As the title say is it safe to use vpn's to activate region locked gift copies ? I see few threads in the trading section offering very good prices but with RU locked copies and the those pages say its okay to use a vpn to activate the gift copy.

Remember seeing few stories months ago that people getting banned & game getting revoked for using vpn's to activate their copies, still nothing concrete so I am very curious what is the truth.

Hope someone can shed some light into the situation.

Also if the use of vpn to activate gift copies is not safe(that could get people banned) and generally frowned upon then why does SG allows to post such trades in here ?

10 years ago*

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don't be tempted. not worth it. those stories are true.

10 years ago

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Are they tho? yet to see someone actually who got banned for using this method tho. Don't think I am trying to justify the use of vpn but I am actually trying to see some proof of someone getting banned by doing it. Have few friends who bought few upcoming games and activated the gift copies using vpn's and yet to see any of them banned.

10 years ago

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read comments below. vamp lost his friend.

10 years ago

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That's a very dramatic way to talk about a ban.^^

10 years ago

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losing your library of 100 games ...

10 years ago

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Yeah, I know. But "Vamp lost his friend", it sounds like his friends never came back from war. ;)

10 years ago

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XD he never came to hang out in steam again..imagine if joey couldn't stop by @ coffee house
more dramatic it should be :P

10 years ago

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There was a discussion here on SG where a guy from russia were buying region limited gifts and selling them to other members here in exchange for other keys for over a year. There were a bunch of people banned because of that, 1-2 of them did provide screenshots to try to provide some proof. Discussion name was something like "Russian steamstore is the cheapest one" cant find it at the moment. I think you would get thousands of hits by asking google about steam and vpn

10 years ago

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I google'd before posting this and got loads of results but nothing concrete, but if this is the case then how come SG still allows these sort of trades to be posted after such an event ? right now there are some deals in the trade section advertising just this.

10 years ago

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oh for greeds sake try it yourself and tell us what happens.

10 years ago

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No need to get offensive. If you dont like what OP is asking, then just dont read it. Noone is able to force you to do it, its your own decision

10 years ago

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Well, its against the Subscriber Agreement 3A:

"You agree that you will not use IP proxying or other methods to disguise the place of your residence, whether to circumvent geographical restrictions on game content, to purchase at pricing not applicable to your geography, or for any other purpose. If you do this, we may terminate your access to your Account." source

I have double citizenship (German and Russian) myself and would need to create a separate account to use region resctricted games while spending my time in russia according to steam support. (Did ask them around 8-9 years ago)

10 years ago

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Yup I have seen that as well, another reason for making this thread but thanks for all the information mate :)

10 years ago

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You are welcome :)

Edit: little bit outdated (summer 2012), but still better than my 8-9 years old information provided above :D

10 years ago*

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yes, you would think you find lots of results. but you won't. i did that some time ago. i searched for people who got banned for using vpn. i couldn't find a single one, and i searched for 1-2 hours. only lots of guys who tell others that they get banned for sure bla bla. but no one who said he was banned for using vpn for activating games. instead you find lots of people who say that they do this for years now without consequenses.

10 years ago

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Same here mate, actually the reason that made me making this thread.

10 years ago

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Not safe enough.

10 years ago

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Why is it not safe enough ? what are the repercussions of using this method ?

10 years ago

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community ban i you'll only be able to use what you have on steam

10 years ago

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I don't know what's the probability of being banned currently is, however, you should also consider the steps that valve took recently (region lock on all games, etc). The fact that they might not have cared much for it before, doesn't mean they won't in the future. The situation might remain the same, but it might also radically change and fast, should valve decide to act against it.

10 years ago

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If they wanted to stop people from activating games from a vpn, they could simply release a statement like "Don't activate games from a vpn, or we'll ban you" and almost everyone would stop doing it.

10 years ago

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I used VPN on more than 80 games in my library, never had a single problem with that.

10 years ago

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no no, not you. A FRIEND OF YOURS used VPN on more than 80 games in HIS/HER library, never had a single problem with that. right? :)

10 years ago

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ya i can confirm, ''I'' and ''one of my friend'' look the same so that might be the mistake.


10 years ago

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Same here. I've activated almost 300 games without any issues.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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Friend lost his account because of that:/
He had about 100 games on it and about half were activated with VPN:(

10 years ago

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Damn sorry to hear about that, did he got a permanent ban or a trade ban or store ban ? just curious about the situation. Also were those cd keys or gift copies ?

10 years ago

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Bit both. So can't be sure which was the cause and it was perma :(
He's full pirate now:/

10 years ago

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Damn :/ so I guess even the games he bought earlier are not accessible to him anymore ?

10 years ago

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Nope... And that's the part he lost it and went full pirate :/

10 years ago

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You wrong mate, either you lie, either you dont know what you're talking about.

The game are still accessible , just the store , market, and all stuff related are banned .

10 years ago

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Nope... He just gets a message (when trying to log in) telling that his account is permanently suspended.

10 years ago

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Games that have been purchased can still be accessed, except multiplayer on Valve/Steamworks servers. Everything else is restricted. VALVe stopped terminating accounts a couple years ago, and only suspend them from using services now.

10 years ago

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That would explain it as this happened a couple years back...

10 years ago

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Oh, I see.

VALVe have gotten pretty lax over the years when it comes to VPNs. I've never seen any case of people getting bans for activating games or bypassing a release date via a VPN, though I've never really looked into it. Only suspensions I've ever seen are people using VPNs to access the Russian store from other countries.

Anyway, to OP and anyone considering the same, I don't recommend using a VPN and putting your account at risk. But if you do so, you're fully responsible for anything that happens.

10 years ago

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When did that happen? From what I've read Steam does not suspend accounts for using vpn or stuff like that. They LOCK the account and the consequences are what DarkTanner mentioned.
How do you know the only violation he did was using VPN?

10 years ago

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Unethical but not risky. I'd considered doing it once but returned the game back to the gifter instead.

10 years ago

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How come not risky ?

10 years ago

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Sorry wrong choice of words.. I wanted to say that chances of getting banned are not too high.

10 years ago

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Really? all the replies I got so far says otherwise about store and community ban.

10 years ago

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Google's your friend lol.

10 years ago

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if you search on steam forums you can see some people banned for using vpns

10 years ago

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ask steam support first tbh if they are generous enough to make the gift ROW

10 years ago

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Knowing steam support don't think they would do such a thing sadly :/

10 years ago

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well they do make exceptions. Even though they said it will be ONLY ONCE. I think it's more like Once per steam support member.

They're more likely to convert the gift to ROW if the gifter is in your friend's list for a while.

Gotta just have patience. Also, this happened just recently

10 years ago

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Damn Gabe is so awesome still can't believe such a thing happened, kudos Gaben. Anyway thanks for the idea, while atm I am not looking to buy this way I saw a really interesting price for new MK X($22) in a trade thread here and was curious about the whole thing, considering that the game costs $81 here $22 price is a steal.

10 years ago

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Hmm.. shoulda kept that region-locked Bioshock Triple Pack in my library... though the friend who gifted it to me was a "new" friend.

10 years ago

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"At the end of the day, everyone here at Valve is in support."

Sadly, as cool as it is that Gabe was able to help out personally like this, this philosophy is exactly why Steam support is so bad. Valve's employees are not numerous enough to handle the volume of support requests they get, and most of them probably aren't trained in customer service and support roles. Hiring dedicated support staff, though decidedly less "Valve," would go a long way to rectifying Steam Support's issues.

10 years ago

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Oh, so it was your post. Cool stuff, cool Gabe.

10 years ago

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useless..u cant use it after activating it ..u must be in that country...

10 years ago

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it varies from game to game, as there are various kinds of locks on steam. it can be trading ock, meaning it's a ROW copy but cannot be traded outside of specific country, it can be activation lock meaning that it can't be activated outside of specific country and it can be full game lock meaning you have to be in specific country to actually access the game at all.

10 years ago

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Ya stubborn bastard.

10 years ago

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View attached image.
10 years ago

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This thread is for science man ;)

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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"Or you could move overseas, update your location with Steam support and activate all the RU/CIS games you want (?)"

10 years ago

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in my country i see a lot of people buy rus and other region lock country but inever heard or saw any of them getting ban or such thing though steam doesnt have a store for us so officially there is no way we can buy from the store maybe its cause of that too.i think the only problem of rus version is that some of it after release or even after a while you will only get rus lang(which the game will be useless) or even if you have activated the game you need rus ip to play like payday for example before you didnt need vpn to even active it now even for playing you need rus ip.

10 years ago

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Not safe at all.

10 years ago

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I have 700+ games worth thousands of dollars (or pounds in my case) I wouldn't dare to risk losing them by trying anything even remotely dodgy such as VPN etc, so my answer is: hell no!.

Edit: I see you have even more games than I do, If I were you I wouldn't risk it even if I'd get a copy of Witcher 3 or GTA V for $0.01.s

10 years ago

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It's a lottery, and not one that's worth buying a ticket for...

Be patient and wait for a good sale. It's not worth jeopardising your account for the sake of saving a few bucks.

10 years ago

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a friend of mine lost his acc because of using VPN ....

also he didnt use vpn that much ithink he used vpn 2or3 times...

10 years ago

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Well, it kinda sucks becasue people in region locked countries have no access to the store with unlocked games. How are they supposed to buy internationally accepted copies if they aren't available to them?

btw, I also live in the CIS region, but our prices are twice as high because we are forced to pay in USD instead of RUB. And after paying 2 times more we still get a region locked game. Why, Steam? Why..

10 years ago

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What's the problem? Just buy the games from russian friends? :s

10 years ago

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That's where most of the 'gifts' come from :D

10 years ago

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I believe it's not any dangerous at all. in my country there is no way you can charge your steam wallet or buy from stores. There are some illegal online shops which sell gifts or cd keys and for some games they provide you with a special Russian VPN to activate your key and I haven't heard of any issues about this so far.

10 years ago

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And to tell you the truth Steam website is censored in my country and everyday I want to access the store or community I have to use a US/UK VPN but I haven't countered any problems.

10 years ago

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I wouldn't do it if I were you.

10 years ago

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I have Project CARS through RU VPN and I have no problems whatsoever.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Thilna.