I used it i think once in the previous week, combined with 2 others that I never used as far as i recall. (Sorry I didn't understand the initial question).

7 years ago

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I think you're using the overlay layer setting for it, it looks like it at least. :) That's why I called it an overlay.

I see one splotch in this that I've also seen on 1, 2, 4 and 5. It's most distinct in the upper left corner of 1 and 2. On 5 it's flipped and in the lower right. It's a bit harder to see it in this one, since there's another layer over it as well, making a bit more diffuse. Sorry, I'm weird like this. I recognize patterns.

7 years ago

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Oh now I get what you meant. I'm actually using them in multiply but it has the same effect in this case.

After checking, I did use it in big ben and st mark's square indeed, as well as the eiffel tower one inverted and mixed with another texture. For the others it was another one, but that comes from the same place and probably the same author (it's very similar and has those splotches too, they probably used the same photoshop brush to make them is my guess). And there's nothing weird or worth apologizing for ;)

7 years ago

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Multiply can be a bit hard to work with since it basically makes everything darker, so you have to be careful about how you want the final look to come out. That's why I prefer overlay (which I used on my castle, but with a more basic layer to create some dramatic colours).

Would you mind if I replicated your look for a challenge in the future? Since I like to try different styles on all challenges it would be fun to make something of someone that has a very distinct look that repeatedly makes it look good.

7 years ago

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I usually only use multiply for the base layer (the dots), the tracing and the background texture.

And go ahead, I'd be happy to see what you do :)

7 years ago

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In fact, it looks very beautiful and greek due to using white and blue colors.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I just noticed how you made sky in some parts so that you are looking through the columns...

I didn't realize that part was sky on my submission... NICE eye you have and nice implementation!

7 years ago

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I think the first picture ercalote posted is the scource(at least very close) of the dot-to-dot, and there you can see the sky through them.

7 years ago

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My mind never realized that you could see through it until you made this. :) It makes so much more sense!

7 years ago

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Looks like a scene from a very nice cartoon, I like it!

7 years ago

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Thanks for the GA for hype!!

7 years ago

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Is there a hard, absolute deadline? I really want to participate, but I'm not nearly finished...

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Ah, OK, awesome! Thought I only had a couple of hours, I think 20 will do me fine :D

Although that means I have no excuse for not being as good as some other entries...

7 years ago

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And I still don't even start mine...

7 years ago

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Which means we're all gonna be even more impressed when you reveal it. :)


7 years ago

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I'm not a good painter, so I have to make smth original but I'm kinda lack of ideas.

7 years ago*

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Same with me, I'm a terrible painter. But that makes it a bit more fun having to resort to other methods to create things. :)

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by ercalote.