Amount of $
I really don't trade and I don't except requests from randoms. Getting scammed really isn't a concern of mine.
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So far 0. I am not a social guy. That is why i never scammed so far.
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I mean i usually dont accept any friendship invitations from unknown players and i dont trade. :)
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None yet. I stay away from sketchy trades and do research before hand. Looking on their profile, a quick google search and SteamDB will do you a word of good.
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The only time I've ever been scammed was in an MMORPG called Rappelz. In this game certain mobs drop "pet cards". Then you need a player who has the taming ability to attempt to tame a mob into the pet card. It's kind of a stupid system that just sets you up for being scammed as you need to be able to trust the tamer. Being new at the game I knew no one so I just asked around and some guy said he would tame for me. He bolted with my Blue Fairy card.
Contacted Rappelz support and they gave me a Salamandra card (it's several tiers above the blue fairy) so... profited from my scam experience.
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You know the whole ''going first'' drama. Rep doesn't always mean something. Lost a mere 10 bucks or so for skin codes in LoL
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I haven't been scammed. Unless you count Early Access games that I bought and then the developers never delivered on their promises...
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same here with trades, but i coun't EA as scammin and therefore i got scammed once
(starbound is just ridiculously messed up and delayed)
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Starbound is working fantastically and it's delays are because of the efforts the developers are putting into making it a great game rather than releasing another unfinished turd on us like many developers do these days.
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your opinion, but almost one year not hearing a single comment from the devs or getting any results isn't really the way it should go aswell as the drastic total changes they made, in my opinion this is no longer the game i paid for since it isn't what they advertised in the beginning and everyone that raises his voice because of that gets instantly banned from the forums what is an even bigger scam
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The development team updates all the time. There is an android app called starbound codex that I use to get all of the updates. The entire team takes part and provide details about what they are currently working on. They may not be updating in steam community hub but they have their own forums on which they provide regular updates. They also participate on reddit with updates.
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Starbound wasn't actually one of the games I was thinking of when I posted. It's already fun and I'm still optimistic it will be a great game. But I wouldn't call it a huge success either - I'm disappointed with the rate of the progress and the many revisions to the original planned features. Especially for something that wasn't cheap for an indie game, that sold very well and that clearly made a lot of money.
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All of the Early Access games I bought looked like they had potential - otherwise I wouldn't have bought them! And a few I have been really happy with, but rather more have been disasters. Developers aren't as focused on completing their games simply because they have little incentive to once they have a pile of cash from Early Access sales. There doesn't seem to be anything stopping developers from pushing unfinished projects to full release and calling it done, from using the Early Access investment for their next project, from completely revising their initial promises at any time, and so on. And I'm not just talking about dishonest developers - well intentioned but overly ambitious developers seem to be the bulk of the problem.
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Almost did the same to a guy. I sent him a duplicate key, apparently I mixed up my keys from the same game. So, I contacted him and gave the correct key. It's hard to trust someone who doesn't have any reputation yet since this trading system is quite new.
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I find it pretty hard to contact anybody on Groupees - how would you? The Groupees support has replied by now and supplied me with a key for a game I wanted to trade for so that makes the loss a bit smaller, but still I will refrain from using Grouppees' trading system in the future.
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The guys had his Steam profile posted on his wall. Also, you can create a private chat to talk to that person, but this only works if he is online at any time, after that the chat remains open until you leave the conversation.
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I got replies from Groupees' support that they are working on improving the system. Also the support member gave me the game I wanted to trade for out of his own stock, so my pain is eased a bit, but yeah, better stay away from it in it's current state.
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that's why you should stay away from your PC when you're drunk^^
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that's not scamming, that's just lack of intelligence to check the values^^
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I think short-changed is a better phrase to describe what happened.
I do concede I should have checked more thoroughly, but in my enthusiasm I interpreted the results how I wanted to interpret them. And I did enjoy the games, so even though I was short-changed the loss was not as sharp as it could have been.
As to it not being scamming? I'm not exactly gonna go and do "+rep outwitted me", am I? If he had suggested a better value, that would have been +rep and probably a referral to my friends.
Also, my mistake on the country. He's actually Hungarian.
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Once. Lost Why So Evil 2 key. Totally forgot to check the rep before trading. At least it wasn't something I cared about.
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Got scammed once, lost $0.10. Traded an extra copy of Big Rig from an Indie Gala bundle for some other game and the guy just deleted me after getting my key.
To be honest, I saw the signs but since I didn't care about the cheap key I let it happen anyway for the odd chance that I'd get the game anyway. :P
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There's probably more chances that I could be your father. :P
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On Steam - never. Outside - once, but for a lot - hundreds of $ for maxed WoW account, when I was quitting game. Good thing thou I cashed out before chargeback - so only lost PP account, and I reported being "hacked" to Blizz and ended up even getting an account back ;p
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