I gaveaway non bundle 5 copies of Iggy's Egg Adventure game. And today it became bundle and my Contributor Level dropped.I guess they made it bundle game because of that 50 copy giveaway here. My giveaways flagged as recevied 2 days before this so I dont understand how it effect my previous giveaway?

9 years ago

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When they add games to the bundle list, they back date it to when the game was first in a bundle.
edit: or in this case, when it became really cheap on Russian Steam.

Games are also added to the bundle/free list if they are 95% or more off the normal U.S. price, and with the current sale, the Russian price is 30 cents or something like that.

9 years ago

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it became really cheap on Russian Steam

This: https://steamdb.info/app/366040/


Btw this is not a bug so this thread should not be here...

9 years ago

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I dont think there is rule about how cheap games get on russian store, every game is cheap there. The rule is it should not be bundle, it should not get 95% discount on steam store. And that game did not get either of these... So I thought it because of that 50 game giveaway...

9 years ago

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Yes but the game get so cheap on the Russian store that's it's equal to more than 95% off...

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by tahir40500.